Dry Mixes for Your Pantry

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all right i think i have all the things let's get started making dry mixes [Music] welcome youtube friends and family to today's edition of the wellness homesteader so today as promised finally guys we are going to make some dry mixes for the pantry so these are things that you can make ahead to make meal preparation or seasoning your food so much easier and also more economical so yesterday i had to run to walmart just to pick up a couple things that i needed for this video so let me tell you all i haven't been shopping as much just because i haven't really needed things and i also have my large azure order coming next week so you know i don't always need to go to the grocery store and i find that staying away from the grocery store helps me spend less money but on the other hand i want to have well-stocked pantries so i was looking for some baking supplies like chocolate chips butterscotch chips cocoa powder and some spices and y'all you oh wow let me just give you a couple examples so okay first thing i needed was some celery salt and this happens to be great value brand now can i make my own celery salt yes i rarely use it so having it for mixes is something i'm willing to buy so this was one dollar y'all guess how much the name brand was for the same amount five dollars and 94 cents yeah garlic salt so i bought two of these and they are 5.7 ounces so that's what 11.4 ounces and they were a dollar each so i paid two dollars the name brand for the big container so it would have been bigger than this maybe five of those was 13.94 so if you are not into prepping if you're not into stocking up a long-term pantry i really encourage you to think about putting a few extra things on your shelf even if all you do is get some extra cans maybe some extra items for the freezer so that as prices continue to climb you have a little bit of food insurance because i don't see prices getting lower what i will say is i don't think i've ever seen walmart so well walmart walmart so well stocked amazing there were a lot of people in walmart because it was saturday today sunday what i did notice is people did not have heaped up carts they were buying very small amounts and i think that's in large part due to prices all right so what are we going to do today we're going to do some fun things so the first thing we're going to make is a brownie mix and i got this recipe from homesteading family let me run through what we're going to make and if you want to work along with me you can pull some things together then we're going to make a cobbler mix so if you have fresh seasonal fruit even frozen or canned well drained you can make a cobbler mix so if someone shows up on your door boom you can have that cobbler made in next to nothing all right we're gonna make some italian dressing mix some seasoned salt and some stir fry seasoning now i wanted to make for you all everything bagel seasoning and i am still y'all me and white sesame seeds uh azure is out of stock so i did end up getting them from amazon however they've been delayed because of amazon prime days i can't win so we're not gonna make that today however when i do my bagel video if i do my bagel video i will y'all i will definitely be sharing with you how i'm going to make it and why i'm going to make it the way i'm going to make it so let's get started so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to make batch brownies and fill up five quart jars so let me tell you first what you're going to need if you want to work along with me so you're going to need sugar flour cocoa baking powder salt how easy is that now when i watch this on a homesteading family and i totally believe in giving credit this is not my recipe um there were littles making it and they did such a good job and they were so cute what i can say is you're going to have to shaky shaky shake your jar down to get it all in so let me tip you down a little bit so i am going to kind of batch make these so um oops that's not what i need the very first thing we need is sugar and y'all probably laughed at me about my but with all the canning and such it totally makes sense that i buy my sugar in 25 pound bags because i've gone through quite a lot of it okay so we need two cups of sugar and i've got a few lumps in my sugar container i never put an oxygen absorber in sugar if you're storing up long term but i do vacuum seal the jar so that will sometimes cause the sugar to clump a little bit the reason you don't want to put an oxygen absorber is your your sugar will turn to a brick well i'll be well gone shortcut problems all right so there's our first two cups of sugar so what i'm going to try to do is just shake it down so that it compacts i'm gonna go ahead and in my bowl over here then i'm gonna we're gonna make a batch of these brownies so i can give you my impression because i think they're going to be absolutely delicious if you like a fudgy chewy brownie i think this might be the brownie for you the reason i chose this particular dry mix recipe is it takes four eggs and i have an abundance of eggs right now okay i am probably gonna have to get more sugar so when i vacuum so my sugar i do it in half gallon jar and the reason i like that is it you can put quite a bit of sugar in it and yeah it takes up a room but you don't can in half gallon jars you only preserve so it makes sense to use those sometimes you have to use the scoop too all right well i'm sure you've all seen measuring let me get these other two jars filled i gotta get some more sugar and then we'll talk about how much flour i would show you all the situation with the sugar so if you just get it started with a knife it will come out of the jar fairly easily this one is actually from 2020 somehow i missed this jar so i didn't realize that i had one left so yeah just take your knife and always y'all whenever you're doing i did not say this but whenever you're making a dry mix or a seasoning mix you want to make sure your jars are of course very clean but also very dry any moisture can really spoil anything you're trying to make so for demonstration purposes instead of making this video super long i am just going to do one jar completely and then i'll go back off camera and finish the rest so to our two cups of sugar we are going to add one cup of flour so you can already see that based on the ingredients these are going to be super fudgy and not so much cakey so there's a cup of flour and then next we are going to add two-thirds cup of cocoa where's my coco right here yo i really do like these lock and lock canisters it has really changed my short-term pantry so two-thirds cup of cocoa wow that's a lot so these are going to be super chocolatey we all know chocolate's not my favorite but i love me some brownies blondies are my actual favorite but i like brownie brownies too okay over here i am working on a batch for the oven so let's go ahead and put our two-thirds cup in here why am i making a huge mess so that's not required to do this now you can see that i'm almost up to the top but we have a couple more easy things we need to add please excuse my mess here so we need half a teaspoon of baking powder half a teaspoon of salt so i have a question for you all do you keep your baking powder in the refrigerator or freezer or do you simply keep it on the shelf i have always kept it on the shelf but i'm wondering because it does get sort of deactivated perhaps chilling it would make a difference so y'all drop me a comment below what do you do with yours and i am just using regular salt no need for non-iodized because this isn't canning however um this does happen to be non-ideal so let me let me just share something with you all here in a minute okay so here's our first jar it's pretty isn't it i mean you could put the cocoa down in between the sugar and the flour if you wanted it prettier i think that would be prettier so let's go ahead and whip this up this is our batch of brownies so what do you do next is actually opening that jar and you want to make something well we need four eggs and y'all it is monsooning here today and the girls are most unhappy every time i go outside they're like i said it's raining and i don't like it the coop is open they can get into the laying boxes oh i take that back so miss um violet is broody and wants to sit in the coop all day she thinks she's gonna have babies and i keep telling her there will be no babies you can't be a mama there's no rooster but uh you can break a broody hen according to what i read by making her go out so i shut the coop until my first layers start asking to go back in all right so four eggs yum yum now what the recipe actually calls for is one cup of oil y'all i'm not gonna put one cup of oil i have too much stuff out do you think i'm actually going to use half oil half applesauce so i am going to use that as your standard organic avocado oil yo it's so good it is really a nice oil i highly recommend it being allergic to soy um i'm always looking for a good substitute so i'm gonna do half a cup of oil and half a cup of applesauce because y'all i've been preparing for my winter pantry videos my stock up videos and i'm finding on occasion that some things got scooched back and that's a problem you need to use these so this is 20 20 applesauce and i did make apple sauce last year as well so i want to use my 20 20 up first okay so we've added that and then it calls for two teaspoons of vanilla the one thing i forgot to get out and i'm just gonna guesstimate that looks about right now what the directions said and she used a small square p and she didn't say the size uh i have an eight by eight and then i have like a nine and a half by nine and a half kind of a pan i'm gonna put it in the larger pan so it'll be thinner makes more brownies that are thinner oh wow that is rich looking so you bake it at 3 50 and she said 25 minutes now i can tell you it is not going to be done in 25 minutes in my oven how beautiful is that brownie so let's say someone shows up at the door or calls and says hey i thought we might get together or hey i want to stop by i have a lot of that it would take only minutes to stir this up without all the measuring and you would still have homemade brownies a little bit of dry in there okay with a lot less work throw some eggs and oil and some vanilla extract in your jarred mix throw them in the oven and you have some delicious brownies i think i'm pretty sure so let me get these get this bowl scraped out let me get these in the oven i'm going to finish up my other brownie mixtures and we'll get on to making a cobbler mix stay tuned all right um i did do an extra jar with putting the cocoa in the middle i don't think it really matters and these would be great for gift giving some of these mixes make a cute topper with fabric and a ribbon a label with the directions would be so so cute so we're going to move on i'm going to make two on the shelf coupler mixes now the recipe again this is from homesteading family the recipe she gave was for five batches i don't think i will use five batches of cobbler mix uh this late in the season so it's eight and three quarter cup all-purpose flour five and a quarter cup sugar two tablespoons of baking soda a tablespoon of salt mix it all up portion it out into five mason jars now i'm not gonna do that i divided it by five so we're gonna start with the all-purpose flour let me get to the right cover here and we need one and three-fourths cup so that's a half you know if you're gonna drag everything out mess up your kitchen you might as well make a bunch of batches that's kind of what i figured this morning one and a half one and three-fourths and i do love these narrow containers as well um i'm not sure some are oxo that i have some are just like i think rubbermaid i like these as well the disadvantages you can't get a full measuring cup in there okay so i'm just going to do these one at a time now to that we're going to add a generous cup of sugar or one cup and five five hundredths five one hundredths of a cup so i'm just gonna make it a heaping to that we're going to add a scant half tablespoon of baking soda not baking powder and i actually have a half tablespoon measuring spoon so let's fill it completely full and then about a quarter teaspoon of salt yeah that's it now can make this into a cobbler by melting two thirds of a cup of butter put some of that butter maybe half of it in your pan put your fruit on top you may sweeten it if you prefer if you like it tartar you wouldn't have to sweeten it to your jar you add three quarter cup of milk some vanilla an egg and a little cinnamon spoon it out in plops pour out the rest of the butter bake it at 350 until it's bubbly and browned and i'm gonna say it kind of depends on the fruit that you're using and how how cooked it needs to be but probably around 30 minutes so i think this is also a great mix so in the amount of time that our brownies aren't even cooked yet we have seven jars for the pantry shelf to make our life easier for the holiday season for fall for all of the goodies that we like to eat so let's move on and we are going to work on some italian dressing mix now i'm going to tell y'all i use this as a seasoning an egg salad it is so good or just to sprinkle on a salad or to add it to a homemade salad dressing i don't necessarily make oil and vinegar italian dressing so i may use this a little bit different but what i've noticed and i shared it on one of my shopping videos the name brand is outrageous now i did buy a generic version it's okay but shrink flation has struck and it's much smaller than the name brand so let's go ahead and start making italian dressing mix so here's what you're going to need two tablespoons of oregano two tablespoons of salt 1 tablespoon of parsley 1 tablespoon garlic salt 1 tablespoon onion powder 1 tablespoon white sugar 1 4 teaspoon celery salt a teaspoon of pepper a teaspoon of basil and a quarter teaspoon of thyme so i have a lot of home-grown herbs so i grabbed one of my prep mats here because when i freeze dry my oregano i do not take it off the stem because it's a lot easier to do once it's dry and i also don't mind a little stem but you can simply pull off and discard the stems once it's dry i tried doing it before it was dry oh my word took my forever so yeah see it just comes off the stem clean no problem oh i tell y'all i love herbs and spices but i am a firm believer and it may just be pride that when you home grown grow your own herbs there's so much better than what you get in the store just my opinion i know they're fresher oh this smells so good and i freeze-dried so much of this last year had an oregano bonanza that i did not grow it this year i do have rosemary and basil i have sage but i don't have oregano because i don't feel like i need it and you know herbs do lose their flavor when they've been sitting on the shelf a long time i think even vacuum sealed so you know didn't want to have too too much all right so i'm just gonna crush this up so if you're wondering i grew all these herbs and i'm not sure what to do with them once it's dehydrated you can de-stem it and just simply smoosh it up let's see how good i did on my guesstimate here and i'm honestly not sure it's going to be shot i'm not sure how much is going to fit into this jar so that's about half of what we need oh we gotta go check our brownies so let me um let me do that i'll be right back everybody's oven is different i've always said my oven is slow they are completely liquid in the center so i put it on for seven more minutes you know i do think it makes a difference if you have a gas um oven and of course i don't mine is electric and i know that homesteading family which is a lovely channel by the way big channel i know that they have gas so maybe that's partly what makes a difference because i think my pan i used is even bigger than what they used but we'll let it cook i knew that didn't sound right you know brownies usually take forever all right so i'm just de-stemming here i guess i could have done that off-camera but you know if you're just getting into gardening and herbs and you're really not sure okay now i i grew it now do i how do i preserve it sometimes it's nice to see it in person not hard at all and you could certainly dry it destin it put it in the jar de-stemmed um the time i harvested this last year i was so over the garden you know how you can get towards the end of the season that i honest to goodness did not care and i was like i'll do that later okay there's our oregano anything that's left i can just slide right back in the jar all right next thing we need is salt so we did want to share something with you so i i know that people like redmond's real salt i got such a steal on morton table salt and it is um not iodized but it does have an anti-caking agent in it so once i use my um six boxes of small ones and another one but for some reason i was looking at the nutrition facts and a quarter teaspoon provides 26 percent of your recommended sodium intake so i'm not salt sensitive i don't have heart trouble or high blood pressure but i'm going to remind you to be very mindful some channels i watch are very liberal with salt and i try to be a little bit cautious because it's really easy to get to your hundred percent quickly okay so so two tablespoons of salt a tablespoon of parsley how simple is this guys a tablespoon of garlic salt oh boy does this smell good i'm gonna give it a little tiny bit extra cause i like lots of garlic a tablespoon of onion powder and i have found if you overdo the onion powder it gets bitter so i'm gonna be a little more exact on this [Music] enough a tablespoon of white sugar [Music] y'all sugars and everything isn't it sugar and soybean okay [Music] a quarter teaspoon of celery salt a teaspoon of black pepper a teaspoon of basil so let me show you guys this so if you buy the organic herbs that are the great value brand like this the label comes off very easily and because these jars are glass they are so nice to reuse for your own homegrown herbs so i did prepare my basil and then a quarter teaspoon of thyme so i grew thyme last year i have a ton of it and again it's not destined but let me tell you i was not a huge fan of the time it was very menthol to me and might just be me but i thought it was very strong so i did not grow it this year so that's about a quarter gosh how this will hold too so what you want to do is you don't want to fill your jar completely to the top because you want to be able to shake it up well and there you have wow that's hard to see isn't it some nice italian dressing mix looks like i need to i shake it a little bit more so this is ready for the shelf it just needs to be labeled and i do vacuum seal a lot of things if i'm not going to use them right away okay let me clean this up and we'll get on to making one of my favorites i love it on everything and that is seasoned salt stay tuned moving on our brownies are out of the oven y'all so 32 minutes perfect so we'll give them a taste test at the end so i have put into a wide mouth pine um three and a half teaspoons of sugar a third of a cup of salt now the controversial ingredient which is the cornstarch so if you don't like cornstarch you could use arrowroot powder as well so we need a teaspoon and a half so let's add that and that's to keep it from sticking and clumping with the sugar in it [Music] i didn't want to dig out my arrow powder and based on what i read i did a little research uh you need to use twice as much of it for a thickener but it doesn't really speak to using it in dry mixes so i'm not sure on that all right we need a teaspoon of turmeric you know this is just oops gonna be a lovely lovely color there we go and i do buy my turmeric in large quantity because i use a lot in my onion broth as well as for a seasoning now for celery salt we need a tablespoon and a half that's a lot but this is a salt there's one tablespoon and i have a half tablespoon measure a tablespoon of paprika oh yellow my hands not always easy for me to get things open let me work on this sorry about that y'all so we need about a tablespoon of paprika one and a half teaspoons of onion powder okay this is not hard kim oops a little bit for the countertop it's so floofy is that a word fluffy i just don't want to over onion powder it so at least it did not go into the mix we can salvage that or at least i have paprika on the matte so we'll just have to leave the rest of that let's get a teaspoon of garlic powder more if you like it more wicky got a little lump in that one and an eighth of a teaspoon of cayenne so i'm just gonna guesstimate that so let's shake it up and see if it looks like seasoned salt and we'll do a little taste of this oh yeah it does is that pretty orange color and it's actually i keep saying seasoned salt it's seasoned salt so let's have a little taste move over lowry's all right really good and you know what y'all i don't know where i got that recipe from but this next and our last recipe is from whooper roll holler and it's for some stir-fry seasoning stay tuned you all have to excuse how i look today i told you it's pouring rain well i just had to go out and take care of the girls in the rain so yeah just disregard so the last thing we're going to make i'm super excited about and this is from miss laurie over at whipple world hauler and this is some stir fry seasoning mix so here's what you need you need two tablespoons of brown sugar two tablespoons of nutritional yeast and i did look they have this on amazon i also looked at walmart yesterday they do not have it and this just really adds a lovely like a buttery flavor miss laura says she puts it on popcorn so um definitely a good thing to have on your pantry shop so two tablespoons of each two tablespoons of onion powder a teaspoon of salt a tablespoon of granulated garlic did i say onion powder or garlic and a teaspoon of ginger so let's just knock this one out really quick so what would you use this in well any sort of stir fry you could use it as a seasoning on um meat you could use it in a marinade there are so many good ways that you could use the stir-fry seasoning mix i'm so excited to have this all right so the nutritional yeast as soon as you open it it does smell exactly like butter so we'll do two tablespoons of that [Music] two tablespoons of onion powder i hope y'all are just overlooking the hands guys i do appreciate everyone's prayers that um you've been sharing with me regarding my medication and going to a new rheumatologist the rheumatologist does not take medicare so that's a bust and i still don't have my medication that's a whole other story but we'll just go with that all right a teaspoon of salt a tablespoon of garlic powder i'm using granulated garlic y'all i prefer it and i do get it in bulk from azure such a nice nice product all right and then the last item is a teaspoon of powdered ginger great spoon here so this is going to add that really yum asian flavor that you'd like to have to many many dishes or marinades i think this is gonna be great and again y'all you can well i'm sorry double triple quadruple this but i thought for ease i would just make a single and i have some lumps in there oh the brown sugar hello okay let's give this a little taste um oh throw your lid on the floor i'll need to wash that y'all that is some good stuff so let me clean up my big old mess here we're going to sample the brownies and i'm going to give you some suggestions on how you might label your jars if you want to have them for gift giving as well as for use in your own pantry stay tuned well our mixes are finished excuse me i'm wet because i just had to run out in the rain i will save you all some trouble don't try to vacuum seal your brownie mixes the jar is actually a little too full for my vacuum sealer so um these won't last long but i want to show you a couple ideas you can always take a sharpie and write on the jars the directions i put a little tag on the top of some on some like the cobbler mix i wrote out the directions just tied it on with this cute little mason jar tag this is probably the cutest for gift giving so i just took a square of halloween fabric cut it with pinking shears and put the tag on so that'll be great for gift giving as well and then for for my seasonings i just simply labeled the jar so i hope this has given you some good ideas not only for your pantry but maybe for some gift giving and now i want to show you they're barely warm how beautiful are our brownies y'all here we go with the taste test they look ooey gooey you wanna bite fudgy oh my word yeah so good if you are wondering why very good i used half applesauce and half oil that is a way you can lower the fat that was unsweetened applesauce so it didn't make the brownie overly sweet for sure this is rich it is fudgy it is chocolatey without being over the top perfect amount of sweetness i highly recommend this recipe so i hope you've enjoyed today's video drop me a comment below what type of dry mixes do you like to keep in your pantry i'm very interested to hear i will see you all on thursday but until then be well be healthy be blessed take care
Channel: The Wellness Homesteader
Views: 35,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #drymixes, #pantrystaples, #homesteading
Id: 7PW5LzsgdFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 21sec (2481 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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