Dumpster Diving on Christmas S1E92

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Hello everyone merry Christmas happy holidays  and happy Saturday so today we went out to   see what was out there and we did find some good  stuff so as you can see there were tons of bread   and it did rain yesterday so it's a little wet  still but we did check it. We wiped everything   down and everything was dry inside so the  bread is sealed pretty well so that's good and   thank you to whoever had suggested that we take  these green crates because they do help out a lot   and we notice that they do get thrown out  quite a bit so we try to take them when we can and I like the little presentation  of the bread lined up like that.   I think it's kind of like the baskets  that we found at Albertson's. I don't   know for me it just kind of shows the food  and the items a little nicer for you guys. Someone had said that we're like Santa so  I joked around with Mr. Volt and said oh he   should have worn his Santa suit for today but I  think that would have drawn too much attention. We really do enjoy this we we love seeing  what's out there and of course whenever   we're able to donate because it really does  help. Before we started doing dumpster diving   the blessing boxes were a huge help and hopefully,  you guys have them. That's cut right there.   They really do help out a lot and as you can  see on the screen if you look to the bottom   we just want to say thank you to our  members. We have our regular divers   and also our light divers but we just want to say  thank you to each and every one of you. We are   doing it a little differently now so as you can  see all our members on the bottom of the screen   and our subscribers we are still acknowledging  our subscribers and the countries it was just   getting a little too much for the video so we're  changing it and adding it to our community post   and I will show you up on the screen in a little  bit where you can see that because we do want   to say thank you to all of our subscribers as  well and also to our PayPal supporters as well   and as you can see there's a community section  right there. So if you go to the youtube channel   you can click on that little button and  that's where we post extra things that   you don't see in the videos we'll post pictures  or updates or anything else that we want to put in   so if anybody's new make sure to check  that out and if you are a new subscriber   let us know in the comments where you're  from and we will update you on the list. Quick question because we  did donate all of these so   we didn't get to try out those little  chips right there but has anyone tried   those Chester's poppers not sure if  they're like the same as the Cheetos? Let us know. That little bottle is a pear cider   we kept that one just to try it out because I  believe that was the only one that was in there.   There were a couple cases but it looked like  somebody picked them up and then they left one. So like I said we wanted to check out some  of these dumpsters on Christmas to see   how it looks and what's being thrown out. I like when Mr. Volt jumps out of the dumpsters and as you can see the tray works really well. Boxes and boxes and boxes oh my! There are so many boxes out here this is  outside of Michael's so whoever recycles boxes   yeah they're going to love that. If anyone's noticed Mr. Volt does use two  different pairs of gloves so the green one is   for the food and the brown one is for everything  else so just in case you were wondering that's   what it's for and if you didn't notice then  that's just a little information for you guys. We buy these Clorox wipes so we'll wipe stuff  down and then put it to donate and all of   these are all sealed we did check the bread  again like I said we checked the bread and   no water got in so that's actually a good thing  because we can kind of test it out and see. If anybody's um sorry my voice is still a  little off if anyone is not able to donate   if you have blessing boxes nearby but you don't  have the food or the money to donate that's okay   too if you're able to you can even go by  and just organize it that is a huge help   for anyone who does donate stuff because most  of the time everything is just thrown in and   all mixed up and messed up so we usually have  to organize it before we donate and it's not a   big deal but it does take more time for us and  we could use that time to go find more stuff. So that's just a little tip if you're not able to  donate you can always help out by organizing. The   next person that comes to donate will definitely  appreciate that and if you do thank you thank you. As you can see someone did  leave some zucchini in there   I believe some oranges on top too.  That stuff usually goes pretty quick. I don't know if you noticed also  there was a box of shoes right there   on the floor all of those shoes were thrown out  all over the ground so we had to pick those up   as well that's why it just it helps out a  lot like if you're able to do that part. This one right here was from Burlington and some  of these clothes were damaged but just rips in the   seams and just minor things for the most part  so that was really nice that they threw it out   and they didn't tear it all up because  that's something that we can fix   like I said, for the most part, it's all like  just ripped seams so that can be sewn up. We have been donating right now for the  clothes because we had so much to donate.   We had carloads full so we were a little  behind on that but we were putting bags of   clothes they have those boxes for donations  and we have a few that go to the red cross   so that's what we were doing with a lot  of our clothes that we were donating. Also, as you can see on the screen our new  banner, thank you to our PayPal supporters as well   so we do have a couple people on here that have  donated to help out with getting a new freezer,   and that one will go towards being able to  store more fresh produce to be able to donate   so we want to say thank you again. We have received some comments  and questions about that so   again you can check out the little banner  and it does have the info right there   if anybody is interested if not then that's fine  too we really do appreciate all of our subscribers   and appreciate you watching because  that also does help out a lot. See this stuff is really good the clothes are nice nice brands and we will wash them of course Our little baby Sophie loves those little toys. Some little underwear will be  washed too but all of that was just   thrown out like this is really good too  I like that it has the little strainer not sure why it was thrown  out I have to double-check it   but it didn't look like anything  was broken or anything on it. See a nice Guess sweater and just a little  tiny tear right there which can be repaired. Just little small tears so nothing  major someone can still use it   especially right now with the  weather when it's getting colder. Even that was a nice find for us so   I will be repairing those and  then we can donate those as well. That color is really pretty I don't know I  like them I like the color of that sweater   and this one it's a little bit more damaged  I believe that's a Calvin Klein jacket that one I have to check  how I'm gonna fix that one. There was another dumpster  diver that was driving by   so they saw Mr. Volt out  there and were watching him. There was so many bags of dog food in here. So we're gonna double-check those but they look  good if everything is fine with them then our   daughter will keep a few for our dogs and then  the rest will be donated to an animal shelter. These ones look like a good brand right there  I'm trying to read the label and Mr. Volt did   check all these boxes too the live animal boxes  if you do dumpster dive make sure you double-check   that because we have seen videos where these pet  stores have thrown out actual animals and fish. So if you see those boxes double-check them. Also, the coolers, there are these foam  or insulated coolers, and sometimes they   throw out fish in there too so just make sure  that there are no little creatures in there. Look at this there are so many! This dumpster right here is pretty much like a hit  or miss because sometimes there's nothing at all   just a bunch of trash in the dumpsters  and other times there's a lot of stuff so it's pretty much either way. They didn't even cut them up  too so that was really nice usually, the dog food just gets cut it  up, and then it makes a mess all over. We're going to double-check that  one also to see if it's complete   but even if it's not we can still  find someone that can use it. Hopefully, our daughter doesn't see  that, and then she wants another hamster.   She had one before and I liked that one  he was really friendly but right now she's   buying all her little parts for her  fish tank so she wants a betta fish. Another reason why I just love these bags is  because of how much stuff can fit in there. They're really strong too they  hold a lot and a lot of weight. If you've seen our other videos  where we find all these cans   I mean the bags were over 50 pounds and it  still holds up so these are definitely nice. Of course, we have our links in the description  if you are interested in those bags.   We've been using our baskets  too so we like those as well. That little piece right there that Mr. Volt  found he's looking for the bottom part. It's really pretty and sometimes the  stuff is broken and can still be used. We do take some of it not  everything but what we can use. Also, that one is broken but it has a little  gap in it so I don't know if you've seen   another video of ours before but Mr. Volt  found a few pieces of wood so we ended up   saving them for any projects that we have so  that will be used for this piece right here   and it can just be used with some wood glue. This one he was gonna take just  without the lid because it was   broken but there was like a huge  crack in the bottom so that was a no-no Like these the Ghirardelli they're thrown out  a lot especially right now with the holidays   so those cups they break but they just threw out  the whole thing so the chocolates are still good. Just double-check them and they're still good   we've found so many candies  throughout this holiday time. Apple cider vinegar gummies I've never  tried those it does still have the seal   so we're going to check that out but I  mean apple cider vinegar is good for you. That one is really pretty too but it's broken  and I think missing the head somewhere. I think that's some eyeshadow  I need to double-check on that   I know there's a way that you can fix them. So if anyone knows how to do that let us  know but I will be looking that up and   then checking it out too because sometimes  they just break and then you can put them   back together I think with alcohol. It cleans it  and then puts it back so I will check that out. So a few little goodies right there Not a bad day for a quick Christmas dive and  we will be checking after the holidays and   letting you guys know what we find as well but  thank you for watching and have a great day bye.
Channel: Volt Divin
Views: 157,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: An3O6Upa5Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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