Duke Basketball 2014-15: From Heartbreak to the Mountain Top (The Journey of a Champion)

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Channel: atoomer0881
Views: 1,027,191
Rating: 4.860486 out of 5
Keywords: Duke, Basketball, Duke Basketball, Coach K, NCAA, Championship, Eight is Enough, Quinn Cook, Tyus Jones, Matt Jones, Justise Winslow, Jahlil Okafor, Grayson Allen, Amile Jefferson, Marshall Plumlee, Duke UNC, Duke Virginia, Duke Gonzaga, Duke Michigan State, Duke Wisconsin, Duke Blue Devils, Blue Devils, Duke 2014-15, The Season, Heartbreak, Mountaintop, Journey of a Champion, Champion, UNC, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan State, Gonzaga
Id: l-Vyia7UkO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 29sec (2669 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2016
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