Dry Soup Mix in Jars

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good morning and welcome to rose red homestead today we're going to do something that personally i think is just really fun we are going to put together dry soup mix in quart jars for our food storage and this goes to self-reliance as well as food security and it certainly does help us to be prepared for emergency situations and this recipe is one that is going to be in the book that cindy and i are writing so let's get started we'll be back in a moment [Music] a lot of times when i do a video presentation i do it differently in terms of the process than i would if i were at home doing it not in front of a camera when i am not in front of a camera i set things up more like an assembly line type of thing so i just decided today i'm going to show you what i would be doing if i were doing it by myself and so um this recipe is a fantastic recipe jim and i had we opened a jar of this last week and it was phenomenal we love the spices this is a fairly new recipe for me i've been eating lentils all my life but i wanted a recipe both for our cookbook and and also to have on hand that just was kind of extra special and this one does that exact thing so if you look at my countertop here i'll show you what i have done this recipe calls for onions carrots and celery i have pre-packaged those and i'll explain why in just a moment now what i have used here is freeze dried onions dehydrated celery and then these carrots these are little carrot chips these were from a number 10 can that you can get like augason farms or they're all over the internet this is a number 10 can which is one of those that's about this big and about this tall and i opened it months ago put it in this plastic bag and it has been in our freezer and they're perfectly good so i used three different ways of preserving uh these foods and they are pre-packaged this is part of my prep is that i pre-package things now over here i have three types of lentils i have golden ones i have the regular brownish green ones and i have red ones these are more of the brownish green ones so i'm going to layer those lentils in the jars to make it look like a rainbow because this is i've named it rainbow lentil soup and then i have because this takes bullion and because i don't even want to mess with anything i am using these extra large bouillon cubes two are going to go in each jar now i know that some of you do not like to use this type of bullion and that's just fine i rarely use it but in this case it suits my purpose so i've chosen to use it and then i don't know if you can see right here but i have pre-packaged all of the spices in these little cups and so i'll be going through what those are as we start putting the jars together all right now first of all i want to talk about the process of how i figure out a soup recipe a new soup recipe that i can pack like this a dry mix in a quart dryer sometimes in a pint jar i first go looking on the internet for just regular soup recipes and i look at the ingredients and in my mind i'm saying okay now i'm looking for ingredients that will store well even if i have to dehydrate or freeze dry some of those ingredients to be able to have a longer shelf life that's what i am looking for and generally what happens is i will find two or three recipes that look promising plus with my own background and experience then i will put those ingredients together in such a way that it makes a good soup recipe now before i bring anything to a cookbook or to a video like this one we always always try it out and so when jim and i tried out this recipe boy was it ever a winner so we're just going to go forward and i'll kind of talk as we go when we are going to dry package anything the jars need to be clean but not sanitized the important thing is they need to be completely dry we want no liquid at all inside these jars now i'm going to start i'm debating what order should i put these these are the golden lentils aren't those beautiful i had a hard time finding these just just for your information if you want them these are from clear creek grown in montana golden lentils so i just got those on one i think directly from the producer so what do i what order do i want these colors i may have to try two or three different ways so i am going to start with the red lentils and the red lentils i got from bob's red mill now it takes a half a cup of each of the type of lentils and so i'm just going to pour right over the jar until i get a half a cup and then i'm going to carefully pour that in and then i'm going to level it off a little bit and i'm going to go with these next and then i'm going to carefully pour these in over the top of the red ones and gently shake the jar so that the level so it levels out and then last i'm going to go with the gold all right so there we have our rainbow lentils very pretty i think that's an okay combination i may mix it up a little bit here in a few minutes all right now the next thing i want to do [Music] is [Music] put in the spices now i have them in these little cups let me tell you what those spices are so in this little cup i have one teaspoon of dried garlic chips a half a teaspoon each of cumin and coriander one teaspoon of smoked paprika and that is a secret ingredient it gives it just a beautiful smoky flavor a bay leaf a teaspoon of lemon powder and then a fourth of a teaspoon each of salt and pepper now i'm just going to put the whole thing in there and then i'm just going to see if i can bury it right down in the lentils because i don't want all of those spices to get all mixed up now i'm going to then take this packet of half a cup each of carrots onions and celery now the reason that i have packaged them this way is you might want to do a mirepoix with this and what that means is you might want to rehydrate these veggies and then put them in a frying pan and saute them until they release their flavors that's what you would do if you were not taking them out of this dry pack with fresh that's exactly what you would do that's what i would do so i'm leaving them this way in case that's what you want to do and i'm just stuffing those down in there then i'm going to drop in two bullion cubes right on the top here and there is our dry soup mix right there ready to go on the shelf and ready to go now when you're ready to um cook this you have some options so you can pull out the veggies and do the mirepoix thing and then you can put in all the rest of the ingredients plus a quart of water and that's what makes that broth and this is chicken broth and then you can if you're doing it at home when you have electricity you can just do it on your stove and simmer it until the lentils are done and it's really so good if we are doing it under difficult circumstances with a grid down situation then what i would want to do is to bring it to a big rolling boil after i had done the mirepoix because i intend to do that even in a difficult situation and then after boiling it for about 10 minutes making sure that food is all hot in the middle i will need to conserve fuels however i'll take it off the heat and i will put it in an off-grid slow cooker well you might want to know what an off-grid slow cooker is i'm going to be doing a video on just that but i've done already a couple of videos the wonder bag would be one a thermos would be one a hay box would be one and we'll be demonstrating those later the other option that you could also do is if you have a regular pressure cooker not one not an instant pot but a regular pressure cooker not a canner um unless it's a smaller one that doubles also as a regular um pressure cooker you could then pressure cook it it would take 12 minutes instead of 45 minutes so those are some ways to conserve fuel and then i'm just going to put a lid on here and we will vacuum seal this and then we will put the ring on it and these will go out on the shelf all right so i'm going to set this one aside and i want to show you right here how i put these little vegetable packages together so i used this bowl because it has a spout right here and i just started any one of these and these are the freeze dried onions and a half a cup of each of these so there's a half a cup of onions [Music] which i'm now done with half a cup of the carrots and a half a cup of the celery all right now that's not quite half a cup but you know what it's going to work and then i just this is a sandwich bag and i just using that little spout poured them right into that baggie level them out got the air out and then just half hold them ready to go into the jars okay so i'm going to do one more this time i'm going to start with brown on the bottom then red using this funnel allows me to direct the flow sort of even that out and then half a cup of the golden drop in the seasoning bury it put in the veggies top with the two bouillon cubes and the lid now these lids are clean but they have been previously used i will take some fingernail polish and get that off and then rename it before i vacuum seal so that's the process and we'll be back when i have all 10 jars done all right we only have two jars left to vacuum seal and we're all done and indeed it does look like a rainbow over here so we're going to put this attachment in attach the hose and push the right button and band on and remember that all of these lids are previously used for canning and they're perfect for vacuum sealing [Music] well i am so tickled with these they look beautiful in the jar they're delicious to eat they will have a very stable shelf life and so we will enjoy these for a long time to come now the only problem is as i am doing my master list for food storage based on the strategies that we are teaching in our book if i'm going to serve this suit to our family for every other week for a year i am going to need 26 jars of this and so i'm not quite half done with getting this supply ready but i look forward to doing the other half we have learned today not just how to pack them but we've learned the principle of how to go out and look at recipes and um also figure out the ingredients that we want now just a little rule of thumb if you are using a quart jar up to about halfway filled with whatever beans or grains or whatever else you want you can use rice you can use barley you can use pasta up to about right here and then the rest veggies makes for a very very healthy soup so thanks for joining us and we will see you at our next video [Music]
Channel: RoseRed Homestead -- That "Woman with a Gadget"
Views: 130,295
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Id: AmvKd7MeHMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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