Worst Dude Perfect Videos of All Time | OT 23

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to ot 23 it is a very special episode because it is opposite way what does that mean that everything's backwards it's opposite why would you do the intro that's a good point somebody else do it no way i've been waiting 23 episodes for this go ahead [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you did awesome you killed it that was so good that was like the best throw that we've had i knew i would unbelievable i think he might have just taken your job he might have he might have welcome to the fourth and final ot of december and not to mention the final video of 2020 wow so hope you guys had a great christmas if you happen to get some dp gift cards or just regular visa gift cards and you're looking for some dp merchants kicking it off with some not cool cool where the goal is to get a not cool followed by not top tan followed by buckle up wheel [Applause] yeah and then we are headed downstairs because we're not gonna get crafty no we're not no we are going to get the opposite minecraft we are going to get very uncracked for the w at the expense of our buddy sparky stay tuned it's going to be great it's time for cool not no i'm so used to it you're not the intro guy it's time dude you are absolutely slaying the intros right now thank you yeah okay it's time for not cool cool chad oh that's just pure ladies it's not backwards edition it's opposite there's a very important distinction this is not luke luke ton but they're editing four ots in one month for you guys so let's give it up for all the editors quick refresher before the voting begins we are going for not cool so we want a super not cool is the goal today if you get greens you're doing something wrong got it who usually goes last you okay i'll go i have brought such a not cool item today if i receive this as a gift i would be vexed wow sounds grinchy the frog log sorry what let me show you how this works how long do we have to wait for you to blow that up let's see that's part of the problem i mean we might be here all day pretend this is the edge of our pool right here in front of us here's the ramp this is water this is all water and now the frogs can supposedly be smart enough mind you they're the ones that jumped in the pool in the first place but they're gonna find the bridge to narnia to get out of the pool provides an escape for frogs turtles you want mice to jump into your pool and be able to climb out and get in your house is that what you want i don't think they can thank you thank you gary gone red not all frogs that end up in your pool are dumb okay some of them fall out of trees i think the frog log is pure wow wow oh my new development if you have a large pool it is recommended that you purchase five plus units i can see that profiting off of frogs i hope every penny goes back to amphibians of america that's insane i will say i mean i'm just gonna piggyback off what kobe said you all may not know this about me but i'm a frog advocate oh you're an animal though like myself as a frog advocate who's next as you all know golf takes a long time to play my wife knowing that attempted to replace my love of golf with golf at work she sent me this gift tiny golf clubs with a tiny flag i'm in here's the downside to this gift there's no golf ball included oh that makes it very difficult to enjoy this for instant reaction to the red hey you can also sign checks with them though oh they're pens huge pinpoint you didn't know that did you i love pam why would you put a golf ball in a box of pens kobe you're confused can i keep this i had no idea you know what babe thank you so much what a fantastic gift i personally would like to say that you did great thank you so much honey it's a super cool on not cool edition unbelievable all right i'd love to go next cause i've got the dumbest product of all time instant underpants i'm not seeing the not cool factor because all you do is add water and they appear that's another point to why they're not great they're going to be soggy all day this becomes undies i don't believe if it does i'm going green all day okay here we go we're going to place the underpants in the bottom just add water i'm going to go red i would love to actually try them on ty give these a go brother oh talk to me as much as i wanted to give these things a green i ripped them trying to put them on when i try and hike them up oh they're ripping look how on i've seen it i've seen enough it's a bad product that's a very bad problem i agree oh if they came with an instant drying machine yeah i agree and it was back to back then it would be useful maybe red wow super not cool that is exciting all right corey ladies and gentlemen there is nothing cool about this next item nothing dehydrated water all you do is add water and here you have water this costs 19.99 oh and i'm out shipping and handling it's a can if you call for this you're a crazy person it's kid have you tried to add anything to it do you want me to add some water to it i think you should i think i will how does dehydrated water taste let me taste it it's tasteless that is the best dehydrated water i've ever had no no yeah now it's just water absolutely incredible that's a green i get that it feels scammish sure but i can't there's something about that water tasting better out of a dehydrated water can it's dumb very dumb so done so dumb that i think it's actually kind of cool yeah welcome to the team welcome to the team you guys brought some really weird items i think mine tops the list i'll be right back i present to you the fishwalker that's the dumbest thing i've ever done just like the frog log goldfish walker here i just i don't see how that that water would stay in that tank on a curb going over the street you're going over there i agree think about the water you're wasting by the time you get home that tank's gonna be on an inch high and little freddy in there he's gonna be struggling just to stay alive i agree you risked his life to let him see the streets shame on me and i think that's silly yeah shame on me i can't believe i would do that this fish who would normally be cooped up in your bedroom now has the opportunity to see the world i absolutely love the fish i totally agree absolutely genius wow i'm ashamed of a lot of you and i'm proud of a few of you yeah i agree not top ten is gonna be amazing ladies and gentlemen let's head to not welcome to what was uh once known as top ten this week bottom ten wow worst top ten i'm gonna be honest it wasn't too hard to find 10 of our worst videos because there are a few of them some of which you guys may think to yourself not sure if i've ever seen that video that's because we hid them they're that embarrassing but today we are putting it out there on the line for you guys to see back online back online number ten this one might surprise you let's take a look at the 500 500-foot moving gold shield kids don't try this at home this is the reunion tower shot huge throw okay wow that's a long toss it's huge no way this goes in right oh it does wait they're moving the goal around at the bottom okay it went in wow i'm a little confused you guys made the shot way more this was never supposed to be the moving goal shot i'm embarrassed and i'm ashamed every time i see it and now you guys will be too number nine hated to put this one on the list but i felt that it had to be done editor edition coming in at number nine wow which pains me because one of my all-time favorite clips no i gotta rip it out but it's way too dangerous there's no other way it's a great moment hard work on the line i will not go down like this don't do it tim save the office tim fine he already turned it off why are you counting down there's so many holes three you can't hear that two by the way i know this is a really like climactic moment i need to pause here quick psa this is will yeah derek derek come on over here this is derek they just not will they're different people that's true okay don't come up to him and say hey will how's it going it's dying and we also added sean come on john get over here you know guys i gotta say editors come and go dudes are here to stay so for now you need to know these people chad tim derrick and sean we'll let you know if something changes but that's where we're at thank you guys let's get back in the moment okay one day dude that's a great video that's great i will say it pains me to put that up there but it needed to be done because we need to be on an even playing ground nobody is above the team even the editors you know what we're gonna do we're gonna let the people decide yes do you want editor edition three comment below comment below moving on red cards in rio what could have been a good video turned into us clothing men in rio de janeiro those guys are comfortable i thought this was not going to be controversial you thought that was controversial that's a good one you were getting the red cards for a reason that's a funny video good video could have been better number seven this is one that i know we will all agree on the worst intro to a dude perfect video in the history of the world i cannot believe it dude they have a goal already set up who is that this is ryan tannehill edition wow he's currently a titan what are you doing here he's working on some late night trick shots mind if we join come on [Laughter] ryan that was not your fault we told him to say that we're embarrassed and we wish it never would have happened yeah put it on the board number six and another example of uh the person in the video not at fault is it a woman that has white hair it could be yeah i think it might be dude perfect remember this logo i'm barbara bush and we're dude perfect and this is the george bush library edition not a stadium not an arena a library video you're gonna put a first lady on the top 10 worst videos barbara was the best part of that video the celebrity talent a-plus the trick shots c-plus really and that is why it has landed at number six before we get to the top five i think we should take a look at perhaps three videos that didn't quite make the top ten i'll snag a few as we uh as we watch this i'm thinking on that oh wow i'm gonna stand on this second ledge from the top and i'm gonna shoot it across oh that's kobe if you couldn't tell by the way his voice changed i don't know when or how you know you've seen like stunt motorcycle drivers jumping yeah we're going with the basketball shoes that's my goal let's go you got those hang on to those next shots hey hey go back i just want it yeah pause it yeah for you guys to be my friend during this stage i'm truly truly humble look at your sideburns oh my gosh i'm truly honored and humbled that you guys would even want to be within 50 feet of me that's past the lobe if i ever attempt to go with the abe lincoln beard again with the no stash please just stop oh what what am i wearing a small atlanta georgia for the final four found this ferris wheel guys guys another reminder tyler that is a not top ten that's not an honorable mention on the board at this angle we were over two bills well over you don't film up in a two pillar who do you think's filming me oh gosh oh gosh why were we doing happy slappies crazy cheesy pizza did you eat tyler there's not enough ways for me to say i'm sorry and if you're still with us i vow to not let this happen again and we are we are only going up those are the honorable mentions number five we were at such a low point that we thought that it was a good idea creatively in this video to milk a deer this was your idea trick squirts by the way was the title of this video take a look and watch what happens here i don't okay oh whoa what was that move wait we loaded that why didn't you think a trouser grab was necessary there's nothing i could say to make that better for you to forget that image and i gotta live with it number four you know a lot of people actually don't know this but dude perfect was almost never a thing because there was a day that we almost all died what's up guys welcome to bromo guy things in slow-mo beard let's explode some flour they said yeah we didn't realize it was flammable here we are our naive little selves trying to capitalize on the slow-mo trend sweeping the globe luckily an angel in the form of the phantom camera operator says to us hey don't you guys maybe want to stand a little bit further back because i'm pretty sure flower's flammable we think the explosion might be contained you know somewhere right in this region a nice cloud of powdery flowers that we could almost just run through as it happens i definitely thought unfortunately boom vaporized let's give a two second clap to that guy deserved more honestly but yeah i do think he deserved more number three on the board what was once thought to be the most prestigious greatest honor dude perfect had ever been granted turned out to be the worst nightmare i know where this is for corey and cody when they were invited on a zero-g gravity flight let's take a look trick shots in space oh hey he's having a blast he's having so much fun oh no oh no oh god you know they hire this guy to be like hey you just need to be there to console he's rubbing your back i needed it yeah i emptied the tank and ten times and where did the tank go oh it floated and that's why it's number three that's fine with that number two there's just some things that you cannot integrate naturally into a video it just doesn't work it doesn't it doesn't play trick shots and cats we're getting to film with some of our best friends let me introduce you to them we have twinkles this video's fantastic pablo jefferson mallory tag strike fredrica you should probably explain to the people what's happening we thought oh we'll just combine two of the most popular things on the internet yeah cat videos trick shots turns out that's not a recipe for success allison's gonna be mad that's what i put on the video let's move on the number one worst dude perfect video in the history of the world it wouldn't be right unless it started you have to make the right call here with a kobe cotton intro so proud of you this is the all-new rapid reward seat shot every seat every flight every day it's just earn and burn let's just churn and burn oh let's hit a replay yep one replay how about another two replays another we can't we can't get enough it's so good the worst dude perfect video of all time nothing against southwest airlines just so everyone's clear all of these eventually led to this i don't believe that i like to think that maybe this would have come a lot sooner yeah without all these correct maybe against our better judgment we have provided you a link to each of these videos in the description our only request watch it alone and don't tell anybody i mean there's no better way to end 2020 i i got it there's just no better way comment below and let us know your favorite worst dp moment in history do we all agree can we all agree some type of thing i finally agree thank you that's it for not top ten it's time to go back to the desk do you realize what we've just done we agreed on a top 10. and i'm proud of all of us and i think i've sealed my spot as host of top 10 maybe for eternity this is typically the point in the episode where we would be down in the dumps we'd be sad but not today it is time to head to wheel fortunately [Music] got our hat oh it's a gold one it's gold oh we've also got names on the finest paper for the first time ever you want to be the man that gets the honor the privilege to step on the set of that game show typically we'd really draw this out we'd be like corey please pick because he's going to pick himself we don't want corey to pick himself because we want it to be one of us and that is why that is why simply i'm going to reach in this hat mix them up and pick a name that's it this is it and it's a good thing you are not eliminating anyone ladies and gentlemen for the first time on wheels fortunate i deserve [Music] [Applause] how does that happen thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's what i'm talking about and i'll tell you what i'm talking about oh jerry boy check this out coach solve the rv got 7200 for it yeah invested that house pump into a sticky finger toy company the ipod for four and a half billion bucks baby jerry i'm not kidding yang i'm rolling in the golden tickler look at that baby i'll tell you what i had no idea these suckers were so great i am feeling groovy i am feeling great who do we uh preach hey guys it's time for the greatest game show to ever hit the land and i'm not talking about being unfortunate because today not only am i fortunate but mister tyler tony is fortunate come on down brother grab the sticky hand and get in [Music] let's check out the board and see what's available we got a hot air balloon at sunset we got a private country with an artist we got our camera for the editors what how did that get on there private jet to a private dinner oh that's really nice all right tornado the honeys and the bunnies are watching spin that wheel a minute i'll win it let's finish [Applause] personally but hey that's going to be sweet for you brother yes i'll take it good luck brother thank you hey you're ready i'm here it's a big day it's time to unveil the statue i wanted to do it alone first i think the statue deserves that kind of respect and then we'll uh we'll let the guys come in one at a time and pay their dues you can just feel the energy coming off of it i said i wasn't gonna cry i'm gonna try not to ladies and gentlemen without further ado the eternalized member of dp tai forever solidified in brawn [Music] [Applause] oh it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen oh the beard detail oh it's beautiful my crooked nose is actually even captured how's it look [Music] good i have an idea i think my time here is done i'm going to request that each guy come individually pay their respects to the statute it can get emotional up here this is a heavy environment and i want them free to express themselves emotionally as they see fit wow what in tarnation not gonna lie it's pretty good i mean they even got the height right look at that little 5-2 please compliment me is this serious he's not serious you do have like 55 battle wins so maybe you deserve it if you wanted us to compliment you it just makes me feel like maybe our relationship has been too shallow up to this point and you just wanted a little bit of depth it's got the slant nose though that's good surely this isn't going to stay here forever right in the middle of our court immediately what comes to mind for me is just your friendship over the years you spun the wheel one time one time and then you get this i guess it's going to stay here i just want you to know that i've appreciated our friendship um it started in aggieland i kind of want to knock it over i'm not going to lie but you'd be really upset and it would ruin the court we've come a long way and it's something i treasure i want you to know that hey how long do you want me to stand in front of you and give you praises a good 15 to 20. oh yeah 20 seconds wow i've surpassed that you look like moses with a backwards cap thank you yeah i'm gonna go now you're a disgrace well this felt like a waste of uh everybody's time should be me should be me with no eyebrows i'm in a good mood i don't care what you do i've got my own statue that's amazing oh boy hey you know what though it's time to uh not get crafty oh good point oh i i couldn't figure out how to word that crap to get this is my chance you do the intro core send it to them ladies and gentlemen it's time to sparky out back of the office with the dudes and it's time to get uncrafty and i'm not sure why my mouth is being punished for my poor judging in the past but you reap what you sow worst burger will be crowned get uncrafty chip it's a blind taste test so i'm going to bow out and let the dudes get to work thank you spark all right i'll see ya this is opposite get crafty it's getting uncrafty i feel like if there's ever a chance for team cory to pull off a victory and get crafty it's today i'm making my special sweet and spicy burger today i am presenting to sparky the char burger it's a pretty simple concept i am going to burn the heck out of every single ingredient spicy inferno uh face-melting seafood burger we have every spice mixed with every sauce if it's sand texture or liquid it's going on the burger i pride myself on knowing sparky the best and i do know that the kid hates vegetables we're going veggie supreme [Laughter] i'm sorry dude i really am um so yeah i'm gonna let this thing cook pretty much from now till we're done [Music] sweet is gonna be a mixture of candies uh spicy ghost pepper sauce jalapeno this should honestly be um pretty terrible my current goal is to make every single one of these items when they're finished look exactly the same roasted garlic aioli a whole gloop of it going in with some uh chunk light cocktail sauce oysters out of the shell horseradish some sardines gross gross cross cross cross oh yeah yeah that's bad as you guys remember i have a good buddy named ty and he introduced the grill gun a few episodes ago to the grill gun oh yeah yeah look at the color james that's what we're going for boss [Music] oh he's gonna freak out oh he's guys this is sparky's last day cayenne pepper this is what i'm about to put the burger into look at this i cannot handle how gross that is future sparky i'm so sorry putting the last finishing touches on my dish let's head to the judging table [Music] okay howdy boys howdy in search of the worst burger here taste smell all senses in play they don't look good i hope they taste better than they look okay let's cut into the first one pretty sure this was concocted in a porta potty oh my gosh his face talk to me let him let him be processed oddly tastes a lot like one of the gingerbread is there houses in there obviously we're grating the worst burger this one not too shabby really raunchy but not ridiculous on to the next one what in the world are these human bones what is this is this edible guys all right we're going to cut this down the top whoever did this knew that i was not a big fan of my veggies are you convulsing right now that's horrible that's downright horrible okay how would you describe it bone shivering like it literally i got tingles down my spine that's not coming off my tongue for multiple weeks okay this is my cup of tea i'm gonna eat this one like a like a man like an american man a red-blooded american who's excited about a bird no turning back i see some hershey on top interesting selection there that's something i would order the man's a modern day hero chocolate sauce on top really sets that burger off it's a good burger it's kind of anti-seafood i'll be honest this is next level i don't know if i've ever had an eight-pounder sitting right in front of me it's a big old burger overcooked a good burger it lacks pizzazz overall well not the worst burger i've ever tasted okay this one scares me oh this isn't pepper you sick individual okay a prehistoric burger would be a good way to describe it this is from the ancient times oh [Laughter] give it up for don't call me picky let's grade these bad boys so we're going to rank these things best of worst worst being best of course of course my fave burger no doubt here whoever created this thank you gary was that sour patch kids yeah sour patch kids what it was okay it makes sense i honestly i this is the first time getting last i'm okay with it wow okay new garage save that for me yeah thank you okay second best burg the sloppy joe no he didn't mind it i didn't mind every sauce on the rack every spice on the rack all together surprisingly good unbelievable core in regular get crafty subpar get uncrafty really good find the medium man but thank you at number three the fish big boy it wasn't horrible you're insane no you're a crazy man look at the other two i have to look at not horrible i thought you did a little you over charred it but not bad enough to win then there were two the final two congratulations what is there not to not like about both these burgers horrendous these are easy top two this burger's gotta go congratulations the winner yeah of our worst burger let's go first get crafty win well you get uncrafty win technically you can't really claim it but yeah man horrible burger congratulations sir appreciate that oh i can't believe this guy you know back to the desk what's crazy is the real loser is not even at this desk poor spark proud of you proud of you but you know what on a positive note 2020 is essentially over yes let's talk about some of the good things that 2021 has in store because i think we need to start getting excited for it bucket list is back stereotypes is bad trick shots battles overtime hey we're going back on tour 2021 more shows more cities if you want to buy tickets right here come get them you want to see the last video click over here make sure you subscribe to dp so you don't miss out signing off for 2020 where the mics are fake and it's time for 2021. girl
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,513,150
Rating: 4.9319272 out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, overtime, 23, opposite, backwards, get uncrafty, cool, not, worst, videos, all, time, burger, dpeditors, fish, walker, top, 10, fortunate, wheel, bad
Id: 1SIX0HTH-50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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