Dungeon Master - Clever Floppy Disk Anti-Piracy | MVG
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Channel: Modern Vintage Gamer
Views: 1,005,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeon master, copy protection, crack protection, ftl, amiga, atari st, hacking, software piracy, drm, 16 bit, commodore, mvg, modern vintage gamer, modding, fuzzy bit, copylock, rob northen, video game, games, classic games, floppy disk, roms, anti piracy, spyro the dragon, fade, cracking games, dungeons and dragons, dnd, d&d
Id: VheNpiSZxf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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That's one where I owned an original copy. The game was totally worth paying for.
One of the few games I bought as well. Really liked it but never got to finish it :(
Actual dungeon keeper information starts at 11 minutes in.
There is a follow up to this video in MVG's podcast where the president of FTL wrote to him and said he got it right while also shedding further insight in to it. The real MVP