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exciting little job today we're installing two hyper fault charges you're going to get to meet a new member of our team oh my goodness that is shocking that's really nice [Music] good morning and welcome to another rainy day in the cambridgeshire countryside where of course we're working outside it's an exciting little job though today so i'm hoping that you'll enjoy watching it with us we've got a few things that are interesting to note about today's job to make sure that you watch the whole video you're going to get to meet a new member of our team it's his first week with us going to be training him on installing hypervolt ev charges and we're installing not one but two hyperfault charges today so super excited about that because it's the first time we've ever installed two on one site we're going to do some remedial work as well we've got ruben here so he's going to be fixing a few little problems trying to find a break in the ring circuit and there's also the possibility that we might be installing an earth rod for a hot tub so as always smash the thumbs up button subscribe and hit the notification bell if you haven't done so already let's get into it so we've got this hideous it's either bp charge master or polar or something but basically it's a heap of rubbish the customers asked us to remove it it's never really worked properly since then they got it installed anyway and they've got two electric vehicles so we're going to be enabling them to charge both electric vehicles at the same time and we've got a clever load balancing system that we're going to set up interesting to note there's been this crazy report by the government they've done a load of audits for ev charging installations and one of the things that they picked up on was how many installers are putting consumer units in the meter box which you're not supposed to do that's exactly what happened here but the customers asked us to sort out all their electric so we did an electrical inspection on the property then we came back and changed the consumer units they got a brand new consumer unit with surge protection device and rcbos and this is the next stage now uh sorting out the ev charges so we've ripped out the consumer unit that was in the meter box we've temporarily put these tails in but they are longer than three meters so what we're doing today is putting a switch fuse in here so that we can protect those tails properly and then we're going to be using the high tough ev ultra cable running in two new circuits from the charge points all the way back to the consumer unit we're going to be putting this in trunking just to neaten it all up and stuff make it look nice in the kitchen broken ring circuit so reuben's going to be searching for that and in the back garden a complete mess of a hot tub installation which we're going to sort out as well so we're just going to jump on it start working and let you guys join us for the ride [Music] oh my goodness that is shocking [Music] this is the kind of shoddy terrible work that gets done out there and it's because people are forced to do it for next to nothing and they have to cut corners so rant over [Music] huh [Music] so i'm just wondering where to mount this and i'm like okay it can pretty much go anywhere but let's look at how other people have done it on instagram and see what looks best by the way if you don't follow us on instagram yet head over to instagram artisan electrics we've got a massive giveaway going on instagram at the moment like a whole massive bundle of tools that we're giving away if you follow us on instagram then you'll see that and we post stuff on there that we don't post on youtube so it's always worth giving us a follow and why not follow hypervolt as well so you can see all the amazing stuff that they're up to because they are seriously ploughing a lot of cool stuff into these charge points they they get better and better every time i install them and next week we're going to be visiting the hypervolt factory which is super exciting and they're going to show us the whole sort of manufacturing process and tell us about some new features that are coming very soon as well [Music] right ruben let's play a little bit game of spot the difference okay one hyper vault another hyper fault can you notice anything subtly different you know what i see a minor change it's a slightly different tone yeah yeah i was going to say this is more of like an eggshell white yeah this is like just white more like pure brilliant white i would say yeah but other than that maybe there's no tether on this one so we um we need to find out what's going on here but it looks like they've they've deleted the hypervolt logo or that one is like a rare limited edition artisan electrics blank version and we can put our own logo on it but i'm going to phone hypervault now and find out what's going on [Music] perfect thanks bye okay so they've updated the product and they've actually removed the hypervolt writing from the front so this is the latest version obviously they just didn't twig that we were going to be installing both of these side by side so it's fine they said it's totally cool they'll just send out another cover for us and it's literally four screws it's just super easy to swap over anyway yeah they answered in like 20 seconds so amazing customer service went well done hypervolt [Music] so they've implemented my suggestion here there used to be a bit that came over like that on this side and then you couldn't actually get the data cable in easily on that side so they've just literally removed it so that was the suggestion that i made and this is the suggestion that corey made which they've done as well so super cool how they listen to their installers i love it so we've kept you in suspense for too long this is lee he's the newest addition to the artisan team super sparks and he's going to be helping us to smash out a load of good uh installs so we're really happy to have you on board me yes happy to help thanks for joining us yeah he snuck in to the meet the team video because he was there in the lunch you might have just seen him wolfing down a load of tasty greek food but he was like not quite properly employed then but today is his second day on the job yesterday we did the induction today it's full blown straight in at the deep end on the tools working with me and reuben on the youtube as well so hopefully you'll be seeing a bit more from lee but um we're going to give him his first artisan angle drilling company lesson what do you what do you think yeah let's go for it okay because corey had all my drills i finally bit the bullet and invested in lots of special drills so we have a whole selection here a whole plethora long short thick thin we've got our pilot bit as we taught reuben because that's the one that drives the airplane then we go through the larger thicker bits and then we've got the really long meter long bits as well we've not got too much wall to go through hopefully so hopefully that'll be long enough and then we'll open it up with one of these sort of 20 25 mil in order to get the ev ultra cable through if i set my steps up on the inside yeah i don't know how thick the wall is it's not that thick actually move them out of the way great okay try and go slightly above those above and if you can keep in the corner of the yeah no pressure so we've got the tails coming through to the board here there's some twin nerves coming through i've just pulled them out of the way but we've also got some heating pipes and it's at a bit of an angle so we're gonna try and chase a bit this wall out jordan will drill through from the other side and hopefully we meet in the middle somewhere and we can pass cables for all right that's the plan so i'm gonna drill [Applause] yep yep perfect [Applause] [Music] so reuben i just got a call from the college okay it was sounding really hopeful i was like sounds like they've got a place for him and then she checked and you're number 22 on the waiting list oh so she said basically cambridge regional college there's not much hope of you getting in there but she said try hartford college this is a big problem guys i don't know what is going on at the moment but there are huge waiting lists for part-time places at college for apprentices i would have thought it'd be the other way around that apprentices would be struggling to get employment but it seems like they've got employment and they just can't get into college which is nuts so let us know should we start our own college if you are out there and you would love to invest in people like 1p a month for just 2p a month you can sponsor an apprentice and we will build a college and we will train reuben but no seriously like it makes me want to do that it makes me want to literally like rent a big building set up a college and just train people like reuben because reuben's absolute diamond you guys have said it on the channel so many times like he if anyone deserves an apprenticeship he does because he's so hard-working and dedicated when he's with us but we can't get him into college and that is like the most frustrating thing in my life right now because i really want reuben to be able to get on an apprenticeship so anyway let us know if you're struggling with the same thing in the comments i'd love to hear all your stories and if you think there's a solution let me know what you think it is maybe we can do something about it [Music] sure it's all right oh yeah bob on there we go cool and this just clicks out [Music] so you just pop that out and it's not connected when you get it given to you but you have to connect this ribbon cable for the leds to work and then this is the this is the fun part so i'm hoping that this ev ultra oh yeah we'll just fit in see proper compression glands so this will just fit in that compression gland that they supply which is really nice then use my slightly slightly too big for that so i have to use a knife oh yeah let's try to try one of these special knives they're really sharp actually okay um you know what i'm just watching him struggle i was like i'll give it to him i've not used one of these for ages so i've never seen this one that was the nippex one is the depth all right on it what do you think it needs uh should be uh that's really cool okay this is tool of the day guys you've got to turn it turn the handle that way that'll turn the blade all right and then pull it oh i see you oh that's cool man so i've used these in the netherlands before because they use a lot of this style of cable once you get the deficit right it's um yeah that's quite so how do you you just push it up and then you turn the gray bit to just twist it around and you can alright come up or down that's really nice yeah perfect look at that cool yeah so tool of the day nip x i'll leave a link in the description this is evie ultra cable but it's not the stuff we usually use this is the non-armored version so it's like high tough they call it tough sheath six mil three core with a cat5 in and this is kind of going to be our go-to ev charger cable for most installs now it's not cheap but it totally future proofs you because you've got data cable as well as the power cable and it just means that if you change the charge point later on and it does need a data connection or you want to add solar and put cts in and all that kind of stuff you've just got everything there you don't need to rewire the charge point so we fit this as standard on most installs because we like to go above and beyond for our customers [Music] so [Music] so the key with like dangerous unhealthy snacks if you if you just want to enjoy them but not have all the bad effects you just have one that's all you need and you just savor the flavor enjoy the badness can you see how i'm trying to persuade myself to eat this moment on the lips an eternity on the hips that's the one [Music] that is actually pretty good the job lids once you pop the thumb down so we're just removing this commando socket because it was just clipped in twin and earth gonna put a whisker box on the wall run along some high tough new rotary isolator on the fence post reconnect this into it and then we're gonna dig an earth pit and put enough rod in so hopefully that'll get a good reading yeah that's about it it's ruby's actually gonna do anything oh you know what i was thinking about doing something and i thought you know what why should i do something when i can just teach lead the way well if you want an interest here um no so we've got this cable is going to be running along there oh yeah so i think [Music] so the next step is to drill a hole for the earth rod but jordan's got a little bit to go on the end of the earth rod there's pretty much like a a drill like to put on the end so we're just going to do like a pilot hole with this to make sure don't hit anything just make sure it goes smoothly no rocks or anything like that and then yeah we're just going to use that little drill bit on the end and hopefully it all goes well that doesn't sound great doesn't it it felt way too easy this is the drill bit i was talking about earlier so obviously you've got the bit that connects to the sds drill and then on the other side you've got a bit to help it you know go down because obviously that was a lot thinner hole than this is going to be okay let's test it what a great test on the actual earth rod itself the thread is all like scuffed it's like if anything you just need to cut that down but i mean we're just going to try hammering it in first because went in pretty easy as you saw so that's why i'll give it a go [Music] so we are starting connecting this end now and trying out my new uni light head torch today we've got many boots as well check these out the whole team we've got these amazing new boots still blue big boots you might have seen them on instagram they're really really comfy um reuben's rocking the black ones i've got the more traditional colored ones but they're so comfy it's like wearing slippers but they're proper safety boots so um yeah if you want to check those out there's a link in the description you can get a little discount on them as well always nice but what i'm doing here is connecting these ev ultra cables into this whisker box in order to split off the data and the power side so the power side will then come straight through and into the consumer unit we'll just put a bit of normal six mil uh high tough cable between here and the consumer unit the data side will split off and then we've got the tails just above the cupboard here so the tails we're just going to neaten those up and then we'll clip the cts around the top of the tails just before they go into the consumer unit so that we can do the active load management and make sure that they don't blow the main fuse [Music] okay so that's prepped ready to go and i'm hungry so it's time for some lunch [Music] post lunch feeling slightly fuller this junction box is also feeling pretty full i should have probably used two separate junction boxes but i thought i could just it'd be neat to do them all in one but this six mil three core high-top cable is so so stiff because it's solid conductors not stranded but i've just about managed to get it so that i can fit the lid on and then we've got these two cap cat cables which i'm going to now just run these ct wires that's going to go in there and then we can clip the cts both around the incoming tail for the grid and that's that's it basically [Music] okay so last time corey was here he did an eicr and he found a broken earth in the kitchen sockets i've just gone round as you've probably seen um just taking off all the sockets in here nothing all looks good uh john's double checked as well so it's not just my judgment so what we're doing is we're just gonna do ring continuity again just to check that there hasn't been like a problem first time uh corey checked which is possible just saying you know he hasn't done three week course so you know he struggles with stuff like that hopefully it's all good if not then we'll just have to you know keep on going until we find it we figured it out we just done the test here at the board it's fine so i think when cory was doing the eicr maybe he tested the wrong wires or something i'm not quite sure but it's fine now we've got 0.5 the trouble is when you're testing in a real jumbled board and like this this ring circuit has a spur off of it as well directly off the breaker it's actually easily done so it's not like and we've got 0.5 we've got 1.29 on on rn so we better check the others as well well we've sorry get your tester back out we'll check the others as well just to make sure what see what they're like so this is leveling up the jump lead game right lee got this super clever as you know we use jumply to do our r1 and r2 tests but this is taking it to the next level so you clip that onto the earth bar and then that is magnetized and you just pop it in to your rcbo and it holds in and then you can do your r1 and r2 test at the other end so what what were your readings uh 0.16 and 0.18 brilliant that's exactly what we would expect so that's a good solid connection with that magnet isn't it yes it's quite strong it's pretty impressive i like it um can you get these on amazon can we make this tool of the day we'll see if we can put a link to these below if we can get them on amazon because that is really cool good so you can put those covers on then [Music] so we've been trying to figure out what could have gone wrong with the ring circuit like why was there a broken ring when according to the eicr and then suddenly now there isn't one since we've changed the board and we reckon what's happened is cory probably did the ring continuity test at a socket if it was connected wrong at the board and bear in mind this circuit had three wires in it so they might have connected them the wrong way around in the board then curry would have got a lack of continuity on that circuit there's no lcd protection so if it was cross-connected or something it wouldn't have tripped that would make sense to why he didn't get ring continuity reading but now that we've changed the board he did if we'd have just done a quick test again before we started then we would have found that there was a continuous ring already and we wouldn't have needed to whip all those sockets off so it's one of those things probably if someone else has done the icr then always just double check before you start searching for a fault that might not actually be there anymore what's that sucks before he's tired huh why is he sacked what did you do he left his socket oh that is easily done but that is a fireable offense good job lee noticed how does it feel to be out of the job it feels good i feel free you know what i'm so good that i'm even screwing back the socket after i've been fired which is it just shows my worth to be honest which is at least one p an hour okay i might just start my own business i don't know what i'll name it but i'll make it up on the way and i'm sure in a few years time definitely have nathan on board i mean that's that's easy honestly ultrasound i mean it was a good time working with you but i'm coming for you so this is it we're done two hypervolts in one day at one house awesome they're all working and the customer's super happy they've got a skoda enyak and the tesla model 3 on their way again the hypervolt product has just been an absolute breeze to install and it works so well so we're super happy with it quite a nice little neat install great to have lee with us today thanks for your hard work today it's been awesome i think you'll be doing plenty more of these over the next few weeks and thanks reuben as well you've been a star today so the 18 once again thank you for watching because without you our dear audience it would be as if none of this ever happened we really appreciate all your support if you do like our videos it really helps if you hit the thumbs up button and if you subscribe that helps as well but if you've already subscribed just do one thing for us hit the notification bell i noticed the other day that only 10 of you subscribers have got notifications turned on a magical thing happens when you hit the notification bell every time we post a video you'll get this little thing that pops up and it'll brighten your day so please do that but even if you don't want to do any of that just thanks for watching and have a great day you
Channel: Artisan Electrics
Views: 132,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric vehicle charging, electric vehicle charging at home, electric vehicle charging installation, electric vehicle charging point installation, electric vehicle charging points, electric vehicle charging uk, electric vehicle charger at home, electric vehicle charger installation, electric vehicle chargers, ev charger installation, ev charger installation uk, hypervolt, hypervolt charger, hypervolt ev charger, hypervolt review, bad electrics, ev charge point
Id: eUKmkz8dQWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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