My Statement regarding EKWB...

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[Music] hi and welcome back to new video in today's video I quickly want to address the recent events around EK water blocks I'm pretty sure you followed the video by Steve from Gamers Nexus that he published on Saturday regarding EK waterblocks where he showed evidence that there is a lot of bad stuff going on behind the scenes about how employees are treated maybe not paid how contractors are not paid and even Media Partners such as eigor lab and also Chas tens who also made articles and videos about this topic with a lot of money that is unpaid in today's video I quickly want to address why I cancelled my cooperation with EK due to those events I first want to address my experience with EK waterblocks around the direct die topic which was also my only real negative experience with them we started the cooporation in 2022 or originally this cooler was meant to be direct solution for the 12 gen Intel CPUs but it took so long for development that it only came out for the 13th gen there were different iterations different prototypes because you know during the development phase the first one never really works there's always something that doesn't fit and after a few steps this one was working pretty awesome for me so I I made a video I showed it to you and that was also the version that then was sold however the manufacturing tolerances of EK were not accurate enough so they had those direct di mounting frames and some of them were like just out of spec when it comes to the tolerances and that's why a lot of those coolers did not fit for people at home and I even have numbers about that so the numbers are from 1 month ago 2,843 of those blocks were sold at that point and the support ticket rate the open support tickets were 328 surrounding the issues with cooling so that's about 11.5% now overall rate which is still a lot way too high but if you think back when the problem existed it was maybe half of the of the people that bought the cooler and that was definitely not acceptable it was a huge problem it was also a problem for me because you know I was sitting here having the cooler everything was working fine then seeing the reports online that it wouldn't fit I didn't really know what was going on and um it took some time to figure out what was the problem and it was just the manufacturing tolerance that was out of spec and then it took EK a while to figure it out and then to finally fix it but yeah that is something that was not really under my control or nothing I really have control over even if I sent them the files they still have to take care of their own manufacturing and that was also my only real negative experience with EK otherwise I'm just mainly in contact with Joe and Eddie and Joe is like the head of engineering and he's he's a brilliant engineer I get along with him very well because I I deeply respect his work on on those products and also Eddie the founder of EK waterblocks I think he's he's a very very nice guy and probably um yeah he will also have a hard time now but apart from that just my personal experience was always quite well except from the thing with the cooler but that was also why I thought okay they now figured out how to make it more accurate so we can still continue with a new product like a second chance last week we announced this direct ey cooler for AMD ryzen 7000 this an EK de Corporation also deler from me um inside and now the thing is you know if you follow the events from Gamers Nexus Steve all the things he discovered mainly you know if you take a look at EK Slovenia and ekcs ekcs being the American Branch there things that went terribly wrong in the ekcs office the way they treated stuff like don't pay them or partially pay them people showing up at the door and suddenly the company doesn't exist anymore weird things happening that morally I just yeah I cannot accept I don't want to be affiliated with because you know me being also the CEO of thermal Grizzly we value our employees and we have very high morals because I think it's not you know it's a give and take on a daily life it's it's still work not don't get me wrong but I'm trying my best that they have a good working experience we try to you know give something back because they give their time to us to work for our company so we really value them on a high level so seeing this kind of things happening is something I cannot accept and that's why I I decided that I have to cancel my cooporation with EK water blocks I also differentiate between company versus stuff so stuff not getting paid or mistreated which is a big red flag for me versus company versus company so let's say EK owes money to some kind of supplier there is also a topic I don't want to comment on publicly regarding theral Grizzly um regarding myself as the bower I can tell you that they don't owe me any money simply because there was never money involved that's what I always tell you when I do cooperations with me as the B like having my logo on there or on this plate there is never money involved I can even show you the contract that I had with EK you can see that it directly says that there is no royalty fee that has to be paid that's exactly why I do it exactly this way whenever I'm doing those kind of Corporations because in this kind of situation I can just back off I can just cancel the coroporation without any strings attached and that's why I'm doing this exactly this way and that's also why I decided to end the corporation now and for products that are still on shelf on stock I allowed the EK can still sell them you know for example this one or the older one where my logo is on Parts like on on on the part here if they're still in stock to me personally it doesn't make much sense if I yeah don't allow them to sell it anymore because that might cause more harm then it might have benefits you know if they have 500 of those coolers laying around on stock and I tell them guys you have to get a new packaging you have to remove my logo from that plate it's not going to help anyone it's just going to cause additional trouble additional cost might delay other payments even further and that's why I think I yeah they can just sell whatever they still have but for future products like if they want to make this another batch then they will have to remove my logo from from the box from the parts everywhere from marketing materials but for whatever they still have they can still sell it because it it just doesn't make sense for the future it will just depend what's going to happen how EK reacts I'm also not sure about that part I just quickly and briefly talked to them today and told them that I will have to end my Corporation but obviously you know you never know how things are in a year or two the the the industry is small and if EK changes if everything is going to be all right obviously I'm open to talk to them again no hard feelings from my side but it's something we will have to to see especially yeah you don't know what's what's going to happen we don't know the financial situation of EK water blocks and I can just tell you that at least I double checked a lot of information with Steve a lot of evidence and I can also ensure you that everything that he published is only the tip of the iceberg really it's there is so much more and yeah you can be sure that whatever he says is correct because he would only publish whenever he has Pro Pro and he he could prove it on court he would not publish things otherwise that's something I can assure you that is also why I took this step okay that's just small statement I wanted to tell you thanks for your trust for your help in this industry thanks for tuning in see you next time bye-bye [Music]
Channel: der8auer EN
Views: 172,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8FFRmGJ2Bz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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