Dunking on NOOBS in Roblox

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up dudes welcome back to Roblox today we have a 1 V one tournament in basketball this game is actually sick you're going to want to stick around till the end first up it's me versus zud are you ready going down going down this you see on the hold on Don't Shoot it yet you see on the right I have some uh abilities right I can jump or block right I can also steal look I'm stealing I'm stealing the ball and I can also guard oh look at the side set step back wait what you just went out of B you ever don't worry I'll give it back to you we were okay so now you can see on the right cross look I can cross him up cross him up I can also do a step back oh oh careful careful careful we can also dunk shoot three-pointers and all that all right Z you ready no way guys do me a favor hit the like button hit the Subscribe button ah oh yeah here goes there's your ball so after this we're going to do a quick 1V one tournament then we're going to be do a 2v2 the worst versus the best well we're going to mix it up so ready up oh cross you up oh oh no you just got I stole it I stole it cross you up I stole it step back let's go cross up go go go go go did I just get dug on oh you got him yeah look at the bottom right he has two stop it stop Crossing me up I'm just going to guard I'm just going to guard I'm guarding back I'll step back and I'll cross you up again step back what you going do what you going to do theoat what you going to do Z I'm going to go for it why would you so you can see whatever a that went off the B back boards that literally went off the back I know that was bad myad it's my we go so bottom right we have 24 seconds to shoot hey chill I'm I'm not going to pinch his nipples that's weird you're not you're not going anywhere no no no give it give it back to me so you can see that little bar that charges up whenever you're shooting if you don't get that correct you like mess up your shot and it depends like if you're covered Great Wide Open timing was great wide open oh I'm doing the L dance on you're Che I did the L Dan dude again what yeah steal uhoh no no no no no come on Z come on I'm got him I'm guard I'm guard I'm he bald before mediocre wide open no give me the ball give give no it went out let's go okay I just muted I just muted I'm I'm going to act like I'm yelling okay check this out there's also things in the shop that I can buy to give me Buffs in the game passes I'll do that in a minute what you doing Z where you do you going cross get crossed up you missed you missed you missed because you covered wait what it depend if you have a Defender close to you whenever you try to shoot it makes it a lot harder to score so you kind of got to like shake them up I'm out you hey chill chill chill out perfect dude I'm getting destroyed remember that it's the first one to 11 so he's halfway 11 punch him in the throat punch him in the mouth stop Crossing me up how do I steal from you you don't stop it no no he's got too good of hand go for the shot I dare you go for the shot I dare you go for the shot I dare you crossed him up crossed him up crossed him up and I got covered though I got covered I got covered I was covered cover himself are you kidding that was insane wide open and good how he shot backwards why did you take the L what what do you mean I'm not doing that let's goop slightly covered but good oh no okay okay okay okay surely I get it right out of bounds hey three 9 10 11 if I get a two-pointer here it's overs you know that right you have to catch up what you oh that embarrassing embarrassing you were highly covered you were highly covered you were behind me way you are dude cross down stop Crossing me up stop Crossing me up brother what's it I get hit with the fade away dude stop it you have to shoot you have to shoot dude this is mid Roll City right here I know I need it I need it go go that shot is so difficult the power oh no I messed that one up oh big block you blocked it get it get it get it get it get it come on or all right all right Z all right Z bring it you're going down you're not I'm not I'm going to steal it ready oh instant cross oh you're not even going for threes you're not even going for threes you're not even going you're not list take a free take a free three go ahead take a free three I ha this go ahead go ahead oh you're going to choke stop it stop it I'll try again I'll try again it's not that easy is it Z it's not that easy perfect oh a it isy I can't let him do that any anymore no no I'll do it I was covering them wait oh that was awful no that was awful that was awful chill you don't need a score uh okay no I won't I won't I won't I'm going to buy this here this is called the lob ability let's see what this is 500 guys do me a favor as always show the love hit the like button down below the video Yeah subscribe these videos cost a lot of money all right zud go ahead I'm going to steal it from me I'm going to steal it from you come here that come here that come here that leave me alone come here that leave me alone I need the threes I need the threes I'm defending look at my arms up go for a steal I dare you look at the blocks highly covered no dude he got the rebound all got to take it back take it back chill listen what is this that I just got look on the right it says lob you mean what what was that what was that oh no way you're about to trick shot on what happen you miss they call me Tracy McGrady what no he's Tracy McGrady in you give it back to me stop okay this ability is pretty good I just throw it again miss the wall I catch it and I dunk it Z yeah but you're missing CU you're bad am I though stop it I'm trying to block him but he just keeps getting it back Z this is embarrassing go to sleep it's not embarrassing I promise oh Z you left me wide open the fade away out dance why wait that's more than 11 so I win you suck yeah well you know what you cheated you cheated why do you have a lob how do you have a lob huh no it's uh you got to get coins it's for coins all right uh sigil and Biffle fighting next so Biffle beat sigils it didn't upd update a score for some reason but Biffle are you ready I'm ready loser you want BL all right so I'm going to get post move I'm going to buy post move against Biffle and then whenever we go do the 2v2 um I'm going to get the Euro Step I don't know what that does but that should be fun wait sigil has a loss but you don't have a win I'm so confused I don't know dude is a win why do you get the ball first I get a ball let's go cross him up oh son left me open very covered go for Rebound B okay take it back take it back take it back take it back take it back take it nothing back what is this new I'm like a windmill baby I'm like a windmill going up I just 360 dunked on your mom hey that's not great C me me how do you windmill on me like that what do you mean you're going to whill on someone like day step back and shot wide open wide open oh I got the re I thought I got the okay we're going to hit him with a step back and we're going to hit him with what you going do we're going hit with we're going hit him with what you going to do what are you what are you going to do going in going in going in step back the shot clock is running out B no it's not no it's not no it's not the shot oh you are smothered that awful he was smothered and he didn't even do a good shot that okay all right he needs to buy a lottery strikes again dude oh get crossed again baby got to go how are you wide open no how is he wide open that's not this is how it's done oh oh sorry where you going cross him again oh cross him again where you going to go where you going to go where you going to go I'm spinning I'm spinning I'm spinning what is he doing okay he's 5 for 37 hit the jump shot back way yeah oh you blocked it got again get out yeah Wide Open Wide Open Wide Open got the ball better give that ball give me the ball give me the ball give no and brought it back okay my my thingy oh covered covered covered covered covered what is this covered covered I have an ability called post what does this do all you're going to post me up you don't want oh my what what just happened he spin dunking on me like I don't even exist okay that that ability is pretty good I like that one what is exploding yo stop posting me up man did you see that yo you're posting me up up get posted up get posted up stop bullying me in the post man bro you're getting post Malone right now oh great that wait okay so here's the thing if you fill up the bar perfectly you shoot like uh abilities right so that's what I'm trying to get come here oh yeah I like this see you try come here come here going do but okay stop break my ankle slightly covered great no okay okay no okay no oh 360 fall it's four to n animations let me put on okay let's do do you want Tomahawk dunk or rever you want reverse dunk okay reverse dunk it is how am I not stealing what does that mean how how am I not stealing that guard them post them up post them up stop posting me up stop posing me up please no you're not great and wide open Great And Wide Open PI L dance L dance what am I supposed to do he you know what just because I feel bad we're we'll go to we'll go to 17 okay yeah we better cuz I'm about to I'm about to cuz this is for the finals then we're going to do a 2v2 yeah come on let's go reverse cover give me the ball how are you still getting the rebound on me I don't understand got shot clock shot clock doesn't matter I'm going back in I'm going to get it how are you getting that again don't you dare get that again reverse dog my God that how's it going through me do better hold on Biffle let me change up my animation my celebration do you want um do you want the megaphone I can't even steal when you're standing still I can't even steal let him cook no no stop what do you mean animation stop stop it I'm about to hit this three on oh I almost stole that you're not going to hit anything stop stop stop you're not going to hit anything bble you're not going to hit anything going in going in what are you doing step back when you come on BI I fa in you covered no oh oh how you were covered even with being covered okay come back time B very covered going in and oh we got it oh going back we coming back we coming back no no no it's 17 we're going to 17 that's what I Crossing you left right here Crossing you left Crossing you left no you're not shot you go for the three very covered you cover him oh my imagine that went in if that went in I hit i' got to sleep easy EAS he's so he's so scary F get oh you're mediocre slightly covered mediocre just like you let him get it if he get him up post him up stop posting me up what am I supposed to do he's posting me stop it you're so scary yeah good and wide open no dude that was good and wide open that was a lot of greef shoot this right here in your face go ahead I won't even guard you oh you won't even guard me fine I'll shoot from i w even guard you you not even guard me get away from me no you're too you're getting too close I said back there give me that ball back wait you still missed I don't understand how perfect no look at my megaphone hey bi you lost are you serious that was that wasn't good no guys keep getting embarrassed like this keep getting embarrassed like this he's not hitting that yeah I thought so I thought so I thought he was a good all right well let's do a 2v2 what we're going to do say say me and Biffle are clearly the best right clearly the best we're going to do uh me and zud versus biffl and that sound good I think that's fair me and got that teamwork all right all right so here we go I'm going to get uh Euro Step I don't know what this does I legitimately have no idea I can also buy a spring case I can get different legendaries I'm going to buy 10 of these I'm going to buy 10 of these I want to see what these are hold on open all 10 oh God pot of gold okay I got a rare epic oh Easter no not Satan bunny okay what do we got okay why are these all like Easter themed why did I buy Easter themed okay well I don't oh gosh why did I get those oh I can just buy straight up effects elite case an air strike IEM buying do I want 10 of these oh that's so many Roo guys hit the like button please give me air strike firework I already have that Hollow purple I got a legendary okay water I'm getting so many rares I got a legendary though I want to see what that looks epic glitch so whenever I shoot a perfect shot it'll do that Irish green oh gosh Phoenix Cannon we're going to try purple and Phoenix Cannon I really want the air strike though please dang it all right that's fine I'm going to do I'm going to do that one so we'll first try Hollow purple the legendary there we go all right zud come on I've been training you for this we've been we got this how do you I'm on I'm on okay I got I got hey you're not me me buddy how do you how do you pass it we're not telling you nothing get there he's coming he's coming what my boy wait how do I pass it how do I pass it how I one one one one oh I see give me he blocked it calm down I'm going I'm going I'm going in I'm going in oh I'm going go back I'm going go back nice pass loser cross them up cross him up cross him up step back he went the he went with the thing he went with the thing reverse doy we can't do ones we got to we got to do collapse defense what are we doing here all right yeah I got me I'm I'm so open Sho please don't mess this up you're wide open please don't mess this up early my bad at least Rush the ball after you shoot the one on this guy you lost 20 to one wait he's good all right no smothered smothered absolutely got it he got it he got it he got it cover cover cover cover it's fine sigil messes these up smothered I got it nice nice I'm out here here smother SM smother I did that on purpose I did that on purpose get it get it got it nice my boy he took the shot wide open St away jumper oh that was so good instant pass instant pass my boy fast pass fast pass oh I got this watch this watch this watch this we do it back and forth what you what you looking at H you oh I'm just going back to the line I'm just going back to the line I'm just going back to the line look at my look at my megaphone hold on let me uh let me change my celebration to take you're trash bro you're trash bro wait you have the ball it's fine it's fine it's fine TM Tracy McGrady love he's loing he's loing I literally was where are you we're doing pretty good collap yeah this is uh yeah we're collapsing that's what's happening here's that I'm going to set up I'm going to set a screen oh I'm going to set a screen here no okay we'll do it now do set set screen set a screen set a screen set a screen what a screen what you screen needed to be more screamy I'm defending him I'm here I'm here I'm here you're not doing anything oh I cross it up and then I'm going for the dunk all right back to you buddy yeah he oh that was a horrible shot I was on him I was on him I was on him how did he get that no no thank it okay we need to we need to work on our boxing out Z work on our boxing out okay I will I will box everyone out I'm really good at boxing people out okay well let's just like relationships for you what I thought I'm open I'm open I'm open don't let him be too open don't let him be too open I'm he's not I got that my hands up my hands up playing no he he debated he de I got I smell it I smelled it what you got to be there Su I was I tried to box him got to go yeah no you got to collapse you got to collapse are you not collapsing I'm mad at you sending a screen why are we falling apart so fast we're not we're fine don't worry about it they're just going to leave me wide open they're I'm just going to walk through line they just I'm walking to the line you're trash bro you're trash I'm leaving I'm leaving to screen for you I'm screening look at the screen use oh what a screen oh D look at the screen look at the screen look at the screen look at the screen metal dude was insane dude that was so good Sund scream for me scream for me I can't get past him he's he's in movable object oh perfect no but that was perfect it should have been perfect I wanted to see the purple H watch this I've done this all the time watch he does know where I'm going with the screen hit him with the screen s Swit switch Swit switch okay yeah yeah yeah yeah oh this is easy I'm in the paint I know you are defend yeah cover oh we are chilling I'm over I'm open I'm still open wait what what what that that's our only that's our only backboard hello what was that um well that was called that was called Hollow purple let's try Phoenix Cannon now that's a legend are there hold on are there not wide open he got me oh he caught me on that did you see that screen did you see that screen your L now weird weird huh you know what I want to try something real quick before the end this video I want to see what Phoenix does there it is what is it oh my wait where is it oh my gosh that is awesome guys hit the like button subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,230,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f5rnNFfR2RA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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