E1.9 - 3D Printing Tutorial using TinkerCad

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welcome back today I want to try something a little different I was thinking of putting on a tutorial about 3D printing and in uh preparing this I made this little word document kind of like a script where I wanted to diagram out what I want to talk about what I want to show and I while I was starting to uh make this video I had like the text down over here on the leftand side so that I could read it but then I thought well why don't I just leave the the tutorial part of the text right on the screen so that anytime you want to you can just kind of pause and and read it if you wanted to and so what we're going to plan today is if you've been following what I've been doing I've got this this 3D mod model of a uh of a small block Chevy engine and up here in the upper left corner here here's the picture of the of the transmission and the frame rails and we need to make a crossmember that goes across those uh frame and holds up the transmission so I just kind of quickly made this crude drawing with the pencil on a piece of paper showing kind of the general shape that the thing should be and some of the some of the dimensions that I think we need to match and then we're going to take that information and we're going to BR put it into Tinker CAD which you've if you've watched you've SE I've done used that a few times we're going to create the the part in Tinker CAD we're going to export it out to a G-Code file which we can then plug into our 3D printer and then when the 3D printer prints it out we should have the finished product so with that that being said um follow along when I first started looking at uh doing 3D printing I found that a lot of people were using a program called Tinker Cad and it's a kind of a simplified CAD program uh bought out by Autodesk which makes makes very popular program called Auto AutoCAD it's completely free it's web based you don't have to anything on your pro on your computer you go to tinkercad.com and I gu I think you got to register put your name in but I just going to show you some basic uh blocks I'm going to do a create create 3D design and this is how it starts out you got a blank work plane that's what that big blue grid is and we got some basic shapes over on the side the basic building blocks here's a red solid block we'll bring in a transparent block and this is kind of the basic of all CAD work I guess or design work using uh Tinker CAD using this program and this uh I'm going to resize this make it a little bigger just just for fun you kind of stretch the corners like this and if I intersect the transparent block onto the solid block this is the basic way of cutting and shaping and then I combine these into a single entity I'll select them both do the group or combined effort Bing so that's how you cut out that piece with that solid piece let's bring in another one here is a cylinder and this cylinder is transparent also and I'm going to resize this a little bit make it a little smaller make it a little bit taller and I can put it into here if I want to drill a hole through this block you would just get this cylinder placed in the right spot you want so I wanted to center it along this way I click them both I can use click a line and I want to center it now there it is it's centered along this plane or along this this Edge right here now we'll combine these together there you have now you have a hole through this block and this is kind of the basics of all the cad work that we do in Tinker CAD um oh funny thing I'll just point out real quick when you first create something Tinker cat assign some unusual name this is called Spectacular Robo usum then you can just click on that and say Call It Whatever you want I'll go tutorial one is the name it'll exit back out it'll save it and there it is you can see all the other things that I've been working on all the different things but now there it is there's tutorial one so here's the whole model and I'll show you what I'm talking about right here in the back we need to build a crossmember that sits on top of these frame rails and holds up the back of this transmission so what I like to do as usual is I like to turn off all the things that we don't have don't need of and this is something I pre-made this is a a WRA cylinder which represents that section of the uh of the transmission so to get started with uh we need to build start building part of the crossmembers so over here on basic shapes we'll bring in just a basic Solid box and uh from our specs we know that this box needs to be [Music] um let's see it's a 5 mm wide and it needs to be about 4.5 mm high so that's going to become the new cross-section piece here uh underneath there and so in the next thing we want to do is look at how it's going to fit under the transmission and and this is I'm just going to kind of eyeball this here a little bit the height see you want the the transmission to kind of be cradled in there not too much so let's just say about right there okay that's a that's about where that cross member is going to look I'm going to Center everything later but this is this is good for how it should be and we'll duplicate that and bring another piece over here to the side and this piece here is going to be the flange that sits on top of the frame and that we want to be uh let's say 2 millimeters high and about maybe 3 millimet long so this little piece right here we're going to set on top of the frame and to put it on top of the frame we set the workplace to the top surface click on the object hit D which brings it up there and then it's going to be over there on top here somewhere and then we can do a perfectly align by selecting both of those objects and we want to align it with the edge over on there so select them both I use the Align function so we want to align with this Frame member on this Edge there it is actually that was a mistake do that again align we're going to align with this Edge so this is the top edge of that flange right there now we'll take our other cross member we'll duplicate it again bring it over here and this will be the piece that angles up from the bottom up to that top piece so we can use this rotation function there it is look at it from this view here and we'll just kind of like move it over drag it up about the height we want it to be and something like that looking at it from that view right there it's a a little bit lower right there because right here I don't want it to be part of catching this cradle I just want it to be part of uh that piece right there and that's looking pretty good I would say maybe a little bit higher right right there now oh just for fun I'm going to do an alignment right now these things are all kind of mish mashed different places let me uh say we're going to tr with those pieces that one that one Let's do an align around the cylinder and we'll Center them so now it's starting to look like pieces of a uh of a crossmember the next step is we need to be able to cut off this top flange it's sticking up here so once again we'll set the set the work plane to the top of that we'll duplicate that block bring it up to there change it to transparent so now it's kind of like going to be a Cutting Edge and then I'll just kind of stretch it out big enough and I always like to make these cutting edges just a little bit past the edges that you're cutting just to make sure it gets everything cut so when we execute that it will uh it will cut off that top lens let's TR uh cancel our work plane again and make that just a little bit bigger now I want to duplicate that block so we can cut out the bottom of this uh rail where the where the frame rail is so let's hit duplicate and then let's line the dup the piece that we got with the frame rail select it select the frame rail okay so now we have another piece that needs to be cut off and that is this protruding section underneath the crossmember this is a little bit more complex but I think we can do it let's look at it from the underside set my work plane to that surface right there I'll show you what I'm up to here here take the block that we're going to copy reproduce it or duplicate it now when I hit D it should move it down to the top of it is even with that cancel my work plane and I should be able to take this block and move it underneath where it's going to be cutting this piece so if you look at it from different views you can see what I'm talking about so okay so there looking like it will cut that like that I can always look at it from the left view which forces it to look at it on straight so now now with all the The Cutting objects where they need to be for cutting off this bottom protrusion for cutting off this little piece sticking up and for notching it out for the frame we're ready to select all those items and combine them so there's the bottom cutting block there's the main cross member top cutting block this little red piece here that this flange and this uh frame cutting block so if we combine all those pieces now it should make the piece we need group there it is and just to see that that's it I can just grab it and pull it out yeah that's what that piece looks like hit undo we're back once we're happy with that side we need to duplicate it for to the other side so we'll click on it hit duplicate hit mirror and then it's asking me whether I want to mirror in what direction and I'll say horizontal there it is right there and that's what that piece looks like right there we'll take the piece that we just made select the frame rail H the Align function tell it we're going to align it with this frame rail hit that button right there so now the outside edge is aligned and we can see now we're getting more and more parts of it the other part now is this bottom part of the cross member we need to get it so it's not sticking out now I need to make it short enough that it's not hanging out the bottom and long enough so that it it intersects the top part of that so maybe that edge looks good right there try this one maybe right there and if we're happy with that we can select all three of those pieces do a group and there looks like a crossmember drag it out here to take a look at it that looks like all one piece hit undo and we're back to there with the crossmember built now we're ready to notch it out for the saddle for the uh transmission and here's the barrel representing that piece piece in this case we're going to turn it to transparent that way it will become a Cutting Edge and if we combine the cross member with the barrel it should make a notch there it is right there we have a crossmember with a saddle for the transmission now we're ready to make some holes in it for the screws and as previously determined first of all let's bring in a cylinder this time it's a transparent cylinder because it'll be used for cutting we determine that that the the colorance needed for the screw to go through is 2.5 mm so let's make that 2.5 that direction 2.5 that direction so there is a something that if we stick it through there it's going to drill a hole now for indenting this the head of the screw into the bottom let's copy that and we decided that that needed to be 4.5 mm in diameter 4.5 4.5 and so that cylinder there is suitable for the screw head so let's go ahead and shorten this just so that it'll become easier to um work with in a second here you'll see what I mean so let's let's select all three of those objects let's hit the Align tool so we want to align with the crossmember we want it to be centered in that direction but we also want it to be centered in that direction so now you see all three of those objects lined up now here's the tricky part we need to the hole the the two and a half millimeter hole is fine for drilling the hole but we want the cylinder that's going to drill up in for the screw head need to be at the right height so the tricky part is let's turn this crossmember to transparent temporarily look at the left view zooms it right in here and that we can now select this cylinder here and we can make it longer or shorter so here's missing it here's cutting all the way through it and we'll just kind of estimate this in this case I'm going to go like three for maybe about half a millimeter uh I don't want to go too far because I don't want to weaken the crossmember but that looks like about where I want it to be let's turn the crossmember back solid and just in case I made a mistake I'm going to select them all again and align them again before I drill the hole we'll align them with the crossmember that's still gray that's still gray looking good so there is we are ready to do the final combine pick them all do a group and if we did it right we ought to be able to see the hole through the Middle with a little indent area for the screw head the saddle for the transmission to sit on and it sits on top of the frame just like we want to so now to see I'm going to go ahead and lock all these layers so I don't accidentally do something I shouldn't I'm going to turn all the layers back on there it is so now we have should have a transmission sitting on that crossmember and the crossmember up on the frame rails and if we looked at it from the bottom we should be able to see that the hole in the in the uh crossmember lines up with the hole in the bottom of the transmission where the screw is going to go up into it I would say that is a success and if we're happy with that build we can go ahead and change it to the color it's going to be in this case it'll be kind of gray and there's our rear cross member under our rear of our transmission now for happy with that new part we can save it as a shape into our shape Library well the shapes that you see here on the right are the basic shapes that come with a tinker CAD but they give you the option to create your own shape Library so if I click on that you can see some of the various things that I've created over over time and so I can select the one that I want in case it's the the cross member I can hit create shape and there it is we can look at it kind of what it looks like here we can give it a name and I'm going to call this v9 which is actually version nine of all these edits I've been making v9 rear cross member and I can hit save shape and there it is so in the future if you ever want to use that shape for something else you can go to your library you can grab it off of the library and you can bring it in and there it is is use it for whatever you need to use it for I'll go ahead and delete that so now we need to prepare this new part to send to our 3D printer I'm going to select the part this case I'm going to duplicate it bring it out here and when you're printing on a 3D printer prints in one slice at a time and if I print it upright like this it's going to Sag when it tries to do these that are above the deck like this so in this particular one let's go ahead and rotate this object 90° and then we'll put it down on the deck so now there's no parts that need to be bridged over and that's what will be will send to the 3D printer so let's go ahead and select it we hit export and it's going to create an a STL file which is can look that up creates it there there's a download right there let's open the file and that automatically launches creality print program which is associated with STL files and this interface is similar to tinkercad that you can navigate around a look at so there it is sitting on what You' call the 3D printer bed what it's going to look like and now you need to hit the word slice I hit slice and this is kind of a simulation of what the 3D printer is going to look like that purple thing is suggesting the head that's printing it uh and and it's in layers when I say slice it's actually when you things printed gets prints one slice at a time and here's the here's the different layers just for visual so as if this thing was printing it would it would print one layer then the next then the next and the next and it would just keep building it that from the top bottom until it got to the top and that's what it would look like and if you're happy with the way that looks you can hit export to local so at this point we brought in an STL file but now we we need to export a gcode file which is what the 3D printer understands export the local and I'm going to call it the same thing we did before v9 rear cross member and say save now want to know if I should open the local folder and look at it I click on it there is all the previous G-Code files that I've created you can see version five version six vers s version so this particular one v9 rearc crossmember dogc code that is in there now now we can go ahead and close close creality print program save before exit we don't need to do that because we can always redo it again if we have to let's go back to our Tinker CAD program delete this temporary one we made there I like to make sure everything is locked before exiting there's our our full model and we'll exit out of the editor for Tinker CAD for this next part I'm going to do one-handed because I have the camera in my hand and the side of the 3D printer there's an SD card slot it's right there and I'm going to take it and I've got this adapter for a USB plug right there and I'm going to plug this into the side of my laptop and it should read it and then I've got my my laptop so it automatically launches the the the Explorer window when the USB card is pulled in and there is the USB card with the G-Code files on it and right here you can see the directory that we opened previously that has the newest one that we just made so I'm going to take v9 rear crossmember gcode from the laptop drag it over and drop it into the USB card Port there it is and I'm going to eject the USB device says safe to remove Hardware the little blue lights off I can pull that out of the USB port remove the card make sure it's face up and I learned this the hard way is if you plug this SD card into the printer upside down while the power's on it erases the card I found that out and put that in there we go go to my box of filament pick out the the gray one which I think will match the other ones we've been using I was Bu from hatchbox somebody recommended that was a good quality there's the this new spool whenever you put away a roll of filament you usually uh end up poking it through this little keeper here on each side to kind of keep it from unspooling and also from the last time you used it when you pulled it out of the printer it usually is all melted on the end where it came out so they recommend that you trim the end of 45° with this tool which came with the printer with the roll hanging up on the holder I can get it started down here into the print head push down this little clamp push it all the way down to the bottom then with everything loaded I'm ready to turn on the power switch here it comes up hit the print menu and we should be able to see there it is the rear cross member v9 rear crossmember is right there hit print hit confirm and it'll start warming up the beds the heads I should say and before it starts printing it just verifies the the depth or the uh the height of the bed in a couple different spots and after the calibration is done we are starting to print our crossmember looks like it's been about 9 minutes and it looks like that is just finishing [Music] printing hopefully that is what we just designed and one of my favorite Parts is to take it off the bed here there we go and if we did it right that should be what we intended so there's the finished product you can kind of kind of see the Cradle here where the transmission sits you can sign of see the hole where the screw is going to go in with a little inset area for the screw head see the flanges that sit on the frame so let's see if we can fit it in to our model here's the model without the rear cross member and as previously worked on there's the the previously made hole for the for the rear of the transmission with the screw in it should be able to start that screw in the bottom it's going to kind of look like when it's in that hole with the screw started I can kind of put it in there there's the crossmember on the Cradle see if it fits in our frame so there's the finished product we got the cross remember that we just built or designed and printed put it in there now it's joined in to the rest of the model once again I want to thank you for joining me on this journey just to summarize a little bit what we did today we had a need uh to build a crossmember for this transmission we made kind of a drawing uh real scude and and the penc one here to kind of what we wanted to do we went into the uh Tinker CAD program and uh and built it we sent it to our 3D printer and then we had the finished product which we put into our model it's really been fun for me it's amazing what these 3D printers can do uh and it's been so fun once again I appreciate you guys and thanks for watching
Channel: Rollies Designs
Views: 134
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Id: -pyPPr2hip4
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Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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