10 Things Dustin Johnson Can't Live Without | GQ Sports

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well because i travel with two pillows and a blanket everywhere my kids they all got one too so we all travel with our blankies what's up gq i'm dustin johnson and these are my essentials my family would be my number one essential paulina tatum and river they're just such a huge part of my life they're everything to me so that would be number one essential for me an essential item for just about everyone nowadays is is my phone just to stay in touch with family and friends and you know with business and everything that i do um it's very important to have a phone let's see my number one app um lately probably amazon an absolute essential item for me would be my my golf clubs it's how i make my money that's how i live how i support my family so it's something that's very important to me and that i use pretty much daily yeah i mean obviously golf's a huge part of my life and um definitely definitely can't live without them they're all my go-to clubs but i would say i'd say i got two it'd be one would be the driver very important to my game and and how i perform is is how i drive it but then probably more important than just the driver would be the putter and this putter here is it's got quite a few wins was in the bag at the masters the fedex cup it's been in the bag for i think i got 14 wins with it or something so with that putter like that specific one [Music] you know always got to keep keep the beard looking good and fresh and i wear a hat a lot so you know make sure my sides are cleaned up just so uh you know everything looks looks it looks all right if i'm playing really good which i have been lately a lot that's why the beer is getting kind of long is like i won't shave it or i won't touch it until i feel like i need a little bit of a change another essential item for me is uh would be my hublot watch just uh you know with everything that i do i've got to be on time and you know i have a schedule most of the time so i do not like to be late i haven't always been in the watches especially yeah not until i was on tour and you know had a watch deal or i actually could afford to buy a watch that was worth wearing so so i've just recently got in to watch it another essential for me would be a pair of sunglasses these are maui gem glasses i need these when i'm on my boat and i'm out fishing uh it's probably one of my favorite things to do other than golf it's you know something that i do as much as i can when i am not playing golf it's how i relax or you know it's what i do for fun uh and that goes along with um you know whether i'm out fishing you know deep sea fishing or i call fish i go spear fishing so i free dive and like to spear fish that's that's my absolute ultimate um activity that i like to do hog fish groupers um any kind of snapper mutton snapper we'll shoot lobsters but in any fish i can eat and that's what we're gonna shoot i'll wear them all day every day gym wear them to the golf course a lot of times i play i even play golf and i'm walking running working out whatever i'm doing throughout the day i always have on a pair of pair of adidas running shoes and um yeah it's very very important to me and what uh what i'm doing i've got a fairly extensive sneaker collection don't know how many pairs i have i haven't counted but probably a couple hundred at least and half of them are still in the box new my next essential item would be is body armor i go with the body armor light um just to stay hydrated you know with training with golf um you know being outside sweating all the time it's very important to stay hydrated and this is a product that i have daily and you know i really like a very important essential for me is breakfast you know most important meal of the day you know especially with golf sometimes we're we're teeing off very early you know i'll have seven o'clock tea time the roughest time ever had eaten breakfast was would have been about a month ago at the masters on sunday morning obviously i was nervous but i don't know for some reason i just couldn't eat and that was the first time that's ever happened to me but i think i took like two bites of my omelette and that was it this is another very important essential to me which is it's a trackman it tracks your your golf shots and for me it's just it's how i it's how i dial in all my golf clubs and you know if i'm testing new equipment or just on a daily basis when i'm using my equipment just how i stay stay dialed in myself um you know it's very important to me that i know exactly how far the ball is going and it's really important when i'm testing stuff because because i have all my numbers from from the clubs that i'm currently using that you know i can compare to the new stuff that i'm testing it just it tracks your golf ball and it gives you as much data as you want i i use i only use the data of like you know my ball speed um carry distance um spin rate you know those are those are really about the only the only things that i use it for um my coach will look at it and you know can look at club path and spin access and there's you know there's so many different numbers that you can actually look at i try to stay away from those just because i don't like to get too technical you know i just want to i just want it kind of instant you know just just the feedback of you know how far it's carrying my spin rates and you know ball speed really is for driver another essential would be the go-to adidas polo um i'll wear these every day you know coolest thing about this is it's made from recycled you know ocean plastics and or plastics um you know which i think is incredible obviously with me i spend a lot of time in the water and you know anything that helps uh you know save the ocean i think is great but also you know i work out in them sometimes if i if i need to or you know you know obviously i'll wear them every day when i'm playing golf but um just a great great essential that you need thanks guys for checking out some of my essentials i'll see you next time
Channel: GQ Sports
Views: 229,356
Rating: 4.8763957 out of 5
Keywords: 10 essentials, 10 essentials dustin johnson, 10 things, 10 things dustin johnson, dustin johnson, dustin johnson 10 essentials, dustin johnson 10 things, dustin johnson 2021, dustin johnson breaks down, dustin johnson explains, dustin johnson favorite, dustin johnson favorites, dustin johnson gq, dustin johnson gq sports, dustin johnson interview, favorite dustin johnson, gq, gq dustin johnson, gq sports, sports, ten essentials
Id: fQ453xdoCB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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