Dwarf Fortress - Ideas - Using a Bronze Colossus as Defense

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hello everybody and welcome to a real quick Dwarf Fortress idea in this video we're going to be using a bronze Colossus as defense bronze Colossus do not have the ability to dodge traps so you can catch them in any kind of cage trap so simply set up a small spot where they are able to immediately get caught in a cage trap once you have them trapped simply by building a wooden cage and a mechanism and placing a cage trap then you can do whatever you want with them the way I use this is I put it outside of my Fortress I connect the cage trap to a lever and then I give it a pull when I give it a pull that then releases the bronze Colossus and then big bronze boy can dive down and do whatever kind of Carnage they want and just watch the Carnage ensue foreign is over and everything is dead on the map you can then simply lure him back in by opening a direct route into your Fortress if you leave your burrow turned on I do have a tutorial on Burrows although maybe I need to update it now that they've added the add all button if you leave your burrow enabled then it is forced back through that tiny little Gap in the wall and walks directly into the cage trap once again then simply all you have to do is reset the Trap by replacing the Trap and connecting a lever to it and overall it's actually a very simple setup and a very easy way to defend your Fortress if you happen to have a bronze Colossus on your map because they're virtually indestructible they can take out just about any Goblin or human or Dwarven or even Elven Force without too much issue unless they're wielding Steel weapons which they don't generally do and even then they still have to be pretty skilled to get through its Onslaught if you'd like to see more videos like this check out this YouTube channel there's a whole ton of these kind of scattered around over covering various topics on Dwarf Fortress if you want to see me play video games live you can find me at twitch.tv blind IRL thank you very much for watching this video and hopefully YouTube fixes their garbage thank you very much for watching
Channel: Blind
Views: 28,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress bay12games, dwarf fortress kitfox, dwarf fortress review, dwarf fortress playthrough, Talk interview, procedural generation, dwarf fortess graphics, indie games, modding, Dwarf Fortress for Beginners, Dwarf Fortress ideas, Dwarf Fortress Strats, Dwarf Fortress strategy, dwarf fortress defence, dwarf fortress bronze colossus, dwarf fortress mega beast, dwarf fortress defending with a bronze, colossus, bronze golem, guide
Id: h7rN8R9vSzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 48sec (108 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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