Dutch Table: The Best of Dutch Food | Season 1

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there is a land that flavor forgot and it's called the Netherlands but Amber don't you know about [Music] thank you so I have a few friends visiting for the week they're Foodies so I asked them [Music] to be honest I didn't know much about Dutch Foods until coming to the Netherlands in fact in all my travels I'd never seen or eaten at a Dutch restaurant when I tried to search for Dutch food in San Francisco nothing and so I was surprised to find out that there's so much more to Dutch food than cheese and potatoes especially when you take into account the rich foods that came as a result of Dutch colonization and chocolate for breakfast this is Dutch breakfast very sad [Music] so this is hugoslog this is a traditional Dutch breakfast it sprinkles and bread simple but delightful this is it this is it this is it I try it yeah it's simple but it's it's uh it's good it's actually pretty good sweet no chocolate a hearty breakfast I wouldn't exactly say it's hearty come on it's chocolate for breakfast well let's try something Dutch that's a little bit more fancy Pony coken or Dutch pancakes this is where the Dutch love to go overboard they're sweet Savory and you can find them in a million different combinations for the pancake house here in Leiden having panic cooking or Dutch pancakes they're a mix between well American pancakes and French crepes but a lot thinner savory sweets you can have anything and everything on there I have like salami ham bacon cheese tomatoes peppers and if you look at the menu there are like 60 plus different options you can choose 10 to 15 euros great meal for breakfast lunch dinner anytime basically so yeah and have you met panica's little brother Papa Jess they're mini pancakes usually eaten with butter and powdered sugar everyone loves puffer juice I mean look at them they're so cute but on normal days Dutch lunch is all about efficiency price practicality I want to show you what a traditional probably the most traditional Dutch meal is it was my first meal when I came to this country and I was surprised and I would love you to try this is simple but can be really good and efficient would you like to try [Music] not really not really okay I mean it's still shocking but I do get it it's part of the culture it's efficient you save a lot of time this takes me 10 20 seconds to make and you can find bread and cheese anywhere and everywhere you can take this sandwich on the go walk and eat kill two birds one stone you can work and eat at the same time but yeah still different and shocking I do remember my first time with the Dutch cheese sandwich it was orientation day of my master's program we were told we would get free lunch free sandwiches and when I got my sandwich I took a look inside and I see a slice of cheese and that was shocking because I was used to American Sandwiches where there's usually a lot more stuff inside but what I don't get is when you pay a thousand Euros for an international flight on say KLM and you kind of expect something nice and fancy for lunch and you get a cheese sandwich but don't get me wrong it's a really good cheese sandwich but sometimes when you pay that much money you you do expect to get something nicer but I do get it it's part of the culture I've come to well understand and appreciate it in many ways now it's time to go to the hair salon no this hair salon the cop salon so when I first arrived to this country I asked people hey what kind of food should I try and one of the dishes they recommended was something called the cup salon now I was a bit confused because I had just gotten a haircut from the local hairdresser the cup Salon but this is also called the cup salon and this is one of the most Multicultural dishes in the Netherlands because it uses Dutch cheese Middle Eastern Shawarma and Indonesian sauce sambal and it was invented by a guy from West Africa so the story goes back in 2003 in Rotterdam a guy named Nathaniel who was a hairdresser from Cape Verde West Africa he went to his local Shawarma store for lunch ordered all his favorite dishes in one combination he kept going back and back and eventually referred to that dish as the cup salon and that dish eventually caught fire it became more widespread popular people started ordering the cup salon and that's actually how the name came to be [Music] standpot stem part is one of the oldest and most authentic Dutch dishes it's as Dutch as one can go when it comes to Dutch food its little translation means mashed pot mashed potatoes along with vegetables it's typically eats in colder months along with meat and there's also different variations as well today I have my end IV with meatballs I got my sauerkraut with sausages and I got my hot spot onions carrots and potatoes along with sausage so let's dig in before it gets cold [Music] tastes like potatoes now I do like potatoes especially crispy Dutch fries fruits potato or whatever you want to call them they're good and that's all that matters but I'm getting a sweet tooth Dutch apple pie this is my favorite Dutch dessert and while America is well known for its pies did you know that it was a Europeans that first brought over apples to the U.S so the Dutch they've been eating this pie for many centuries this apple pie is quite thick it has apple cinnamon and raisin and you can't go wrong eating this apple pie well except on a warm day the whipped cream will melt quite fast so you better eat it quick so we can't talk about Dutch food without mentioning Dutch snacks and one of the best places for Dutch snacks Fable or feeble so Fable is kind of like the McDonald's of the Netherlands it's a fast food chain well it's one big vending machine let's check it out so this is the freaking now this is a long deep fried sausage and the Dutch love this this is mashed up with chicken pork beef all into one with spices and it's eaten either plain or with mile or Curry ketchup and Dutch people eat 600 million of these every year so let's try this out I'll try this with mayo [Music] a few moments later it's actually not bad so this is the croquette the beef croquette this is basically meat beef Ragu with bread crumbs deep fried Dutch people eat 25 of these every year hey it's pretty good it's crunchy yeah it tastes like a bitter bottle this is the kasu flay deep fried breaded cheese the Dutch love their cheese and if you've never tried deep fried breaded cheese while you're in for a treat it's especially good with chili sauce sweet chili sauce this would taste a lot better with mayo I have no other sauce that's why [Music] no it's better without the nail please don't kill me Dutch people I do like Mayo just not with cheese but I'll tell you what I do like the oh so classy deep fried meatballs bits are balling [Music] one of the most popular Dutch Snacks by far my favorite they can be found in cafes restaurants parties in your local supermarket 10 minutes in the oven and they're good to go this is raw Harry [Applause] and did you know that the raw Herring is actually not raw it's gutted salted Frozen and clean [Music] and it definitely is an acquired taste now I personally prefer fried so let's get back to the fried Dutch food deep fried fish the kibbling fried fish with batter and tartar sauce a very popular Dutch snack and costs 5 Euros so let's try this out hey that's pretty good I said this is like fish and chips but better right oh look at all these tourists with the famous strobe waffle the syrup waffle which is a round waffle cookie filled with caramel [Music] it's like such a big tourist eating this big throat waffle in a park but gotta have my throat plot full but not too much because this is quite sweet but if there is one Dutch snack that people know about around the world it's probably going to be the soap waffle because a lot of tourists will buy these uh souvenirs and gifts for family friends colleagues and the Dutch exports a lot of bees internationally as well this is the only Dutch snack that I was able to find in my local supermarket in the U.S nothing else but the throat waffle did you know that a big part of Dutch Cuisine is Indonesian food well Indonesia used to be a Dutch colony and the rice duffel or rice table an elaborate set of small Indonesian dishes is actually a Dutch invention in colonial times the Dutch wanted to impress their visitors so they assembled food dishes from all over Indonesia the rice duffel was brought back to the Netherlands and today it's become one of the most popular meals for locals and tourists in the country [Music] and the end of Dutch colonization also brought something else to the Netherlands tocos and takeaway Asian food did you know that Dutch takeaway is a thing and no takeaway is more popular than a Dutch Toco a Toko is an Asian store Indonesian cernamese Chinese a mix they sell products food takeaway and they're quite popular because while they're cheap efficient fast and good and they can be found anywhere in town this is the best deal in town I mean six euros for all of this this is a lot of food this could be two meals I got my rice noodles eggplant egg coconut beef there's a reason why this is so popular yeah Amsterdam is expensive but it's expensive because people don't know about tocos only locals go to tocos and there's so much variety that you can keep going back over and over and over again and they're really good as well and at the beginning people were like you got to try surname's food I was like let's turn to me's food [Music] thank you I love suriname's food because it's so diverse you're never going to get bored I mean you could be having certain of these Indian certainly is Chinese certain amiss African certain amazed Indonesian a mix and when people now come to visit and they ask me hey where should we go eat I'm like let's get to enemies food [Music] soup's ready I got my bread I got my soup especially nice during a cold rainy day especially during the winter time and to be honest at the very beginning I did not find this soup appealing or appetizing if you look at it it's green it's mushy it's got all this stuff mashed into one but actually when you take a bite in is actually pretty good it's really Hardy it's healthy and I've come to really enjoy this pea soup air chin soup okay I really need to stop eating especially deep fried foods but what did we learn about Dutch food that Dutch food is more than just cheese and potatoes and did I convince my friends to continue seeking Dutch food not quite however they were surprised to learn about the variety of Dutch food but there's so much more and if there's one thing I've learned about the Dutch is that they are innovative and maybe one day we'll see a lot more Dutch restaurants around the world Maybe
Channel: David Wen
Views: 373,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dutch food, trying dutch food, dutch cuisine, life in the netherlands, kapsalon, poffertjes, bitterballen, pannenkoeken, dutch pancakes, febo, life in holland, dutch culture shocks, food in the netherlands, the netherlands, dutch food tour, what to eat in amsterdam
Id: O7EQn4dhbaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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