Dustin Johnson's best one-liners during press conferences

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Nice, thanks for posting

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SEND_NUKES_PLZ 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
yeah i chipped in from about 30 yards yesterday and then today i hold out from about 85 yards i think easy yeah i guess dustin have you given any thought about what it'd be like to play for 10 million dollars two sundays from now yeah i've thought about that a few times that's a lot of money i think i've just always been a fast player i just never i mean i look at it as there's there's only two things that can happen you can hit a good shot or a bad shot so why waste time doing it just recap 2016 just an outstanding year yeah it yeah it was a good year one after the other your peers have sat where you are and said that you what makes you such a formidable number one is that nothing at all seems to bother you are they right i guess you've only broken 70 twice in 26 rounds here no but thanks for that [Music] three or four years ago you broke par three times last year though for the first time there we go see i knew something was good last year because are you aware how wild it sounds to the ordinary golfer when you say 300 yards is no problem to cover oh no i mean because i'm used to it so i asked if you felt like a bit of a forgotten man coming in given the hype on others can you reveal if you now that you've done this if you felt that way given like you just mentioned you were giving bigger fist pumps bigger emotion than you have in a while out there today it clearly meant a lot to you oh well i'll never forget myself without saying all of them is there a course that you consider to be a place where you hardly ever fail i like them all you don't get fired up about much you know you're obviously very even keeled but is there a fire inside that you haven't won the fedex cup is there something there that annoys you at all given the chances you had well yeah i get i'm fired up all the time i just don't let you guys see it you'll never know how's it feel to have the greatest shot in golf history i'm sure i don't know about that but it was good you and bubba and jason have won here what does what does that tell you about how about this course and and who can succeed on here tells me good players won every year i saw him join i know he was coming to ask me something coming in hot i just want to know if you've done a virtual pro-am yet i have quite a few of them do they do they ask better questions than we do and if so what are we doing wrong no they ask the same questions you guys do do you get the same answers probably i had to do today was my first solo virtual pro-am [Music] 30 minutes by myself nailed it too may i may add
Channel: Golf News Central
Views: 201,173
Rating: 4.9026089 out of 5
Keywords: golf, pga, sports, highlights
Id: Y0W80gnby1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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