Dyson Airwrap VS. Revlon One Step Dryer | Which is better?!

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hey guys welcome back to my channel so as you guys can tell by the title space video is going to be quite interesting I am doing a video comparing the Dyson air rap to the Revlon one-step hair dryer I'm going to see which one does better which one I prefer I saw a lot here on YouTube as well on Instagram that people are saying that the Revlon one-step hair dryer was very comparable and very similar to the Dyson air wrap and since the Revlon product is $60 and the Dyson product is 550 dollars I wanted to put them to the test and see which one was worth it which one I would pay for and yeah just which one I would rather use more so yeah basically that's what today's video is going to be about it's kind of interesting the outcome is my blowing and yeah if you guys want to see which product I ultimately prefer just stay tuned alright guys so when you get the Dyson air rap it comes in this case this is actually the complete set of the Dyson air EPS system so basically what comes inside is you have your blow dryer attachment this is like your speed dryer attachment this is what is basically gonna dry your hair a little bit so you can have your hair about 80% dry before you go ahead and style you actually can't use this system on like sobbing what fresh out of the shower hair you need something you need some of it to be pretty dry next you have your like curling rod attachment so this is gonna give you that bouncy blowout look or even a wave I will show you guys how I kind of learned online through genic and how you can use this attachment I have the other one currently on the air wrap itself right now and then you have your two brushes this is the smoothing brush I guess they say they both pretty much look but it serves a similar purpose but this is the smoothing brush you can get this right at the scalp and smooth the hair out great for someone who has just like wavy hair or something like that and then this one's the frizz free brush this is gonna try and eliminate as much frizz as possible there's more bristles and it's a little bit more tightly compact and longer so it's gonna help grab more hair so that's what this brush does and then you have your good old round brush so this basically as we know is going to give you a blowout look so I'm going to see how all of these work out I'm gonna test them all out for you guys and then of course coming in the kit itself is the air wrap wand or like blow dryer this is a blow dryer essentially in the need to have your attachments so this is the other attachment that goes in there but this is the blow dryer so it's a pretty cool system I'm pretty intrigued I love the dyson blow dryer it's like one of my favorites so I'm just trying to see how this one compares if you guys don't know about the dyson blow dryer it's a whole new system where they basically put all the filter and everything down below in the bottom where the cord is so that way your hair never gets sucked in up here like a typical blow dryer but the air wrap is built a little bit differently the buttons are a little bit different and such you have your airflow here and then you have your temperature and then of course your on button we're gonna give this a test see how it works today and yeah I've got pretty unruly curly curly frizzy hair so I feel like I could ultimately be like a great test for this product oh yeah so anyways I'm gonna go ahead and put on the quick dry blow dryer attachment I have had my hair kind of drying for probably about an hour now just like air dry aspect it's still a little bit damp so I'm just gonna try it and rough it up a little bit with this part first and then go in and use one of the desired tools [Music] I just finished the whole quick dry method and there is an unlock and lock button so when you just pull down that the top attachment will come right off okay so there's so many options in this I'm probably just going to do the round brush method and then a little bit of like curling we need same I couldn't see how that works I am going to try one of them I think I'm actually I might try this pink one because it looks like it really helps like smooth it out and I'm just going to see how well it does with smoothing and like my hair before I style and if I need to use the round brush but I'm gonna try and use basically everything in here so we really can get full full first impression of everything right so I'm using the brush attachment I'm gonna go ahead and just try this out see how well this works I'm gonna turn the heat up all the way [Music] that did pretty well so I'm gonna try if you round brush now and see how that works out I'm gonna see how well it works to give that like blowout bouncy kind of curl the round brush isn't actually that big I usually use kind of a little bit bigger of a round brush but I think this will do for right now so we can try it [Music] but I don't know if I like your my brush it can give you that bouncy blowout look but it did kind of get stuck in my hair a bit and usually I can just really wind out the round brush pretty well but it kind of like creates this like kink in my hair and it kind of gets stuck a little bit I don't really like that um so I'm probably just gonna leave it um I'm actually gonna try and use the curl aspects like the wand aspect and I wanna see how well this works now this is really cool because it comes with two different sizes I'm gonna do the larger ones so each one has arrows on them and depending on the side that you're using and the like the wand attachment with you basically choosing the side so if you want it going away from your face you make sure that this side of your face that you're using the arrow is pointing away so that way the airflow goes that way so it's basically showing which way the airflow goes we're just kind of cool so that way you kind of don't mess up because they are using a new method which is like the I think it's called the calendula or however you say it method where it basically sucks the hair on to the attachment and Willow dries it that way but it also curls it that way so I'm gonna show you guys how that method works and their own agenda [Music] not unwind it and holy cow look at that that's that's pretty sick do you basically just kind of hold it and it sucks the ends in and it's kind of cool I'll show you guys I'm just going to keep using this I think this is the smoothing smoothing so basically what I'm gonna do is I'm using this brush and blow-dry my entire hair with it and I'm just gonna go section by section as I would with like blow-drying my hair normally with a round brush I'm just going to go in and use that in blow-dry section by section and get my hair dry and basically what I'm gonna do dry everything and try to get it super smooth and then go in with the rod styler and style my hair so let's see what they [Music] my hair is still like poofy not super straight which I don't think it's realistic post and make it straight yeah I mean I think it did a pretty good job as in like smoothing out the curl getting my hair dry so that way I can go ahead and curl it you can't really straighten my hair with this quite honestly or anything else for that matter it's kind of impossible I need something to actually like really straighten it so I think it did a pretty good job and I think it's ready for me to style so the rods now I'm go ahead and try these guys out now I know that you actually have to take smaller sections starting on this side and I actually want to try a method where you use it as a wand and instead I'm actually going to choose the arrows that go towards my face because what I'm going to do is I'm gonna tip it upside down and use it as like a wand per se and leave my ends oh and I'm gonna see how well it kind of curls in that aspect and if it kind of does like a nice beachy kind of wave [Music] this did a really great job actually okay all right let's keep going I'll shoot okay this does a great job [Music] and I'm switching sides I'm going to switch my one to the arrows were pointing technically towards my face but once I tip it they like way to my face [Music] hair is done I'm going to take a little bit of hair oil this is just Moroccan oils heroine and just spread it through my hair so it kind of pains it down adds the shine and smooth any frizz anyways this is the final result I think my hair still looks pretty full has shape to it has body to it you know it it's pretty good for the curling aspect I don't think it has that huge hold that a normal crawling iron will give my hair will hold a curl so for me I feel like this didn't really curl my hair this is essentially what is gonna give you the best looking salon blowout I don't think this is actually gonna curl curl the hair yeah so I'm going to go about my day today and just kind of chill I have to do some errands and enjoy this blowout so that I gave myself and the next time I see you guys I'm actually reviewing the next tool in comparison to see which works better the right one tool or the Dyson okay so it's a lot of like at night I just got done watching Vanderpump rules in summer house and I just want to kind of point out I don't know what the heck is going out with my hair right now normally when I give myself a blowout and normally my hair holds that blowout curl for like days basically until I wash it it'll hold it foot five days right now my hair is like pretty much straight I don't know what happened to it kind of hair almost like I slept on it and I sweat on the beach kind of I don't know what's going on but this isn't normal for me I don't know what kind of hair this is it didn't look like this when I did the whole Dyson air wrap so my little verdict right now is it doesn't hold anything like it doesn't curl my hair I don't know what's going on but yeah this this is not normal no everyone um so you're probably wondering actually where the clip is for the Revlon blow-dry styler um that's coming so this is actually two days later from filming the initial review on the Dyson air app and I kind of felt like I had a lot of like watching the footage back and then also kind of hopping online and seeing what other people thought because I actually never watched other people's thoughts to see how they liked the product I decided that I am going to give it another try and just thoroughly thoroughly use it I'm probably just gonna record myself using it and not really talk as much and just have you guys watch and then give my initial final thoughts reviews whatever at the end of it um I have to work today I have to leave in about an hour or so but I need to blow-dry my hair and go and I'm just gonna use the air app one more time and really get my thoughts and see what I like do you guys saw my first thoughts with it I'm back and forth like I think it's a great concept and I like it but there's some things that I didn't like that it didn't really work so I am gonna try it again I'm gonna try some more attachments I'm gonna really try and get used to it I also think I might have just had like beginners trouble where I just was like trying to really get used to the product first so now that I've kind of held it I've used it a bunch I'm gonna try it again and I'm gonna see if I actually fully like it think it's worth it also I noticed I watched some reviews a lot of people that had longer hair it was a little bit tougher to use so maybe that's something to take no maybe it's just great for like people with like hair from like here up who knows in a couple of days I will wash my hair again and we'll try it the Revlon a heat style err blow drying product and I actually have it right here down here but I'm gonna try it um so yeah I'm actually washing my hair sooner than normal usually I would wash my hair like every five six days two days later and I wash it again cuz I'm like I just need to give this another try so we're gonna go to the bathroom or try the end today but I just wanted to kind of insert this clip and talk to you guys about it real quick because it probably wouldn't have made sense hopping to this and then going to the Revlon one when I said we were gonna go right into the Revlon one so yeah just wanted to put that out there but alright I think it's time alright so we're gonna head into my bathroom and we're gonna give this freaking $550 dice in a another go around ok so last time I use the brush attachment to kind of control frizz what you did a fair enough job I think I'm just gonna try and do the round brush attachment with a little iron type attachment I think that's a good you today let's see how it works and I'm also going to tie myself because last time I was stopping I was talking to you guys I was just trying to gonna get the feel for it all so this time I'm just gonna try and act like it's a normal morning and I'm getting ready for work kind of like I am legitimately and I'm gonna see how quick this goes and see if it cuts down time because usually to blow-dry my hair and style it takes about 45 minutes to an hour so I'm gonna see if this changes at all so alright wait timer need that okay also don't mind that my door is open you can see into my living room I was sweat king my booty off last time I did this so um yeah door needs to stay open because my bathroom gets way too hot I'm gonna start with the quick dry blow dryer just to get a little a little bit more dry cuz I'm still still pretty damp in the back and then we'll go on with the style attachments regular timer now [Music] I just change my shirt real quick because I have to go to work but I wanted to give you guys the final result and like look at the hair I think all in all this try was a lot better than the first time I used it and I think if I were to use this all the time I would just use the round brush attachment and I would use one of the curling wants to like add a little bit more definition for curl but this experience is a lot better than the first time use it so I I am right about the fact that I am pretty sure I had just a beginner beginner error because I was testing it for the first time so I think this is a lot better for me for my hair type I would definitely just use the round brush and kind of style however I wanted I did have to go in with a hair straightener and just straighten out like my root areas in the front and then in my corners around the ears just because it was still super curly and super frizzy and I needed something to really smooth it and the Arup was not doing that for me so that's the only downfall but this experience is a lot better I like this look umm I think a lot of my clients would love this effect now keep in mind too though I have really curly thick hair so my hair gives you that blowout look so I don't know is it my hair texture that does this it just gives you that best blow out kind of look with this system or what I'm gonna give you at my final thoughts in my final review pros and cons at the end of this video but right now I'm pretty satisfied I am going to check in with you guys later today though see how well the hair is holding up because if you know from the first time I tried it it did not hold at all and my hair looks like crap 5 hours later so I'm gonna check in with you guys later see how well it's doing and then we'll test out the Revlon tool I'll give you guys my pros and cons of each my final thoughts and what is worth it and what isn't hello everyone it is very much later in the day it's like 7:30 I just got home from work and great news my hair held the entire day this is basically what it looks like now I mean nothing really changed but I'm very impressed because compared to when they first tried it it did not last when I used the Dyson air wrap and this time if for sure worked I mean you guys can tell my hair up basically looks the same so got the bounciness got all that we are good in that department alright so as you guys saw I just gave the Dyson air wrap a little go around this case is so heavy and let's just kind of go through them and talk to you guys my thoughts I think you guys my thoughts how many of you guys know pros and cons and just what I think of it so um retail wise this product retails for 550 dollars let that sink in for you yeah that price kind of sucks because it's so expensive and it honestly it makes it intrigues people when the price is so high people are wondering is this actually the best product out there and that's why I was wondering because I know the blow dryers are retail between 300 to $500 but they are so worth it so I was like okay maybe this air wrap system is kind of life-changing so I was happy to actually give it a test do I think it's worth it no if I would pay money for this I would maybe give someone max $150 for this I do understand that the aspect is you do have a blow-dryer attachment you have curling iron attachments you have two different sized curling iron attachments you have smoothing brushes and you have a round brush so I get where their price point could be coming from as long along with the development of the product and the whole patent that it has about sucking the hair around the curling iron let's get into my pros and cons because this will explain why I don't think I would keep this product around nor buy it for myself so you guys saw I did tie myself didn't really change time for me timing was pretty much the same the first time was a little bit longer because obviously with any new product that you buy there is a learning curve so it was a little bit longer the first time the second time it was still the same amount of time it would take me to blow dry and style my hair um that being said I don't think it really did anything with time aspect so that would be a con a pro would be it maybe would be easier for clients to myself so I am a licensed cosmetologist I do hair a lot I do hair pretty much six days a week so with that being said this is a great product that I would refer for my clients to use if they could not master or blow out at home it's easier to use with one tool I know using a blow dryer and a round brush can be super difficult for one person to use if they don't do hair normally so this could be amazing for someone who just doesn't know how to do blow out at home once they master that whole learning curve I feel like it could be great for me as a hair stylist my final blow ups that I did on both days to me I would never let my client walk out of the salon like that there was too much for his at the root especially for me being a curly-haired girl I felt like it just wasn't meant for super curly hair because my hair was still frizzy my hair started curling later on in the day and it didn't really steal my cuticle and like help it stay straighter even though there is a cool shot and it did utilize it I still felt like my hair was still pretty frizzy so that would be a con for me I honestly wouldn't use it as a hair stylist standpoint and that makes me so bummed because I know a lot of people love this product I know Jen Atkin who helped develop this product love this product but and I love genican but I don't think I would utilize this in my professional kit quite honestly I would just rather by the Dyson blow-dryer and use my Rush's and make sure the hair is the way I want it so with the first trial that I use it did not hold my hair did not hold a curl with the whole wave attachment that you can do when you wave your hair with it my hair did not hold it by 5 o'clock as you guys saw my hair was in another world let's just say that so I don't think it holds a curl very well it holds a blowout effect kind of curl very well but it does not hold any other type of bouncy curly hair like if you want to actually like curl beachy wave or just get like a nice bouncy Victoria Secret curl it's not gonna hold it for me it didn't and my hair holds everything everything so it didn't hold my hair um and obviously one of the cons the price is really up there but I get where the pricing stands like I get why they would charge this much it's a tough pill to swallow for someone for the average person who may want this and just can't afford it so I get it but it's unfortunate at the same time another thing is I wish there was a bigger round brush because with having longer hair I feel like a bigger round brush would helped me a lot more the little round brush that comes in this kit I will show you those the little round brush that comes in this is fine but I feel like it just was a little hard to use in my hair with it being so long and that actually leads me into another thing is I really think that having long hair does not make this thing very easy to use on your hair like I feel like a round brush and a blow-dryer separately just works a lot better having longer hair did not go somehow with this I would probably say this works best on someone who has slightly wavy to straight hair and is short hair like right up to the collar bones or shorter this product would work best if it's longer than that and your there's a little bit more curlier and texture I don't think it's gonna do anything for you I really don't think it will smooth your hair I had to go in with a straightener in some parts and actually smooth my hair out so I actually don't think this product did a phenomenal job I don't think it saves time I don't think it was life-changing and I just don't think it's worth it I don't know looks worth it so if I had to give a little rating with my usage of the Dyson from one to ten I would probably give it like a seven I would give it a seven I think that's a very good score to give it I'm not gonna give it I almost gave it an eight but I feel like a seven is kind of fair if we want to be reasonable we can say seven and a half it would work great for someone who just wants to achieve a good blow out at home and can't afford to go to the salon a little time that is basically what it's for as a hairstylist standpoint it didn't really do a good job for me I wouldn't trust this on my clients due the fact that the frizz was not controlled and it didn't hold a curl very well it didn't hold a curl on my hair and my hair holds everything so yeah I think that's why I have to give it like a seven seven and a half out of ten hi guys so we're in my old bathroom of a parent's house I'm getting ready here I just drop Steve off at his parents house he's away on a trip so I'm getting ready here because we're actually doing SOLAS again tonight so I have to go to the city and do some work for the event and soleus and I didn't blow through my hair yet after I drop Steve off I just kind of got rid of here so that's why I'm filming this portion of the video of my parents house I'm sorry for that go but we're becoming the Revlon portion to this video I have the Revlon let's skip this and frame the salon one-step hairdryer and rolling so we're gonna see how this works and then this works better than the Dyson I've heard mixed reviews about this thing so we're just gonna have to see it's all over YouTube right now I'm curious now and this might actually be like something I can actually use all the time I said that up the dice on though so we'll have to see but get this thing out of the bottom well right off the bat this thing is massive and quite interesting I'm actually kind of excited to use this because if it works out like it's actually going to be mine but it doesn't um have to return it I'm excited to use it because I don't have to keep changing attachments it seems like it's gonna do all of it but it seems like it's going to do everything I need in like one little thing so let's see word on the street is though that this thing works a lot better than the Dyson or comparable space and this is only $60 so you're not paying an arm I like for this thing but yeah there's really no directions or much to do with this thing so I assume I'm just going to test it out and see how it works those settings though however are right here on the bottom so you have cool low and high that's basically all that you get that's one downfall is you don't get to control your airflow I'm just basically going to be like a normal blow dryer a sec so let's see my hair is slightly damp from this morning I washed it this morning and I just kind of left in the button so it would stay a little down but yeah this is not cute so I think I'm just going to try and achieve straight hair today let's see how well that works oh I can't really curl my hair for this I I think this is basically just going to be like that blowout effect so I'm just going to try and get my hair pretty straight and see how well it does [Music] I'm sorry but this thing is amazing my hair is so soft right now I read some reviews and some people told me that it fried their hair but I think they just kind of left it on too long also always the matter of what you're using when you blow-dry your hair always use a cool shot I'll wait to knit your hair with a cool shot before you're done seals the cuticle and it really shines up the hair so just a little tip from a hair stylist herself always do a cool shot on your hair but wow I mean look at how nice that is I was able to move it freely it's like pulling my hair and I get stuck [Music] [Applause] [Music] nah you need this i'ma buy you one it's up okay you know how that was the Dyson hair wrap right I'm doing the difference between the I'm doing Dyson versus Revlon erawan think this thing's like a blow dryer around Russian one yeah look it fill my hair Julis balance off to this it does it can do volume to it out like volume so I avoid that at all cost [Applause] does your bangs feel softer [Music] so um hi I think I freaking fell in love this thing is amazing the only thing that like it's kind of an alcohol but I always anticipate anyways with like blow drying stuff it's like my through area since I've gone curly a lot lately my hair it's just coming back to life naturally so my curls are really tough to smooth out so like my root area is a little dented in some spots but honestly I don't even care I don't even care cuz look at my hair this is so smooth and literally frizz free not an ounce of frizz asthma is in my hair right now I also do not like volume I am NOT a volume type girl so I did not kind of use it that way if you did not volume you could just use it where you're like pulling the hair you're lifting it up to the ceiling that's how you would use it if you wanted volume but for me I don't I try to flatten it out as much as possible so I'm just taking some oil and I'm putting some hair oil in my hair because I like to normally all the time when I style it it just gives it some nice smoothness and everything sure if I want slow enough on my group area I can get all of these kinks out but I don't really like to focus on one area it's super long because I don't want to like damage my hair so I just try to get through it pretty quickly if I had to pick one thing that I didn't like about this thing well obviously there really only has one thing right now is the fact that I can't change the temperature honest you really only get whoa and cool you don't get any temperature readings so I do wish that I could change the temperature normally on average blow dryers you have high medium and low but then you also have like your airspeed as well too so this just has air speed and then a cool setting I wish I could change the heat because that's why a lot of people would complain that it would fry their hair you're probably way down at that section too long oh you're also it's kind of too hot for your hair so that's probably why maybe some people didn't like it but for me honey I am loving this thing I am so impressed unfortunately I forgot to tie myself so I couldn't time how long it took me but I do have a marked text message of when I started texting Steve to basically say I was getting right and that was a half an hour ago so this took me a half an hour to do I would say this cut down the time tremendously um and my hair is done oh my gosh you guys I feel like so happy right now I'm so happy this thing work amazing I'm just gonna say right now so good my hair is never felt softer so I am pretty much done I am going to go about my day now get dressed and everything I don't think I need to fix my hair at any which way or form my mom even said it looked good so I think we are good to go so that being said we're moving over into the pros and cons portion okay so you guys just saw me use them out the Revlon one-step hair dryer if you couldn't tell by the video I love this thing this product retails for $60 I don't think that's that bad for a styling product blow dryer curling iron kind of aspect I think it did that's a pretty good price point for being more of like a drugstore product anyways I've always spent between 60 to 100 fifty dollars for something like this so I think that this is a very fair price point and it's only one product one tool like this is literally how it comes mind you I'm sorry that my hair is still in this I did use it twice so yeah there's some hair in this thing but anyways I did give this thing two tries I absolutely love it I actually styled my hair today with it I washed it again today and yeah this is the outcome again for try number two super lightweight which is very comparable to the dice and the dice and claims that it's very lightweight in the hands which is awesome so your arms are hurting your wrists aren't hurting that's always an awesome factor that I think is like such a necessity so yeah this was super lightweight easy to use in the hair it is pretty massive I mean look at the size comparison to my head this thing is like as big as my head or even bigger I don't think that there's really much of a learning curve with this thing has only like four settings on here so you can't really mess up it's funny too when I did post on my Instagram page that I was going to pick up this product at Target a lot of you were telling me some of you said you loved it some of it some of you said you hated it some of you even said it fried your hair and I was like oh gosh like I'm gonna fry my hair but it actually worked pretty well only con I really think that I have for this product would just be the fact that the heat settings are a little too much sometimes you only can go cool low and high where the Dyson does have the aspect where you can change it to a little bit warmer so I do get why potentially someone would feel as though their hair would feel fried I get it so that is the only thing I would say about this product is that I really wish that it had more of a temperature gauge so I could control the temperature but other than that I honestly freaking love this thing it's so good yeah I would recommend this to everybody I recommend it to my friends and I love the price point I'm not spending an arm and a leg to get this so I do think that this is a really great product so I'm gonna write this product like I rated the Dyson one out of ten I don't have to give this product a good fair ten out of ten I actually think it's worth it I really really liked it and I have no complaints whatsoever so with that being said if I had to choose between the Dyson air wrap and the Revlon one-step hair dryer your girls picking the Revlon I don't know guys I just I really can't complain I love this product so much so I've had to pick the two I would pick Revlon it was so worth it in my opinion and it worked so great so yeah guys that's basically it for today's video I hope you guys enjoyed it I know it was kind of a really big turn of events I think a lot of you thought I was gonna be picking Dyson I I also want to stress in like a little disclaimer I'm not bashing Dyson whatsoever I just don't think this air rep product was for me however I love the blow dryer so if you guys are interested and will always wanted to get the blow dryer yes I recommend that too but I am NOT bashing Dyson specifically I just I did not like the air wrap per se I probably wouldn't use it again but it still got a really good high rating from me I didn't give it a zero so that should say something to you guys but yeah I hope you guys enjoy today's video let me know if you guys have any questions below let me know it down below in the comments if you tried either of these products and what your thoughts where I want to know what everyone else thinks about the Dyson and the Revlon ones so if you tried it comment below but thank you guys so much for watching I love you all and I'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Kassie Depke
Views: 59,428
Rating: 4.4340835 out of 5
Keywords: Dyson Airwrap vs. Revlon One step Dryer, dyson hair products, dyson, dyson airwrap, dyson blowdryer, is dyson worth it, better then dyson?, revlon one step hair dryer, jen atkin, Testing out dyson products, dyson airwrap curly hair, dyson airwrap review, curly hair routine
Id: mx3polWB6vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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