Dumbest Criminals Who Got Caught On Camera...

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everyone loves a good old-fashioned heist to set up the slide of hand the team of criminal geniuses all working in perfect harmony to pull off the crime of the century then you've got your mastermind think George Clooney from the Ocean's eleven series the kind of dude who walks away from explosions with his back turn but not all crooks are created equal life rarely imitates art and for every mastermind there are 100 fools so which bad guys are forgetting the keys to the getaway car which thieves haven't thought things through ready to meet the world's dumbest criminals let's get it on sometimes it pays to take a step back and think outside the box after all for every robber in the movies there's a crafty cop hot on their wheels a store owner was tired of getting broken into so he decided to design a trap worthy of any Hollywood script the would-be burglar is funneled into a room and trap pick a door any door it doesn't matter because none of them can be opened as the door closes behind him you get a real sense of his panic no matter what he tries he's trapped just like a rat in a cage he batters the doors for an hour breaking his hammer in the process before police finally arrive luckily the store owner was kind enough to leave a tap in the trap room trying to escape this thirsty work perhaps our next trio of dummies have watched a few too many movies we doubt that a bar would have laser beams ready to trip an alarm thieves and criminals are often referred to as snakes so the pair did their very best impression slithering their way along the floor on a quest to empty out the register afterward drinks on a Friday night would generally have you crawling out of the bar not into one the cops have dubbed these guys the inchworm bandits and they reportedly made off with just the tips from the jar you want most robberies to run smoothly and easily think like stealing candy from a baby there's a reason why you've never heard the sang as easy as stealing a bike from a heavily staffed police station bolt cutters check face masks Jack having aspirations that exceed your capabilities Oh double jack the dude lasted exactly 23 seconds and what we can safely assume is the world's fastest bust we bet the cops are getting really tired of these people pushing their luck this next would-be crook is a great example of how not to pull off the perfect heist and doing everything in your own power to ruin your own plan it's a surefire bet is either way you're the hero of your own story step 1 choose to rob a vape store and place that probably carries very little cash step 2 fumble and drop your gun at the lady behind the counter speed to be instantly disarmed step 3 attempt to climb over the glass display cabinet leaving two immaculately placed handprints for the cops step 4 run away in style with your pants falling down around your ankles Vlad the inhaler is running on fumes his plan went up in smoke nice try close but no cigar there are fewer actions that are more brazen than shoving a $600 chainsaw down your pants and casually walking out of a store famous actors stuff their jocks shirt but this is taking it to a whole other level thankfully it wasn't an electric start model workers in the store did notice the daredevil shoplifter however he made a quick getaway on his bike Evel Knievel style he was nabbed by police after ditching the chainsaw in the woods but returning to claim his prize 40 minutes later sometimes truth is stranger than fiction okay so you've heard of causing a ruckus and raising the roof have you ever heard of bringing down the ceiling this bumbling couple went to great heights to fool owners of a local convenience store when they attempted to use a stolen credit card to pay for a four dollar and 39 cent packet of popcorn the owners called police on the suspicious duo and when the cops arrived coward used his girlfriend as a human shield in order to try to get away the woman ran into the back room seemingly a dead end inspiration strikes perhaps the way out is actually up channeling Catherine zeta-jones and entrapment she does her best cat burglar impression and squeezes her way into the air vents her hopes of freedom come crashing down and so does she through the ceiling onto a not so soft set of shelves not all crimes are planned sometimes you just fall into it stop drop and roll not only useful when putting yourself if you catch a life but also good for avoiding motion detector sensors when pulling up a heist a pizza store owner had installed a series of external and internal cameras that captured the whole bizarre event thieves were seen rolling around on the floor all the way to the back room after breaking in successfully with a crowbar through a blast window in the front of the store Lightning would strike twice as that same handy crowbar would peel the safe apart like an orange to their dismay there was nothing of value in the safe but they didn't leave empty-handed they stole a drill a speaker a flashlight and toys from the game room not at all the hall they were hoping to brag about this is a case of Crouching Tiger Hidden cash the answer to many of life's problems is often a great big hammer its methods of persuasion are simple the results are generally instant and forthcoming our band of thieves seemed to have it all worked out an old fashioned quick smash and grab covered with long-sleeved clothing and motorcycle helmets it's great to see that the safety first initiative extends to the less savory types in society unfortunately toughened polycarbonate cabinets can be a harsh mistress no matter how hard you try they just won't give up the goods in the space of under a minute it's gone from potential payday and hammertime to empty-handed and having your dreams shattered instead of the jewelry cabinet it's not only monacle wearing old men in tuxedos and top hats you can appreciate a fine work of art no you don't have to resemble the monopoly man for a beautiful painting to draw your keen eye our next dope fancies taking him a rather large souvenir from his lovely day trip out to the gallery covering your face to hide your identity is so 2000 in late real geniuses hide stolen goods rather conspicuously in their jackets what's basic nobody will notice change of approach how about you just walk out with it underarm nonchalantly whistling a tune while you do so no one will suspect a thing well too bad for this amateur who was caught by staff as soon as he tried to leave the premises maybe he can create his own masterpiece with a pencil and notepad from a jail cell in a video game the success of your mission boils down to how well players work as a team and friendly fire isn't tolerated generally the fastest way to break into storefront glass windows is with a brick and this pair came well-prepared in a sudden plot twist bill ends up braining Ted with a poorly timed inaccurate brick shot that would make a stormtrooper blush nothing says good samaratin like stopping a robbery even if it's your own good friends keep their buddies on the straight and narrow path of righteousness looks like this guy succeeded man down in this week's episode of when fences fight back our hapless thief shows us that while breaking in is generally the easy part of a robbery sometimes you just can't catch a break in show business they say break a leg we aren't entirely sure why this egghead took the most literal meaning it all starts off rather well we see him fiddling with the gate hinges for a while until success it seems Lady Luck is on this thief's side as the gate comes free from its mounts but in a cruel twist of fate the heavy steel gate falls back on him crunching his leg between the metal bars and the unyielding concrete he tries to get up but falls straight back down his leg is busted Lady Luck smiles again for him as it turns out that a crowbar makes a great walking stick we see him making the world's slowest getaway rumor has it that our guy tried to sue the homeowner for damages but it was thrown out of court the judge said he didn't have a leg to stand on desperate times call for desperate measures sort of a few bucks there isn't a more cliched last-ditch effort than trying to rob a jewelry store our man seems normal enough smiles says hello to the jeweler asked to try on a gold chain that's caught his eye the store owner doesn't suspect a thing he's completely unaware that he's about to be the victim of a completely hilarious crime he must like the way it feels around his neck because the next minute he flees to the door at fantastic speed there's only one problem he's locked in this isn't the jewelers first rodeo he calmly asks for the chain back before calling the police our robber must have been feeling pretty stupid when he was marched into the station and charged if diamonds are a girl's best friend we can say that gold chains are most definitely not even this man's brief acquaintance friend when you're the victim of multiple burglaries you go back to the drawing board and learn from your mistakes this Canadian mobile phone repair shop owner did just that mobile phones are small high-value items and prime targets for would-be thieves her employees now put all expensive items safely away after their shift locked up for the night she used her mobile technology know-how to her advantage by installing a security camera system linked directly to her phone so when she got a notification on her screen she logged in to watch the drama unfold before her very eyes a trap isn't complete without a spring a curved security gate acting to contain the break-and-enter you can crawl in but you can't crawl out while a crook is frantically searching for an exit police are already on their way to take him to jail when they arrived they even helped untangle him from the net there's that famous Canadian politeness at work we're all taught to always tell the truth and that lies just get us into more trouble not every criminal is a thief and a mask and it turns out the police take fraud very very seriously after scattering ice cubes on the floor of the business this man deserves an Academy Award for his excellence in acting pretending he had slipped over and smashed his head onto the hard floor he filled out an insurance claim for the slip and fall and a shameless cash-grab for a juicy lucrative payout this is a Weasley move and one his mother would most definitely put him in timeout for unfortunately for him fraud is a serious crime he was arrested and charged after the footage was given to police for the crime of premeditated stupidity we find this man guilty
Channel: Trend Central
Views: 2,613,274
Rating: 4.8403602 out of 5
Keywords: dumbest, criminals, who, got, caught on camera, dumbest criminals, got caught, caught on tape, dumb people, funniest fails, fails, fail, cops, Trend Central
Id: -r0CGeMaDqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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