DTT 2018 Bible Conference: (Spike Psarris) Day 1-Session 2

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my privilege to be here with you again today and I must also say I'm very thankful to be at a conference where the authority of God's Word is proclaimed so firmly and so often often times when I speak places that's not necessarily the case and so a creation speaker would typically have to spend some time even talking about what inerrancy means and why it's important and I'm thankful that that's not necessary here that that foundation is being laid as well as it is and so that gives me the opportunity to explore some other topics that necessarily wouldn't have always time for and that's proclaiming the Lord's glory through that what she has made as you can see our title for this session is called our created solar system we're gonna dig deeply into the topic of the solar system that our planet is found within and see what it can tell us about the origins issue does it look like the product of natural processes just the laws of physics working themselves out over billions of years or does it look like something that was created so before we can do that I suppose we should define what the solar system is so the Latin name for the Sun is Sol thus this is the solar system meaning the Sun and everything that revolves around it and so on so where there's a number of planets here by this diagram that I'm showing you is to scale in terms of size so the Sun is really that big compared to the earth oops this one and relative to the planets this is not to scale for distances though in the real solar system everything is much farther away from each other than shown here but the planets of our solar system are shown here in proper order and closest closest to the Sun so the closest one is mercury almost the size of my laser dot there then there's Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune and then Pluto got demoted so it's not in this list anymore it's down here with the dwarf planets or planetoids or Pluto's or whatever you want to call them we'll be talking about each of these a bit in here in our time now the Bible says in Genesis 1 that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth hopefully that's a familiar verse to us further on in Genesis it says and God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years and God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night and he made the stars also so this is telling us that the Lord made the celestial bodies as part of this creation process during creation week of course this is not what we will be told in our culture today our culture today proclaims a secular model as being true and the most popular by far secular model today it really doesn't have any competition anymore it's called the solar nebula model now as you might guess by the name Solar means something to do with the Sun Nebula means a big cloud of gas so this model says that our entire solar system came from a large cloud of gas about 4 and 1/2 billion years ago so the story goes like this in the beginning there was gas that gas then began to collapse in the force of gravity and swirl around as it did so little grains of dust began to condense in the gas those grains of dust begin to stuck to get begin to stick together to form little rocks the little Wroxton stuck together to become bigger rocks the bigger rocks stuck together to become what are called planetesimals which means asteroids basically the word means little planets and then the planetesimals the asteroid stuck together in various ways to form the planets that we see in our solar system today now if you look at the textbooks or the science programs or a planetarium show or whatever you will be told that this is good science that this is where the solar system came from minor detail though that they often leave out in fact they always leave out is every time I've seen is that this model doesn't actually work why is that well there's problems first of all getting dust from the gas but let's give them that for the moment let's say you get the dust once you have dust does do particles of dust to stick together well sure just look under your furniture for proof of that right and once you have the clumps the clumps can stick together okay but once the material gets about this big 1 1 meter or less that's where the accretion the building process stops why is that because when you get rocks this big they now have enough mass to start breaking each other apart as they collide what happens when you Ram rocks together this big at hundreds of thousands of miles an hour do you get bigger rocks out of that process no you get rubble right so that this big they're big enough to be destructive but they're not yet massive enough they don't yet have enough mass to have enough gravity to pull the pieces back together and build bigger things so the planet building process stops right about this size and some of the second thoughts will even admit this one of my astrophysics textbooks points out once these planetesimals these asteroids have been formed further growth the planets may occur through their gravitational accretion the gathering together into larger bodies but just how that takes place is not understood this author said the formation of planetesimals the kilometer-sized planetary precursors is still a puzzling process this author says how the first stage of this process primary accretion works is a fundamental unsolved problem of planetary science now those of you who like astronomy and you'd like to consume science media who heard about this problem the last science program or planetarium show you went to did they talk about this part of the model or do they just say oh no that we have it all figured out good science gas rocks planets here we are well that latter story is what's usually given now of course the second of scientists are well aware of this problem and they claim to have a solution for it this is their solution see if you think this is a good scientific model objects must have grown very rapidly from sub-meter sized pebbles into 100 kilometer sized bodies possibly in a single leap in other words the physics says you can't make things bigger than this well no problem we'll just say that in our model things this big rocks this big turned into asteroids the size of Rhode Island is that a scientific model or is that an excuse that's just a bunch of hand waving right well it must have happened somehow cuz we're here aren't we you ever talk to an atheist and hear that little line by the way not a logical fallacy they're right it just doesn't by the way if someone ever uses that line on you say I can use that logic to I can prove we're created because we're here aren't we if it works for you it works for me which means it doesn't work for anybody that's bad logic isn't it okay onward so we can actually stop our conversation right here because the secular astronomer doesn't have the building blocks he needs to make anything in his solar system model he can't get rocks bigger than about this but let's move on anyway even if you turns out even if you give them the rocks they need they still can't account for the things in our solar system so that's what we'll spend the rest of our time on here this afternoon we're gonna go through each of these planets and show how each of them actually dis credits the secular model in a different way which i think is a lot of fun that the Lord made things to do that so again we have Mercury Venus Earth Mars these four planets here are sometimes called the terrestrial planets now the Latin word for earth the Latin name for Earth is Terra thus since all these other planets are rocky like Earth is we call them the terrestrial planets just as a way to categorize them and the smallest planet of course is the planet Mercury that's where we will start our little tour of the solar system here now mercury is a tiny little planet it's actually smaller than some of the moons elsewhere in the solar system as such a small object then the model has certain predictions about what mercury should be like turns on mercury isn't actually the way it's supposed to be though for one thing mercury turns out to be very dense it's so dense in fact that it's estimated that about 3/4 of its interior volume is occupied by an iron core now of course we've never actually been inside the planet to see what's there but we have orbited it with spacecraft and we've measured its gravitational pull on our spacecraft and we can look and see how big it is just by looking at it so if you know how how big it is and you know how much gravity therefore how much mass there is you can calculate its density so mercury is so dense that it has to be mostly just a big ball of iron with a little layer of rock on top and that's interesting because the secular model can't accommodate mercury being this dense it can't be this dense according to the model but it is well this creates a problem well there's a problem you need a solution so if you look in the textbooks and whatever you'll be told well mercury formed less dense as the model predicts and then an asteroid crashed into early in its history and broke it up into pieces and the less dense pieces wandered off into space after the collision never to return leaving behind only the really dense stuff that then reformed into a planet today so that's their solution but where's the evidence for this collision having happened well the evidence is that if it didn't hadn't but happen mercury would discredit the secular model now is that good evidence is that actually scientific evidence well no that's letting your you're putting your cart before your horse right moreover there's scientific evidence against this collision having happened for example had this collision happened well it would have been very violent but been a lot of heat and volatile elements like sulfur would have vaporized in this collision so whatever sulfur was there before the collision wouldn't be there afterward because it would have gone away yet Mercury's surface has a lot of sulfur on it and potassium and other things that shouldn't be there if this collision had happened oh and by the way the second model says sulfur can't had gotten there in the first place anyhow because sulfur couldn't have condensed out of that cloud in Mercury's neighborhood so the circular model says mercury can't have that sulfur under to begin with it even if it did have some to begin with they couldn't have survived the collision yet as I said there's lots of sulfur on the surface today so mercury doesn't fit their model there's more we could say about mercury actually if we'd had the time to do so but for our time here today let's move on and talk briefly about Venus now venus is an interesting place its surface for example is very young it doesn't look four and a half billion years old it looks like the whole planetary surface was resurfaced quite recently now by resurfacing I mean either it was formed recently or somehow resurfaced itself recently either way it doesn't look billions of years old now if you want to believe in the billions of years though you have to come up with the reason why a planet would resurface itself for no you know with no apparent stimulus to do so so that's an interesting challenge if you want to believe in the billions of years moreover Venus also doesn't have a moon now remember venus is an earth's neighbor in space it's sometimes called our sister planet because it's about the same size in the same mass in the same location now if you want to believe in the secular model and you want to deny a creator then you believe that these things formed by the laws of physics on their own so if something formed at the same time in the same place from the same materials by the same natural processes you would expect these things to have roughly the same major characteristics then and since the earth has a moon then Venus should too but Venus doesn't have a moon well this is a bit of a problem if you're a secular modeler and there's a problem you need a solution well the solution is that Venus did form with the moon as the secular model would sort of imply but then asteroid came along and smashed into it and destroyed it well where is the evidence for the collision well the fact that the moon isn't there anymore there's more we could say about Venus but let's move on here talk briefly about Earth now we could do a whole session on just how amazing the earth is and actually be talking some of the same material I'll be talking again to p'mote tomorrow and my session on the Goldilocks cosmos but the earth is really uniquely designed for life here's a few examples of what I'm talking about our rotation period is 24 hours that's what gives us the length of our day now who woke up this morning thanking the Lord that he made the day 24 hours long probably nobody right we just take that for granted I mean the Sun goes up and it goes down and we go on with our business at least it goes up and comes down here I mean I live in Seattle so I don't get to see that thing very much but anyway I'm told that it comes up every day that 24 hours we just take that for granted right turns out 24 hours is just right to sustain life here on earth if the earth rotated more quickly then we would start to have violent winds on the surface that makes things a little less comfortable for us here doesn't it conversely if the earth rotated more slowly then any given spot on the Earth's surface would be exposed to sunlight longer and get hotter and then be away from the Sun on the night side for longer and then get colder so there'd be much more violent temperature swings 24 hours turns out to be just right and it's not like 24 hours is some kind of preordained thing for a planet to have elsewhere in the solar system we see like the planet Jupiter has a 10-hour day imagine how big that planet is screaming around its axis once in just ten hours conversely Venus's day is 243 Earth days long so I mean those are your options that span but we're out of 24 hours which again is just right our axial tilt 23 and 1/2 degrees gives us moderate seasons again that's not a preordained thing either mercury for example has almost no axial tilt so it has no seasons whatsoever on the other hand Uranus has a ninety seven point eight degree axial tilt it's actually way over on its side so for half of its year 1/2 is always explaining and the other half that the opposite pole well not a full half of the year but you understand what I'm saying it's sometimes it's the pole pointing at the Sun and then it goes all the way around toward the opposite pole so imagine how wildly variant seasons would be if our planet was like that but it's not 23 and 1/2 gives us nice seasons year-round our orbit is nice and circular again gives us some moderate climate again we take that for granted but that's not preordained either for example mercury has a more eccentric a more oval-shaped orbit it actually receives twice as much radiation from the Sun at its closest point compared to its farthest point imagine if every year the amount of energy we got from the Sun varied by a factor of 2 what would life be like here I mean this would be bad but we don't have that problem because it's just right our atmosphere this is a photo from space you see our atmosphere isn't very thick when if you could drive at highway speed straight up you'd be in space in about an hour which is really pretty scary if you think about it in hostile space is a very hostile environment it's actually a lot closer to us than we commonly think but yet our atmosphere is just right to protect us it gives us air to breathe and protects us from harmful radiation at the same time it's not too thick what do I mean by that well an example of having an atmosphere that's too thick is Venus's Venus's atmosphere is thicker than ours and causes a runaway greenhouse effect where solar radiation is trapped beneath the atmosphere and as a result Venus if any place on the solar system qualifies as being hellish it would be Venus atmosphere pressure there's 92 times that on earth despite being a planet roughly the same size and mass as ours surface temperatures almost 900 degrees Fahrenheit hot enough to melt lead on the surface of Venus not because it's too close to the Sun I mean Venus is hotter than mercury because of this greenhouse effect but we don't have the risk of a greenhouse effect because our atmosphere is just right now there's a lot of other things we'll be talking about tomorrow in terms of fine-tuning of the earth and so on but question for now does this look at like the product of random processes or does it look like the earth was designed nah argue that it is indeed designed for us to be here but as Christians that shouldn't surprise us right because what does Isaiah 45 said thus say it says thus saith the Lord that created the heavens God Himself that formed the earth and made it he hath established it and created it not in vain he had a purpose which was what he formed it to be inhabited so if an omniscient omnipotent benevolent creator made the earth as a nice place to live and then we shouldn't be surprised that that's exactly what it is other things we could talk about the earth but 70% of the earth's surface is covered with water well that's interesting because the solar mon-sol Nebula model says there shouldn't be any water on earth you should know that the earth is bone-dry according to that secular model of gas and so on but of course that's not what we see so weird all the water come from well the second the modelers used to say that all of our water came from comets they said yes the earth form dry like the model says and then afterward hundreds of millions of comets came in from elsewhere and bombarded our planet and that's where our water came from now it's true that comets are made of snow and ice ices I should say they're basically dirty snowballs but the problem is we have really been studying comets fairly intensively recently and in some cases actually taking samples of them and bringing them back for study turns out cometary water has some important chemical differences with Earth's ocean water specifically the deuterium ratios different that means Earth's water could not have come from comets which means the secular model says Earth doesn't have any water and of course the earth does have water well this creates a problem doesn't it well there's a problem you need so so the official solution now is that earth was bombarded not with comets but with asteroids how much water does an asteroid have though not a whole lot now some categories of asteroids do have slightly more water than others but it turns out their waters their water has some important chemical differences too so this isn't a good solution either yet it's still being promoted today because it's really the only option they have moving on we'll talk briefly about our Moon now there's lots of people who talk about design of the earth but not a whole lot of people talk about our Moon as evidence for intelligent design but it actually is for example the moon is of the appropriate size and mass and distance from Earth to raise tides of a good size and the Earth's oceans what do I mean by good size well if the moon were farther away are smaller than the tides it'd be smaller and Earth's ocean waters would run the risk of becoming stagnant and stagnant oceans means things starts to die which affects the whole food chain including us conversely if the moon were larger or closer to us we'd start to have more violent tides more destructive to Earth's coastlines yet the tides that we have are just right the moon's also uniquely positioned the moon's about 400 times smaller than the Sun is but it's 400 times closer to us than the Sun is and its orbit is aligned in such a way that at regular intervals the moon will become will go just in between the Earth and the Sun in such a way that it'll exactly blot out the disk of the Sun for observers on Earth's surface we just had a total solar eclipse in the US last year I know if anybody had the chance to get down to see it there's another one coming to North America in a couple more years which it's worth that trip I mean I don't think it'll come this far north but wherever it comes in the u.s. go down to see it because it's it's worth the experience it's amazing every time then people go all over the world to see these things when they happen including cruise ships in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and because these are amazing events anyway sales pitch over something that's not commonly talked about though well a couple things first of all this enables us to do some good science because this blocks out the direct sunlight from the sun's disk where we can still see the corona now normally we can't see the corona because the sunlight overwhelms it so this allows us to do some good science first of all second of all it really is an amazing coincidence though that this even happens at all what do I mean by that well the last I checked there was over one hundred and sixty three moons throughout the solar system now of these hundred and sixty three moons how many of them have the proper combination of size distance from the planet and distance from the Sun and so on to just exactly blot out the solar disk for an observer on the surface one hours as an astronomer friend of mine points out it's an amazing coincidence tongue-in-cheek he's a Christian it's an amazing coincidence that the only place in the entire solar system where these types of things are visible is also the only place in the entire solar system were those observers to observe them I think this is great support for the Lord creating these objects to be signs and seasons for us well the moon also it turns out stabilizes the spin of the Earth on its axis and our axial tilt now obviously if I don't accept the whole millions of years billions of years way of looking at things but even those who do accept that way of looking at things have to wrestle with the fact that the moon stabilizes the earth over these long periods of time as this author says it's up liquid to it very chaotically from 0 to 85 degrees on a timescale of tens of millions of years were it not for the presence of the moon Earth's climatic stability is dependent to a large extent on the existence of the moon so what would happen to Earth's climate if as as our as the years went went by our axis was doing this relative to the Sun and also precessing like this I mean the climate here would go haywire right but we're not expecting it to do that over long periods of time because of the moon now again I don't accept the millions of years that goes into this calculation but I think it's interesting that the Lord created things in such a way that even if you do want to buy into the billions and millions of years you still have to wrestle with this kind of issue moon is also unique and that is the only other celestial body other than Earth people have gone and walked on now there's several reasons that we went and walked on it first was to beat the Russians second of all is to answer the question of where did this thing come from now of course the Bible tells us where it came from but unfortunately the secular scientific community has rejected the Bible so they try finding other answers and at the time of the Apollo program there were three competing secular models for where the moon came from the efficient theory the nebula theory in the capture theory and I'm not going to bother explaining details because the Apollo astronauts brought back hundreds of pounds of samples with them moon rocks and lunar soil and it turns out the samples for various reasons disproved all three secular theories so for a time in the 72nd or scientists had no feasible model for where the moon came from other than the Bible which they reject well this creates a problem doesn't it when there's a problem you need a solution so the solution today is that this Mars sized asteroid came cruising along early on in the solar system's history and smashed into the earth the debris went up into space some of the came back down but the rest of it stayed up there informed our moon which is up there today now if you look in the textbooks or the science programs or the planetarium shows you'll be told that we know this is what happened actually we don't know that this is what happened in fact for several years now we've known that it couldn't have happened yet they're still teaching it anyway how do we know it couldn't have happened well because I told you that the astronauts brought back rocks and soil samples this is Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt who was actually a PhD geologist taken some soil samples and a few years back early 2000s some scientists said you know back in the 70s when we analyzed all this stuff that they brought back our lab gear wasn't as good as it is today we got better equipment now maybe they missed something back then let's go back and look at it again sure enough turns out that of the some of the soil samples had contained volcanic glasses which have traces of water in them now not much water that's why they missed it the first time they looked for it in the 70s but now we know there is water in this now why is this important well water in the soil overall isn't that big of a deal because that could come from meteorites or comets or whatever after the moon was formed but if the waters inside the volcanic glasses well the volcanic glasses came from where inside the moon that tells you there's water down there inside the moon but big problem if this collision had happened this would have been violent enough to vaporize any water that was in this impactor body thus there wouldn't be any water at all in the material that gathered itself together again afterward yet there is water there which means this never happened but they're still teaching this as fact today why is that because they have no alternative to offer which I do not think is good science education but there it is another question with the moon how old is it it's supposedly been there according to the secular model for billion years or so and this is another thing that the astronauts went up there to help shed some light on now they brought a bunch of experiments with them including this piece of gear right here here's a close-up this is called an ll R which stands for lunar and laser ranging it's a special kind of reflector that allows scientists on earth to fire a laser at the moon and if you hit one of these things there's multiple of them Apollo 11 14 and 15 and place these up there in the Soviet Union and put a couple of their own and sort of a different different fashion but anyway if you fire a laser from here and happen to hit one of them which is difficult but we can do this the laser light bounces back to us we can then measure excuse-me measure how long the trip took and that tells us exactly how far away the moon was at that moment in time and this is still being done by the way it's the only apollo level apollo era experiment that's still going on so we've been taking very accurate measurements of the moon's distance for 40 some-odd years now and it turns out that the moon is actually moving away from us over time now we're not talking about much it's like 3.8 centimeters so this far on average per year but when you do the math over billions of years it gets very interesting because the rate of recession would have been higher in the past and I should also mention this wasn't a surprise people expected this to happening what we didn't know was how quickly it was happening and so this equipment has allowed us to measure that so why is it happening I'm gonna take a moment to explain this and if this is too technical and you don't get it don't worry about it but for people who are curious we have shown here the moon rotating the earth revolving around there excuse me which takes almost a month what's not shown here is that the earth is spinning on its axis once every 24 hours once per day so the earth spins around about 30 times almost 30 times for every revolution that the moon makes now this here is the Bulge in the Earth's oceans that represents the tidal bulge so tides aren't actually that the water comes in and comes out what's actually happening is you're on the Earth's surface you rotate into an area of tidal bulging and then you rotate back out of it so we experienced that as tides but that's what's really happening so the moon's gravity pulls the ocean toward it and makes this bulge but meanwhile the earth is spinning underneath the Bulge and there's a bit of friction between the ocean bottoms and the water that pulls the Bulge slightly forward relative to the moon which means the Bulge is offset slightly which means it exerts its own gravitational pull on the moon which accelerates the moon and pulls it forward in its orbit and thus the moon moves farther away now I've probably lost most people in the room but the reason I'm explaining all that is because if you're curious that's why it's happening the point is what we understood this would be happening but we didn't know how how long or how quickly this was occurring now due to this experiment we know how quickly it's happening but now is work it's interesting because if you take today's recession rate and multiply it backwards through time well if the moon is moving farther away every year now looking back in time I used to be closer to us right turns out one and a half billion years ago it would have been touching the earth the way this works now that doesn't mean the moon is one and a half billion years old that's a maximum age for the system I mean ten thousand six thousand years works just fine then 6,000 year old moon hasn't moved all that much but if you're gonna if you're gonna try to buy into the billions of years thing you get a moon that's touching the earth just one and a half billion years ago but it's supposed to be four billion years old well that's a problem isn't it there's more we can say about the moon if we could end take the time to do so but for now I'll just note that the moon is as the Bible says the lesser light to rule the night and it fulfills its god-given purposes quite well it is uniquely designed for us moving outwards in the solar system we have the planet Mars now Mars is a rocky desert very rather cold and very dry it has two moons Phobos and Deimos or Deimos depending on how you pronounce that and for various reasons they shouldn't be there they're very weird little objects their orbits don't match this whole gas cloud model which creates the problem and what is a problem you need a solution which is that Mars formed without moons and then asteroid came along and crashed into some stuff and made these little chunks of things left over today Mars gets in the moon the news frequently though because we're always looking for what on Mars life and then if you need if you want life you need to have water so here is a news article from nature now nature the most prestigious scientific journal in the world this wasn't from the journal is from their website but same basic thing I mean if you're a scientist and you get published in nature that's a big deal for your career a little while ago nature published an article that said this the Wheel of spirit hints at life on Mars now Spirit is referring to this little Rover here that we had on Mars at the time and spirit had a broken wheel so it was actually dragging along in the soil instead of rolling along and so that uncovered some stuff and so Nature had this article the spiritual wheel hints at life on Mars now if all you saw was a headline what would you think spirit had found well some sort of evidence of life right isn't that what it says well here's what spirit found as the wheel was dragging along this this little white patch here was uncovered this is silica basically sand never looks underwhelmed the reason we went like this on earth silica is often associated with volcanic events volcanic fumaroles and on earth there's often bacteria that live in volcanic vents therefore this is hints of life on Mars I'm not making this up this is what the article said and this is the most prestigious scientific website in the world now I'm not trying to beat up on it well I guess I'm trying to beat up on it my point is this is the quality of science education today the public is being told absolute rubbish okay you found some sand on Mars that's very interesting geologically but it's not hints of life guys come on let's stop over selling your case we're gonna have a case to sell so I guess over selling is gonna happen by definition but of course you know we're also constantly hearing about water on Mars you know they'll find some discovery and argue about whether or not this indicates water and so on in fact you might be aware that's planetary scientists frequently talk about an entire global ocean on Mars and they want the ocean to be there for various reasons and of course where there's water there must be life right which is a total fallacy as we talked about earlier this morning nevertheless they are always excitedly talking about the possibility of there being water on Mars what's the problem well is there water on Mars today no could you have liquid water on Mars today No why not Mars has a very thin atmosphere and so the boiling point of water is very low so even if you poured out a puddle of water on a Mars a surface assuming it didn't just freeze because of the temperature it would boil away very rapidly even though the temperature there is very cold so liquid water is physically impossible to stay on the surface of Mars for any length of time today yet second the modelers want there to have been a global ocean well this creates a problem well there's a problem you need a solution well the solution is that there used to be liquid water on Mars which means the atmosphere used to be a lot thicker of course it's not thick today so what happened well apparently an asteroid came along and crashed into the planet changed some things around and now Mars lost its atmosphere that explains why there's no longer water possible there now now this essentially think about this we have the planet earth and the planet Mars and this is not to scale by the way Mars is much smaller than Earth now earth has a surface that's 70% covered with liquid water Mars is a desert planet where it's physically impossible to have liquid water on the surface today yet we are told that there was no global flood on earth because that's unscientific and impossible but yet there used to be a global flood on Mars anybody see some hypocrisy going on here okay moving outwards let's talk briefly about the gas giants so we have Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune and here's earth to scale so you see these are all much bigger than Earth the biggest planet in the solar system is Jupiter sometimes called the king of the planets famous for its giant red spot this giant storm system that's been going on for as long as we've had telescopes to look at it this storm system alone is bigger than our entire planet you can imagine how violence imagine a hurricane bigger than the earth what would that be like now if you're going to make something this big in your model you need a lot of stuff right and you need a lot of material to work with now we've already talked about the fact that the secular modeler doesn't have the building blocks he needs to make anything in his model as this author here said and how this process this planet building process continues from meter sized boulders remember this is because they get to kilometer scale planetesimals is a major unsolved problem boulders are expected to stick together poorly that's the problem I told you about earlier now here's the second problem I didn't tell you about yet and they will spiral into the protostar the Sun that's forming in the middle in a few hundred orbits owing to a head wind from the slower rotating gas what does this mean well actually back up a minute as Jupiter is supposedly forming in this gas cloud it's moving through gas right well that I mean just plowing into the gas as it goes that's like a headwind which is going to slow Jupiter down as it's trying to form so even if you could get your rocks bigger than this to make stuff from like they need that still doesn't get you off the hook here because as the planet is building I mean Jupiter as a planet is still subject to laws of physics right it's slowing down as it moves to the cloud well in orbits when you slow down you move toward the thing you're orbiting in this case Jupiter would actually spiral all the way into the Sun in how long a few hundred orbits few hundred or a few thousand years that's a really short time given their millions and billions of years ways of thinking right so Jupiter shouldn't be there yet there it is and oh by the way we've also discovered Jupiter has some important chemical differences between what is there on the planet and what these alleged planetesimals would have and a more recent discovery is actually is that Jupiter's core is a lot different than previously thought and on and on it goes there's been a lot of surprises about Jupiter that doesn't match any Dec spectac uestion where did you better come from is this Arthur said Jupiter's the largest of all the planets but results published in Nature the scientific journal now reveal the embarrassing fact that we know next to nothing about how or where it formed who heard about this the last planetarium show you went to or the last TV program you watched on science or whatever as this author said I don't think the existence of Jupiter would be predicted if it weren't observed so not only do you have a backup meta so we talked about no building blocks and no planetesimals first of all no building blocks and then the issue that Jupiter as it's forming in the gas cloud will migrate is what this issue is called as it moves through this cloud of gas so you can't get rocks this big if the rocks were bigger they'd spiral into the Sun and then even once the planet forms that planet as a whole will migrate all the way in as this press release here from astronomy and astrophysics points out theories predict that the giant to proto planets the planets that are trying to form will merge into the central star it's a nice way of saying crash into the Sun before planets have time to form this makes it very difficult to understand how they can form at all understanding the formation of giant planets is currently one of the major challenges for astronomers well it's more than a major challenge guys the the model says the planet shouldn't be there but there it is which is rather inconvenient Jupiter also has a lot of surprises in its moons but for my purposes today and time constraints and going to move on and we'll talk briefly about Saturn Saturn of course is famous for its beautiful rings now the Rings aren't solid things they're actually belts of particles all orbiting the planet together how old are Saturn's rings though well it used to be said that they formed at the same time the planet did because there's not really a good way to make them after the planet formed problem is recent results have shown they can't actually be old for one thing the Rings are very bright that's how we can see them well a Saturn moves through space the Rings should darken over time because there's dust and other material accumulating within them and so recent discoveries from the Cassini mission have shown we've measured how how much material is coming into the Rings and it turns out that is actually inconsistent with the ring being old when this influx is actually about 10 times higher than was previously thought and so as this physicist points out our measurements the most direct way you can measure the age of the wing the Rings there's not much you can do about it it has to be young well if it has to be young then it can't be old which means the Rings didn't form at the same time Saturn supposedly did from the cloud of gas which means the word the Rings come from then well this creates a problem doesn't it and what there's a problem you need a solution which is that asteroids came in fairly recently smashed together and all the particles formed the Rings that we see today anybody detecting a trend in some of these explanations by the way ok as a planet saturn has additional problems it too suffers from from the migration problem it - even if you could get the rocks big enough for the planet to form it - would spiral all the way into the Sun before it had time to finish forming it to allow on Jupiter shouldn't actually be there but there it is Saturn has dozens of moons some of which are really interesting let's talk about just two of them this is Enceladus which is a pretty little moon it's actually the brightest object in the solar system because it reflects the most sunlight back into space and our first photographs of Enceladus were kind of intriguing these are Saturn's rings right here looked almost edge-on from the spacecraft here's in solid US and hopefully it's dark enough in here you see there's a little smudge down here we said what's going on there let's take some closer pictures turns out in selling US has geysers of water and ice coming out of its South Pole now this is interesting first of all there's a lot of material coming out some of one of the rings of Saturn by the way it is now believed is formed by Enceladus doing this Enceladus is making a ring of Saturn it's also spray-painting some of its neighbouring moons they're brighter than they otherwise would be because of the ice and snow coming out of Enceladus now this is interesting because Enceladus is not a big object which means it would have cooled off from its formation long ago if it had formed billions of years ago like the psyche of the folks say so if it had formed billions of years ago it would have cooled off billions of years ago which means it couldn't be geologically active anymore yet it is obviously geologically active here's a colorized photo added to see how much material is coming out of this little moon now if in solidus is thousands of years old this makes perfect sense it's still cooling off after its creation thousands of years ago so it can still have the energy to be geologically active which it is so thousands of years old not a problem billions of years old well that's a problem so all the second modelers can do here is appeal to tidal flexing where Enceladus is caught in a gravitational tug of war between Saturn on one side and some of the moons on the other and so Enceladus is getting flexed and squeezed and that does impart a little energy into Enceladus but it's only a couple of percent necessary to account for this so this is a complete mystery if you want to believe in the billions of years shouldn't be happening but it is Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and as you can guess by the name is rather large it's actually bigger than the planet Mercury Titan as you can see looks fuzzy this isn't a bad photo it actually looks that way that's because Titan has an atmosphere it's a moon with an atmosphere now the atmosphere is opaque so we can't see through it from here from Earth but we can see the sunlight bouncing off of Titan and coming back to us so it's been known for a long time the Titan's atmosphere has a lot of methane in it why is that important because sunlight breaks methane down into ethane and some other chemicals and you can show that all the methane and Titan would be gone after just 10 million years now 10 million years is a long time don't get me wrong but Titan is supposed to be 4.6 billion years old that's four thousand six hundred million so if Titan were really that old they would have lost all of its methane fourth out or four point five nine billion years ago but there's still methane there today secular modeler said no problem here's what's happening obviously there's some source of methane way down deep on titan surface that's been replenishing the atmosphere with all this methane for billions of years but that also implies that after all these billions of years of methane being broken down there's lots and lots of ethane also built up on the surface as byproducts now Titan being as far out as it is would be very cold so on the surface methane and ethane would be liquid so based on their billions of years outlook secular modelers said before we got there Titan should have a global ocean a kilometer or so deep of methane and ethane on Titan surface that's the prediction based on the billions of years problem is when the Cassini lander Cassini spacecraft got there and sent on the Huygens Lander while the lander went down and landed on a dry surface no global ocean of methane no global ocean of ethane just a sandy textured surface now if Titans just thousands of years old this makes perfect sense there hasn't been enough time to break down methane in the atmosphere significantly there hasn't been enough time to build up ethane on the surface significantly so thousands of years not a problem billions of years is a problem moving outwards we have the planet Uranus now Uranus as you can see doesn't look very exciting from here and a telescope it's like a little blue dot and even from Hubble or something you can't tell much it's fairly featureless the one our spacecraft got there there was a big surprise turns out that Uranus rolls along on its side rather than spinning like a top so whereas all the other planets spin like tops as they go around the Sun Uranus rolls along sideways like a ball this colorized photo here this is one of the poles this other there's no North Pole up here in South Pole down here this is what do you wanna call that North or South I mean take your pick right and then the other poles on the opposite side problem that whole gas cloud thing has to have the plaintiff spinning like tops as they come out of that gas cloud so Uranus shouldn't be like this but it is this creates a problem well there's a problem you need a solution which if that Uranus formed the right way spending like a top but then something the size of Earth crashed into it and knocked it over thus is spinning along sideways today problem is there's evidence against that having happen number one Uranus is orbit is almost perfectly circular number two Uranus has a nice system of moons that apparently wasn't disrupted by this massive collision on and on it goes yours doesn't look like this happened but they still say this happened because otherwise their model would be it would have even more problems than it does otherwise I want to skip some of this your nurse also has this little moon called Miranda now this is a tiny little thing only about 300 miles across now I sometimes wonder if the Lord did this on purpose just to give headaches to the people trying to deny that he's behind it all because how many different kinds of terrain can you identify in this little thing I mean looks like a patchwork quilt almost and there's parts of it that looks like someone took a giant paintbrush and swiped it across the surface it's got the highest cliff in the solar system over three miles high I mean imagine standing on the edge and looking down to that now pity the poor secular modeler who has to come up with an explanation for how this got there by natural processes I mean look how distinct it was a patchwork Court right look how distinct the various edges of these things are plus there's this big check mark right in the middle of it as if you said ha let them try to explain this one so this creates a problem for secular modelers and when there's a problem you need to say with me now solution exactly second the modelers say that your Miranda formed looking more realistic more normal like and then a collision happened but other people said you know one collision isn't going to do it so some people are proposing up to five collisions in a row so collision break up into pieces reform collision break up into pieces reform five times in a row other people that point out you know how do you maintain such rugged topography through even one collision and Reformation after it doesn't look like that so Miranda is a real head-scratcher moving onwards planet Neptune we're now the farthest planet out from the solar system it takes sunlight about 4 hours to reach Neptune if you were on Neptune and the Sun doesn't look like much more than a star really so people said you know Neptune is four and a half billion years old doesn't get much solar radiation it's probably old cold and dead by now turns out it's none of the above despite being 30 times as far away from the Sun as the earth is it's not well it is cold but it's radiating back into space twice as much energy as it gets getting from the Sun it's also not dead we've seen major storm systems form and disappear just in the last few decades it has the most violent winds in the solar system 1,300 miles per hour hard to imagine really but one of the biggest problems that poses for the secular folks is this it doesn't actually exist according to the secular model here's a quote from astronomy magazine astronomers who model the formation of the solar system have kept a dirty little secret Uranus and Neptune don't exist at least computer simulations have never explained how planets as big as the two gas giants could form so far from the Sun and it goes on to talk about how you need 10 billion years of gathering planetesimals out in that part of the solar system before a planet is even possible and even with their long age assumptions they have less than five to work with so there's still five and a half billion years short of the time in their model to explain how planets could form and by the way there's no planetesimals out there any way to make anything from you would think this would be a problem then as this author said it's clear that our level of sophistication of studying plant information is relatively primitive so far it's been very difficult for anybody to come up with a scenario that actually produces Uranus and Neptune and I like this phrase come up with a scenario this is really the heart of a lot of what goes on in the creation/evolution discussion the goal of the evolution is just to come up with a story about how something could have got there without a creator and oftentimes they seem to believe that just the mere act of coming up with a story proves it actually happened that way which is of course there's another logical fallacy right now the reason they give the solar system talk is to show that it doesn't even have to be a good story I mean think about it if your job was to come up with the story for how the solar system and the planets got there could you do a worse job than to come up with a story that says the planet shouldn't exist at all but that's what the story says right even with its implications yet they're still proclaiming this model as being true we rather than acknowledge the creator secular scientists would rather cling to a story that denies the very objects that's supposed to explain this is not a scientific issue this is a spiritual issue the heart of man is desperate desperately and foolishly wicked right desperately wicked and foolish I should say so it's not it's not that they have all this evidence for denying the Creator it's that they want to deny the Creator and they'll grasp onto the best evidence they can get even if best isn't good at all more recent example this is Pluto yes I am going to talk about Pluto even if it's not a planet anymore Pluto had all sorts of cool stuff that we found here just recently when the new Horizons spacecraft went by it it blew everybody socks off figuratively Pluto had really interesting terrain on the surface for example you see there's large smooth areas large regions of smooth crater less terrain now that's interesting because other parts of Pluto do have craters like over here so you see craters over here smooth over here and then in the middle there appears to be some craters that are partially filled in so it looks like Pluto had craters and then a large parts of it the craters have been filled in by something the surface of Pluto has been reworked and it's very recently that this happened why is that because there's no creators on the smooth stuff there hasn't been time for new creators to form I mean this could have happened the day before the spacecraft got there for all we can tell thank you now this is interesting cuz Pluto is not a large object tiny little thing and we talked about this reasoning before if it's a small thing that formed four-and-a-half billion years ago it would have cooled off billions of years ago it can't have energy to be geologically active anymore but it is still geologically active thousands of years works just fine it's still cooling off from its creation it can be geologically active yet the billions of years work at all nevertheless eat all the problems like this what gets questioned are people finally going to question their billions of years assumptions here's a quote that came out after the Pluto discoveries the designjet said every time we've looked at a body that has experienced tidal heating such as IO and Europa I did not tend to talk about these and sell it us this is one of the fountains member we found that the bodies were more active or putting out 10 to 100 times the heat predicted by models so these things are too hot they're geologically active where they shouldn't be after billions of years but do they question the billions of years no here's what they question until it has taught us that our models of tidal heating were not right and I think that Pluto Charon system could be telling us something similar so rather than question that billions of years they're questioning their understanding of how eating works they'll question physics before they question the billions of years now I'm not claiming a conspiracy to lie to people I'm pointing out that how thoroughly indoctrinated the secular community has been with this billions of years thinking they'll question how think how eating works before they'll question the billions of years and running short on time here so skip a little bit let's talk briefly about comets I mentioned them earlier comets tell us a few interesting things about the age of the solar system also I mentioned earlier comets are basically dirty snowballs flying through space this is the built - comments about three miles across so that gives you an idea how big they are and for most of their lifespan if you will comets aren't very exciting because they're dirty so they're dark they're small and they're far away so we can't see them but as they get closer to the Sun and their orbit sunlight heats them up and the ices within them starts to sublimate in a gas the gas comes out as Jets and then that forms the beautiful tails sometimes they're beautiful sometimes or not forms the tails that we see from Earth now this is interesting because that means every time a comet approaches the Sun it's losing material right and that means every comet you see is eventually doomed to destruction some of them won't stay in orbit so I'm gonna look at flung gone completely and leave and never to return but the ones that do stay in orbit will actually eventually break up into pieces and we've actually seen this happen with a few dozen comets now how long would this take well some types of comets called short period comets orbit the Sun and a short enough time less than 200 years that you can calculate they would last only about 10,000 years at most before being gone now this is interesting because the second model can only account for comet formation at the very beginning when the gas cloud was still around so that means these things are supposed to be four-and-a-half billion years old but yet the only last 10,000 years and we still see them today this is an argument for a young solar system we still see things it can only last for a few thousand years that means a solar system itself is only a few thousand years old right now secondly modelers do have they think ways to keep these preserved for billions of years and then periodically replenish the supply those explanations don't work if you're curious about that you can come talk to me later I won't take the time to talk about it today or right now rather so what's about a mine of all this as one of my astrophysics textbook says thus far we have seen that we know very little about the development of the solar system as this author said to sum up I think that all suggested accounts at the origin of the solar system are subject to serious objections the conclusion in the present state of the subject would be that this system cannot exist well it does exist guys that's because your gas model is wrong your billions of years are wrong the heavens declare the glory of God who created all of these things and the firmament shows the work of his hands so obviously I presented a rather different perspective on astronomy to you today than what you would usually get in a planetarium or cosmos TV program or what have you I've a free email newsletter that's available to you I'll show you my website in just a moment where the signup is you won't get spammed to death but just as things are announced typically they're saying hey we found such-and-such but there's more information that they tend to leave out well my newsletter is to give you the rest of the information that they're leaving out
Channel: Discerning the Times Bible Conference
Views: 3,446
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Keywords: Discerning the Times, Bible Conference, prophecy, Bible, teaching, Ramada Hotel, Saskatoon, gospel, message, preaching
Id: YD8VddT_Auk
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Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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