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i guess my question to you is which one of these do you prefer crazy experiment in book of elandra growth [Music] hi everyone george here and very excited to be here again at horizon aquatics and while i'm here i want to show you a couple of updates on some scapes so i really wanted to show you this one in more detail this is one of the nicest dutch layouts i've ever seen in the uk it might not conform you know 100 to the dutch walls but you can see it definitely is in line with the kind of theme of dutch you know we've got very strong high impact stems distinct groups and we've got these beautiful contrasts and color and texture and the whole effect i think just looks absolutely beautiful like a well manicured garden now the interesting thing for dutch style for me is for me it's an exercise in plant growth you know trimming technique there's a lot of aesthetic sensibility as well involved you know what plants go where does this texture complement that texture is this red put in the right place you know all of these kind of considerations very rules driven style of aquascaping which i think does bring it bring about its own kind of interest but for me it isn't it doesn't really invoke a real sense of kind of calm nature so if we look at an aquascape like this for instance completely almost like an opposite in style you know very hardscape heavy we've got no carpeting plant at all very naturalistic textures obviously natural materials and you know the colors are just in complete contrast but nevertheless still both beautiful in their own way so i guess my question to you is which one of these do do you prefer so this is like the classic kind of nature style very epiphyte heavy bold hardscape minimal substrate i think we've just got a couple of stones on there weighing that piece of wood down and then we have the lush formal garden of this dutch style so ecotech radion lighting don't often see this in the freshwater hobby but interesting to see obviously doing a great job at growing the plants conversely we've got the twin star 900 i think on here but yeah really really interesting to see these two styles separately and actually one of the main reasons i'm here say hello emily hi uh i'm with emily we're doing a collaboration and we're actually going to do escape for some rams aren't we yeah so you've got these at home already yes bought them from here maybe three weeks ago so i have a pair of them they've paired up already and you've got some babies did have some babies oh they're very gone yeah they're in a community tank so they uh disappeared after a couple days so hopefully when they get their own tank film they're great so we did some hardscape designs earlier and the idea is you're going to take the tank hardscape substrate lighting home with you yep and then i'm going to come up again in a few weeks and we'll escape it together and do a video all about that yeah should we tell everyone how we met so we came i came up for the workshop here i did this tank got to show you the walks in all journey of workshop tanks so on the whole it doesn't look too bad but we had loads and loads of melt at the back here so this will hopefully recover in time it's going through a bit of diatoms phase but i think it looks all right i do too it just needs to grow in and i think it'll look good yeah this background is just completely like yeah devastated isn't it got some red greek floaters to help out with algae but yeah it will take its time and it will look good last time i was here after the workshop the day after the day after that and then i overheard you talking about wild discus yes so that picked my interest and then we chatted about world discus and then we discovered that you're into conservation with a particular emphasis on countryside conservation and yeah birds in particular yeah yeah and i think there's a potential crossover of you know how we can connect aquascaping you know aquatic habitats conservation so it's about actually coming it from a place of what's best for the fish rather than what's best for us to look at yeah as a human there's more beauty in like a natural aquascape i was just talking about this earlier so this is like such a beautiful high impact formal yeah kind of garden but it's very it to me it looks artificial and quite cold yes or something like this this is like the opposite you know very naturalistic you know well like i was saying before i love that there's like little hiding places and you have little communities of fish yeah in these kind of scapes and that's i think that's what i like to see more yeah escape that's just purely from uh [Music] yeah so you were looking at it from uh how is this aquascape serving the fish yeah rather than how is this aquascape serving my eyes yes i mean you still want it to look nice but yeah i look at all the little details and like i've sent you earlier from my tanks at home i love seeing all the little communities of my fish and what they're doing and that's where they like to hang out and things this looks great um they're actually going through a little bit of hair algae trouble in here right now um and i think this is a good lesson isn't it i mean this is a.d my escape i actually covered this in a separate video it's obviously grown in since then um what do you think says fish selection emily i really like these fish i think these are the two it's just a really vibrant color chili raspberries look at the contrast with the blue i love also how they've got the red coming through the branches and all kind of just ties in well yeah these red fruit floaters look great don't they yeah oh we've got a bit of melt a bit of melt there so i'm deliberately showing you some issues guys that we can have with i'm sure the guys at horizon won't mind because this is genuine problems that people experience in their aquascapes you know we've got some quite significant hair algae going on in the moss and the reason for that is probably just not enough plant biomass to fight off the algae algae and plants always in competition with each other if we don't have enough plant growth which we didn't have in here just because we have so many slow growing epiphyte plants that gives algae the upper hand i think that's probably the problem in my tank at home so you've got settle over what you've got at home emily what have you got um well in my discussion it's pretty much every bite only yeah so they're all obviously quite slow growing we can put some footage of that over yeah but we've just started with some green algae on kind of the higher up leaves so obviously getting too much light out i think yeah is that the anubias yes really prone to algae because it's so slow growing yeah if you could shade it somehow so what's your favorite have you got a favorite in here i really like it yeah this is my favorite i like this one as well just because it's just a crazy experiment in buka philandra growth and this is quite nice for non-ce2 yes and i also love the one in the corner i'm not sure who actually scaled it but it's got almost like a cave in the middle i think that was james i actually asked nicole if i could buy this and they'd only had it for about two weeks i think oh by the whole scope yeah i just love this bit of wood yeah perfect fish in it yeah mark says nice yeah mine's probably the worst one i like all of these textures though and i like the wood it just all needs to like fill in a bit you just don't need to look much better oh this is great this is a beautiful plastic island i've featured this a couple of times you love the do you remember the name you even asked me that that's yeah i've always why am i carrying your tripod around um i've always fancied having one of these at home and then not actually ever showing it to anyone you know just making it my little hobby tank and just buying everything like full on ada and just playing with it because i'm because i do so much aquascaping publicly it's nice to do something this is cute as well it's full of president moss i'm thinking about getting [Music] rummy nose with my discus next time instead of lemon tetras yeah i think they show really lovely yeah i've got cardinals in with mine a celestial player values little trouts they do yeah they're similar yeah and they were discovered quite recently i think they've discovered in 2008 okay and they were over collected and their wild populations were decimated but now they are sustainably captive bred they're actually quite easy to breed and they're beautiful colorations yeah you don't often see them this bold they're very normally they're normally quite cryptic i think there was someone they had a tank on the desk and i feel like there was some in there you never see them very often yeah but they love it in here tropical delivery just in you're gonna do some macro photography before we go yeah i was waiting for you to finish the lesson show everyone your fancy camera got your big lens in there no the glass is not in look at here beast 1dx this is the real reason i'm here just for this kind of steel camera equipment we're going to do that you're going to focus on a particular tank or go crazy and do more a few different ones i want some plants as well i think yeah cool well we'll say cheerio thanks emily yes how can people find you um wild water scoop is my tag on instagram cool i'll leave the link in the description thank you take on skyping cheerio
Channel: George Farmer
Views: 4,763
Rating: 4.9725084 out of 5
Keywords: George Farmer aquascape, freshwater aquarium, George Farmer, Planted Aquarium, Planted Tank, Aquascape, Nature Aquarium, felix smart aquarium, tropica aquarium plants, fritz aquatics, oase biomaster, oase biorb air
Id: 4Kx-h-YyKaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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