DTM Nürburgring 2019 - Race 1 (Multicam) - RE-LIVE (English)

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[Music] hello everyone are you ready to burn some rubber here we are at the Nurburgring we've got brilliant weather in the Eifel but anything is possible here as we know but we're very excited because only four more races to go and of course the leader of the championship at the moment is Rene Rast he's leading by 22 points and it's going to be very thrilling to see how confident he is and I'm pretty sure he is very calm and confident because you always are Vinnie you're in pole position obviously the best starting point 22 points ahead so what are you expecting for the race is it going to be easy for you I don't think so I don't think so - it's gonna be it Sanya race it's at least what we know if there's no rain expected a warmer than expected it's also positive but obviously yeah the start as always it's very important pit stop is important strategy is important and obviously the pace so lots of question marks let's see and last year you want both races here do you think you can repeat that and maybe even go home in your head with a title yeah this would be the perfect scenario I would say but just at the beginning of the weekend so it's far from over even though just 26 hours in between you know losing or winning but yeah let's see I obviously hope for a great weekend with two victories or at least two podiums and good points but anything can happen like we saw a lot of doing you know technical problems whatever a safety car anything can happen so you need to be reacting on the situations and yes got most points thank you so much Olivier best of luck for the race it's got to be exciting that is for sure and here's your commentator thanks so much marina welcome to the Nurburgring here we are then as we reach very much the sharp end of the DTM championship for 2019 well Rene as hey he has explained has done a brilliant job in qualifying of course sits atop the drivers championship at the moment but there's still a lot of racing to be done between now and the season conclusion in Hockenheim in around three weeks time as we see Jamie green then who qualified his car p9 on the grid he's walking back from the garage and on to the grid so Rene Rast and Nico Muller then p1 a p2 in the driver's championship their p1 of three on the grid and they've been split by Bruno Spengler it's his first front row start Thank You Rene deburr it is his first a front row start since Moscow 2017 for Bruno Spangler Jake Dennis regretably will not be making the start of the race in fact won't be competing in the race because of technical issues so problems for a Jacob Denis further than Habsburg nonetheless he will be starting from the 16 on the grid the Aston Martin Vantage DTM car there about Ferdinand Habsburg so let's go back trackside once again and Marina is down there for us throughout the race and the best BMW is in p2 that's polish Bangla phenomenal qualifying so obviously now it's gonna be very interesting to see if you can maybe even win this race factors you're between the two Audi's and it's gonna be a tough one being sandwiched between them right yeah definitely I mean what if I was great as you said my car was very good I could push as I wanted Tim did a great job with it to improve it from yesterday to today now let's see over the distance we know how t is super strong over distance they have advantage to us so yeah let's see what we can do but I'm gonna push very hard and try to pick up as many points as I can and fight for the victory I'm so sure that's a black bull No thank you very much and back to you so Bruno then going from p2 on the grid and has split the two Audi's that are p1 and p2 in the driver's championship for any rest and Nico moolah however you bet your bottom dollar that Nico Muller is gonna be going for it there is Danny young Katya he goes from P 14 on the grid I had a nice chat with Danny this morning it's actually very positive and very focused and his job in qualifying a 120 points Evan his best time and this is Joel Ericsson who starts one place ahead of out Danny young Cordia he goes from the 13 on the grid Felipe incidentally he'll be starting from the pit lane by virtue of the fact at the end of qualifying his gearbox gave up and therefore the car had to be worked on under Parc fermé a conditions which means that for the Beng will be starting from the back of the grid Walda rest up is the best of the armour to sport aston martin cars he goes from p12 on the grid so pulled a rest up the former DTM champion then going from v12 on the grid and there once again is Rene Rast he's a quality time of 119 642 means he goes from p1 the top five drivers all finishing in the 119 severy one else bar a few in the twenties Niko Muller is chasing him in the driver's championship he is p2 in the driver's championship at the moment let's hear from him now and I'm here with Nicole Miller who is starting from p3 and Nico this is going to be very exciting one because obviously in the championship at the moment you're a second Denis is ahead of you he's also got more points than you what are you gonna make possible in order to win this or at least to you know get forward and also are we finally gonna see the battle we've been wanting to see between you and Rene I definitely hope so yeah I mean we're not far away from each other on the grid you again managed to put it on pole which is impressive we didn't have the cleanest of qualifying with a bit of traffic but still in the second row on p3 I think is decent and yeah the goal has to be to move forward I mean we have nothing to lose we need to make up points and I will try my very best to you know hopefully fight for the win and if that's against Rainey then we will try and do our best and you know get get get us to the front but we never know you know first of all we try to take a good start clean first lap and then it's a long race and try to manage our tires properly and yeah in the end the fastest watch all win all right best of luck thank you so much Nico that's right and now to the commentator 55 minutes plus one lap he is the race duration and bear in mind let's put it into context here there are three tenths in qualifying between Rene Rast and Nico Muller Rene Rast then he's 119 sixth the time that puts him hold position Jaime green then goes from p9 it's also mentioning the fact that of course as harina said earlier on Rene Rast won both races here 2080 Nurburgring is a track that he likes very much it clearly he goes so let's see what happens 55 minutes plus one lap a mandatory pit stop of course to come in the middle we don't think the weather is gonna throw a curveball but a safety car and the threat of a safety car is never far away like do Val and his time of 120 point one gives him p8 on the grid so like Duvall vent on the fourth of the grid he has Jonathan Aberdeen a long side him and there is Timo Glock Glock who looked a lot better in qualifying than he did in the FP sessions where he had a couple of mistakes in those FB sessions but in qualifying he went from and goes from p7 let's go back to Purina once again and now in P 11 I've got mark of it man Marco you're the third in the championship at the moment and obviously P 11 is not the position you want to be in at the moment but you have won here twice before so you do like the new book thing what do you think is going to be possible today yeah I hope a lot I mean quali not really went to plan or like we hope to be honest but I mean starting from 1111 is my lucky number so maybe it helps a bit to go forward as you as you said I mean no buggering is a track which I really like had quite a lot of successful races there won it twice so yeah let's hope for a good race fighting to the front and then scoring some good points all right Marco best of luck thank you and back to you thanks so much very necessary Marco Bittman then got work to do that's for sure alongside me for the duration of the race absolutely delighted to welcome our motorsport Aston Martin race winner Ricky Collard got in DTM which is a great shame but nonetheless in another series and always delighted to have you alongside us welcome good afternoon everyone and what a thrill of a race we're in for I reckon today if here if the races are anything like what we had last year you know we had action all the way up and down the field and you know I think today is quite a mixed grid so I think we're in for in for a good show and unseasonable that the Nurburgring we've got sunshine now that doesn't mean that we won't get snow at some point because the Nurburgring is its own sort of microclimate here in the I fell region of Germany so there's no telling what we're going to get but this is man that one man that can't be can't be discounted you know he did very very well in qualifying he's put the car p41 19.9 just three tents down on the pole sitter rainier as to be interesting to see what my rockefeller can do from there yeah definitely rocky as we all know is a great racing driver you know maybe struggles a little bit in qualifying but he's already up in fourth place and you know you always see him go forward in these races so definitely one to keep an eye on and Bruno spender in p2 as well it's an interesting qualifying it is Bruno we know is an extremely competent racer form a DTM champion of course and you can never discount him and Ricky's absolutely right the best of the BMWs and of course split the two that are commanding the pace in the driver's championship were any rest of course leading that drivers championship now he's on 237 points whereas Nico Muller is on 215 after we have factored in the points that they've earned from qualifying in the qualifying session that happened earlier today to give us the grid of course for race one here of the Nurburgring over the weekend what a beautiful shot that is as we lose the Nurburgring towards this fantastic track welcome to the Nurburgring [Music] in the IFL region of Germany 78 DTM races since 1984 victory tally is 1312 it's 12 to BMW and it is a place of legend really this extraordinary track which stretches some three point six to nine kilometers with 11 turns in every single one of them challenging seven will challenge you to the right hand side 4 will challenge you to the left hand side it is a smooth and flat surface and medium stress on the Hankook tires that the drivers will use for the entire 55 minutes plus one lap although of course they will have to change them for a mandatory pit stop in the race me comala he goes from p3 on the grid Ricky you've been in this position before in championships when you're chasing is easier to hunt or is it easier to be the hunted you know Nico Muller has got work to do hasn't he he's got Bruno Spengler between him and the championship leader Rene Rast and of course to all intents and purposes Nico and Rene will appear to be good buddies off off firm off the track but when it comes to the track every point is critical isn't it absolutely in light we're saying we've got Bruno's finger in the middle of this championship battle between rhaenyra sand and Nico Miller so you know he could play a big part of it and currently as we see in the championship that Bruno is currently eighth in the chairmanship quite far off you know the front-running boys so he's got nothing really to lose but what of course he could do is he could help definitely he's got to make that BMW really wide and get a good start but you know he we've seen some tremendous starts from Bruno Spengler already this year he's got the knack of that vnw off the line I was I was on air earlier in qualifying when you were out driving race taxis around this tastic track and we had Lucas our on the air we'll explain that in just a moment but ready Rascoe some p1 bruno Spengler goes from p2 and then we find Nick nebula and Mike Rockenfeller so Nico with some protection from Mike Rockenfeller there ahead of Jonathan Aberdeen and Sheldon banter Linda very good qualifying from Sheldon he goes from the third row of the grid ahead of Timo Glock and Luke to valve then nut to the fifth row of the grid where we find another Audi lockout this time its Jamie Greene and Robin fri'nds and then we see Marco Pittman who's p3 in the driver's championship going from a low lead he 11 with pulled arrestor alongside of the p12 Joel Erickson and Dani nunca daya then R on the seventh row of the grid three 13 through 14 ahead of Pietro Fittipaldi who took a five-place grid drop and ahead ferdinand von habsburg and then Philip hang and Jake Harris well we are told Jake Dennis will not be starting the race and Philip paying because he lost his gearbox in the course of the race he's having to start from the pit lane so there you can see this three point six two nine kilometer track then in graphics on the left-hand side and the weather conditions lovely 20.3 air temperature track temperature 30.2 back to what I was saying about Lucas out and Rene Rast there on the front row of the grid because what was trying to ascertain is you go into turn one Ricky you're running downhill it's almost like a hairpin as well it's a bit bumpy are you better off being p1 or p2 in terms of your track position on the grid and you know what Lucas actually said you can make both sides work yeah definitely normally historically p1 is always on the inside and for some reason that ran this Nurburgring circuit we see p1 actually being on the outside here you know like you're saying you are breaking downhill and we saw it last you with Timo Glock it's very easy to lock that inside front will the tires are cold at that point on me this tires gonna be stone cold and you know it's a lively first call name and if you're on the outside through turn one and you can make it stick you then get the inside though for - and turn free so there's kind of lots of connotations isn't it so I can now completely understand what Lucas was saying is you can make it work either either way of course you're gonna have 16 other cars breathing down your neck as well because it is a bit of a funnel you can see there that camera shot really from our heli gave us just some idea of the depth of the elevation change and then right on the inside if you pick up a bit of curve as we've seen many drivers do in the past that really upsets the car and at that millisecond point you've got no control of it that's it and you can also see even when they've got I don't know if we get any slow-motion videos of it today but you can actually see the inside front tire completely comes off the ground so then as a driver you see that lights instantly lock up is there we see the lonely Phillip hang started from the from the pit lane he had be one to watch yeah we all know what Phillip hangs like on these opening couple of laps he's really strong and good news for Jay and Dennis and Aston Martin they've got the car out I think I was hearing someone say that it was a water pump issue for Jake so I'm really really glad to see him back out on the track of course he and Maggie enjoy in the back of the pack it's deadly yeah trophy the party I mentioned that he got a great drop when we were doing our grid animation the reason he got a grid drop was in FP he broke the white line rule on pit in and under the totting up procedure it was his third warning he only got a warning for it but once you get three warnings three strikes and you're out breanne right and you get a fireplace grid I did answer the question what happens when you get to four or five six I do think it does restart now so I'm sweet goes back to zero yeah so you know what you know I think a baby Thierry Tyson from wrt and I said just that does that then expunge all the historic warnings he said no I don't think it does I was gonna get a green card for strikes so the cards are off on their formation lap delighted that you can join us for DTM here at the Nurburgring myself and Ricky Collard here to bring you the race action for 55 minutes plus one lap as I've said previously we reach the pointy part of the championship now with two races here at the Nurburgring to come and then two more at Hockenheim and this man is leading the drivers championship Rene Rast he has had a formidable season banana hasn't always been great for him just cast your memories back to race one at the Laos it's ring so there are if anything is to be believed in DTM in terms of how we can predict the action one thing you can predict is things will happen that you don't expect to happen curveballs will appear in the race as you can see the anxiety and the tension and the carriages the odious ready really lights up a back end of that car and power slides his way towards the grid and Nico mother is all together much much smoother well just as I say that he lights it up as they head towards the grid and we will hear any rest then approached his grid box and his engineer will guide him millimetric Li perfectly into his grid box now [Music] stop really good position there he is in his green box Thomas PMA aroma after Sportsline then looks on we await the final cars which reject Dennison Philippi against Marcus the head of BMW Motorsport there is dr. Florian Kamel Gare along with a normal hug in the armor to support Aston Martin garages Jake Dennis gonna be the final car to pull into his grid box then once we get the green flag from the marshal at the rear of the pack we are ready for the star sequence to get underway stand by the DTM at the Nurburgring is about to get going the lights on the gantry at the top of your screen when five lights are out we will be racing all the hell for a long time fine but Nika mother is he gonna get by for now fighting the hiccups my rockefeather as well the outside p1r asked me to mother be three years of my rockefeller and relegated to p4 is bruno Spangler so through turn number two now become aware is under investigation for jumping the start it looked like he'd gone alongside or any rest rather the start of the race that would be absolute curtains to him if he gets a penalty for jumping the start bear in mind race control have got loads of sensors all over the grid boxes that they can look at Marco Pittman mired in the traffic they're gonna try to fight his way forward Phillip L or hang already has put three cars behind him as he continues his quest to get up the order now from his right the back of the grid has start so ready rats begin to stretch his legs over Nikola my brother Bruno Spangler the Paul D really tracking Sheldon bad the Linda there as they for the first time of asking can make their way through the chicane [Music] it's on the exit of the chicane that you set up a move for an overtaking turn one turn to do so Rast from Mulla Mulla under investigation DRS gets enabled now and the cars baldhead that towards turn number one Robin fries is dropping right to the back but back and here comes ready rats through turn number one push to pass gets enabled as well and actually Ricky alongside mate it was a relatively clean star wasn't it it is but you can see in the back there this do a lot of action going on and there there's a drive-through penalty for Nick over that just went didn't want at this moment [Music] as he makes a small adjustment there to the brake bias he has got a drive-through penalty that is gonna cost him dearly yeah I mean that was a slam dunk wasn't it I mean there have been jump stars that have been really really questionable this year that was not questionable he was almost alongside Rene before the lights have gone out Ricky that's such a shame because we were in for a right tussle there with there the two boys first and second of the championship he do he had got free lap to take the take the drive free but I imagine him he will be taking an early on the early stuff my bunched up [Music] towards the DTM cars for this season don't have that free load knowledge Ricky they are much much Lucas was explaining this during qualifying they're much harder to get away it would start because you are manually controlling new pre loading the car charger you're trying to control the accelerator and hold it on the brake at the same time I mean it's an awful lot to manage yeah where you can imagine even doing your own car you have to try [Music] on the clutch and you're trying to pre later in as much as you can I think it's quite good I think it adds an element of surprise as Philip egg shows a little surprised on the inside there a slightly odd car they get the switch back he's doing exactly what you said he would do he's flying through the field he's attacking called arrestor at the moment this is for 313 there bear mindful to me started right at the back of a pack he's got a bit between his teeth that's me this just does not surprise me this is typical Phillip egg really pushing hard as a sparks fly off the car there here is Rene Rast he's pushing hard look he's already / 1.3 seconds over Nico mother and the rest of the pack there is Marco Bittman in that v8 position and just taking a look at the inside of holder ester as they head towards the chicane that's a difficult place you've got to be right alongside as Nico mother comes in to serve is drive-through penalty I think you're absolutely right four kings made the right decision early on so that's quite interesting they're able to push as hard to Canada students gets out the pits and get the most out of the car and most out the tires so I think what we're gonna see now is nicko mother set some purple lap times and four super super hard and use as much of the tire as possible and go for an early pit stop with the hope that there might be a safety car in the middle of the race this race is not over for Nikki Bella so said Ricky collet and I think you could it be right there this splitter cam is one of the best shots that we have in DTM I absolutely love this look at this on the Philippine car as he continues to battle with Paul di Resta so for the Pegman who were here's a car failed during qualifying with a gearbox issue and now he is absolutely which is a turn can change in the middle of in a little bit of curve just began to take a look at the inside with all the rest of nature in position trees can't absolutely purply so aang will want to get this done as quickly as possible and here you can see he was taking curve grass mud you name it when there was just a little love tap on the back end of the pool the rest occur this is brilliant this is what we like to see Ricky this is proper touring car racing fully over the curve a little bit of contact nothing too much though to unset porter it's a bit of carbon fibre flyers off i think the fans for their hands in the air and this is what we love about DTM now because in the past they all have taken a narrow flick off a phillips car his race would have been over but now you can race these cars with just a little bit of contact leather I'm not condoning it please don't get me wrong but a little bit that's a good saying that isn't it in the championship if everyone and stayed in the positions they're in at the moment he would be 262 points for any raster continuing his quest at the top with Nico mullet to15 marker women on won 7-3 but as Ricky has said there's a lot of racing skills come yeah 3.6 seconds of course he has there's Nicola communities drive through penalties we jumped the start so rocky is a best and looking pretty comfortable in p2 he's got British banker and Jonathan Aberdeen behind but they're not really close enough to be able to have a go on my Rockefeller although Bruno's getting a little bit closer now so perhaps the BMW beginning to come to burrow down it's interested me what we're talking to Bruno there at the start the race team is saying you know not so sure my race pace well you keep in there Rockefeller pretty honest mate so it can't be that man look you're very strong very tight line as far there Jonathan Aberdeen you know he's throughout the seasons qualifying place has been extraordinary we're all of a such as hoping that he's going to be able to convert that qualifying face into into race duration as well Jonathan one of the year to wrt independent howdy team drivers along with Pietro Fittipaldi knew instantly is running in b-17 and Nico Miller who of course has returned onto the track having taken his drive-through penalty and sorry yes you point he went be very wide there are no Jordan Avenue at justice we've said he's run a little bit wide there in in turn six and I'm on the approach into seven as well right and that costs him doesn't it in terms of his C's overall that but I think Spangler is lightening up here you know and all of a sudden my Rockefellers gonna have to be defending here because there's just 4/10 between the two of them now as they both really really attack now it's off the exit of a chicane that you can perhaps begin to build an overtake move going into turn number one untroubled by anything at the moment Rennie rastenn and ahead of a field with pea margin of let's get a live gap for you four and a half seconds that's a very very good margin to have been built over the first nine minutes of this racer Spangler now takes a look at the inside of my rockefeller now Michael try got underneath them and Bruno could lose out Sean Oakland Aberdeen luckily he was able to hold on to that but it was a it was a bold move by Bruno Burr it just proves when you dive to the inside if you carry anything like too much speed you've had a tricky haven't you yeah that was Justin we were talking about was there to start the race are the inside of the track just goes away a little bit there remember them Nico mola there with his engineer on them on the radio metal safety car we ablated the possibility of putting this set back again so there we go they're talking about the safety cars were sensitive the beautiful now this is hands ladies here yeah so now where we're gonna see Nick ml or fresh rubber hopefully said the engineer section again Cowell just in front of the of the rainy risk Rene Rast car important to stay on the lead lap because obviously if they get a safety car he's gonna have fresh tires and here be here be in the mix again so Nick Emily then the second trip he's made down the pit lane and this was Bruno Spangler's move on by Rockefeller so as they go into turn number one you can see how much more speed for a nervous man to be fair Mike reacted to their absolutely perfectly it's almost like he said they're thinking yeah brain you carrier too much speed there how long was gonna be interested us my up there you see but not as much of an octopus as I was so predicted but yeah either way that I think rocky knows that he's up for a fight now with Bruno Spangler but it's British magnet outcomes I do a little bit of an attack they're from Jordan Aberdeen as well yes so Aberdeen is the one that is now beginning to brush Bruno so rather than Bruno attacking Brenner's probably ever thinking about defending a bit now in all of this Markovian has got past Jamie green so Markovitz up to please sever firstly will be clear Pietro fed a powder you hear in his team Rainier because he's come into the lane now for his mandatory starvin Wow Jonathan Aberdeen has taken an extraordinary line out there as they his replay of the start sorry if you needed any question about that to jumpstart I think that answered America yeah I think that did it was there oh you can hear the collects will that's that noise of the clutch just slinging on in [Music] as I say we have seen some really really difficult to call jump starts that was not one of them yeah I think it even Stevie Wonder knew that one was the jump starting right there Rast leading by four point nine seconds over my Rockefeller there's only five tenths between Jonathan Aberdeen and Bruno Spangler vote you know 553 but for the moment everything is looking hunky-dory for any rats there as he continues his charge the brilliant job in qualifying of course converted that qualifying into position and then of course from pole position as led from the very very start of the race and has looked at thus far pretty untroubled by Rockefeller breaking away a bit from Bruno Spangler now because Bruno Spangler is tied up in defending against Jonathan Aberdeen the independent wrt Aldi which is running in v4 and you're following the lines that they take there and Jonathan Aberdeen takes a completely different line out of that turn to Bruno Spangler it's interesting there's actually Astro there yes similar to the Astro that you will see on the exit of turn 2 that runs sort of into turn free on the outside and you know I was only raising their two weeks ago and I could tell you that stuff is really slippy buddy just getting on the back of Bruce Pinkman as a ghost see inside into the chicane he's locked up he's gotten slightly wide over the sausage gather than bit of contact but Bruins make that just the exact become sheriff and a little triangle Barney cheese on the inside of Jonathan a bidet now as Jonathan tries to attack Bruno Spengler he loses out to show the vandalism but he's coming back at him now this isn't over yet famously right now that's their one you can hear the crowd screaming it's a drag race in the turn one Aventine on the inside shall demand a lender on the outside Aberdeen carrying a larger speed Sheldon says thanks very much I'm gonna have a go here he's gotta get his nose or more importantly his bottom in front of Aberdeen and he's done it great racing that really was good racing in a tell you war that was sooo premature driving from Sheldon Banda Linda absolutely that was them not quite the outcome that Jordan a Vadim wanted there but caught I think that went on for like four or five corners at MIT and it's not over yet no it's not over yet absolutely superb racing from the two of them Aberdeen's really getting the outside line and it's starting to work for him now as well so he can carry a lot more speed than the other guys through six and prepare himself better for seven and I think that line that he's taken the neighborhood him to actually get that move done then into the chicane but I think the guys will find it quite difficult to to get the cast stopped he has a little left he gets certainly closer to him doesn't he with just simpler paying come in for a relatively early pit stop as well and Marco Beckman of course wants to buy into all of this because if he can put himself on the road got in here set points charge needs to bank as many points as he possibly can the only position of p7 so here comes happening again easy close enough to Sheldon van der Linde Amanda Linda tries to protect here comes hammer teen I tell you what though too bad it's gonna want to buy into this also of course here what enhanced up it's all played into a heads British penguin as their because he's able to escape up the road saying thank goodness for this because serves as other things to worry about behind me now I can just focus on doing what I'm doing so Spangler is a steady in there p3 position in replay then Aberdeen up to the chicane there was that little tap on Bruno I don't think it was malicious I just don't turn anymore kitty I think a Bruno it'd be a little bit upset about it but it was a similar sort of situation I think that's what we have with fish mingler ender and rocky down into turn one but yeah I mean to be fair it wasn't malicious you know he'd hit the curb he couldn't steer you know inevitably it got to make a touch and that Michelle defender Linda who was just able to take advantage of it and I so nearly said another word for bottom village didn't thankfully because that's what he needed to do in the amigas bought me and give me just enough room I didn't mean case and Aberdeen was there but here we go Aberdeen gets a good X out that last quad runs a little bit of the Astro [Music] will he be closed up will we see the Audi dart out at the last minute into the braking zone he just stays right behind children and for a moment children can complete another turn too pressured by John from Aberdeen 90 Rastas extended his lead to five point four seconds of the year start Vasari of that position between p1 and p2 5.4 second sets go on Mike Rockenfeller new attorney sir about four seconds ahead of bruno Spangler so shall the founder Linda who of course is now running in fee for being chased by Jonathan Aberdeen here who is 75 have a date he's not given up on this and he gets have a closer now is shot Amanda Linda once again has to defend very hard as Aberdeen he is a pursuing this BMW like never before so he's he gonna have a go now going into the chicane where he did have a cow or a nurse Spangler it didn't work on that occasion is it gonna work on this a case not nothing he's close enough now so heavy heavy braking before this chicane Lloyd to Val gets closer to does Marco Pittman and Jamie greener now that's a very sensible move from the wrt team he's been stuck behind each other right coming let's get your management stock done yes Jamie Green is about our slides it's the entry very lay onto the brakes [Music] 29 bucks for painting 39 laps Effendi - you tell Jerry times something you could hear on the team radio there there is Jamie green into his pit box 6.5 seconds stop an Aberdeen what's it going to be for Jamie green seven-point-seven relatively that's quite a slow one Ricky yeah the wrt career though it's so quick they are they've got vast experience even in the GT racing as well they're one of the quickest team so no surprise to see them do that change so quickly as we ride on board now with filler pain down into turn one slightly seeing the car unloaded knocked off the inside front wheel as he gets power down and it really rests with the car over them to open up turn to Phillip of course stopped on lap nine so he's one of the earliest opposite wasn't the earliest that was Nico Muller following he so drive through penalty then it was Pietro Fittipaldi on lap seven who now see Jamie green and Johnson Abedini on lap 12 so all the cars have to make that mandatory pit stop and what have we got 36 37 minutes plus a laugh as in now it comes very busy in the pit lane shall de Madeline - annoyed - Valerie [Music] you get a set of tires warm applause is less than expected so warm up lost less than expected because no tire warmers now of course in DTM so you know you go now generate temperatures straightaway sorry what you're pointing out here just trying to see it's a battle of the pit crews will not quite not quite a hesitation there did it go go go no stop stop stop go go go go chocolates are so worried about being done for an unsafe release yeah that was a wise decision lose the battle and win the war as they say but he wants so young you're so full of honor but so now we see Avenue with the with the warm ties how much of a difference it's whitey team is so excited to be a pot ties and cold tires daily green rose and now the inside as well see what Green is doing here is trying to take advantage of the fact but Jonathan Aberdeen who's on warmer tires than shadow bad at lender and light to bow Jamie Green also but Jamie Green is trying to get part Aberdeen at the same time yeah brilliant so there you can see shut abandoned lender alloy to valve we find Aberdeen and Jamie green and for the moment Aberdeen has been able to keep itself ahead of the number 53 all Orange County offered Jamie green rat still leading with five point one seconds over my Rockefeller I did not wonder whether Phoenix team would been bring rocky in earlier than rasters here comes like to vow on Sheldon van der Linden and Philip egg is creeping up on the both of them of course for the paying on tires that are up to temperature park warmup time loss is less than expected therefore everything with one completed lad those tires were theorists a momentum operating temperature Ricky I think so normally we'd say never saw in qualifying early this morning it has taken an extra lap yes to get the tires in but where is as Philip income funds right from the back of the grid a nice ride up now fighting fighting comfortably inside the top 10 once all these their pit stops to be done you're absolutely right before you predicted that early on you said don't don't just count for the bang from this race Dave I think me and you at most of you as a home know that if anyone's in for a good scrap and I'm sure he's having a right laugh out there fighting from the back it's never nice to start from the back but you know as a driver you always know you're going to go out there and haven't have a good good race of a good be a fun his hands together get his boxing gloves on I think okay there is low key about then and looked about then one of the more recent ones that has stopped four-tire change it was lap 13 and here's Jamie Greene and Jonathan Aberdeen then through that absolutely flat out to number 8 and then maybe braking zone into the Sur chicane and they should have been alinder and Lloyd Appel and you run uphill from answer chicane into the final turn on this Nurburgring track and then begin to think about the drag down turn number one drive-through penalty mandatory stop is ahead of Renny rest on the track but of course Rastas yet to stop rests lead over Mike Rockefeller over the last lap he's lost a few tenths now either Rene has slowed rocky has sped up Rene's in now Leslie listen to his engineer then you'll hear us say it in or not copy via boxing for safety car mula is out of points we are pitting this Rocky five seconds margin 30 seconds once again it's only sport team Phoenix up against the Audi Sport team Rosberg readiness in 7.2 and 7.1 they were almost identical when they as they are both released from the ballet now having taken their manager stops which means we have British beccamike of image old Ericsson team applaud fooled arrest eject Dennis Robin frien's and Ferdinand Habsburg yet to stop as bruno Spangler effectively leads the race but of course it is nominal because he will have to come in for his mandatory stop here the engineer saying their release in a very very comfortable position yeah definitely but you like to say the only one that could sort of maintain that pace at the moment is rocky [Music] picked at the start the raised Rocky is a definite racer maybe the boy has been so far this year they've been qualifying the yeah he's right there and he's the only one that's keeping Rast on it and why keep him on it raster sir lunch time to free no no because be very conscious plan [Music] so there's cars around that's a fun turn we could just see coming into the kitchen now heading towards the chicane Rene Rast then in that number 33 car of course is running in a nine at the moment but actually he is leading the race because the eight cars ahead of him have got to stop for their mandatory stops after the honest with you Ricky that I think the mandatory stops have come earlier than I expected but then what they're trying to do is cover off the eventualities oh yeah I think so they've been there you know it's interesting now to see Spangler has taken a different role of the dice he's staying out for a little bit longer you know maybe hoping that there is some maybe better than ever that something happens and you know the new tires that he gets on there towards the end the race he should be able to attack and be can be stronger than them but robbing frien's has got pastor Jake Dennis as you can see now the advantage you have the later you leave it for the humanitarian of course Lee the tire grip available to you towards the end of the race going to be better than those that stopped earlier than you as we see the replay of Robert franzine on the inside of Jane Tennison what Robin fries was able to do here was to scrub up to speed and actually almost provoke Jake Dennis into running just a little bit wide Rene Rast then who stopped on lap 16 there's where he takes that turn absolutely flat change Gary just taking a look at the scenery so comfortable is he in his position through the chicane always take more curbing than I expect and less curved out Ricky yeah got be careful that they got the big sausage curbs there which you know in a car like this to show you you can't use as the rear of the car just steps out a little bit there on the Astro so yeah they take as much they can on the way in then they use only a little bit on the way up because they're trying to get the power down okay as the cars sound great don't there's as you down changes into turn one and and yeah but you know in maybe in it in a couple of less downforce oh it'd be a little bit slower you know there might be I'd take their big sausage curves as Jamie Green is given who's my Medina bit of a workout now as a buddy runs in a little bit why Jamie Green's got the title I'm when he had the cutback who's trying for Jamie green and drum having a dingdong battle and Jamie Green goes to the inside of Abedini Aberdeen left a gap there and Jamie said thanks very much absolutely just able to keep his nose in front of Jamie green but from an egg you don't leave gaps like that for Jamie Green as Jamie's just gonna say he's not gonna need him buying twice well now income sabrina Spangler this is from the lead of the race good stop light it stop light you're doing well mate we're still racing for the podium you will get a scrub set you will rejoin the track in front or Everdeen you will have six laps advantage of tire age go go go DRS situation in yourself you have six lips ever D plus two and rocket is on the 11 laps watch the white line watch the white line so whilst we're watching all this with Bruno Spangler all heck is breaking out between Jonathan Aberdeen and Jamie Greene well picked up Ricky card look at them they're side by side as they head down towards turn number one we're watching Bruno's paying the return Jaime greatness to his head a head over Jonathan Aberdeen and Charlotte mandoline they're trying to buy into it as well Jamie grunts of my Aberdeen coaster Alabama Linda tries to get in there as well a little touch between the BMW in the Audi the big one in here could be linked to bad you know the COS shall demand a Linden now as their real rubbing between the two of them here like to vouchers pick up this as he looks now to the inside so shut up and the leader has got motive Alpha Company now this is the cut back down to the back part of the circuit and wow what a three-way fight this has been and continues to be it all began to start with as we were watching Bruno Spengler in the pit lane Aberdeen is just saying thank the lucky stars for this as here comes like to vowel now and the incomes Marco Beeman so much going on and Ricky is jumping up and down with excitement alongside me because that was extraordinary wasn't it and a great stop there Edmund who's out in just a 6.2 three seconds so rmj doing a great job for Marco behmen he's gonna come right into the thick of this easy I think he's gonna be a bit unlucky now he's gonna be on the cold side everyone else not hot ties but oh he isn't gonna have five seconds to breathe because this is really turning into a proper dog fight and they were side by side from turn 11 pretty much a whole lap yes Jamie grain did a great job didn't he and basically it all started with and there's Markovian the new can do nothing about really speculative Spanglish tires are up to temperature and markers are not and Jamie green are gonna be a long way again by him I would have thought would seem just how her feisty Jamie Green is looking this afternoon my goodness me there he goes to the outsider Marco Pittman all the way around the outside here does Marco keep him racing room only just Ricky only just now I think I don't think that was malicious I think he it was the grip they had available to him yeah well you know it's my kami green now Marco Pittman lock of it but try and super hard there do it to hold off Jamie Bremen you know now Jamie greens gonna have these hot sticky tires whereas mark if it was to be on the coated tires going to see a big difference now in the braking zone and these locked up at Jamie Green goes the inside Aberdeen having a go as well and so to like to bow who's involved in this party and Sheldon Banda Linda the way he's just a speed into the kitchen again another drink asleep about a metaphoric party of course is going on here but my goodness me what a finest made between them and of course Marco member returned from his mandatory pit stop Reina the thick of this fight a bidet now behmen covers off the inside now can a batik get to the inside no because Marco makes sure that that's an avenue of approach is closed off firmly to him at this point can I just tell you we've only got 24 min this possible after the race remains me I mean where has the race gone he comes like to Fallon Everdeen now para mine they're both bounty drivers a little touch whoa yielded then and eased off but happenes arc of really vulnerable isn't he into him into turn three as it goes to the inside then back to the outside now you try and get the cut back and go back the inside again but yeah it keeps leaving that door opening to tear free and you know that's where Jamie green got even do vows now tried twice what you see the same same corner he's this you know Jonathan Aberdeen is significantly younger than Lloyd to Val and Jamie Gries it's probably experiences lives because you know I know Jamie green what a great racer he is if you give him one centimetre he's gonna make that out yeah Jamie green is there like I say is one of them one of the flex races out there on the creators week we see this massive lock up that word do you tie or any good Marco don't worry about hosting I think he's gonna be gonna be feeling that for the rest of the 25 minutes or whatever we've got 23 minutes just enough room they need to get down the insiders I mean they tried to the Switchback and here's a replay of the Aston Martin stop this is joke Dennis then certainly not have the best of luck today [Music] is released quick pit stop there from the other year yeah the right-hand-side guy isn't there left-hand side guys need to err you take some tips from the right-hand side there they're really quick it's a battle between these two around turn number five was extraordinary now I was being very charitable and this is turned number five has been very charitable tomorrow on the land before he seemed almost to drift in Jamie and push him to the outside genuinely I don't think that I think it was just here Anna a grim and poor Oh Jamie there but you know even when what we can all agree on is it was great racing and no it didn't really matter too much with Jamie anyway cuz he managed to get back past it and now look at these fresher tires of our commitment you know you have sort of two laps where the tyres are really picky and that's what we're seeing now in come the final two cars they're mandatory robert siegel ahead of you so it's possible to collect you for robert it comes back a pebble on the outside the tiny grain it's a long way around the outside I've got the Swiss bank now puts itself alongside he gets superior traction out of the turn the training cranes on the inside and squeeze down for the windpipe back Jamie didn't forget what happened is far from over as they now approach turn five we take a look I can almost hear Jamie saying I open my notebook and I remembered from a couple laps before warmonger so AB some marvelous racing between the two of them this is great racing absolutely what we all want to see here at DTM Nurburgring as Marco Wittman is looking really racing on these stretcher tires and Jamie Gries know got 21 minutes to hold on this is great isn't it ready rats leading the racer might be 45 which is played out between Jamie green and Marco Pittman now everyone has been in for their mandatory stop so the order you see on the left-hand side of your screen is now going to completely accurate we're but all the pit stops done and dusted he's Marco Pittman gonna have dragged him going into turn number one he's sadly close enough Jamie to the inside Marco now to the outside Baco try can underneath the Jamie Green out he does it that traction he's got out of there this time Ricky : [Music] a contact where they get the switch back in as they approach turn 5 that equals good happen the fight between this er BMW and Audi driver easy men surround Turnpike they go now extraordinary racing liasing for my man Marco feminist put himself into that fee for position let's see it from onboard Marco's God this is where he just gets the traction out of that turn one Jamie comes back and then here comes Marco again through turn one oh he has a problem of the car Mike stop the car [Music] my wig Rockefeller who he's crawling down the pit lane Ricky colored these celebrates Bruno's make that a p2 but critically Marco payment to b3 this imodium person know that we've said well what a shame he's done nothing wrong [Music] pick up like dumela shall the battle and our there's action Fuhrer the whole knack [Music] if we had twenty screens in here and still wouldn't be enough for everything that he's going on in this race so like tamales now ahead of shelter panda live down there is a very very disappointed my rockefeller what a great shame that he is out of the race he was running in p2 he looked to have AC the tab everything complete and this is Aberdeen and Jamie green and the last I saw of this now that was all that was like - Paolo - olive and Linda that was a little bit cheeky wasn't that where like mislead she claimed in me I just don't think he expected to see their Linda on the grass like an Austin maxi on the century that's a shame that's a massive shame jake has been really unlucky this weekend with as we now write a fourth we can see an Aston Martin in the in in the rearview mirror there it's now a screen you know oh that's a bulkhead we can't have a bearers they have to have a screen but Nico Muller right knees to factor this in we've got what we got 17 and a half minutes left plus a laugh Nico Muller is only two places away from being in a point speechless we've got to get in and bear in mind he's had to drive through penalty now who's he got ahead of him the man that started from the back of the field Philip paying that we said would be well Felipe going to do him any favors is he know we knew that Philip M would be up up there anyway regardless of where that man starts he's a he's a proper racer in there to the world Robin Wright is looking racy here as well he's on the back of this three-way train at the moment there's Nico Miller in between the two of them is so-called arrestor who's no mean ray survivor let's be truthful DTM champion from 2010 he's got Robbie Brian's right behind him so no knee is addressed have tried to attack Nico ball of his having to defend from Robin frinds as well Muller of course desperately needs to gain the points he's got flipping ahead of him ahead of Philip egg is the character nyan cat daya the armored bus pulled Aston Martin in the points in p10 OS the race has got a great exit we look to go down the inside and Rhino corner these can I have him and Robert Bryan's is gonna try and take advantage of this as well look I pulled arrestor is absolutely trying to find the inside line on Nick a mother in he's got it superior traction there by the Aston Martin that is a brilliant move by pulled arrests have put himself to the inside of Nico Bolivar here comes Roman friends for a long way back Ricky : that's brilliant racing history for Inc operator one of the year one of the Audi's and all of a sudden they've got bypass him again how did how did Robin frines rotate that car let's hear from a very disappointed my rockefeller [Music] so well but we can see here on the floor what is that all about you've got a leakage so what is the problem why did you have to stop the car yeah it looks like we have a leakage somewhere on the engine so I had to avoid an engine failure it's a shame I mean sir time this year let's say on p2 and I don't finish because of the technical issue but it's racing and it was a good race up to that point [Music] we were actually able to catch a bit rainy so I was hoping for good final five but it didn't happen always so philosophical Disney my rockefeller very very bad luck for him are bright and looked about guess black white flag for forcing another driver to leave the track that of course will show the bad the lender is now here comes Robi frights on for the bank we've seen Robert Bryan's come from a long way back into turn number one and he's able to rotate the car and get it through can he do it on for the bang I think he can you know as he squeezes Phillip Phillip you're saying I'm not letting go I'm not letting go I'm not letting go and then he has to now that is where Robin did it earlier on and now Halldor ester is chasing down the car of Nico mullet as well I have to say in the the last few laps we absolute demon Ricky : yeah well as we know Robyn finds is one of the one of the real quick Audi drivers and you know he's proved it time and time again that you know when the hammer needs to be put down he is definitely definitely there but Buddha rest is looking really fari now on the back of them when he liquor villa he's lost out in that mounted me there was him doing his level best to attack and actually the more he tried to attack the more he became bowls of robbing friends who just threw it down the insights I have to be honest I never in a million years thought he was gonna make the corner any of us did but yeah like you say mate just get it stop get it rotated got a bit of an attraction and was then able to hold it around the outside into turn two and take the basic tutorials to to reckon have a cow is me he is quicker than Nico mother now credit to our motor schoolmaster Martin they have given all the rest as such a car and of course he is driving the boxer shorts off a bit really really troubled eco-hula looks to the inside now that was an ambitious move before did a very good job in turn in the Korean this is extraordinary now they often say that the best race in a race is there the front of bad but we are talking about the race for the 11 12 13 and 14 and it's for the rest of us currently the 14th with Niko millipede 13 and lurk our Nicola trying to prevent pulled arrested from coming through it Ferdinand Habsburg in car number 62 is now gonna buy into this battle as well our interests are astride off listen to the crowd Ferdinand Habsburg almost able to put his car alongside pulled arrest him because pulled arrest was really really squeezed and well Ferdinand Habsburg my memory serves me stopped much later than pulled arrested therefore he's gonna have better tires theoretically the outsider pulled arrestor us who I just wondered whether duress was actually gonna launch then into that chicane they gamble around our investigation for forcing another driver to leave the track I think that's fair as become ruler comes in so he's meek humble are gonna go for a really really wild to stop strategy here he is I haven't seen that so far this year is that we get a replay now a quarter is to try to get round the outside turned five wasn't it off the exit have turned five and I mean he meant bad didn't me oh this is this would be a great shot now I'm on board now with Burton Anders you see Porter has to go for a little trip across the grass there he held onto it welded me that was a very expensive raadhika he did hold on to it well all of Paul's years and years and years of motor racing experience in the meantime here's Phil a bang and Robin frying well yeah you can see Robin is running a grip there has knee and therefore Phillip Nico gets a black and white flag forcing another driver off the a black and white flag is a warning flag only refusing there's no penalty but you are being absorbed yeah they will investigate it properly after the race I think Paul will have something to say about it for sure but yeah I don't think there was much room left there by Robert Bryan's on their poor old Phillip Peng I surprised Philippine didn't - right well I think he did everything he could to try and hang it around the outside because if there was any room left into turn two well sadly we have seen no retirements from microphone tennis let's hear from Jake now why did you have to end the race what happened looks like the same issue we had at the end of qualifying maybe the water pump failed because I just had an extremely hot injured temperature and obviously we weren't going to score massive points over to the decision just to retire the car and make sure we don't damage the engine for tomorrow fix it properly cause the granny just made the race but yeah it was looking quite good to be honest I was going with Robin who's now here lemon I think so yeah it was like most inmates maybe we could score a couple of points but yeah either way it's not it's just that me and this track never get along well the curse has continued for another year for me hopefully better luck tomorrow thank you very much take back well the cars will be expunged tomorrow Jake Dennis I feel sure good to hear from Jake and well done now Marco Bittman III in the driver's championship now finds itself p3 it's four and a half seconds down on Bruno Spengler who drives for the same brand as Markovic when his higher up at the points than Bruno make of that what you will Ricky naked that as you will Dave I don't know what you're on about I think he's still got a decent gap thirty four point three seconds as we run into it just under ten minutes left of the race so he's got a taker a decent amount out of Bruno's banker and as what you see Bruins fingers got a great race car underneath in this afternoon Marco Pitman's last lap a 123 for Bruno's last lap a 123 five that is not enough he's gonna need some assistance he is definitely gonna need some excessive got to put a couple of purple sectors in if he can and get that BMW were working a little bit quicker between six Phillip Bank in a tussle we're third now for houseboaters third now goes down the inside just a bucket sip start as we write a more now for your favorite splitter cam DTM car and this was pulled arrestor and Philip egg called a restaurant by him I have to say I pulled arrestor looked good through turn number one and he made his stick and he actually Ferdinand has Berg was able to take advantage of that as well so Paul came from a long way back here but to the outside rather than the inside now it's a long way around the outside but he'd got confidence in the brakes and he was able to turn the car in and this is how Ferdinand Hapsburg was able to take advantage of the then and really rather unsettled really bang Rast sleeve in front 80 seconds as Jamie green now is under pressure from Lincoln to Val Lewton Val who is a v6 Jim Green is b5 John's nap days before Markovian is between three and Bruno Spangler is chasing many rats some 15 seconds down on him so there is a Marco Pittman and well the time is coming down isn't it between the two of them seven and three-quarter minutes plus a lap number of fair drivers been given the black and white warning flag for certainly squeezing other drivers but in squeezing other drivers they have delivered a supremely entertaining race for us all the way through the pack and some of the most fascinating battles have been for P 11 12 13 it's been really extraordinary in the crowd have been very vocal in their applause of the action that the 30 TM drivers have provided for us this afternoon so there's I can do Val one of the drivers who's received that a black and white warning flag Jamie Greene ahead of in there is Bruno Spangler here comes mark obey me let's go Mike p2 and p3 I decide what's that America maybe I don't know as you may run over a curve something not feel quite right that's very bizarre to see you this late on variety definitely won't be trying to reduce anymore tire temperature you wouldn't imagine but he's brought the camp out a few seconds what we got six and a half minutes spit and a laugh he's gonna need help from Bruno is new he seems not gonna be able to catch you for your place alone I'm in the last laps Bruno did a 123 a to Pittman and 123 7 Pittman he's quicker but not quicker by a big enough margin to to bring that cap down sufficiently yeah my only attempt the second he's gonna really be tight the time need to find it a little bit more time in his BMW m4 DTM and he's using all the track they using the curve you see the sparks fly off the front splitter and then and the side skirts of the car as they run right out as opposed they can to the gravel chat they're up through the gears like you say Dave completely flat through turn eight I think you'll see there's a hundred meet it more they break just after that down to first gear get it into the chicane short shift a second and then up through the gears approach the final coca-cola corner it's sweet as you can as where you really feel the error of the car working but be careful as well you see the curb and then there's that little bit of Astro yeah and if you hit that a stroke and it can give you a bit of a Snapple oversteer so that last lap we took another tenth out of him it's not enough it is not enough so Marcos doing everything he possibly can to get on terms for a nice necklace because of course Mary mine Marco had been chasing in the driver's championship you get 15 points would be trading at 18 points for p2 and in the live drivers championship as you could see if everything stays this way of 262 points to Reni Rast is 215 from the club owner it's 182 tomorrow Bittman Nerys Rene Rast he's 15 seconds up the road from a producer angler and he's in a relatively comfortable position with 12 TRS and 12 pushed ' has allowed to use anything from the back he's just out other corner but a nice cruise round in his art how it leads me on there on a Saturday afternoon absolutely they probably only now only now can you see Bruno's finger into the picture and then Mark Bittman the big big loser in today's race is Nicola it all started going horribly wrong for a brand to the start of the race of course without jumpstart and it was in a flame to say jumpstart Dearest pushed past become completely unrestricted now feminists got to of age there whereas Bruno has got six and seven however as getting here gap once game between Spangler and Pitman it's another ten laughs it's a tenth it's not enough is it Annie come Willa sadly well out of the points it's p16 phanie campbell another moment look impaired is the race leader he's almost almost within sight of any camera the driverless chasing even the drugs championship so Renny raster improving charts for the class act he is and there's some super slow-mo shots and replay over being relatively untroubled in the whole of this DTM race of the Nurburgring where we have three and a half minutes plus a life remaining [Music] as I Marco Pittman then in mp3 there's the graphic indicates on the side of his car Bruno Spengler and p2 and Marko is really beginning to chase so it's gone from four to three point nine to three point eight as I say it's a tenth per lap and a temper lap is not enough without some extraterrestrials yeah it depends as well good see whereabouts so Spengler is in the soil in the in the chapters like Justin it's not the consideration of would have said I would have thought that there's no question if that if Bruno can help Marco he's going to do that but clearly they don't want to do that till the very end of the row so Italy yeah definitely as you see now coach judgment over biggest sale I deliver is really really really in like to my lair enormous touching hands six and early 90s mp7 then it's cha lyrics and they've been really really rubbed quiet quietly going about doing his job so there is said to vow there's an avenue to three four days Jamie Greene week five minutes to valve Aberdeen and Joel Erickson with the two minutes and a lap remaining in this DTM race Stefan Reinhold from BMW team are mg who are looking on then of course they are responsible for that man Marco women and Bruno Spangler then breaking for the [Music] [Applause] so if they encounter there you can see ever and I spanked about 3.8 let's can live gap for you now so a 4.5 so Marco now without much to parcel TRS you see don't think you've got enough at the end there we're gonna have this lap one more two laps left in this race I think the battle they're still gonna go on is probably between Fanta Linda and like do vow also it's interesting what I say Joel Erickson after one of his chocolates qualifier performances the small net has just been quietly going about the race hasn't he stayed out of trouble and they've done a good strategy and you know Joel said quite comfortably now in eighth position and inside the points but he has now got Timo clock getting ever closer to him and Timo block we know what he thought a racer Timo is and if he can see pa-rum-pa-pum-pum you go for isn't it yeah like we've seen all year last year and you know Timur had the best season this year has he's been a bit unlucky spoke to him over a glass of lemonade a couple of weekends ago and he just said you know talk about up and down it's been more up and down on a rollercoaster so he comes ready raster in who so we actually gonna get to two laps from now on we because he's crossed the timing line with 12 seconds remaining which means we will have the remainder of this line last one DTM race so raster to be one furnace banquet v2 is now 5.2 seconds ahead of Marco Pittman and is Jonathan Aberdeen of Jamie green and light to Val and all the graphics on the screen to indicate exactly where each driver is in a position where the two laps remaining of this DTM racism we richly appointed end of the championship for 20 and 19 there's bruno Spangler running in free to whichever way whichever metric he views whichever way you look at it and I know he's been advantaged by Nicola Muller and one or two others Marco binman when you consider where he started on the grid to be in a points paid position of the three it's been a very very good Drive from Marco Pittman yeah it definitely is you know Markovic moon is a multiple multiple DTM champion he's a great ambassador for BMW and a really quick peddler he's always there or there abouts you know you just can't count him out Kenny no two-time DTM champion you're absolutely right and whilst he's not able to put the chase on - Bruno Spengler now here comes Bruno then four through the chicane and he's gonna have one more lap now Spangler's last lap is 123 four here is Rene Rast then who has started his last lap with a margin over three - through Anna Spengler of 11.6 seconds an extraordinary polished drive from Renny rats that we have seen so many times this year Rene then having done a brilliant job and head towards another victory in another maximum points hall from a race day qualifying hand from the race to add to a wire has been an extraordinary tally Rani rats has got a few more turns to do and the fastest part of the circuit of course which is this part now and it's been as I say a very very polished performance from Renee who has looked untroubled perhaps with the exception of the first lap through the chicane for the final time of asking just one more turn for Rene Rast to do head towards the checkered flag which is being unfold we can save my commentary position now Rene Rast will head to watch it and for Carnival 33 becomes British Peter yeah so slow in lab Spangler takes be to BMW Marco Pittman b3 however so right and the final the places are five six seven rapper grabs it was done of Lebanon three four mighty bow 3/5 and it with Jamie great shall abide Melinda and Joel Erickson the Timo Glock what a race Ricky absolutely Emma's action all the way there until the last lap of the dress see if we can get a replay of what happened there with Jamie green and Luke do Val but you know you can never quite count your chickens in this championship and them from the farm from it overtaking even right on the final lap of the race in the final quarter so I think we've been treated to once again and fantastic race here in their burger ring DTM has brought over a to show all the plans on the way it's dead now for tomorrow the one thing we do know is Bruno Spangler pulls alongside running rats to congratulate in the one thing we do know is we can look at the results of today's race that doesn't necessarily everything could change in DTM so so very quickly I can't help but say I feel a bit sorry koneko mother oh of course it is two out of the points but to be fair he was slammed down to right at the start of the race there was no question you know that that wasn't even close he's jump-starts who he was always going to get a penalty for that more than ever before Ricky the applause that we've heard from the crowd who have really appreciated the Great Race action that these that these guys have delivered today absolutely and like you say it's great to see so many fans here this weekend and you know seeing loads of different flags flying and no camaraderie as well between the fans ISM is great it special mercy in such great battles by all three manufactures you know clearly when you're in the car you can't hear the crowd but you know presumably from just corner of the yard your eye you can see them they were standing out one though they were so excited confirmation of the result they were running as taking the win from printer Spangler they Marco hitman p3 Jonathan Aberdeen a very good dirty four then it was looked to bowel Jamie green Sheldon van der Linde up p7 joel ericsson create Timo Glock p9 and rounding out the points players it was Robin fri'nds he was involved in some battles and he takes pretty ten ahead of Danny and Qatar Ferdinand Habsburg pulled the rest of the three armored sport aston martins together in a row there Philip bang a pietro Fittipaldi Nico Muller and then of course we saw retirements from Mike Rockenfeller and Jake Denis who incidentally both of those drivers retired to protect their engines because you know they both have false genitals water pumping my rockefeller it looked like a leakage in first some description there any rash jumps out of the car clearly very happy with the pace of his car today and of course his performance can never ever be questioned he just delivers Ricki he is the I think the expression is a pizza boy always delivers on the on-time and right in front so terrific job and I don't know if he might be out for a Pete so this afternoon but he's definitely deserved one and another man that deserves one is a marker fitment on a very creditable p3 position so drivers all in - a then and [Music] nice to see the congratulations being offered betwixt Marco Pittman and Reni Rast and also Bruno Spangler and Rene is just like a machine Disney when he needs to deliver he does deliver hasn't always gone his way but this was what he needed most it was another very very convincing victory and that puts him in a very very commanding position in terms of the drivers championship and there you can see through the haze and this is I think a superb shot the checkered flag falling on the number 33 car it's it's another win for that howdy sport team Rosberg but critically another win for Rene Rast happy with that and the middle part of the ranks Ricki was just there was so much going on I am just so glad that we can only talk about the pictures we see because trying to choose the pictures that you're gonna put because there was just so much going on whichever way you look there was battles wasn't a it was a brilliant brilliant race absolutely I think everyone liked it so you can hear the crowd screaming you could see everyone was up on their feet you know maybe we could have predicted who would have finished first but I don't think you could have predicted Markov it men up there in mp3 and boy do thou Jamie Green it was it was a a very mixed race wasn't it it was it was and like always we do TN expect the unexpected you know things happen and joke going on there between Renee and Bruno and in the driver's championship this is the way it looks then 262 points to 215 to 182 [Music] so there is the point situation all the way down to the 10 in the points and there are any rest on that 262 points tally very very good points hall for any rosters maximized points not only in the races but in qualifying as well let's hear from Marco bitman who finished p3 what a great job he did coming from 11 to 3 3 Marco I mean you were pushing really really hard so you're happy with that you are right yeah more or less my thing that was a bit more possible actually but all of they all oppose a good race some hard fights but that you have to go if you come from that far behind had I could really could start a good opening lap and gain already three places and then with a good strategy and a heart of fire against Jaime Queen and we actually made up the position as I said I think that could have been a p2 possible but at the end I mean a podium from 11 I think we can be quite happy absolutely thank you so much back to you marco hitman then relatively happy bear in mind rookie there are still 84 points up for grabs because the we have got three more races to come one here at the Nurburgring to of course at Hockenheim plus the maximum points you could get out of qualifying times three that's another nine points isn't it cuz you get 3 points for each pole position you get so still 84 points up for grabs yep there is only 84 points it's still a lot of points but you know that championship deficit now for for any raft is you know nearly so we say got one hand on the on the trophy and on that title but you know this is DTM and expect the unexpected yeah and there's that great slow-mo is you can just see the 30 free car come across the line to her to take another dominant win so there is Markovic movement quieting contemplation now you know marco really well and you know he doesn't he doesn't too often show his emotions does he but actually is a really really likable character isn't he tricking as we see super slow-mo at the top three first of all it is the man that we were just talking about Markovic [Music] taking p2 back on the podium again it is bruno Spengler second podium of the season this time Peter rather than the we took [Music] and taking yet another win and banking more critical points for the driver's championship rainy rats with another faultless performance to win race 15 of the DTM 2019 [Music] so the drugs being hustled off up towards the podium now how can how can that matter pick himself up from the disaster of today account well you know he's gonna have their grip for tomainia t for tomorrow you can't look backwards in DTM and you know as much as it's a kick in the tops of shorts I think I think you'd be absolutely fired up now and use that to mollify but it comes the podium then as Rene Rast will head towards the top step hobbits poly set Levin the podium presenter there brings Rennie rats out onto the top step of the podium to the best of my knowledge that's his sixth win of the season runo Spangler very happy to be back on the podium p2e to the win earlier on in the year and here comes my favorite man [Applause] [Music] this brow is sizing review the draft and I came to represent the team of course the Audi Sport team Rosberg the national anthem will play out now for one mr. Rene Rast [Music] the anthem plays out for Rene Rast and taking the win the Nurburgring and its trophy presentation time Te'o Reinhart then the two-time world champion / track cycling makes the trophy presentation to Rene Rast holds the trophy a lot another one to add to the burgeoning last mental base Bruno Spangler delighted to take P 2 and T 2 will be in receipt of his trophy in just a moment first of all of course the team that he's 14 Rosberg received theirs and they're the second-place driver trophy is about to be presented to Bruno Spangler and what a legend we have here the paw prints went by and then making the trophy presentation took Bruno Spengler I mean racing himself and up the third-place trophy to go to Marco Pittman and ranae Enders the Olympic bronze medalist for track cycling making that third place trophy presentation to markovia [Applause] [Applause] so the drivers will all hold their trophies find a place my mind the photographs will be taken before the carbon shampagne is uncorked odors vigorously sprayed I would suggest on the podium the slug a bit before doing in his brain so Bruno the live lives perhaps with the champagne ceremony there and as all good drivers do and I trust you do as well Ricky that you share the champagne with your team - absolutely I think you know everyone gets to drive now racing you don't have five minutes do it - take a drink but you know there's nothing better than well we only get cheap champagne we don't quite get that sort of champagne but you know my English mechanics actually prefer it to the expensive stuff funnily enough that's somewhat typical looking and they're the owners engine there take some on board as well so now all the celebrations going on presumably your season isn't quite done yet you have more reason to come Ricky where have you completed know we compete at the season now obviously two weeks ago we work we were here and somehow managed to bag Aston Martin their first win in the new Vantage which was which was great fun very good job with Marvin we're yeah with Lake Marvin Marvin Gaye Hoffer so we're yep a great teammate and a good friend but right Rene Rast and backseat six win of the season I think if my calculations are correct let's hear from him now this man is just absolutely amazing you did it once again and it lasts congratulations to another victory and again you managed to extend your lead even the more and honestly it looked so comfortable what was it like in there and how did the coffee the car was amazing you know at first and I could pull away quite easily and then in the second thing that a big margin to to Mike unfortunately he retired due to a problem but then I knew I had more than 10 seconds gap to Bruno and then I just try to diminish it and obviously then you listen to every little noise in the car you hope that the tires are going to last you hope that the cars gonna last in the end yeah everything was perfect and team did an amazing job so big credit to them you really did a great job but I was a little bit disappointed because I was waiting for the big battle with you and Nico but unfortunately Nico due to the JumpStart we didn't see it but I mean tomorrow who knows right it would come for sure thank you so much remains back to the commentator it will come for sure and that is a man speaking the knows that this championship isn't quite won yet no absolutely like you say we he's very realistic he knows that Nico will be fired up for tomorrow and you know he's got a put in a cracking laughs just stop Nick and mother from from pressuring him really for at 4p1 tomorrow but they were interesting me to just see on our own and our screens here debut no ready rats with the fastest lap of the race of a 24-6 sorry 21 to the guy who was second quickest Nico Miller on a 21-6 but everyone else not many cars actually even inside the top inside the one-minute 21 so Rene Rast with extremely fast pace today and he delivers doesn't he you know he's pizza boy yeah yeah yeah yeah okay you know there are times like we saw at the house it's ring where it doesn't all go his way and he has to pick himself up from that and he's done it very very well and I'm sure Nico will do the same tomorrow absolutely you know clearly that jump start which was a clear jump start you know that his race was compromised from there on in look at this the I fell region of Germany and in the middle of it is this wonderful track this iconic circuit the Nurburgring a couple of years ago I had the privilege of being taken around the Nordschleife of which you can just see to the left hand side of your picture now which is an extraordinary circuit I went round with a racing driver called Alex toriel of the wheel of this Porsche and it's absolutely amazing the Nurburgring is somewhere very very special and it's so easy to get to from the UK you know if you want to come to a year to a European race event I would heartily recommend the DTM at the Nurburgring is something very special Wicky absolutely Dave in there what you don't know yet is that I've got a higher car this weekend so no matter oh goodness me can you imagine that Ricky caller Timmy's rental car - fastest car in the world they are you've around the Nordschleife no thank you very much let's go back down to Purina hood right now and I'm here with Porsche banged up who do you said you did such a great job you started from p2 and you ended in p2 it's the second time on the podium this season how happy are you thank you yeah I'm very happy I mean it was a great day we had to come a couple of difficult races after Norisring after a very good beginning of the season we were consistently in the front in the points but then afterwards we struggle a little bit to find a solution with the car Audie was dominating us quite a lot but the team and BMW worked so hard to improve our cars even though without testing and here we came yesterday difficult three practice and my team improved the car for today I had a great car in quali great car in the race could push all the time unfortunately running was too fast for us so we couldn't we couldn't quite get him but it's still a very good P 2 and P 2 and 3 for Team RMG at the home race is amazing and very happy for the whole team they are working so hard to give us some good cars and it's good points today and just briefly looking forward to tomorrow obviously also in the sunshine what can you expect yeah let's see I mean for sure first of all is qualifying we have to see if we can change a little bit on the car or not too much because the car was quite good today just a couple of details to be in front again tomorrow that's the goal it's gonna be tough I expect our opponents to improve a little bit tomorrow so I expect the tough day but let's see I'm ready for it we're certainly looking forward to it thank you so much more respect now and that's it from here for today of course tomorrow we've got another big day so you do not want to miss it and now here the highlights of the race do enjoy bye bye see you tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: DTM
Views: 73,368
Rating: 4.9158487 out of 5
Keywords: DTM, 2019, дтм, Audi, BMW, Aston Martin, German Racing, Rennen, Tourenwagen, Touring Car, Masters, Race, Rennen 1, Race 1, full race, free, umsonst, cockpit, fahrer, onboard, multicam, camera, camera perspective, Kameraperspektive, Onboard, perspective, volle Länge, full length, komplett, complete, Nürburgring, Nürburg, livestream, live, live stream, DTM Race Saturday, DTM livestream, DTM stream, DTM Nürburgring, DTM Nürburgring 2019
Id: fPx38pEXIrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 20sec (5840 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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