5 Homemade pantry baking mixes - VLOGMAS Day 2

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hello welcome back to farmer's wife Homestead today is the second day of vlogmas and we are going to be making some dry mixes we're going to be making scones pancake mix chocolate chip cookies double chocolate chip cookies with candy cane so it's more of a Christmas theme pretty much the same recipe as the chocolate chip and what else are we going to do and we're going to do a carrot cake mix using my dehydrated grated carrots so the first thing you need to do is grab everything out it's going to save you a lot of time a lot of the recipes have similar ingredients we've got milk powder um brown sugar baking soda the flour the sugar I buy in bulk so I have all these most of these things and and buckets and and bulk so I've got all my notes here I'm putting notes aside as a good way of um you know making up something like this bulk cooking well it's not really cooking bulk um Pantry preserving and so I've got my little note here and it's got all the ingredients now we'll go we will do the pancake mix first the pancake mix is awesome it's just pennies on the dollar compared to buying the the mix at the supermarket that's already pre-done it's basically the same thing you're just going to add the wet ingredients afterwards so I'm going to make up that mix it's awesome it means that the kids can just scoop out the required amount and um they've got pancakes for breakfast pretty pretty quick um without all the added mess if you know what I mean so yeah so we're going to do the pancake mix first okay so I'm going to pop okay pancake mix into this jar I've got myself a little hole to help pop my notes there and the first thing we need is flour I have all your Cuts Etc ready and waiting so this recipe is for one batch so I'm going to size this jar probably might do it by six let's have a look and it times everything by six I'll do six flower so just give this a thorough mix through and watch you do is pop the instructions on the jar itself you can write it put it on a sticker um we'll just use one of these and tape it on you're going to use two cups of this pre-mix to one egg to one cup of water all the recipes we will be making up tomorrow day three vlogmas that's thoroughly [Applause] thoroughly done now [Music] I have to stand on top of your toes I'm so short so as I was saying tomorrow we are going to make up all these dry mixes so you can see the outcome troubleshoot if there's any issues you know when you're working with flour sometimes you need more liquid and things depending on the humidity okay the next one we're going to make is the scone mix uh as I said I am going to try putting the dehydrated onions in here and see how that goes I don't believe I've made it with dehydrated onions so we'll see the outcome of that tomorrow um but this is my scone recipe that I've used for years when I had a cafe um they were a bestseller and people love them and there's a little method that I use to make sure that you get nice and fluffy scones but we'll share that tomorrow so I've got my little list here I'm going to start with three cups [Music] two I love cheese and onion scars if you want to just make up the full dry mix just unmatch the the um onions and the parsley and then you could like double or triple this and then you will have the ability to make scone raisins you could put cheese on ham make them into Scrolls they're easy lunch boxes so that's three and we need a quarter of a cup and a tablespoon I'm just making that a little bit Heat [Music] you can make Scotland's dairy free I used to work at a child care center and I made my scones dairy free so you can omit the butter and you can use any other type of milk non-dairy milk and it works just fine without any butter so that's handy to know then we have six teaspoons of baking powder to make sure those are level three and then you need a teaspoon of salt anything with flour really needs to be salted for the flavoring so we've got all those ingredients now I'm going to grab the red parsley that I've dehydrated and my new dehydrator which is just sitting right here it's a bio chef lastly let's crush it up a little it's always good to grow your own herbs and then dehydrate them I'll do quite a lot more of passing it there and I do my own dehydrated onion flakes as well so I've got onions one there and seasoned and cheap and I also grow them but I haven't been able to grow any this year I've got a back injury so nothing and then tomorrow we will add the water butter and cheese and these will be cheese onion looking forward to seeing how the dehydrated onion goes right now to the carrot cake I think I might layer this one we're going to go with one cup of flour [Music] on top of flour one cup of sugar [Music] it's a half cup quite a lot of sugar on this one in fact I'm just going to put it down for three quarters [Music] okay a teaspoon of baking powder teaspoon of baking soda I'm just gonna Crush that in my hand foreign of cinnamon [Music] try and make it look pretty let's make a nice Christmas gift foreign if you're making up the recipe it's two and a half cups of normal grated carrot so I did two and a half cups of carrot and then I dehydrated it and this was turned into one cup so we will just pop them oh they look so pretty you can also add um walnuts to this if you like just I might add some walnuts as well okay so here I've got some walnuts canned and I'm just gonna pop some pieces and you don't have to do this that's quite nice to have that little bit of Crunch and a carrot cake probably be about a quarter of a cup or so [Music] the thing with baking you have to keep the measurements good the light flour and stuff like that but add something like nuts not be an issue yeah that will do what I'll do is I'll vacuum pack that again I'll show you shortly how to do that one put a lid on now I've got this little vacuum sealer got off my Amazon I'll link that down in the description below pop the top on make sure it's straight this here give it about 10 to 15 seconds it's quite a bit of empty space here so do it for a little bit longer and off you can hear that little section take this kick off and then this is okay tight as so that is now good to keep on your pantry shelf for literally months and months and months probably even up to a year you're not going to get any bugs in there and it's going to be really handy if you just have visitors arrive quickly or something like that and as I said you can give it as a gift as well all the recipes are going to be on my website so I'll link that below as well so what are we on to next we're on to chocolate chip cookies yum grab another jar these ones will just make single serves or you could probably two and a quarter you might actually be able to get two um a double batch so what we will do is just um let's have a look let's give it a go right so this will be if it's double it's going to be four and a half cups yeah it's definitely not going to do double in a later so we'll just go with the one so that's two quarter cups of flour and then we want um baking soda oh that's the baking powder if that's wrong [Music] that's the wrong one a new Dandy apron it's going to crush that in my hand get rid of all the lumps baking soda can be like that so we need half teaspoon of salt and we need a quarter of a cup of white sugar and then one cup of brown foreign [Music] okay so now you want to just press that brown sugar down so you've got some room for the chocolate chips foreign cap e and pop the lid on that foreign seal this one it's quite full so it won't take as long to get the air out of there you should hear a suction yeah see it released this off fist perfect shelf stable chocolate chip cookie the last one is the double chocolate with crushed candy canes we will leave the candy canes whole to start with and just pop them in the jar down the side hopefully they'll be some room in there but I think it'll look quite pretty or you could make up your basic jar of the um the recipe and then put tie the candy canes on something like that could do that as well actually um because I don't know that they'll fit yeah so I might do that tie them on one more basically the same as the chocolate chip cookies there we have the chocolate chip double chocolate chip cookie dough and I think I will definitely hit some ribbon on my bench already so I might just and then all you're going to do is Crush these and then um put it into the mixture and then you'll get that Taste of peppermint through the cookie bring it down I'm sure you could make it a lot prettier than what I have right now but that's just a quick way of doing it so I think they're going to be quite handy to have in your pantry you could give them as teacher gifts uh for family for Christmas or you can just have it as a convenience thing in your own pantry tomorrow we will be making up some of these mixes and we'll show you the outcome and give you the rest of the instructions and um I'm looking forward to that and I will see you tomorrow for vlogmas day three thanks for joining me bye
Channel: Farmers Wife Homestead
Views: 12,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farmerswifehomestead, homemade, bakingmixes
Id: 0FmyBZXi0Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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