Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Yeenoghu

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[Music] content advisory warning this video is about the demon lord Ian o GU the demon beast of butchery those uncomfortable with fantasy violence torture mutilation suicide slavery and rape this is your red card do not view this video stop now you know goo is extremely nasty this is your only warning hello everybody my name is AJ Pinkett this is the mighty glue stick channel I make lots of videos about Dungeons & Dragons lore the history of monsters and masterminds exotic locations and excellent resources for role-playing game is in my quest to bring all of the best law to you and cover as much as I can about the outer Plains the D&D multiverse the planet oral and the cosmic forces of good and evil including the hordes of the bus i have playlists for all the demons and demon Lords as I cover them one by one so sit back grab a beverage we're about to get deeply nerdy one of the original demon Lords created by Gary Gygax for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game you know guru has always been one of the most powerful and most notorious feared by demons who are capable of feeling that emotion and justifiably so among the population of rank and foul creatures that exists only to destroy the multiverse as it is you know goo is on a whole other playing field of sadistic violence for its own sake he's not just a lord of demons he is a consort of death itself not only is he the original source of the nulls species worshipped by the majority with him as the Creator God he is also for a very long time being a lord of all of the ghouls after he subjugated their demon Prince door Zayn but as of late he's lost control over door zone and the calls not that he cares much some Knolls have broken away from the savage cult and a couple of null gods have sprung up over the tens of thousands of years of their existence such as Gorelick king of the hyenas and riff nara goddess of fear but the truth is when doles first gained the ability to think and feel outside of the constant bloodlust and quest for violence they looked for meaning in the world around them and like all primitive races created a pantheon of your own sometimes borrowing mythology from other races to fill the gaps but there was never a solid mythology to hold the Pantheon together the nulls are typically a nomadic and brutal race with no storytelling and certainly no literature and with the constant called to turn to you know who's singing in their blood the prayers to other gods soon died on their lips so often pulled back from fangs frothing of the blood and gore of their victims Gorelick and ref nara are thus marginal gods at best barely even a lesser power nonetheless they can and do grant Noel's divine spells when called on to do so as it's their only hope of retaining what little power they have certainly they are and never have been any sort of threat Teemo gu and they would be extremely foolish to even try all nulls know in their hearts that there's was a horrific genesis born from starving hyenas who gorged on the corrupted flesh of a demon hordes and victims in the ancient past when you-know-who somehow walked on the surface of the world of the prime material plain in his wake from the shrieking and violently mutating hyena scavengers diseased and Richard were born the first nulls at first nothing more than rampaging mutants little better than the demons who flocked he you know you sight but when he departed the prime and returned to the abyss the nulls remained and we're able to see past the fury and red haze of their bloodlust becoming more like the sapient species we know today even so they have more in common with tea flings and Campion's than any normal mortal creature as demonic corruption still runs in their veins and taints their flesh and thoughts nulls have been present on the world of tyrell since well before the rise of elves and dwarves and humans they were around when dragons and Giants were fighting it out across the entire continent of favoring serving as disposable raiders by the more despicable than the warlords on either side of the conflict fighting against other members of their own species as often as not but then Knowles had never seen the wisdom of avoiding fighting among their own kind far from it when left to their own devices they engage in more bloodshed with each other then even the resource starved and over populated lands of the orcs when you know you first got mentioned in Dungeons and Dragons he was originally associated with orcs but not anymore a bit of a refresher on the null species as to know them is to know a little bit more about you know gu himself in a way nulls have greenish gray skin in brown fur their eyes are dull black and their long nails are amber colored they wear armor made from bone tusks horn metal and leather their garments are often shabby soiled ragged and infested female knowles give birth to two to four pups about six months after conception they reach adolescence in two years and seldom live longer than 35 years yet adults stand over seven feet tall living in bands of over 100 individuals ruled by the most dominant and ruthless bully typically female though it's very hard to tell the genders apart most of the time Noel's are subterranean or they camp in ruined buildings and raided villages they keep slaves to perform the manual labor that the Noles hate to do they also associate it with trolls and keep packs of hyenas Noel's dominate the hunting area by Shearson numbers strength fear and intimidation they dislike goblins kobolds Giants humans and Demi humans they eat warm-blooded creatures and don't particularly care what sort they prefer the ones that scream though they will hunt an area until it's ruined they then move on thus they tend to not leave any survivors they will hunt and kill any living creature they can find null tradition insists on exchange of gifts whenever members of different tribes meet if they're on peaceful terms if they are supposed to say I welcome you to thir or sister situations that frightened Noles are believed to be tests from the career if Nara they make sacrifices to here on the full moon so she will bite chunks out of the moon to bring back the darkness Noel's hate the full moon they avoid hunting under its light Noel's pound on the ground with feet and bones in dance by hopping they then play a game where a null in the band is blindfolded and slapped and kicked in Baghdad until it can wrestle another null to the ground who was then grabbed and by and blindfolded by the others since so on Noel's who were hungry revert to savage instincts and the social structure tends to fall apart very quickly Flynn's are more solid and muscular Knowles seen as gifted with demon strength by you know GU the Flynn's are clever technicians who serve as leaders for elite hunters they have no great love for the Alessa cousins and often treat them as little more than cannon fodder is more to the null race and I'll be making an updated video on them soon and the original manual of the plains author Jeff Grubb gave us a brief glimpse and to the multiple abyssal layers that you know GU was claiming as his territory at the time one a vast barren realm of salted earth mostly flattened islets with a massive fortress actually hauled along by thousands and thousands of tormented slaves constantly whipped and abused by legions of you know who's chosen overseers the death toll here is astonishing with new victims arriving constantly to feed the fortress with fresh meat adding to this is what goes on inside the fortress no less murderous and added yet more broken and mutilated corpses to the thick roadway of blood and gore that the fortress lays down in this wake soaking the barren plain with blood greedily snapped up and slept up by the predatory life-forms that inhabit this target place no matter what layer of the abyss you know goo rules one thing is fairly constant whatever ecology does exist there is transformed into one based entirely on predatory survival the hunters are enterin hunted everything even the plants kill and eat any other creature they can to survive parasitic wasps and grubs to swarm in the air and rise in the soil and corpses of animals and plants thorn covered toxic plants whipped tendrils and vines which grow over and choke the unwary in their sleep land-based giant mollusks snap close razor sharp shells to amputate and adjust limbs swarms of vermin dig burrows that collapse under the weight of other creatures creating feeding pits that strip flesh from bone like a school of piranhas the Planescape sourcebook on hallowed ground would later define one such realm he ruled as the 420 second layer the seeping woods part of a larger realm to quote the article on you know view from Dragon magazine number 364 published June 2008 written by Robert and with illustrations by Jason a Engel and Brian Hagen featured in this video as well you know you faded from the game for a time during the early years of second edition in 1992 he returned to the game as Cal sergeant's monster mythology he was published here you know who remained a Demon Lord and had become a full-fledged God and member of the Giants of Pantheon deemed an interloper God he was not originally part of that Pantheon obviously but he joined it later when he's inverted the Noles from the god Gorelick this was where we run into a contradiction in mythology there isn't many other sources Gorelick never was the creator god of the NAS you know you most certainly was and is the origin of the species such as the twisting and reworking of history to fit certain goals and altering perception and belief and another example of how you just can't take religious doctrines and has historical fact in Dungeons and Dragons law you know GU remained a part of the giant Pantheon in part but he cared nothing for the Giants themselves he just thought the power he could steal from them as he had from fallen Gorelick with third edition you know goos significance began to fade again although he was still favored by the nulls he was no longer the principal god the coup de Gras so to speak from you know view was the loss of doors on the king of the ghouls libres mortis the source book by Andy Collins and Bruce Cordell revealed you know you lost the ability to command door Zayn implying either the king of ghouls had ascended to true God would finally thanks to events on other planes of existence spilling over into the wider multiverse which has rank has demigods supported all that you know goon lost so much power through a similar reverse process probably because his followers on various worlds were wiped out in various raids and Wars he was fast becoming irrelevant fiendish own x1 hordes of the abyss by its pack James Caan Jacobsen Eric Mona confirms the letter explanation describing the destroyer as a lesser demon Lord were few ambitions beyond seeing his chosen servants free to continue their mayhem and murder across the Material Plane even Wolfgang Bowers in gwyndolin if in pistols expedition to the demon weird pits adventure portrays you know goo as a minor player in the demonic Conclave as attendance diminished by his peers and the fourth edition rules you know GU is a game one of the few demon Lords mentioned in the Monster Manual the Beast of butchery is the sole master of the nulls and packs of these feral creatures roam the world and search of raid Thunder and victims to sacrifice on bloody altars y'know goo is still a savage and beastial figure but he has reclaimed his place among the mightiest of the demon Lords it's just a matter of time before the beasts of butchery stairs in this fetid realm and brings horrific war to the plains once more and if you've been paying attention to more recent developments in my videos on the dragons and the giants it seems brutal warfare and chaos in which nulls certainly thrive as once more fast approaching the world tutorial at least and probably many other worlds a fact not lost on you know goo who was probably doing the demon board equivalent of leaning forward on the edge of his seat moving his champions and his savage minions in any way he can to ensure the dragons and Giants erupt into all-out warfare once more the demon lord of slaughter is poised and ready to let loose the dogs of war currently you know goo ranks about number 3 and the most powerful demon Lords under demur Gorgon and Orcas as he has been recently detailed and out of the abyss adventure source book 4 5th edition he's still a chaotic hunter and ruler of nulls and is engaged in a full-on conflict with one of his most ancient adversary's Baphomet the Horned King Prince of beasts and the demon lord of minotaurs it's not completely beyond possibility that at the end of however long the savage conflict wages you-know-who may take the rulership of all minotaurs from Baphomet and rise again to the rank of a god as he was once as he ruled the goals as well as the nulls so let's take a more detailed look at the cult of emo goo their practices and activities in the nature of the surrenders force of evil and the multiverse for this I'll be quoting directly from dragon issued number 364 as it has an excellent information on all of this you know goo has few ambitions beyond the visceral thrill of rending the soft flesh of his enemies and drinking deep the hot blood from their bodies he craves nothing more than at a defeat of all those who stand against him and is relentless in his pursuit of feeding the emptiness of his existence with the frantic screams of those he slays butchery as the provender of you know goo and his single-minded pursuit of annihilation makes him a dangerous force even in the infinite layers of the abyss you know goo combines the worst features of nolan a demon in one immense form standing at least 12 feet tall but often swelling to great heights his body is gaunt and lanky and patches of yellow first stain with brown spots cover him leprous gray skin and super aiding wounds Mar his body revealing the corruption of his flesh and spirit as head is a large anthropomorphic hyenas with glowing red eyes and a toothy mall from which spills strings of drool always suspicious of treachery you know who wears armor assembled from the pieces he scavengers on the battlefield with bits of mail and plate armor stretched together with bits of flesh collected from his victims his pride is as triple flail an evil weapon constructed from the bones of a God he slew during the ancient wars between the deities in the prime memorials the handle is a thigh bone wrapped in the Gods torn flesh three chains extend from the top of the handle each ending and a rusty barbed head when used in combat the weapon bleeds divine echo still splashing the filled with tears and the blood of the Fallen deity this weapon has the ghoulish quality of causing paralysis and those it strikes as well as stripping the flesh from their shattered bones and great spatters and gouts of blood and gore you know who moves with relentless speed across any battlefield charging into the rank-and-file masses creating a tornado of murder that forms an actual Fahd of blood raining entrails and body parts down like hailstones from a storm cloud of gore when yellow goo opens his mouth and speaks on the battlefield his words are in the dark speech of the evil primordial uttering words of unmaking that rot in a road every living creature in range with ongoing necrotic damage a tactic that like demagogue Minh has earned him the title destroyer much like any other Demon Lord you know who draws the demon hordes to himself like moths to a flame they craved the brutal power that you know goo releases and his rampaging battles and soak up the torment of his victims as well as feeding greedily on the release to demonic energies thousands of demons lesser and greater alike fall in combat so that as they are mowed down ever more demons flock to replace them and the potent overload of demonic essence only serves to destabilize and corrupt the environment faster making it easier for lethal spawning pets to form pouring ever-increasing numbers of demonic firmers into existence it would be a horrific spectacle to see you know you shout out words of unmaking obliterate everything around him only to have at surge of destruction and murder cause the demon horde around him to visibly swell and bulk up like the Hulk gains more power and size from his rage it's easy to see how a force like that once fully engaged with opposed forces or just in a target-rich environment becomes an almost unstoppable tide of death but even y'know goo is not always fighting a massive Wars so what does he do in his downtime deep within his massive stone wield fortress ring blood and filth in its wake we're not leaving one of his endless battles were partaking and torturous sacrifices he likes to relax in his massive harem a motley array of races and creatures whose members constantly fluctuate as you know who acquires new ones and loses old ones those who don't commit suicide die of some disease will be murdered by their fellows to stay alive and tend to get either raped death killed for the hell of it or end up being eaten when you-know-who grows bored or hungry you know whose realm is filled with despicable creatures from packs of feral demonic Knolls to a bevy of cackling demons and beastial fiends from the remnants of ghouls and Festing as mountains to the noxious creepers lurking in the depths of the seeping woods you know whose realm is unique in its ability to spawn new embodiments of cruel and savage monsters by far the most numerous of you-know-who's minions are those nulls who abandoned the middle world and find new lives serving you know you in israel the null packs are ubiquitous throughout the Dunn Savannah thinning near the shores of the curse wallow though they dwell near any shrines or temples of their evil master demons in all their forms and shapes make up as close second to the Noles teeming numbers though most monstrous and unpredictable of demon coin called the Slayer home hordes of a vest rose claw and fight with each other in anything else they can encounter well bow gloried demons move across the plains smashing and killing as they go rocks roost in the mountain peaks will circle the twisted towers of the few in permanent settlements on the layer although doors ain't no longer is subject to you know use rule ghouls and abyssal ghouls still lurk into the files and slopes of the screaming Pete's the ghouls aren't boil tu no goo but they have severed themselves from the king of ghouls making them an unpredictable lot from time to time you know goo has had success in rousing these undead servants but more often than not the demonic ghouls prey on the Destroyers other minions after descending from the mountain layers and white-painted tied to crush the mountain tribes well most nulls find their lives cap astonishingly short for the Beast of butchery a few clawed their way to the top of his armies just a handful of nolde champions ever fight their way free from the sea of violence to gain positions as commanders and advisors in addition you know he keeps the number of courtesans to ravish kill and sometimes eat as insatiable lover and stalwart servant is a filthy Knoll named ricklefs lording over the mix of races and creatures you-know-who has few allies in their bus obviously none of his peers trust them and few respect them you know who does have his uses however and grasped his maneuver to the Beast of butchery and to terrible battles with surgical precision and great cost of you know whose own forces whether you know you realize he's being used or not isn't certain but it doesn't matter since the principal ghouls needs no excuse to kill you know who deals with lesser fiends forming alliances when doing so suits his moods such arraignments lasts only as long as you know you can stomach them and they always end in bloody murder with his allies entrails spilled to the floor of the Destroyers palace in spite of the risks ambitious fiends seek out the rulers ruin to enlist his service some of the hopes of gaining power and status others plotting to overthrow the savage Demon Lord and claim as demons for themselves such demons might be selected to serve as exercises for time but rare is it that the demons that can escape this you know used dark wrath you know use cultists and the prime material plain feed his abyssal blaze with a steady supply of slaves and victims from hundreds of worlds his altars run red with the blood of fresh sacrifices he hungers for vengeance against those who have defeated or thwarted them in the past and his cultists craved the chance to destroy his enemies but the centuries of warfare have taught him the value of cunning rather than spend his servants in a useless bid to seize the abyss on mass you know who turns his attention to his servants in the natural world there he works to empower the nulls and other cultists giving them the strength they need to conquer the whole of the civilized lands and make the world his own such a conquest would make him more powerful than any God and thus enable him to amount an unstoppable assault against his enemies the whole of the abyss and one day the entire cosmos the greatest concentration of yanagi's mortal servants comes from the north tribes in the worlds to them you know goo is their God and master the Beast of butchery was not always worshipped by the Norse for long ago these disparate tribes paid homage to her now almost forgotten name some cult has claimed that Gorelick was murdered by you know who during the ancient wars between the primordial zin the gods and that his mace is actually made from gore Alex 5 you know group having absorbed two fallen God's essence and laid claim to his children forever after staining the race with his own foul corruption it's just one of the twisted mythology's not all you know gives worshippers and knowles though any creature capable of embracing the beast with them who exalts and killing butchering and slaughter can find a common purpose with his terrifying patron most non-null servants operate alone performing obscene rituals in the light of the moon and eating the flesh of the 11 victims war a group of like-minded fanatics might gather and establish a small murder cult but they soon draw attention since their violent crimes escalate when gathering groups you know who is never selective about those he accepts in his cult and has at best a mild interests in his servants affairs indeed many of our servants don't even realized whom they truly worship the ceremonies are the same involving the slow torture of the victims culminating in devouring the living flesh regular blood sacrifices in moonlight and the unflinching commitment to slaughtering ones enemies among no tribes worship follows certain castor and practices that vary from tribe to tribe quite a bit as with the solitary servants the cultists scowler lands for fresh victims dragging them back to hidden altars where they're stripped down and mutilated with sharp knives the blood is collected and distributed among you know whose high priests which they then mix with hallucinogenic herbs and consume with relish going into it more of a murderous frenzy another common element is the refusal less of cleanliness any follower of the demons must never bathe and must bask in his own odors rubbing excrement blood and filth into his hide investments until it becomes a reeking heap crawling with maggots and disease the more pungent the stench the greater the cultists influence you know goos cults are a chaotic mess at their cores cables of vicious treacherous leaders began their positions by murdering the predecessors and spectacular and gruesome ways these leaders must contend with rising stars within their own rings butchering those showing too much promise and ambition thus the actual number of leaders is small with the rest of the cultists rounded out by the tribe who are warriors for the most part you know goo has a presence in the world but has few shrines and fewer temples his holy sites are blood-stained rocks and dark corners of the wilderness some include a single jagged chunk of rock thrusting from the ground and scrawled with crude paintings and blisterin curses smeared and blood and feces when the cult performs a sacrifice to hold the victim down on the altar while the leader carves off bits of flesh to give to the gathered hosts of warriors or to abyssal moors which are believed to feed the chunks of flesh directly to you know use more which produces an incredible frenzy as the moulds fight and claw to receive the sacraments of their master or feed it to their God the cultists saved the viscera for last within these dripping organs they believe they can see visions of the future and Commandments from you know goo so they're careful to inspect each guzzling chunk for the secrets they contain in you no goos realm the Beast of butchery enjoys a more formalized following and each group works in one of three fortified cities marking the boundaries of his lair these groups centre their activities around grand temples of crimson stone mass sixty-eight five sided cigarettes darkened by the profusion of flies hovering around the sights on each side a broad staircase climbs to the zenith while the tears themselves hold Gardens of screaming and weeping victims each tortured and left to die slow deaths the wreckage of all the races can be found here from auks nailed to its shaped frames - halflings dangling from hooked chains - wicked cages filled with long bars facing inward to penetrate the flesh of dwarves humans and Knowles who occupy them each day sometime after dawn you know gives cultists leaders select a victim from those on display they draw forth their prey from the contraptions drag them up the steps to the bloody altar at the top and promptly butcher them tossing the bits of meat to rain down on the victims waiting for their turn at the top there is a very good chance that player characters captured by a cult will be physically transported to you-know-who's realm I certainly encourage this sort of Exile over just being murdered and having to roll up a new character which just sucks rather turn the adventure into a tour of one of the worst locations in the multiverse and a desperate bid to escape somehow the whole realm of you-know-who in a way will be almost steering the player characters and who a course of action that requires not only they murder other beings in order to escape but to enjoy killing their victims and twisting their souls a little bit closer to outright evil and if they are evil by the end of it so much easier it is for them to escape back to the world to spread more evil I'll quote directly from the dragon article as it talks about specifics of this realm you know use Rama's dire place that has all the nastiest elements of the abyss combined into one region of depthless evil cruelty and wanton destruction for all the creatures dwelling in the realm the lair feels empty great stretches of salado lay undisturbed except for the hot wind blowing over the curse swallows to the east a shallow and foul sea the mountains are still in quiet until pierced by the occasional shriek the dying torn apart by ghouls even in the vibrant forests of the seeping woods nothing stirs quiet and still waiting for cricketers at night the lair comes alive when the hunters emerge from hidden grottoes and filthy encampments to hunt the screams of the slain wait noises and the grunts and clashes of combat sound out and the lair is pregnant with a coppery smell of spilt blood you know goos realm consists of five broad regions and all are more or less ruled by the destroyer by far the largest is a Dunn Savannah an endless sea of dead grasses punctuated by isolated strands of nails trees and dimpled with pools of brackish water here the nulls run the wildest the savannah extends north to the foothills of the screaming peaks a jagged range of mountains chlorine at the leprous skies little more than sharp rocks slides and scree the mountains were once home to the realm controlled by the king of ghouls even as in his absence having moved on it remains a dangerous place due to all of the undead dwelling here thriving in the dark and shadows the mountains give way to a great expanse of salt wastes stretching as far as the eye can see little those on these lands tough packs of ravenous ghouls or twisted demonic constructs can survive in these inhospitable wastes rumors hold that the sparrin landscapes max the fault of a powerful champion of the gods and the deepest depths and the black sea of death rests the remains of the murdered champion and the salt of the lands are in fact that's dried tears of deities who mourned his passing the eastern extent of you know goes round as a yellow sea known as the cursed wallow since the waters are in fact a poisonous few knowles roam its shores and many in fact keep their distance because all sorts of terrible creatures lurk just beneath the surface of the ochre colored water the curse wallow is a haven for sorts that escape the beast of butchery flotillas of refugees it sails and rebels sail the seas for most of these fleets is one commanded by the cannibal king a ruthless human rogue who captains the harvester he and his crew press-gang sailors to replace their fallen comrades and to serve as food for when their store was growth in which they often do the cannibal King seems content to remain on the career swallow but when he does brave the deeper waters his fleet often returns swollen with a fresh crop of rotted halts choked with depraved sailors finally to the west lies the sleeping wards as mentioned by many accounts this forest is infinite and spreads beyond you know you slay here the nail trills grow tall blocking up the Sun with a tangled canopy of vines and yellow leaves the splitting back drips green SAP stinking of rot crawling through the shadows our armies of toxic and six slithering serpents and poisonous plants there's seeping woods is by name under the control of you know who but the destroyer has had little luck in maintaining a standing presence here because the forest is rebels that intrusions and gobbles up any of those who linger over long so it's not really ruled by anyone mainly just boarded by them you know whose realm is mostly untamed and savage wilderness anyway the huge settlements have survived in spite of this near constant violence tiny logging settlements are scattered throughout the seeping woods each harvesting wood and other materials to supply you-know-who's war machines these encampments never last long and soon vanish after they had first established in steel workers that just picked off one by one the cost in terms of labor is extremely high as lives are lost but as the sole source of timber on the layer new settlements arise each month three permanent cities are also in you know Goo's realm the least of these is moujik it really a small city compared to the others it serves as a mustering place to mount new expeditions into the sepal woods no land demon overseers round up with volunteers and dispatch them into the forest armed with axes and dire threats as long as the temper comes out of the woods their masters kin nothing for what goes on in this darkened lands Moo Jack Cisco controls the northern extent of the realm behind its 300 foot tall walls Knowles humans and a bevy of other races 12th and you know who mining the mountains of iron and other metals on which they fashion the weapons of war corpses litter the streets left without fallin to be worried by jackals and hyenas braising Lee stalking the streets rujak cask is the seat of you know booze Colts there's headquarters of his faith here as most fervent followers gather to perform awful rites and ceremonies in the name of their master blood the pits served to challenge new champions the pitting them against blood and Noel's ogres and others so the weaker winnowed out in the strong a tempered Lujack cask is also the point we have you know you gathers as armies to march through the western gate Gate a stranger nominally tying the round to numerous other worlds and planes you know who disdains these cities preferring instead to relax in the stinking throne room of his roiling fortress surrounded by his desperate and suicidal orgy standing over 600 feet tall ringed by a half-dozen walls and packed with buildings separated by tiny narrow streets the entire structure weeps blood in effluvia from its gutters and a pall of smoke swirls about it demons and slaves labor to pull the monstrosity 12 rocks circle about cackling as they drop to feast on those crushed beneath its wheels the fortress mates the circuit through the plain once every year to remind those denizens of the realm who truly rules here please hit the like button if he made it this far subscribe if you like what I do check out my patreon for some exclusive content and all the full scripts for these videos bias some merchandise where your geek woods pride nears always thanks for listening and I'll be back with more for you very soon [Music]
Channel: AJ Pickett
Views: 96,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aj pickett, the mighty gluestick, dungeons and dragons, roleplaying, tabletop, 5E, 5th edition, faerun, toril, forgotten realms, eberron, pen and paper, Dungeons and dragons lore, monsters, magic, magic items, monster ecology, abyss, demon, demon lord, lords of ruin, yeenoghu, orcus, demogorgon, gary gygax, tanar'ri, D&D, D&D5E, gnoll, gnolls, cultists, book of vile darkness, infernal, fiend, fiends, fiendish, lower planes
Id: cDX5tVksIbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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