Dwarf Mamba Was FURIOUS After Kid Called Him "Small" (Street Fight)

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we did have dinner with Evan yeah old roommate one of my best friends Evan Atkin Road also known as dwarf Mamba uh I love that kid dude yeah he no he's so great he's so great I don't come to La often but when I do it's good to catch up with all the friends there was a little incident where were we we're at the Cheesecake Factory you know I love to go there and that was nice that was actually that was actually pretty smooth dude and uh we were minding our business and we see this family walk into so many of them so many people in this family is a [ __ ] mom dad cousins aunts kids the the one kid has a Kermit the Frog puppet on the hand a dog they had a dog not on a leash like Lassie though just walking through the restroom you're stuck in the well like real okay okay okay so whatever at one point these the two kids uh uh damn near unaccompanied come running by our table and the kid with a Kermit puppet hits me like horror the four-year-old assaults me insults me I and you know I don't know what to do so and I'd start playing with the kid I'd start like Shadow Boxing back whatever his mom's like his aunt whoever it was was like don't do that don't do that whatever and I start just like messing around with the kid you know having some fun you're saying don't do that to you no no no I got this as a kid I wasn't hitting the kid I was just playing with him I was just like hey he was like hitting me back I was like you know covering up my shells Shadow Boxing a little bit I got I just gotta say I don't believe she said that I don't believe she said that [ __ ] because it's an important part of the story I do not believe that no no [ __ ] jack [ __ ] it was it was poor um parenting or whatever her relationship to the kid was but since I was playful I think she like kind of let it slide and the the older kid like nine years old kind of recognized me he's just getting into that age where he may like catch a tick tock of mine or Drake prime or some something he knew who I was he's like are you Logan Paul like my friend does YouTube do you think you can get more subscribers and I didn't know what to say to this kid like obviously I'm not gonna [ __ ] do that I have things to do and I look at Mike you know my my console and he nods at me millions of followers and the kids like that's so great thanks so much and then they go back to the table yeah now always at the same time man how do we even tackle such a such a topic we've definitely talked I'll tell you a show before one of the conversations we have with Evan at the table was oh yeah that's right he is very vocal and has a lot of Merit in explaining how dwarf representation is pun intended I don't know what else to say pigeon it's it's um almost looked over [ __ ] it's small [ __ ] Kevin hartside it's they've been pigeon no they've been pigeonholed they're a marginalized group like a lot of marginalized groups who doesn't have like and is not getting the respect that other marginalized groups are getting because they're vocal about being marginalized and and let me give some context to that Evans Evans right and saying that like dwarves nowadays in like Hollywood and media and just in real life are often just like the butt of the joke like he the conversation started because Evan was was talking about how he's sick of getting cast as an elf that that specifically and very specific and he's he's mad at his agent because his agent is just sending him the roles they're all just elf rules and he's like getting mad about he's like yo cast me as like a like like something that is not has to do solely with a drug deal in Kingpin so he just got done telling us this conversation about how like the the dwarf Community has not gotten a fair chance to not be just this one thing and that is made fun of and and used often in the context of of being the joke anyways this kid these kids come back to the table and the family you know we're having some banter and they're they're being really nice and then the the the the little the little punk the little [ __ ] with the Kermit puppet points at Evan and he goes that one's small so small small that one is small he's why is he so small and Evan Evan turns us and he goes he he just has it very matter of fact he goes so like what do I do in this situation like that's what he says and I and I said to him I go you gotta [ __ ] this kid bro I go you gotta go outside when they go out and you gotta square up to this little mother for 100 the same weight class no literally and the nahvin is bigger for sure but and then the waitress came over and she talked to us Evan is solid muscle I picked him up he's a bad party that we had I put him on my shoulders and I was walking around with him yeah yeah he's solid muscle Rick but you've always been you guys have both been great to him you always gave him a good home and you guys didn't like when people made anything I had friends that came to film with you before and they were like yeah I made a joke it was Jason dude yeah he was Jason we talked about that before it wasn't it wasn't intentional but he was you know that's how we all like you know like I don't know right no no no I get it I get it and that's I think the issue with with um I guess what I'm talking about with the the dwarves not feeling like like truly equals in society is that no one is speaking up for them no one no one's like being vocal about like demanding respect like other marginalized groups are I don't know if there's like not enough of them because you know dwarfism isn't isn't super popular I think it's like one in a thousand or something but um yeah Evan was we were in a little bit of a conundrum because this kid's being a [ __ ] [ __ ] his parents don't have the wherewithal to have a raise their kid with some respect the kid same kid who like is hitting strangers around the restaurant and then B say something while he's being incredibly disrespectful to a stranger who obviously like has a condition that probably if you use your brain and think about it for one second isn't the easiest to live his whole life so so it was it was just an issue and so we we did end up finding the kid in the parking lot Evan did jump him he'll never say in that type of [ __ ] again if he ever can talk again to be honest no but then the waiters can she kind of like saw what was happening and she comes over and she she's like wow that was crazy they had a dog in here and the mom wasn't telling him to stop and she's like you know what do you do about that kind of thing and we said dude we're gonna find him in the parking lot we're gonna beat the [ __ ] out of him yeah do I know what she said she goes you really should you really should dude and that was the moment where I was like dude you know what Cheesecake Factory is like he's like Americana dude hey there if you like the clip make sure to subscribe or check out this recommended clip to my right
Channel: IMPAULSIVE Clips
Views: 149,862
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Keywords: impaulsive clips, impaulsive, logan paul podcast, logan paul, maverick, maverick media, maverick house, logan paul clips, mike majlak, impaulsive podcast, mike majlak impaulsive, logan paul impaulsive, boys only, boys only impaulsive, jeff wittek, logan evan, dwarf mamba
Id: uwpZ2SWoomw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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