Invisible Drywall Repair WITH NO PLASTER!

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today I'm gonna be showing you how to professionally fill a hole in the wall and paint it and get it completely finished and done and dusted you'll never even know what was there and you'll be able to do the whole lot in a single day without having to wait for plaster to dry and all that sort of thing hi welcome back to guff of handyman and welcome to this little job we've got here where I've been running cables up through this wall and really common situation where you've got big holes in plaster boards that you need to fill this technique that I use works really well on just bog-standard drywall and on dab walls as well I strongly recommend when you're cutting the holes in the drywall in the first place don't just cut out some random shape use a proper hole saw drill and it just me it's a much much neater professional way of doing it and the big advantage of using the hole drill is that you're left with a piece to put back in when you're done and we're going to use that later on if it's an unusual shape of hole so it's not a circular hole for whatever reason don't attempt to cut out a piece of plaster board to fit the hole instead cut out a bit of plaster board shove it on the wall draw around it cut out that hole and then we're going to fit the plaster board into that Hall but for this I've already got the little plugs leftover from where I drilled this out and these are gonna be perfect for the job the really big advantage of using the original plaster board that came out of the hole is that if there's any skin on the plaster board and you don't know what thickness the skins gonna be well you're then returning that skin to where it was if you use a brand new piece of plaster board in the hall and if you line up the back of that with the back of this depending on how thick the skin is you're then going to also have to skin whatever depth under the plasterboard but the skin is already on here so you don't need to bother doing that you've saved yourself a job before I show you all the stuff that you're gonna need for this job don't forget to hit subscribe the only reason I do boring videos like this is to try and draw new people to the channel I don't normally make good use of filling holes anyway stuff you're gonna need a bit of words just a scrap bit of them like pine or something like that it's gonna be hidden in the wall you're never gonna see it you're gonna need the original core that you drilled out the wall in the first place you're gonna need some proper plaster board screws dry ball screws some one and only time that you'll see me using drywall screws you'll need two obsolete phillips bit to go with it you're gonna need filler and I've got two different ones here to show you depending where you are on the planet I don't know how readily available this is this is a two-part phyllis so it's like a resin a two-part resin the big advantage of going down this route is that it dries completely solid ready for sanding in about 10 minutes we've got the wrong seal high-performance wood filler ignore the fact that it says wood filler it fills anything it's basically the same as car body filler as far as I'm concerned the big advantage of the Ron seal is that it comes in white and when you're using it on a white wall having white filler means that you need less pain afterwards to paint over it but it is quite expensive the other option is to go for something like this this is bonded deck or fill which using buy in great big tubs if you're buying great big tubs of it I would recommend that you decant it off in like a jar and use bits of it at a time using it out this massive tub all the time isn't particularly practical and this video isn't being sponsored by Doritos but like the Doritos chip like dip jars they work really well don't use a jar that has a plastic lid on it these have metal lids if you use a plastic lid you'll probably find the fumes from that will melt the plastic the bonded echo fill is a much it's basically the same stuff but it's much cheaper because he embodied in a giant tub the downside is that it's a kind of darkish gray color so you're gonna need a lot more paint to cover it up afterwards whereas of Ron seal is much closer at the white not it's not perfectly white but it just means you're gonna need less coats of paint and then you're gonna need something to mix this on I find old laminate flooring works really well and you can need to filling knives I've done videos on how to use two-part Phyllis before I'll include a link in the description I'm not going to go into that in crazy amounts of detail you're also going to need like a stanley knife type thing of some description and obviously you need a cup of coffee oh and some sandpaper so the first thing you're going to do is get your stanley knife and we're going to put a chamb furred edge around this it'll just help trustus it makes life much easier later on we're just going to sham for the edge of the plug should only take a couple of minutes obviously forgot to mention that's a front edge it's not the back edge that you're gonna jump for it's a front edge you'll see why in a minute and then you're gonna do exactly the same thing on the hall shumpert this edge the whole idea of this is that you want to get rid of all the kind of ragged edges and we're also giving something for the filler to sit on afterwards a little rugged a little to get any dust or anything out of that Hall you can just use a dry paintbrush now get you a bit of wood and we're gonna screw that in place now it can be tricky to hold on to that bit of wood so what you can do is a touch like a screw into the front of it temporarily just see it and hold onto it except don't be a dozy pillock and make it so that you can't actually no get it in the hole do not drop you a bit of wood well want the heads of the screws to be just below the surface by what a millimeter or two mil not too far in but definitely not flush or sticking out no you see once that's done you can take this screw but now we're going to use the two-part resin to glue this onto here [Music] right you haven't got long to work with this so what I'm gonna do is just butter the edges of this piece don't worry if it goes everywhere you know put a nice big kind of blob of this stuff on the back bit there you've got to work quick because this stuff sets really quickly you've got to get that plug in the wall within a matter of a minute I would say the whole idea with this is that you get the front of that flush with the front of that because I've been working on with a camera and shuttin it Center the villas ended up going off quicker than I'd hoped but I think we'll be fine this will set completely solid in about ten minutes so what you're gonna do now is use your other scraper to clean this and get it all nice and clean do not put old filler back into your tub that's got the new filler because the old filler can make your new filler go off [Music] I've waited about 10 minutes you'll physically you'll feel the filler will get hot as it sets or is the it's a catalytic reaction between the hardener and the filler and you'll feel it gets hot as it as it goes off and then once it's cooled back down again that's it generally ready it and tell because it's like rock solid give it a quick sound just so there's nothing kind of sticking above the level of you where you're gonna be putting the final filler on brush up down or even better you can use one of them newfangled cooler things a couple of things I forgot to mention before cuz I thought it was kind of obvious but if you are going to be core drilling or using a hole saw into a wall don't just plunge this into the wall and assume you're not going to hit anything because that is the actions of a person who's calling out an emergency plumbing what I would always suggest you do do all the usual checks again I've done a video all about this I'll include a link in the description below use a detector and all that sort of thing if nothing else pop a blunt masonry bit on do an exploratory hole with the blunt masonry bit have a little feel around make sure there's no pipes and cables behind and then very tentatively going with the core drill you should be okay still not guaranteed because all sorts of stuff gets hidden behind walls and while I'm at it if you live in a world of pink fluffy bunnies and zero fumes and you don't like the smell of like industrial things you're not gonna like two-part filler it's got a very strong smell to it the smell goes away once it's gone off and it's completely gone once it's painted but if strong smells offend you and you think it's gonna kill you then just Park your wall full of straw or something like that instead [Music] [Music] [Music] so all I've done I've now used to run sealed the white filler as you can see it's not quite white but more white than the gray filler and I've put that in as quickly as I could into the gaps and then used a big filler knife which I need to clean to kind of level it off we're not looking to get absolutely a hundred percent at this stage but we want to get it like as flat as possible so another ten minutes has passed that's solid ready for sound and you can tell if you can't dig your nail into it it's generally ready the rock will give that a quick Sun so we're not aiming to get a hundred percent depend on where this is I mean you know that's probably better than the wall around it to be honest don't aim to get it perfect on every quarter but normally that would probably be fine for most situations because I'm a bit of a funny I'm gonna do one more mix of filler and just fill in these tiny little bits around there a little bit there and then that'll be it ready for paint but as I say don't aim to get it perfect on every quarter filler you'll you'll find you shouldn't need any more than three goes over one I came to do the the rough villain one for you your main court and then optionally a third bit of filler for you you clean a hairline cracks and by the way I can hear it in the comments now or I'll crack overtime it doesn't what you sometimes do if there's very very slight imperfection sitting rub a bit a cork and do it and that'll make it literally invisible by the time you get paint over it actually now that I've removed this it's sucked some of the dust out of a little gap here and I'm gonna do another really quick bit feel like just four there and a little bit there when you're doing these kind of final bits of changes perfectionism you want your filler knife to be nice and sharp and just no rough bits on the tip be careful cuz I mean it could easily cut yourself on that only need tiny bit of filler for this don't mix more than use because it just goes off tiny bit here on this last little run a filler sometimes you can get it so smooth that barely needs to be sanded tiny bit there that's perfect we're starting to get it flatter than the wall around it it depends where you're doing this you know if it's in an area that's like at eye level obviously you want to take a bit more care over it so you now want to give it a quick coat of primer preferably primer that's been stirred you can paint over this with more or less anything but I would suggest you prime it first so just give it a coat of primer I'm just using a water-based acrylic primer under court here you can roller it on if you want I'm just brushing this because I'm gonna feather it in the existent pinned well leave that to dry depend on what primary have used that can take and now we're also it dry so gonna have a copper go and get on with some other jobs check what it says on your tin for how long is supposed to leave your primer to dry don't lose sleep over it if it feels dry it'll probably be fine on a little area like this don't stress out about it just to preempt some of the truly comments stand mayor says I've used this before I applied it with my child's face as per the instructions it looked terrible don't listen to this so-called professional well Stan honestly I don't know what's going on there my pot of debt or field specifically says on it do not apply using your child's face Kerry Labonte or is it Labonte says can you use soup I wouldn't recommend soup for filling holes and was Chris Simon Brian Dave says you you have no clue go back to where you came from and stop stealing our jobs I your mother dad Chris then goes on to see can you use soup the Primus dry now so I'm just going to use a roll up for the top coat I'm going to give it a couple of coats of the top coat it's just whiteness but the roller will help to blend it in a bit better obviously try newsprint that's not full of bits the pouch where the filler is will always get a bit darker when the paint wet that's completely normal let it dry and then judge it you'll probably find that once the paint's dried you can't see it if you can do another quart you shouldn't need any more than two top coats normally but it depends how dark the filler is or the color of your walls and stuff like that we'll come back once it's dry there we'll go absolutely perfect if you didn't know otherwise you would never know anything had happened to this wall I hope you've enjoyed this don't forget to subscribe I'll make this whole effort worthwhile as I say I don't have made much better videos than this [Music]
Channel: Gosforth Handyman
Views: 537,357
Rating: 4.4219189 out of 5
Keywords: drywall repair, how to, drywall patch, fill and paint big holes, fill holes without plaster, fill holes in drywall, fill holes in plasterboard, diy, diy tips, home improvement, how to fill big hole in wall, how to fill big hole in drywall, how to fill and paint holes in walls, plasterboard repair, plasterboard repairs diy, fix hole in wall drywall, fix hole in wall with patch, invisible drywall repair, how to patch drywall, repair drywall
Id: L2xSDsfjvaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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