Dumpster Diving "Chunkin' Out The Scraps"

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yo yo see a piece of all thread there's a fan and some scraps back here a little paddle box there fan blade here we've got some pipe our little hoses here there's some buckets down there I ain't in the mood for buckets I'll take that though all right lots of buckets oh man that's that I think that's like nothing for us like a dryer vent or something good capacitor it's not a flex it's a flicks it's a flicks capacitor scrap look at that look at that American pan 11 16. that's a big old pad for cooking big things look at that have y'all ever seen a red Solo cup look like that that looks like some sort of crazy invention right there extreme beer pong what's up Pam it's the drip pan with all your drippings and all that all of that man you could buy it dumpster and like make a little house and live in it nah y'all want to live in the trash it's got some perishable boxes here there's a fan grab the fan [Music] the light fixtures and I'm unfortunately that looks like all she's gonna give us today so I've seen this bumper back here an Audi bumper and an exhaust pipe take the exhaust pipe somebody cut cut the catalytic converter off of it though I think I seen something back behind the dumpster sure did look at that it's a water heater had a little bit of uh some rain over here roll it to the truck bullet to Daddy drink that and we got a uh yeah all right we got some reverse osmosis tanks right here these I can scrap out at the uh the scrap yard they just don't want tanks that have had you know stuff in them like that can go boom boom Going boom boom it's uh it's not I got in for this it better be awesome it is so not awesome hey hey look at that there goes some little boxes those are cool little switch boxes and some wires down here extension let's just hop up on in here okay because I see water little wires all right take a box in here 's a camera I think that's a camera it's a square camera this is their little bit of wires there on there okay guys it's a little gasoline not a whole lot today a couple things though looks like there's a little bit of some wire going on maybe pop on in and take a quick peek shall we that's it that's a ice box oh that's junk it's a little bit of kitty cat wire here just a little bit of coax in here let's go ahead and grab it we're up in this thing some cat wire the yellowness boom this dumpster what's up big board Big Board Big Board let's see bottles of stuff that box says Wheels six pound Wheels what kind of wheels are we talking what kind of Wheels oh it's a cheese wheel it's a Gorgonzola cheese wheel I don't need no cheese will I thought it was like a another kind of wheel applesauce bunch of hand sanitizer down there oh I see crap in here y'all it's heavy whatever that is way heavy Moy heavy dad that looks like some legitness right there aluminum let's see look at that there's a bunch of metal plates the whole crapload of metal plates over here on the edge what is that I don't know here right over the side there okay there is a bunch of these metal plates right here try not to try not to lose them like that [Applause] it's a lot of scrap plates [Applause] [Music] [Applause] those are cool a bunch over there too okay there these these look pretty fancy [Music] you know what let me just pull the truck that just makes more sense doesn't it it does all right let's go ahead and cross these back here yeah that is a stainless steel [Music] oh that's stainless steel too hitting jiggy with this jiggy with the stainless steel we definitely want to grab all of that a few bucks chilling right there [Music] stick that down here thank you yeah there's some there's some good stainless weight right here okay what is this this is a plastic piece of an antenna don't want that get these right here [Music] all right [Applause] let's grab these loose pieces over here foreign [Applause] [Applause] okay so let's get these pieces out of here whatever they are whatever they may be okay [Applause] that's good scrap [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so what don't work our way over here okay what are these big things anybody want to take a stab at it I don't know either there's some aluminum on there though [Applause] there's a big box that is he's antennas some scrap on them [Music] it's uh it's got to be stuff for the space station whoa okay TE Connectivity oh my God it's not all that light nothing to grab onto it [Applause] oh that's optical cable no good yeah that's the inside of it a lot of aluminum in there whatever it is whatever it shall be whatever it may be [Applause] all right we got one more right here it's attached to a pallet what fun this is whoa [Applause] it's all falling apart and such [Applause] hard to get any decent footing over here [Applause] [Applause] okay come this way a little bit ah there's a couple more than stainless plates that drop down here you gotta grab them I don't know a lot of gnats yeah yeah uh we got us a stomper here got us a stepper I see a uh I see a trampoline forget of the aerial view is there uh oh I see metal sticks down there awesome pass that out to the side here [Music] clear us a hole oh to get to the uh get to that good good hello metal pole okay [Applause] dig them out of here [Music] [Music] pull there oh watch your head [Music] we're like a panic y'all okay it's coming apart all right this [Music] another little PC poo [Music] damn guy [Music] there are some chairs in here foreign let's get this guy out there's some Springs oh that sounds great Bruce Springsteen a couple more springy poos look at that bunch of chairs yeah chance ooh rose bushes rose bushes got thorns okay we got all the Biggins holler holler for the Biggins well alrighty scavengers as with all good things this route is coming to an end holy cow there's some serious extrude aluminum on there another night of picking up some uh awesome non-ferrous scrap along with some Ferris scrap got this uh I believe this is stuff for like a cell phone tower or something like that we'll get into it take some stuff apart get some aluminum out of it all those plates on their stainless steel probably two three hundred pounds of stainless nice a little bit of Trotsky stuff here and there in between you know didn't hit a hole in many ways but alrighty scavengers I gotta get on home do my thing you know what I'm saying thank you all so much for chiming in as always there's a total pleasure you'll know the bit like the channel subscribe to the channel like the video Whatever all that good stuff merchandise appreciate everybody that bought some go get some check it out at my spring store alrighty guys well uh whoo yeah see you on the next one peace foreign foreign
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 182,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving 2022, dumpster, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving police, dumpster diving illegal, dumpster diving in america, dumpster diving for free food, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diver, daytime dumpster diving, dumpster food, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving 2023, dumpster diving is fun, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diving filipino, dumpster diving food haul, dumpster haul
Id: ta3xLV1BgzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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