Dumb Football Losses (But They Get Increasingly Dumber)

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there are plenty of heartbreaking ways to lose a game of football some of which are out of your control like when you manage to hold a team to the 48 yard line with 2 seconds on the clock meaning they'd have to attempt a record-breaking field goal in order to win and then they do and then they make it and then you lose but that's not a dumb way to lose just a heartbreaking one today we're looking at what might be the five dumbest ways you can lose a game of football moving right into the fifth dumbest way in my opinion let me take you to Falcon live of 2020 this was a grindy matchup that seemed like nobody wanted to win being at almost a deadlock in the third quarter they would exchange game losing drives as the Falcons would turn the ball over on Downs just for the Lions to drive 60 yards to miss a 46y field goal which gave the ball back to the Falcons where they would do nothing with before fumbling it away to the lions in scoring position and they take no risk run as much time off the clock as they could in just four plays and that led Matt Prader redeem himself with a 49y field goal to give the Lions the lead late in the fourth quarter but here the Falcons could do their thing and start slowly chipping away at what was left on the clock with the ball on the 21 they would start that faithful drive to Isis game Matt Ryan Hands the ball off to Gurley as he picks up eight yards where the lions are forced to burn their first timeout then they hold Gurley to a one yard pickup as they burn timeout number two and then the worst case scenario happens as Gurley plunges forward fumbles the ball then recovers it at the 10 yd line successfully picking up the two yards they needed to get the first down and with nothing but a minute left they could ride into the huh they hand the ball off to Gurley and he runs forward and they seem to be trying to let him score as he tries to fall backward to avoid the end zone but Falls in anyway yes taking the lead but doing probably the only thing you could do in this situation to lose which is give the Lions the ball back you see if the Falcons just took a knee three times they could use a timeout here with one or two seconds left to kick an easy low press 30-yard field goal and all go home happy but as it stands this touchdown gave the Lions the ball back where Matt Stafford would do Matt Stafford things and drive the ball 75 yards in a minute and 4 seconds to complete the miracle touchdown Which was only even possible thanks to this little mistake and while this one is just a player having a uh not High football IQ moment in an intense moment in a game I would say this is probably the most forgivable on this list the next one though is a lot less forgivable as we get to see the Falcons again to just hammer in the pain they're feeling from the very same season but don't worry this is the last time I'm going to bring you guys up this video but here we are they have a nice healthy two possession lead over the Cowboys as they're puning with only 3 minutes left in the game and in typical Falcons fashion they're going to do the defensive equivalent of what Ang did in the Avatar of The Last Airbender when he figured out he was the Avatar and completely vanished allowing for the Cowboys to drive the ball down and score score in only 60 seconds but that's that's not the bad buff stuff like that happens all the time especially if you're the Falcons I mean hey look no further than a Super Bowl 3 years prior where some team was up 28 to3 in the third quarter and somehow managed to lose who was that again okay that's irrelevant but as Brett Maher lines up for the super obvious onside kick he hits this sort of spinning ball that is slowly but surely making its way to the 45 yd line where it eventually passes both teams Scramble for the ball and the Cowboys come up with it where they would finish this game with a quick drive to get into field goal range to score and while you might say to yourself Isaac that's just an onside kick it happens sometimes and the other team will come up with the ball well you would usually be right if it wasn't for the type of onside kick this was where you see this super slow moving onside kick is bad because as you know the kicking team isn't allowed to touch the ball until it travels 10 yards why it's bad is because most people forget that that same rule doesn't apply to the receiving team which means that this slow moving easy to down ball they could have walked up and downed it no matter what as soon as they realized it was going to cross that plane and no Cowboys player would have even been able to contest it because any movement to touch a Falcon's player or the ball before the 10 yard line will result in a penalty meaning the Falcons could have easily won this game if they had just been familiar with the rules but not knowing the rules is it the dumbest way to lose the game sometimes you know the rules and you try to use those rules in the stupidest way such as in this back and forth game as the Patriots were taking on the Raiders with seconds left in the game and the score is tied up and nobody is particularly close to scoring it looked like things were going to overtime but the Patriots are going to have to run more one more play because you know what could possibly go wrong well M Jones hands the ball off on a little drop play and while there's a bit of a game things seem to be winding down near the sideline until Stevenson's intrusive thoughts got the better of him and he pitched it back to Meyers why why would you do that just go to overtime but hey all things considered it's a relatively safe pitch to Myers until Myers also gets the intrusive thought bug and why what would possess you to do this Myers throws it to who we can all assume it was supposed to be ma Jones but we'll never know what was going on the head of Myers because this ball went to Chandler Joon and maybe he just got the last names confused they are both Joneses after all but Chandler catches it stiff arms Mac and laughs his way to the end Zone and what can only be one of the most brainless set of back-to-back decisions we've ever seen in one play but we can forgive a lot in the name of players making a heat of the- moment decision do you know what we can't dismiss calls so bad people will actually begin to question if you wanted to win this game or not and if you want to know what I'm talking about look no further than Super Bowl 49 yep Seahawks fans you had to know this was coming but this crazy back and forth fourth Super Bowl is underway and all is about to be said and done as the Seahawks have brilliantly driven the length of the field and after handing the ball off to their stud running back Marshon Lynch for a 5 yard gain they have but one more yard to close and 26 seconds left before they win their second Super Bowl in three years and fun fact that very running back across 26 carries only had two runs this entire game that would not have scored on this very play and you'd have to know that that also includes a play earlier on Third and three from the goal line where they handed it off to let him score so here on second and one presumably three attempts to jam this ball in for a potential score and as the ball is snapped Lynch instead of taking the world's easiest Super Bowl win by receiving this handoff is now running to the flat while Wilson is throwing the ball into the loving Embrace of Malcolm Butler and arguably the most questionable decision in Super Bowl history and while most people will say well this was a uh you look like a genius if it works but look like an idiot if it doesn't no no no no it's not that with three plays Left a healthy amount of time and a timeout there was arguably no reason to do anything in this specific down aside from run the ball and of course it results in interceptions the Seahawks losing everybody being depressed but as bad as this is as dumb as this is I cannot in good faith say this is the dumbest way to lose a game I've ever seen and it's so much worse than you think so bear with me on this one let me take you to Miami vers Georgia Tech of 2023 Miami played down to their competition for 4 quarters to no one's surprise but they are somehow winning this game and by all accounts at this very snapshot they have won and what do I mean by this as long as the time on the clock well I mean that they have the ball there's 40 seconds left on the clock and it's third and 10 meaning that you can take the snap run a single second off the clock kneel it and the time left in the game will run out before you get penalized by the delay of game meaning that a successful QB Neil arguably the easiest to complete play in The Playbook will literally win you the game right here now if that's what they did this wouldn't be a video but instead they choose to run a play a running play of course where the runner doesn't immediately fall over at the first Contact but tries to drive his feet which allows for Defenders to get their stinky little fingers into the gaps and strip the ball out which they do turning what is effectively an 100% chance to win this game into very very much so not that and naturally the only thing that can result from this is Georgia Tech putting together a quick drive to score turning where Miami didn't just grab defeat out of the jaws of Victory but did an intense multi hour surgery into the lower intestines of Victory to find this defeat that we all had assumed was digested hours before and extract it from victory's lifeless corpse but I'd love to hear what you think the most embarrassing losses of are and which ones do you think that I missed and what should I include on the next one let me know in the comments and peace
Channel: Isaac Punts
Views: 74,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qu1VXlIfvbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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