Dunking With Derrick Rose In Every NBA 2K!

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today i am dunking with derrick rose in every nba 2k starting with his first ever 2k nba 2k9 and as a rookie derrick rose an 80 overall with an 89 dunk you don't see this high of a rating with the rookies very often i accidentally shot a half court shot i try to get a screen here though let me get around everybody inside and a big dog to start the video let's go we don't even get a replay for that you got to be kidding me on to 2k10 and nero's still an 80 somehow he's got an 84 dunk i don't know how his rating didn't go up though after winning rookie of the year it just makes no sense at all but this is 2k we're talking about there we go nice steal there and this is going to be an easy fast break dunk 2k 11 and he's up to an 85 still with that 84 dunk though yet inside and out poster it actually went in it almost did not go in 2k12 and coming off his mvp he's a 92 deal with that 84 dunk i think he might have the lowest mvp rating of all time in a 2k get around everybody here and there we go that's what i'm talking about we got the slam cam too a little poster there 2k 13 where d rose is the cover athlete and he's still 92 this is coming off of his injury with an 84 dunk and derek rose didn't even play this season so i'm surprised they oh my what just happened there what was what is go are these the screens by show game noah all right let's get the screen again see if players keep falling get around everybody and there we go it's so fun dunking with eric rose in these early 2ks there's all so crazy 2k14 eros still a 92 with that 84 dunk is his layup still a 99 it's been a 99 this whole time but at the point when this game came out d-ro still hadn't played coming off his injury so 2k just kept the same rating for three years all right we got three seconds heroes come on and there we go we'll take that and i think that'll be the last time we have this version of d rose 2k15 and d rose down to an 88 but his dunk goes up to an 86. you can get around here get inside for a dunk and there we go over 80 and drew a holiday come on 2k 16 and he's down to an 84 now dunk is only a 75. here we go and we get a poster anyways oh my god that 75 dunk rating that was the worst replay angle ever 2k17 on the knicks now dbro is only an 80 with a 35 a driving dunk i need a poster from you here yes we actually got a poster with the 35 dunk rating we actually threw that down let's go we're on to 2k18 where he's on the cavs at a 78 overall and his dunk is a 35 again get that dunk and there it is that did not take long at all in this game nice dunk as well but we're on to 2k19 and he's on the timberwolves now only a 75 overall still with that 35 dunk though come on i do not want to waste this takeover badge here we go get inside and there's the dunk just a rim grazer barely got up there [Applause] that was definitely the worst dunk so far of this video onto 2k 20. on the pistons now d rose up to an 80. still only a 35 dunk though here we go get the ball on a fast break and we just get the layup oh my god i don't i don't think he can dunk that was literally as open as we were gonna get i don't think you can dunk with a 35 rating in this game unless we come into the sliders here and just boost our dunking ability a little bit yeah let's go to 99. if we get the steel here and he still doesn't dunk it attempt dunk tendency here we go we gotta put this all the way up to 100 now we should be able to dunk all right here we go and we still go for the layup i think the last thing we can do here is put up our vertical if this doesn't make us dunk then i just don't think derrick rose can dunk in this game okay there we go pick up the ball [Applause] oh my gosh he just goes for the layup all right i'm in practice mode now so if he can't dunk in practice mode then i he just can't dunk he is not dunking at all in practice mode it can't get any easier than this the video is a lie at it i am not dunking in every 2k with the rose because it is literally impossible for him to dunk in 2k 20. i don't know why they made it like this but let's just move on to the next game we are on to 2k 21. back on the knicks he's an 82 overall with a 45 dunk let's go we got the fast break now and you got it okay yes we could actually dunk in this game let's go that is what i'm talking about still not nearly as good as the early games but at least we got it and we're on to our final game nba 2k22 where derek rose is currently in 83 overall with that same of 45 dumb grading start this off nice when the tip off here there we go get it right to d rose all right someone give me a good screen get around everybody and we throw it down on the first attempt that was actually a pretty nice dunk that's gonna be it for this video if you guys enjoyed it smash the like button subscribe to the channel and i'll see you next time peace
Channel: Smequle
Views: 828,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smequle, nba 2k, derrick rose, dunk in every 2k, playing every 2k game, derrick rose every 2k
Id: FTACjn7xFvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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