Drywall Paper Tape Versus Fiberglass Controversy

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a lot of people aren't gonna like what I have to say oh that's all I'm disclosing that right now especially people do make fiberglass mesh tape I know I've watched videos from other drywallers out there too and the one guy was singing hey what's what's stronger regular tape or fiberglass mesh and and this is always proved to hold better than this always I mean throughout weather conditions I did the 87th floor of the of the Sears Tower and the Sears Tower does this back and forth I've forgotten how many feet it sways back and forth but it sways back and forth a lot and and I'm talking to the guys who manufacture this fiberglass mesh tape and they said oh yeah you can use it you can use it nice and listen I did the seventh floor the Sears Tower everything was stood up this thing is rocking back and forth there's no way this is not going to crack and it goes oh yeah the wall that it's propped him back and forth this didn't crack this did this there were this would but but this is when I was talking to a guy who does quality control for USG us she makes rendering last mesh tape - and they said it was never designed to stick on and then muddle it was never designed that way it was designed to be put on just like you would regular tape but up the seam and bed the fiberglass mesh and then wipe it down that's the way you're supposed to put fiberglass mesh tape on that's why fiber fuse is so good because you mutt it up you put the fiber fusing it's not sticky you got to put the fiber fiber fuse in with with mud and then wipe it down and that's why it holds up so well but do I do it no look at this closet right here so I don't use my roof vents much tape on these scenes I'll use paper tape but you see how i did this patch i taped the patch with the fiberglass mesh tape I'm going to just mud it in tape it up that's the way I do it why why do I do that because it's sticky so we asked the guy who made the fiberglass mesh tape well if it was never made to be put on because it's sticky why did you make it sticky I wouldn't buy it if it wasn't sticky if I couldn't just stick this up there and mutt and want it in I would you buy this I don't think a lot of you guys went buy it either if it wasn't actually sticky so you can stick it on and run over it but it was never designed to be done that way I do it wrong on my patches everybody else does it wrong I've watched them do it wrong I hey leave me a comment if you actually do it right because because really it was never designed to do that and that's this I know I'm gonna get a lot of controversy from this but that's okay I can take it you guys have a great day hey if you really like this video subscribe and if you really really like this video share it with somebody else you have a great day
Views: 88,343
Rating: 4.8185744 out of 5
Keywords: paper tape vs mesh tape, mesh tape vs paper tape, drywall tape vs mesh, paper vs mesh drywall tape, mesh vs paper drywall tape, paper tape, mesh tape drywall, mesh or paper drywall tape, mesh drywall tape, paper or mesh drywall tape, best drywall tape, mesh tape vs paper tape for drywall, tape vs mesh drywall, mud and tape, mesh tape, which drywall tape is better, drywall mesh taping and mudding, drywall tape or mesh, drywall mesh tape
Id: oRlhgn2Hrmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2017
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