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so here in the UK not only we known for our horrendous weather we're also known for some of the most ridiculous ebike laws known to man now currently in the UK you are allowed an ebike with a maximum output motor of 250 WS if you currently own an ebike with a 250 watt motor you'll know it's completely pointless it must be pedal assisted and the motor can only assist you up to 15.5 mph however you are allowed to go faster than 15.5 but the motor cannot assist you up to the speeds if you have any type of throttle on the bike this can only assist you up to 4 mph but it looks like in 2024 things are about to change let's jump onto the bike let's get into it okay so let's break down the current ebike laws in the UK so the 250 W Motor let's be honest if you've ever ridden a bike with a 250 W Motor you'll know that it's pretty pointless the reason they stipulate a 250 W Motor is that's what the government are saying is an equal output to someone pedaling a normal bike now if that's the case what is the point in having an ebike if it's just going to do exactly the same as what you could do on a standard bike it makes no sense whatsoever you might be okay on flat surfaces but as soon as you come to a hill the bike will pretty much come to a stop you've then got the part that it can only assist you up to 15.5 mph but you can then pedal beyond that to reach higher speed however the law stipulates that you cannot pedal furiously how they're going to police that law could you imagine standing in court okay why are we here today oh well this gentleman was caught riding his ebike furiously it's just ridiculous we then moves on to the throttle so you can have a Twist throttle you can have a thumb throttle but that can only assist you up to 4 M an hour again completely pointless and what I really struggle to understand is how come you can pedal up to 15.5 assisted but the throttle can only issue to four what what is the difference there it just does not make sense at all if anything in my eyes the thumb throttle or the twist throttle is a way safer option than having the pedals the bike I'm riding at the moment has both pedal assist and a thumb throttle and I'll be honest unless I'm on a a dead straight road with nothing around me then I'll use the pedals from starting the bike to getting up to the 15.5 I will generally use the thumb throttle it's just a way safer option you got much more control you can feather the throttle so that you're not accelerating harshly the problem you've got with pedal assist there's a lag on the pedals and when it does kick in it's quite aggressive the other thing is when you come to a corner if you need to maintain speed Round the Corner you cannot pedal and turn a bike especially the bike that I ride all you're going to end up doing is hitting the pedals on the floor and falling off every time i' would come to a corner I put my feet parallel and just Ed the thumb throttle just to take me around so there's another huge argument there as to why this thumb throttle is such a big issue it seems to me like ebikes have hit the market the government don't really know much about them considering a 250 watt will Peak well over that same with any bike whatever that motor output is it will always Peak a lot higher so the rolling there just again doesn't make any sense but in the UK it does appear that the government are now starting to pay attention I think when ebikes first came on the scene they just tried to make it really hard for anyone to ride them people would get bored with them people would move on to other things and they would sort of phase out but I think where they've messed up is they're trying to push for electric cars and electric vehicles and I think people are only taking that sort of advice and then using that in their own world in terms of Cheaper modes of Transport like ebikes so for 2024 so it appears the government have had to take notice and they're now looking at changing the ruling on ebike now the two rules they're looking to change is the motor output and the front assist so they're looking to change to the law you can now ride an ebike with a motor up to 500 wat so they're doubling the power which is great news they're also looking to abolish the thumb throttle Rule and they're now saying that the Thum throttle can assist you up to the 15.5 mph which is brilliant makes complete sense I don't know why they didn't do that in the first place now as it stands at the point of making this video These are the only two things that have been mentioned at the moment there's a couple of other things they're talking about that may have to be compulsory to reach these laws one of which is to wear a helmet I completely agree with I think anyone that's riding on a road anyone that's riding anything that's faster than a walking pace you'd kind of be stupid not to wear a helmet so I can't see that being an issue then there's talk about registration of the bike possibly insurance on the bike as well and this kind of makes me think is the government doing this for our benefit or is the government doing it for its own benefit and what I mean by that is if you know how to register your rebike what does that mean for the government of course little bit more money for them isn't it as well as the insurance from making these changes the government can then benefit financially and a lot of other ways now this is only my view I'm not saying this is 100% factual this is just the way that I see the government being run at the moment the way the UK is I wouldn't put it past them I'm not saying this is 100% factual this is just my opinion I would be interesting to know your opinion so drop a comment below let me know what you think now there are some other little reports around online saying that if you now get to ride a higher powered ebike then you may have to sit some sort of testing to be able to ride it now this bit again I don't really agree with in the UK to ride a moped you'd have to set a CBT test this allows you then to ride up to a 50 cc moped which is around 4 horsepower putting that in perspective of an ebike a 500 WT ebike you're looking about 0.7 horsepower can't really see that you need to sit a test for something as little horsepower as that again whether this is some sort of money-making scheme from the government whether they're just trying to cover themselves which I don't deny I get it they have to cover themselves there are going to people out there that are going to abuse this I completely understand that but I think testing people to ride a very low powerered ebike is a bit insane now I don't want this video just to be all about hating on the government and they're not doing enough I think it's great they're now starting to listen to the community they're starting to listen to the people in the UK and they actually realize now that these ebikes and E vehicles are going to be the future there's no doubt about it just worry that giving us that little bit more in terms of power and use of the throttle comes at a cost of then having to ensure it Road register it and all these things come at a cost why would you do that for such a low power ebike when I could easily go out and do a CBT and get a 50 cc moped and later in this video we're going to be taking out the siron because I get a lot of questions on where you can and cannot ride these things I've made a few videos on it before but as we're talking about the topic of ebike and the lore on the ebikes it's one of the most common questions I get asked personally through Instagram and YouTube okay that's enough waffle on the pedal assisted ebike let's head back let's go and get the siron out let's take that for a rip and let's get into a few topics based around the law and the siron ah that is much better okay so if you subscribe to my channel this is probably what you here for is the sir on content and something that I get asked all the time whether it be for YouTube or Instagram or even just people that I meet out when I'm riding and that's where you can and cannot ride your serum or Taria or any other sort of high powerered ebike in its class I mentioned s on a Taria they are the main two obviously there's loads of other ones available but concentrating on these bikes so with these bikes you got two main categories you've got an off-road version and a road legal version I'll quickly run through the road legal version is very simple and it is exactly what it says on the tin it is a road legal version of this bike it comes with all the necessary documents it comes with a number plate it comes with headlights it comes with your indicators everything you need to ride on the road in order to ride it on the road in the UK you are going to need a CBT it's a compulsory test you can't fail it it's just basic training and you will need to be over the age of 16 in order to be able to do the training and then ride the bike you can then ride that in the exact same place as you can in moped so you can't go on motorways and things like that but yeah it's basically class exactly the same as a moped we then move on to off-road version which is exactly what I've got here I've owned mine for just over a year and a half now and like I was saying apart from people wanting to know about the spec of the bike how far it can go how long it takes to charge how fast it is one of the big things is well is it road legal no it's not okay so where can you ride these things so I've always followed the rule of fun that you can ride these things on private property as long as you got the land owner's permission these things are built for Offroad so most of the time you are going to be riding off-road IE Fields like this one and like I said I've always looked to get the land owners permission before I ride in there as you probably know the police do not like sirons and taras especially where I live there's a huge clamp down on them I know people that have personally had been confiscated and crushed the police will do whatever they can to take this thing off you and destroy it what I've since found out the rule I follow is probably quite a good rule to follow but as it happens I can ride in this field I could ride in the field over there I could ride the following field any of these fields I don't need anyone to to do this and if you like me you're probably thinking well how how's that even possible you're riding on someone's property and in the UK that would be classed as trespass but what's been highlighted to me recently is actually trespassing isn't a criminal offense it's not a police matter I can legally ride through all of these fields I guess then if the owners were to call the police you'd then be looking at questioning my style of riding what am I doing who am I with am I up to no good am I destroying his property am I riding through crops it then come down to a lot of earnings I physically gone in there and destroyed crops that he can then not go on to sell then we start to get to the legal part but as it stands physically riding through that field causing no harm no distress is is legal now I know all the haters are now going to jump in the comments be like oh you've just ridden through a field and now you're riding on a road I'm riding on a private road all these fields do link up privately to a bigger State fortunately for me I've lived here long enough and I do have the owner permissions to ride through the fields and these private roads now I do have to cover myself here if you are watching this video I'm not saying it's absolutely fine just go and tear through people's Fields you're not going to get in trouble you probably will if people can then prove that you are causing any sort of distress like I said loss of earnings you're destroying crops things like that 100% yeah you are going to get yourself in trouble but yeah like I was saying the rule that I follow is generally to get the landowners permission that way you know you're not upsetting anyone also you don't have that worry that they are going to call the police and they are going to prosecute you for something other than trespassing so generally it's a pretty decent rule to follow I just wanted to highlight to people because I found it quite amazing that legally I was allowed to do that the other point that I'd really like to bring up that regards the surong and these new laws coming in and just theik laws in general is the fact that I know this is way faster than the legal limit I know that so the motor is sort of 10 times the legal limit I get that the top speed you know you can reach speed 60 70 mph on one of these with the correct amount of tuning but I think a top there for discussion is if the government are now going to bring in a ruling that you can use the throttle up to 15.5 mph why could we not have a limiter put onto the bike in a certain mode to restrict these down to the 15.5 mph because in my eyes riding one of these at any speed is way safer than riding a push bike I'd say these bikes are much better equipped than your pedal assisted bikes anyway we've got bigger Wheels we've got better brakes they're far more Superior and I know what people are going to say oh yeah but it's the torque settings and I've had this previously in other comments oh you know it's the it's the talk but with my particular sir and I have an app on my phone that I can adjust all of my settings I can put a limiter on this to limit me to any mile an hour that I choose I also have talk settings on here as well so I'd be really interested to see later down the line whether the government bring in something like that and yes I do understand that people are going to abuse that just because you got the setting they're not going to stick to it they are going to go as fast as they possibly can but this is no different to cards you know you've got smaller engine cars You' got bigger engine cars the bigger engine cars can get to n to 60 a lot quicker than the smaller engine cars so they've got a lot more talk to them their top speed is a lot faster than the smaller engine cars but you all have to abide to a speed limit so why couldn't that be implemented into the ebike world it can be placed in exactly the same way as speed limits you could have a function on your app that would almost act like a bit of a black box so if anyone was to get into an accident or anything was to happen you'd have to provide the data log from the app to show the speed that you're doing this is all available at the moment the app that I currently run shows a data log of exactly from GPS where I've been it tells me all of my output my top speed average speed the technology is already there and the only one real downside I can see to this is people are just going to abuse it but surely that's the same with absolutely everything in life cars Vehicles you know medicine drugs whatever we create in this world people are going to go out and abuse it of course they will so yeah just to Su this this video up I think it's great that the government are now listening to the community to the public in the UK whether they're doing it for our gain or their gain I'm a little undecided at the moment but at least things are starting to move in the right direction I'm going to finish the video there then guys I'd love to know what you guys think cuz I do think this is a really interesting topic whether you like ebikes whether you like sirons and High powerered bikes like this or whether you're totally against them I do think there's quite an interesting topic here so yeah let me know what you think in the comments if you've enjoyed this video please go ahead and hit that thumbs up button it massively helps my channel out and it also gives me a good indication of the sorts of videos that you guys like watching and if you haven't done so already go ahead and hit that subscribe button for me but as always thank you ever so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one take it easy [Music]
Channel: Southcoast Surron
Views: 148,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: e-bike, law, update, 2024, surron, talaria, legal
Id: aezJmjWaxQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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