DS4 Windows Full Tutorial Download and Setup PS5 Controller to PC (RGB, 1ms Response Time, and more)

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ds4 windows is pretty much the best way to connect your ps5 controller to your pc and enjoy all the games in the world at your disposal through ds4 windows you'll be able to play games on bethesda steam origin epic games and much much more now the download and setup for ds4 windows is a little more daunting than the steam one that we did just a couple weeks ago but it's still very doable and that's why me and manchevelli is here to get you to and through it just remember that if you enjoyed the video if it helped you at all please remember to like and subscribe it helps me out a ton let's get right into this okay so first thing you're going to do you're going to come to this website right here this is where you're going to download ds4 windows okay now this website is a little different you don't really type in ds4windows.com it's really a github repository so i'll leave the link in the description but if you don't want to use the link in the description literally all you have to do is type in ds4windows let that go and then your first link will bring you right to where i am so now that you're here you're going to click download now now there are multiple versions there's 3.0.18 3.0.17 and so on and so forth as of the recording the latest version is 3.0.18 that's the version i'm going to be using maybe you might want to use a different version or i it really is up to you um as far as versions go the ds4 windows versions are usually very stable so it only makes sense to really go with the latest one but if for whatever reason you were having problems maybe try 3.17 or 16 or something like that but for right now we're going to go to 3.0.8 now that you've clicked that it'll download once it's downloaded you're going to click on forget the winrar thing you're going to click on ds4windows right click that and it's going to ask you they're going to give you options you're going to click extract to a specified folder now it's going to default to downloads right the downloads folder in your pc tree that's where i normally would like to keep it but just to show you how easy it is for if you wanted to put it somewhere else let's just click desktop so that whenever you want to maybe get right into the ds4 windows application you can just go to the desktop instead of having to go to downloads then ds4 window so i'm clicking desktop right here click ok boom so now where the file is going to be is right here on our desktop right here you see ds4 windows i have a lot of things here don't mind me but now here we are at ds4 windows now at this point you're going to get some of us are going to get a certain notification and others may not but i'm going to walk through walk you through that as well so ds4 windows you're going to double click and try to run but it's going to say to run this application you must install.net all right that's just an application that's going to help ds4windows do what needs to be done because if you don't know what ds4windows does that's so special is that it turns the ps5 controller into an xbox controller it tricks your computer into thinking it's an xbox controller which is why you're able to now use playstation controllers with the pc not because pc knows it's an a playstation controller but because pc thinks it's an xbox controller and in order to do that you need net software so you're going to click yes and it's going to take you right over here now really don't mind these i'm not too sure what these do you're just going to follow me here if you want to experiment one day by all means but you're just going to follow me right over here to net in the corner and you're going to click to down you're going to go click download now at again at the time of this recording there is a brand new version of net called net 6.0 i have already tried this one it didn't work for me kind of gave me a bit of a hard time i wasn't even able to open up the ds4 windows application after its download so we're going to ignore dot 6.0 for a little bit and we're just going to go to use the regular one that people have been using for about over a year now which is net 5.0 so to get there you're going to click all dot net versions you're going to see net 5.0 right here click on that and there's 5.0.12 you know all ranging all the way down to 5.0.0 now again i am going to be using the latest version of that i will be running the 5.0.12 version um windows x64 but if for whatever reason that still was not the one for you you can just scroll down and use the basic one that a lot of people use when in hard times like these and they just use the 5.0 version x64 but thankfully i will be using the 0.0.12 so click x64 it will naturally download then when it's done you're going to run install you're going to install it okay so i already have this installed so that's why i'm getting this pop-up which is really only allowing me to either repair the program or uninstall it but you guys will be getting a pop-up that says install and i can't stress this enough the process is so easy all you have to do is click install then next and next it's so simple so easy you guys can do it on your own so i'm not going to do it i'm not going to run through it right now i'm just going to move forward and then once you're finished installing we can go back over to our file tree ds4 windows remember i had it on the desktop maybe you have it in your downloads folder or whatever but find the ds4 windows folder then navigate into it and you're going to see ds4 windows this little colorful icon at this point your app should be running smoothly so we're going to double click it and boom here we are now for whatever reason this didn't happen to me during the recording but usually if you first start this up and if you guys are one of these people you'll be asked program folder or app data just understand that either choice is just fine but program folder would allow you to move the file from place to place you could put on a usb drive uh an external hard drive and you know upload it to different computers if you wanted to or you could do app data which kind of locks the application to the users on the pc that you've now downloaded the program to either one is just fine i chose app data because i know i'm not going anywhere but you could choose program folder either way you will be just fine moving forward in these steps we are now open in the ds4 windows if you have made it this far you are cooking with grease my friend round of applause so now that we're here we are going to connect our controllers to the pc now if you've watched my last tutorial you'll you already know how to do this but for those who are just now coming it's really simple you are going to just hold the share button and the playstation button i'm going to turn off the lights real quick so that you can see what happens when you do that so you're going to hold it and you're going to hold it until it starts blinking at this point it's blinking you see it now that it's blinking you're going to go and navigate to bluetooth i have like a nice little shortcut here show bluetooth devices but if you don't know how to get there you can literally just type in bluetooth on your start menu and click that you'll end up in the same place then when you get here just click add bluetooth or other device then you're going to click bluetooth again now i do have two playstation controllers so this is just a this is just a personal problem of mine sometimes i don't know which controller i have to click on but i think it's going to be this one you see it just all right there you go the other one disappeared for whatever reason so now that i'm connected you'll see that it's going it's automatically connected now i can x everything out and ds4 windows is recognizing my controller you've seen ds4windows is using profile default battery is is zero percent now this is where we start to learn about the software in and of itself so right now you see my controller is here but there are different profiles for your controller and profiles just mean right now we're in the default profile but profiles are just specific settings that you can automatically set your controller to without having to constantly reset reset controllers and everything so i'm going to explain that really quickly so right now we're in the default setting okay but right now just just walk with me you'll understand this when it's done click the drop down menu here next to edit and you're going to click new profile okay then you're going to say it's going to ask you do you want a preset option just click yes and i'm going to explain why when you have the preset option ds4 windows is going to naturally map your controller to whatever controller you want it to be which is going to be an xbox 360 one or dualshock 4 one basically a ps4 ps5 one and you're going to click dualshock for so that automatically 95 of this controller is already mapped out for you if you didn't do that and you decided to start from a clean slate you would have to manually map triangle to triangle circle the circle x to x it would have been a little bit of time might have been a little tedious it may have been a waste of time for most people i know for me it would have been because again ds4 windows does it pretty much all on its own but there is one issue that you're going to have to do on your own and i'm going to show you now so naturally the playstation 5 controller once you connect it to ds4 windows the touch pad becomes a mouse okay so what's nice is that if you click it you see now you're oh let me turn on the light really quickly so that you can see me so when you click it you can click things and everything it's pretty it's pretty nice it's pretty nifty you see i can even minimize a window watch this uh come on come on uh come on see oh oh ah there it is see i can minimize the window so it's pretty cool you could use the um the touch pad and everything but if you're playing a game like cod you need this to open the map but instead you'll end up clicking things so you don't want that so what we're going to do here you see when you hover over this if you hover over any of these buttons this drop down right here is going to automatically scroll to those buttons and the corresponding figures so what we're going to do to map this out you're just going to click the touchpad all right click it and set it like that so what i just did i set the where is it i set the upper touch to touchpad click we're going to do the same thing for multi-touch right touch and left touch because as you can see right now left touch is left mouse button right touches right mouse uh right touch is right his left mouse button and multi touch is right mouse button and i don't really remember what the upper touch was but either way we're just going to make them all touch click left mouse click boom we just made them all touch pad click which means that now whenever you go into your games like apex like warzone and so on you'll be able to open up the map using your ps4 controller so that's just one thing that you're gonna have to do on your own but it doesn't there's nothing else to it really at this point you should click save oh well if you click save right now it'll tell you to name it name these settings and so we're just going to type in ps5 controller settings uh i'll just type ps4 so now we're going to click save so now we're in save and you'll notice that you have two profiles now when you click this drop down there's going to be default and there's going to be ps5 controller okay you can also see these profiles right here if you click the profiles tab default in ps5 controller and so this is what i was talking about when i said that there are profiles so now if you have your settings in default your touchpad is going to work just like a mouse but now if you decide to change it to ps5 controller you'll lose that functionality no more clicking and that's the whole purpose of having different profiles it allows you to seamlessly switch between one group of settings to another on the playstation 5 controller now there are more settings that we're going to get into right here right now so let's add another profile again you could click yes we're going to make it a dual shock 4. nice so we're just going to name this one ps5 colors and i'm going to explain what this setting is all about so another nifty feature here is this thing called light bar and with light bar you have your rgb here so again i'm going to turn off the light so that you can see what i'm about to show to you guys you can control the light settings on your playstation 5 through this setting so you see now there's no light but there is blue now you can also take green now it's like a light blue take red now it's like a white see how it changes with everything then you have like a nice another nice feature right here called color by battery percentage so if you click that so let's say whenever your controller is dead or at zero percent battery you want it to know through the colors on the playstation 5 controller you could just sit here and let's use common sense here red is usually bad so we'll make it red and now boom you'll see that my controller is at red again because ds4 windows does think that my controller is at zero percent you could have it at red if you want or for whatever reason you wanted that green then by all means or you could have since it's full leave it on green but of course it won't be green for me right now and then when it's empty leave it on red so now you'll know well my controller is on good percentage when it has a green light and it's on a bad percentage when it has a red light so that's kind of nice then whenever your controller might reach a certain percentage level like let's say 50 or something or 20 you can have the same color system over here make it a certain color whatever you would like right now it defaulted to what i had here which was already green so you see now is that green so you see it flashes when it's under 20 percent add green and right and when it gets to zero it'll be red we're just going to set everything back to blue though because i do like that blue and then you could just take off color by battery percentage if you want done and done and there's a fun little setting for when you have your controller wired up if you didn't know if you have your controller wired up to the pc it will automatically charge your controller and when that happens when you're not using it it right now it's just going to be a regular color which is blue but if i changed it to like something like pulse well pulse will be a little harder to see let's change it to rainbow you'll see that now it's changing colors and that's how you know that your controller is charging but if i were to take it out it'll just be regular blue again so that's something nice for you to see as well see now it's back to rainbow then there's some touch pad settings for the mouse you can you know make the slide a little faster or a little slower you can do a lot of different things with these though i'm not going to get too much into them because these settings are basically just about optimizing the touch pad trackpad on the ps5 controller to mimic all the things that a regular mouse could do and i generally wouldn't recommend you to dive too deeply into this unless of course you don't have an actual mouse which i can't imagine you have a pc and then not a mouse but you know if you have a regular mouse there's no there's generally no reason for why you would want to use the track pad over an actual mouse so i'm not going to dive deep into this at all and if you come over with me to other this tab over here we're going to increase your controller's response time when you know inputting commands to the pc for your video games like call of duty and whatnot so that you can have the fastest input response time possible you know in competitive games like call of duty or whatever you're going to want to be able to you're going to want your controller and your pc to react to your shooting and your movement as quick as possible so that in game you're moving even faster than your competitors so what we're going to do here we're going to switch this from 4 milliseconds to max or 1000 hertz milliseconds and this is real this setting is really more for bluetooth users but if you're wired up you should also use it anyway but generally speaking you know if you're wired up you're probably going to be at the fastest connection possible by default but still set it to 1 milliseconds anyway it will make it a little faster but if you're doing bluetooth you definitely have to set it to one millisecond because wireless can there there's usually a little bit of a delay and so now that that's all good and well we could now that we have ps5 colors you could save it as another profile so now if you so now you have default ps5 controller and ps5 colors and you would really choose whichever one you want is very simple here's one more setting for ds4 windows just for you to enjoy see if you come over here to the settings tab you'll have this option called run at startup mine is already checked off but you can check yours on or off it doesn't matter but if you leave it checked it just means that ds4 windows will start running in the background as soon as you turn on your pc which is pretty nice for those who know they're going to be gaming on their pc a lot that way you don't have to open up the app then get everything reconnected you can just leave this you could just turn on your pc ds4 windows is on then all you have to do is turn on your playstation controller it'll automatically connect and you'll be good to go that's really about it and if you want to see what it would be like if i had two controllers here i'll show you really quickly okay so right now i'm about to add my wired controller boombap and you'll see ds4 is going to recognize it automatically you see now there's two playstation 5 controllers here and you'll see the difference one says bluetooth one says this one says wireless but it's really wired i just wanted to show you guys what it would look like and you see my battery percentage on this one is 25 plus and then now you can start setting them at different things so look so now i have this controller that if i used it i can't click anything because remember we had it with the with the other settings so that this was for the game but now i have this controller which i have as default which can now click you see so isn't this nice so now we have wired and wireless controllers you get to see them both and how it would look at with them both right here and now one last tip if you wanted to stop this program without closing it all you have to do is click stop now it's done neither of my controllers can work anymore you see won't work nothing will work now if you want to start it back up you just click start and everything is back to normal and if you want to close the entire app just all together you just exit out they're going to show you this prompt don't be scared just say yes and then if you want to start it back up you head back over to ds4 windows and everything will automatically reconnect so ds4 windows is pretty cool but alas what would a tutorial be if i didn't show you the finished product so let's head over to call of duty and see how all this works so as you can see it is working i'm leaving my selected input device as controller so you see i can move around open the map you see it's really that simple everything is good but if i were to change my profile hold on if i were to change if i were to change my profile to default and you see now that i've switched it to default which really just means xbox 360 controller all my buttons are going to be a little different now watch you see now it's telling me to open the tac map with the with a place with an xbox button i can't well i can but it would now be this that would be the new map instead of the the touch pad so and now they're going to say a to jump but as you know this is a playstation so it's really x so those are the differences if you go over to apex legends you'll find that you can't even play this game unless it has the xbox 360 or default option pretty much so you'll see right now remember i'm currently in d let's go to ds4 windows i'm currently using the default xbox 360 option you can even i i had two just default basically and so now i'll be able to enter the game and do what i would like you'll see very easy for me to use the game but if i were to change it to the ps5 mapping excuse me if i change it to the ps5 mapping you'll see i'll lose all control excuse me i lose all control so remember it does depend on the game some games will allow you to play with the playstation 5 map mapping on the controller other games you'll need the xbox mapping but with warzone you can do the playstation mapping and it'll be just fine and one last thing to keep in mind ds4 windows can clash with steam a little if you have your controllers connected to both programs if you plan on using steam try to disconnect your controllers from ds4 windows if you plan on using ds4 windows disconnect your controllers from steam just so that things can run smoothly i mean some instances you might be fine depending on the game but you really don't want to run into any issues um generally speaking just try to choose one when you know you're going to be using that program for those controllers just just as a heads up and if all this is a little too much for you and you'd much rather the plug-and-play options that are available on steam then you can go check out my other tutorial where i get in depth with that but anyway that's it for the tutorial i know it was a very long one but i just wanted to get really in depth for you guys i hope i was able to answer any questions that you guys may have but if you have more leave them in the comments below remember did i say anything wrong did i do anything wrong is there anything else that i missed out on please let me know it helps me get better at this and i enjoy the engagement so without further ado it's chuckabelly signing off i appreciate you coming by peacemake
Channel: Chukwubuikem Oguagha
Views: 143,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Chukavelli, PS5, Xbox Series X, PC, Video Games, DS4, DS4 Windows, Tutorial, Controller, PS5 Controller, RGB, 1 MS, Response Time, XBox Controller, Windows 10
Id: 54GMImmBypk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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