Druski Raw and Uncut | EP. 69 | CLUB SHAY SHAY

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I'm big on LeBron man I'm Not Like Jordan doesn't like people and staying away from you know the black people and stuff you know no shade but people wanted to love him yeah you know and I and I think especially our people because yeah buy all his stuff all my life and running all my life sacrifice hustle baby price wanna slice got to roll a dice that's why all my life I've been grinding all my life all my life been running all my life sacrifice hustle baby price wanna slice not to roll a dice that's why all my life I've been grinding all my life hello welcome to another edition of Club shayshay I am your host Shannon sharp I'm also the proud of club shayshay and the guy that's stopping by for conversation and a drink today is one of the internet's favorite comedians he's a turn movie TV star entrepreneur owner of a football team CEO of Coulda been records drewski come on now what's up hey come on man thanks for stopping by give me a couple minutes of your time yeah sure man I feel good man you know just blessed brother yeah yeah just black Excellence that's all it is that's toast oh man yeah yeah okay okay this is my cognac La Porte it's uh it's a VSOP we won best tasting VSOP 2022. so this is to your success we're going to talk about that thank you brother um oh boy I might be able to do it right there though I might not sleep we're gonna do something after this we want to do something we gotta go out it was only three we gotta go out man we gotta do something we gotta hit the club or something man congrats congrats on the tour yes sir you got could have been records tatted on you you're about to start a 30 city tour where you're the headliner yes sir talk to me about that man uh you know I opened up for a lot of different artists before this tour uh got a chance to open up for um J Cole you know 21 Savage they were both on the tour uh got a chance to open up also for little baby and Chris Brown wow they went on a a big United States tour as well right I just figure this time you know I haven't done anything for my fans yet it's like six years I've been going hard going strong putting out content you know doing live pop-ups doing live shows here there you know but I never did anything for my own fan so yeah this is my time and an introduction to my fans to come out and and show me love and you know and and also continue to like it like get it get a Vibe for the comedy that I'm putting out you know so uh yeah it's gonna be a great tour man I'm super excited you know I just got a lot of emotions like for real like a you know nervous excited you know don't know what to expect you know my this is my fans first time right so yeah you mentioned putting out content for your fans what should your fans expect um they should definitely expect a little bit it could have been records so the CEO gonna be in the building I'll tell you that right now right yeah man uh so yeah they'll get it they're gonna taste the all things man we're actually looking right now for opening for the Torso okay yeah so this is this is gonna be dope so you're looking for somebody hopefully you can provide them a break that guy that you mentioned Chris Brown little baby uh I think you open for Jack Harlow 21 seconds earlier on earlier yeah yeah so so when you you said what did you learn from these artists because you Chris Brown some of the biggest artists in in their in their chosen profession and you're opening for them so when you're around them what are you seeing like damn if I get an opportunity to be a headline of man this is the way I'm gonna approach it yeah well I got I got the best of both worlds man you know I went on a J Cole tour very quiet backstage right you know not a lot of women yeah uh just chill chill Bob you know uh then I got a taste of that a good or bad thing it's his own brother you know so it is what it is no more but you know um then I got a taste of little baby Chris Brown right where it's flooded back there you can't even you can't leave your Green Room you know so I think I'm gonna be right in the middle man right just I like a little bit of J Cole but you gotta you know you gotta you gotta have a little fun yeah yeah maybe not 500 of them not 500 that would be 250 250. okay I do 250 backstage you know no I'm messing around man now I think the biggest thing that I learned from them they're so locked in regardless of what's going on right stage and stuff I had a chance to talk with all of them and like they're so serious about their craft you know getting prepared before the show and not having too many distractions before the show maybe after the show right at times right but I think that that's something that I took from that and was seeing how serious it is and the preparation it takes to get to that point so yeah that's that's a big thing I was reading when you you mentioned that you open for Jack Harlow early early in his career and I read I was reading but you showered at a rest stop and you were performing in front of 50 people yeah did you think at the time that you're showering at a rest stop and you're performing in front of 50 people that you would later become the headline of your own 30 30 city tour and become this yes I actually did because we used to have conversations me and Jack on the bus we was on a beat down bus Man look [Laughter] uh we were just stacked on top of each other and I had to come by myself he had all his friends so right I wasn't familiar with him or everybody else he was with it was just I just had to come on and do my thing and we used to have talks all the time on the bus like hey man that's what we want to do this is my goal this is where I want to be at this is how I want to be so me and him familiarize ourselves with each other knowing that we wanted to do this so it was just we we both were on the same page with our goals you know so we we just man everything happens so it's just like we just continue to go and and the goals only get bigger so yeah man that's probably the biggest thing I remember from that tour on a series right yeah when you're up when you're when you're opening for and they put rappers r b whatever Jack I think Jack Harlow is an r b guy rapper and you get a little baby a Savage yeah it's one thing to open for someone like that and you're a comedian as opposed to opening for someone that's a comedian also yeah so how how would you prepare to do something like that when the crowd is like so different yeah I think I think the biggest thing I did and and I appreciate the fans for adapting to it I think I I kind of created a lane for myself right where I've never really seen anybody do that type of stuff especially not in the stadiums I was going to and right you know just going out there with improv like I'm literally going out there and [ __ ] around I mean messing around with them you gotta make sure we on boxing yeah yeah you good you good you're good but uh yeah so just messing around with the fans I think just I'm just appreciative that they were able to adapt to such a big change but yeah that's it was definitely very different from what you know you're used to but it ended up turning out every single tour was really good right yeah you allow fans on stage what are some of the craziest interactions that you've had with fans uh man I had this dude he came on stage he tried to get undressed huh yeah he tried to get undressing on stage man and the the fans were familiar with him because he's been on one of my rides but and you know I know he take his shirt off right I ain't know he was gonna get naked come on dude he tried to get naked man and you know we stopped it we stopped right and right before it went but he's he's a dancer man he's a hell of a dancer we let him do his thing but yeah that's probably the craziest that has gotten on stage bringing fans on yeah yeah right that has been you do you do a lot of uh IG live because that was basically like you were performing that was kind of like your tour before you actually got a tour yes yes uh IG live was was big around the time like you said during covet right covered everybody was just tuned in and right and just like you said for your show just it was like the main time if you were doing anything a lot of people were chilling back for an accident yeah but for the hustlers right yeah it's like hey hit the hit the road running because it's something everybody's watching payments all that stuff I'm telling you I'm telling you everybody was watching you got to get that generation Revenue you're not lying man so I think it could have been Reckless we built up the fan base and even my family's for like you know for comedy just me in general was built up during covet and I had everybody's attention you know they were doing the verses and stuff and I was just trying to figure out my own right for for comedy you know so that ended up working out perfectly but now we still do it and the numbers continue to grow increase right yeah so so that so in other words you started it's kind of like like we started this in 1996 in Greeley Colorado during the uh uh training camp yeah and so actually Club Shea was not my was not my room it was my neighbor's room okay because I didn't want them coming in there rolling dice playing cards playing PlayStation drinking and and smoking cigars in my room because when I wanted to go to bed I wanted to go to bed so I put the club in their room and they're like well how you have a club it is not your room I said we're easy because y'all accepted it and so what started that is like running a joke yeah like here we are like 25 30 almost 30 years later and we got club shayshay and we're doing interviews oh another level yes with some of the biggest stars like yourself yes I want to know how do you get the name drewski how did you come up with that man and Middle School everybody started calling me Drewsky because around that time it was a show it was like a college College Hill show I don't know if you remember College Hill I do remember it was a College Hill Atlanta and there was a dude on there that we used to rap he was rapping some songs like booty do or something and everybody thought it was so funny and my name was Drew it was just regular Drew and I remember all the kids would come back to school and they're like hey Drew sing that booty dude and I'm like like ain't nobody ever call me Drew so that kind of like just adapted just at a young you know people weren't calling me like everywhere Jersey you know but just the kids at school would like slowly start saying and it just became that you adopted like okay okay you could never pick what you you know right your nickname would be right yeah it just you know once you answer to it a couple of times yeah you stuck with it ain't nobody gonna call you when you do these IG live you average over 100 000 viewers I mean so and you said that every time we do it they just get bigger and bigger is this your opportunity to work on new material before you actually hit the stage yes 100 I think uh this and also the show that we're doing on YouTube called could have been auditions right this is those are both Avenues where I practice you know improv skills and practice majority of like the jokes and stuff right so it just gives me a way to because of course everybody doesn't see everything when we record the could have been auditions like we have one tomorrow in L.A and they only see 20 minutes of what took maybe four hours of of material right so yeah like that those are definitely those that a platform for that yeah right so I'm looking at somebody saying you have some very funny encounters with some celebrities yeah when you hung up on a b and told him to apologize you know you're wrong I'm saying and I know so you think that's something listen I don't got hit in the I used to play football I played I played a couple years on um I played Church rec league too okay and I was pretty good you know I'd probably say I was All-Star in the church record uh but why do you look like that now I'm just saying that's what you no I'm saying you you took a sip no no no no you know church rightly just as good as you know whatever League it will lead yeah NFL NFL yeah we got rankings so you play defensive offense I played offense I was a fullback you're a fullback yeah fullback so in other words he was like a uh uh adjusting you uh Kyle Houston so you you I was kind of like a TJ Duckett oh okay so they so they gave you the ball it was called well I got a couple trophies I can show you the trophies now church league but like I said I got I got beat up a couple times so I know what CTE looks like right and you know what I see I well I finally got a chance to talk to him I could have been I said hey man you need to go apologize so what did he say he hung up anyone hear that you know it you know how that CTE his brain probably just you know it's scrambling it's scramble was it all for the skit or do you really think he should apologize to a talk truthfully I do think he should apologize because he gave my opportunity of a lifetime man right you know ain't nobody especially nobody all right Tom Brady's caliber right doing that right you know what I'm saying so I think yeah nah on a serious note I definitely do think so but hey at the end of the day man he he is he's doing numbers with that song put that [ __ ] on yeah so I can't but hey a win is a win a win true to win on Twitter you offered you offered a Meek Mill an opportunity to sign with Woulda Coulda um yeah Meek Mill I don't know if he really gonna comply though yeah he in his own world man age out you know a lot of times you try to reach out just like what about an up-and-coming aspiring rapper instead of one that's already established don't you think I mean I do I do also have a lot of up and coming rappers that I do try to you know get I got some um I got these boys in a program they're in a prison program right now and uh I'm trying to help them get about the prison program and get out here right good stuff in the world um one of them just got taken to uh what do you call the place where solitaire solitaire yes well I don't know is that how you gonna put some we're working on his conduct we're working on his condo the moral of the story we're working on we're working yeah I'm giving them opportunity he did something I can't even speak on but he'll be working on them you know these everybody everybody need a chance he probably gonna have to be in there yeah he's dangerous yeah but uh yeah we're going we're going we might just work with him through Zoom through you know the little thing they got in there we I might not need to bond him out but uh yeah it I'm looking at your CEO of a record company so obviously you know you understand like so many rap so many people have said about the bad deals that they've signed um you're 80. that was the reason why we started could have been recognized okay because seeing so many you know people my skin color just continuing to sign their life away it just it amazed me and I I took so much interest into like knowing like why do we continue to sign this and then later on Donald I was like oh F the labels that's the labels you know what I'm like why why would you initially have signed this if you knew you had the talent what what made you want to do it but I get it you know what I'm saying because they do whether because they were unsure I I think but or uneducated on what really that deal was right okay you know so my big thing was I'm gonna let you know straight up right we're giving out 360s okay we're gonna do the same thing but I'm gonna tell you right so so ain't nobody signed yet maybe because of that yeah yeah but listen to hold on I'm telling my people what it is all forever I tell you we're gonna we're gonna you you yo oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I'm gonna tell you and you expecting to sign the prisoners be with it yeah so yeah man what record except hip hop record except or a record exact or who who inspired you to say you know what I want to become a CEO of a record label I want to do right thing by people who inspired you uh probably Suge Knight and P Diddy strong-hearted people yeah that's why but I mentioned him and P Diddy though P Diddy you know I like I like when he get angry with his uh so you dirty red The Five Heartbeats yeah man you know you know that what inspires me inspires me brother but yeah those are the two for sure that uh got me into one to create my own record company but I was hoping you said like Barry Gordon Birdman it might be one in the morning Bird Man another inspiration you mentioned it yeah I'm glad you brought that up man I like that I like that yeah so let let me ask you this who's on your Mount Rushmore of hip-hop music executions ah man got to give it to Master P Master P up there P um can we name current or it got to be like no no whoever you want to put on there okay okay it'll be all curved they could be all okay I like uh ceop from um Quality Control okay P Diddy Diddy um only four right you got only four that's all got to put sugar down sugar up down man you'll be mad showed up there man I'm telling you you've seen what he did he don't left that right Barry Gordy but what Chuck created was discipline from his from his artists you got to discipline them sometimes make a cup when do the calls when Dude have you done any work with Diddy uh yes I actually did a commercial with Diddy okay uh we did a commercial uh about a year maybe two years ago now right and um I I don't know need a sponsor Deal on YouTube right yeah yeah we did a show we did a show after that we did a uh because I had snuck into his house we did a DeLeon tequila I used to do with the holiday he got leak out he behind a brick wall security yeah yeah no his sons helped me out oh you would help people not his son okay his son helped me out I was I was with them and then he I snuck in there somehow but no we we ended up starting uh we we got a uh uh YouTube show off of that yeah I'm looking at some of the brands that you've secured deals with you got Bud Light Seltzer Beats by Dre ATT Call of Duty's Ruffles Mountain Dew KFC uh happy Dad Hard Sell some Google pixel yeah yeah you've been able to do so so Google pixels yeah yeah you've been able to do so much yes through social media social media can be a blessing and a curse correct yes you've been able to use it as a blessing why haven't you been cursed so far you know when you walk with god brother it's a special thing but you strong on me if you want to strong a lot of people you walk up with God but see I got a good intention oh God no God no God know my heart through everything God know me so you know I think but yeah no I'm honestly blessed and uh with the cancer culture and all this stuff you kind of just got to know you know when you got a strong fan base man right you really can't compete with that I don't feel like any of that really exists when you you know are walking with God though man for real for real what have you learned about business and how has over the years you've grown how has your style changed knowing as you mentioned cancel culture um um that's deep so you saying like spending wise like spending money-wise we talk about just cancer culture in general both I mean obviously I mean you got the dunk Zone you know you like I mean obviously look people I'm not a flashy person though man I I've never been flashy you know bro you got the Jack Cactus yeah man these things this stuff was all gifts like I said but yeah man I think I learned early on when you know before I even got famous um that just about spending and stuff because I used to splurge and try to like get every Jordan drop or I'll just break my neck to try to get anything expensive that I thought was cool like if you know in high school and stuff everybody's trying to wear the designer belt right right it's on the shoes and all this everybody trading clothes so I used to I think that around that time it kind of showed me like that none of this stuff was really it's kind of like meaningless a little bit like right if I didn't learn that then I would have probably spent every last dollar I got in my pocket right I'm saying so I'm glad I did learn that before I I got money in my pocket um but yeah I don't I I tend to just buy like you know oh you know I shop at Dick's Sporting Goods brother right well I mean if you're buying sneakers why shouldn't you yeah yeah yeah but I'm not really a high-end like trying to buy a whole bunch of expensive stuff business obviously in business you know you got vultures oh yeah you got those guys that that how how have you been able to avoid and in this business the backstabbing the the jealousy the Envy how have you been able to like navigate those Waters that's crazy we were just at an event and we you see it all the time especially in Hollywood man it's like is you just got to continue to smile and just just know you you just walking with God it's not it's because you see all the the fake people sometimes you might say hey to somebody they act like they can't hear you right you get that you know you know how they go you know maybe you're saying what's up to somebody they seen you from across the room that like hey can't see you so you know I just I just like to just be a genuine person that's what about what about the ones that they say one thing to your face but behind your back they say something entirely different oh man how do you deal with that um I think I think my my biggest way I think I just stick to the only the people that I have in my own Circle right like I like the one that my team that I work with and maybe my close friends in the industry I only tend to be around that crowd I don't like to go and like be like if I'm not invited or nothing or if I feel like I'm stretching myself out to be in this right scenario so if you're invited you're not showing up yeah no if I'm invited if you're not invited oh you're not showing up because I don't you know if I'm supposed to be there it's it's meant to be if I'm supposed to be in that red carpet it's meant to be I gotta I have something to show for it like of course I do want to be at a lot of award shows I do like I see it on TV I'm like man when am I gonna be on there but I haven't been invited so I in my mind it helps me grind harder to know like all right you're going to be there someday but you're going to be invited you're not gonna Force because sometimes you go to those events that you do get invited to and you see somebody like what the heck he's not even supposed to be on this road like what are you doing here right but they trying to sneak and get their picture and then you see them on the Internet like yeah man me and Shannon sharp we working boy and you're like man you ain't really working so I'd hate to be one of those guys okay so that kind of motivates me to just be like okay just grind until it's time for you to be invited to that type of stuff what did you get with your first big check what was the first well you got something like you got some money you like oh I'm out um what what y'all think I spent my big first check on they probably know for real I I have really splurged splurge anyway I retired my mom okay I just recently retired my mom you ain't about no car you ain't getting no I got the same car I had before I was famous what type of car was that I got a Jeep uh Jeep Cherokee yeah Jeep Cherokee 2013 Jeep Cherokee that's it I'm in the process of pimping it out right now I ain't gonna buy nothing new oh you're right I promise you I got the same car man we we upgraded the house and stuff right my team lives with me and stuff so it's a good scenario but yeah no I haven't a lot of people ask me why I haven't gotten a new car either you haven't you know you don't want anything you don't want to obviously you know you could get a car but yeah I travel so much so much jewelry that's your thing jewelry no not jewelry sniping my thing I got a couple gifts from you know some Jewelers that have given me you know they just want you to wear your stuff right and say you got it from them so I think I'm cool with that like my mind is just so I was so confused when I got into the industry bro because I used to believe that a lot of these dudes I see like them wearing all this stuff yeah and I'm like dang like they probably spent so much right and then I got famous and like Dior will send a package to the house and be like please wear this at your next big event or they do that Julie yeah they'll do like different no I'm just saying I'm just saying the yard but big companies will do that and like and just want you to like you know wear whatever they sending or like a jeweler will just give stuff and then just be like hey so you got it from me now right so just hey that's it but so when I learned that side of the game it's like damn I was it's a whole my money almost right right where y'all free stuff yeah DMS using the DM you was like uh so are you trying are you trying to shoot a skit with uh with spice and Shaq um yeah I think uh oh no gorilla tried to get one shot yeah I mean Shaq tried to get one yeah yeah yeah yeah that's who it was I spice I was trying to get ice spice that was me bruh I still ain't got a chance you can get an info you in the energy you big you can get info come on man you know you just gotta you gotta let it ride man you gotta let it come to you so right now I'm in that process so if you're watching this oh you're gonna be watching I'm looking forward you ain't got you got a number you got a number nah I ain't get a number I need a number now I said I said you gotta let it come to you man because at the end oh yeah Jack Jack Jack got it though I ain't got time you know about you the prize she a prize too y'all can't be too prizes yeah she's something she's something I like she got she got a little something Mama I'll be you I'll be you just boob job or would you like no no on a serious no you know I really I really would you know I I like shouting like I I ain't you know that's why I told her I'm like it ain't even about the music and all that like with me is you're gonna get me you know what I'm saying so I tried but she ain't really she ain't feeling right now not yet not yet once you see this she probably gonna be like okay yeah she's gonna be watching you like to talk about me publicly and stuff yeah right so she probably have any celebrities left you on red uh celebrities in general you talking about girls I tried to shoot up yeah girls I try to shoot yeah um if they've left you on red and you see them out in public you're like you know I hit that I tried to hit you I mean I haven't been left on red majority majority of any anything I reach out to will respond yeah yeah you better I ain't telling I ain't saying I get them all I just say they're responsible he respond man that don't mean they like oh my god do you read all your DMs uh no I don't I I try to sometimes like if I put out like a post where I want response from my fans and stuff but uh yeah they flooded man people say oh type of crazy stuff right they just I don't even I don't I don't get a chance to even look at all that stuff but yeah some celebrities do though yeah have you ever been Starstruck by somebody that have responded that that hit you up or you've been somewhere and it's like hey you doing yeah oh you've been starting restaurant buy another celebrity yeah um I think Rihanna I I seen Rihanna at a uh at a restaurant I was out with uh he would ASAP Rocky okay you ain't trying to shoot no no no no no no no no no no okay she was out with like her friends and stuff and she was you know they have these little private rooms out here in L.A and I was like in a private room it was like me and my we got Brothers in L.A yeah like where you eat dinner you know hey I ain't never been a yeah it'd be like a team some girls whatever they have little private rooms you know where you yeah they put music in there I ain't know nothing about that it's like your own little life I've been in six years there ain't been no private room yeah man you know but uh so yeah I was out I was I was I was in our little section and I walked out went to the bathroom and I had seen Rihanna sitting in like a little areas where she noticed me right and I and I it was such a weird like interaction that I didn't know if I was supposed to come and give a hug right you know so I kind of did one of those you know know back Chase front space back Trace front page and then I came and I gave a hug and it was just awkward and I just I don't know how you blind I fumbled it man I [ __ ] with the bag that's before she was ASAP Rocky you oh yeah I might have had a chance how you doing nice to see you I love your music that's right yeah you froze you froze she bad yeah I'm going to the bathroom so I'm already you know I'm I'm chilling yeah I see and I'm like good God Almighty so but you don't know if some celebrities will act like they don't even know who you is yeah yeah that's why I'm doing the yeah jump rope right yeah yeah yeah so yeah man but it was awkward yeah when you meet a celebrity do you automatically tell them who you are because anytime I meet somebody famous I always say hey I'm Shannon sharp they're like I know who you are but I just I tend to do that yeah yeah just because you know just be I don't want to I don't want to assume you know who the hell is yeah you're a genuine human yeah yeah yeah I'm saying what yeah so who's the first celebrity you met that co-side just like bro I like what you do hey keep doing your thing I think um I think Lil yachty was was one of the one of the first people I actually did a skit with him early on and uh he thought I was very funny and that's kind of like the introduction possibly how Drake found me you know right through through me and yada doing the video we just did like a quick skit it didn't blow up or nothing but yeah it was he he actually genuinely enjoyed my comedy and he was like yo I want to do something with you like I I don't even want to just watch or like I think that's funny or help you out in a way like I just want to just be involved in whatever you're doing so yeah it came down to my world you know and and yeah so what was it like meeting Drake it was dope man it is dope it was definitely dope because you know I I was uh I met him last year yeah I was at the Adele concert the one she had the observatory on the old perspective how was that he came he knew who you were I bro you know I got to tell hey bro you know hey I'm Chef hey bro I know who you are they say I love what you do um like I do know what yeah yeah like damn yeah but it's another genuine person you don't see too many people in the industry man he's like a real person right he not like uh fake and see you this time don't see this right genuine yeah but I'm sure you know the ones that you this person this day that one the next day you know what I'm saying so you know what I don't really I'm not a I'm not an out person yeah kind of like home I'm kind of myself kind of stay in my little tight little by my little bubble yeah um so I don't really meet a whole lot I mean you know if I go to like a sporting event or something like that but as far as I don't really do the whole lot of red carpets yeah I'm who I am yeah and you know I'm not I don't look at myself as being famous I just go do what I do and I come home to you know but I mean I'm real yeah but I'm saying you've even gained more Fame oh yeah nowadays even to the Young Generation like everybody knows who you are you know what I'm saying regardless of the fact of how you look at it it's funny like you say that because how do you know so much about sports especially football I said man I study a lot they say we can tell because these are like the new fans that don't know nothing about this yeah it is and then they see me again like oh yeah man you should have told me that you like but it's it's it's funny that I'm more famous and more well known now in television than I ever was when I played football that's crazy because I we when we took my brother to college my brother went to Savannah State right in 2011 yeah and I remember taking them I was still in high school at the time and I mean we took our drive it was like four hours down to Savannah from Atlanta area and we dried on there and my and and my brother gets out and we go to the football thing and they see this you know I see you everywhere everywhere at the school like I'm saying they talk about you like the coach and everything and he was going to play football so they were big on just praising your name out there and I just thought that was so crazy you know it's like a full circle moment getting to meet you and do this with you Drake's playing you've been on Drake's plane um I want to but I haven't I haven't man that virgin one yeah yeah man I ain't seen that but you know they say 30 seated playing for like 10 of us I'm gonna get that song you'll get there yeah I'm gonna get this one you're big you're a big sneaker Aficionado what what what's your favorite kick uh right now I'm really into like the low top dunks stuff yeah like you know uh yeah like these and they they have so many different assortments of different right like pandas yeah yeah yeah yeah I like that the school they have the the Kentucky dugs they haven't done they got everything everything so I haven't got a chance to get get all of them but um yeah I think those those are the ones that really get me once you you don't have that you're I got to get that shoe um those dunks that the the the the green emerald ones that sparkly those are like the cactus there's like a sparkle one I have the the silver ones yeah right oh okay that's what they call it yeah but it's like twenty thirty thousand dollars something crazy done it's something crazy I thought y'all know that the price crazy you uh the Kentucky Derby um you have been to the derby never that was my first time man that that was uh what was that experience like because there's nothing like it yeah yeah yeah yeah and I think did you have a hat did you get the Hat yeah I got a little you got a cowboy hat though I ain't had to have that you got to get you got to get a fedora or or or you got nah you got to get a hat hat okay maybe they thought I was racist then because I had a cowboy I had a whole I had a whole hillbilly outfit oh man they probably like who this [ __ ] dude trying to remember because I am man you know but nah I that was my first time when I got around you know all these people I think they weren't even used to seeing that many maybe celebrities yeah it was like me Drake Jack and like this is like Peak Jack where he's just going yeah and that's his City so it just was I remember they had like this field and we were all in like this building in the middle of the Kentucky Derby and the people that like the camera crew they were like yo y'all should walk out there and just say what's up to people so it was supposed to be just real quick and we went out there and like everybody like wasn't even looking at the horses anymore like everybody ran and it looked like almost like we're looking down and there's like a show right full of like 20 000 people and it was just crazy people were just screaming on names and stuff so it was definitely a bucket list thing I've had the uh I was very fortunate to get an opportunity to go in uh 2016 and to be there and I went the year after American pharoah had won the Triple Crown also got an opportunity to meet Bob baffert was sitting up there and talking to him yeah but to see that and to see the Hat because it's all about the Hat yeah you can wear I mean I don't know nothing about that I don't know anything about the whole house a lot of the women have on flip-flops or sandals but it's all about the lid for the guy it's all I mean the guy you know to have this here but it had it's all about the Hat yeah yeah I got to look into that I'm definitely trying to look I'm definitely trying to look to get back up next year if you go out there for real okay make it happen we'll make it happen brother you've been around some Heavy Hitters you're Drake and Kevin Hart yes sir what are some of the best advice and because you see Kevin Hart he's in commercials he's in you know sitcoms he's doing I mean Kev and I told him I said bro do you sleep I mean I mean when do you have vacation I mean you shooting the movie on vacation but I've never seen anything like that his work ethic yeah it's crazy that that's honestly what what made me uh such a huge fan of him as well too just early on before I even got any of the fame but when I got a chance to meet him um he gave me a couple he gave us so many gems man me and my team we were sitting and talking to him after a show and he gave us one a a it was a joke at first but then he told us the real at first he's he said where's your crew man like where's your friends and I was like oh they right here he one of my boys is getting a drink one of my boys talking to a girl I was like yo yo yo come here and Kevin are standing here he said okay hold on this ain't gonna work he said this okay now I didn't know these were your boys this this ain't gonna work right here and I was like what he said he got on this he got on he just started roasting them but it was funny but then he really told us some real like stuff he was like nah I really want to generally talk to y'all you know the roller coaster is only as long as somebody's watching before he said the the roller coaster goes up he said some analogy about like how the roller coaster goes up but only it only goes up as long as somebody's watching and making sure you guys are continuing to stay on track right and because the roller coaster can fall at any moment right you won't even know because you'll continue to just ride and think oh I'm famous I'm lit we good I don't got to really work that hard no more we good he said if nobody's watching that you'll just be on for the ride and they'll just go downhill from there so that it was it was an analogy that had something to do with it I don't know exactly what he said but it kind of it hit me and my team and everybody we talked about that and it was just that was really impactful to us for real did KF tell you don't be a [ __ ] yeah he told us that too I think he just wanted he he was just like yo you know you're not you're you're opening for these artists and stuff you you are special like you are a great talent you need to go and do your own thing right like you you have it you gotta stop thinking that you was like yeah I saw I saw those shows I came and watching I didn't even know he came and watched right so I'm like damn you spied on me like you came right and you ain't saying nothing like so it was like yeah I've seen your little things you know that's cool and all but you know stop being a [ __ ] and I just I I hit me too that was another piece of advice was it because were you afraid to go out on your own um you could you could say that I think it's it's something that kind of gets stuck to some people who do social media right because you get the fame of being on camera first right you know your own phone camera right which gives you a comfortable feeling you know right with uh with that it's almost backwards because for them they had to start before they got onto a camera correct they had to go and do it right in front of people right so it's like a complete 100 flip right so uh yeah so that's kind of like what he was telling me and just letting me know that is like bro get get out there and do your thing for real so I'm looking I watched I don't know if you watched the Golden Globes but Eddie Murphy you got to I think the sense will be the meal award and he stood up there and said that three things and you have a very long and promising career he's like hey I think here you say pay your taxes mind your business and keep Will Smith name uh wife's name out of your mouth has someone ever been upset with you with something you said ah man um don't talk about nobody I mean not yet nobody nobody has I haven't had that type of scenario yeah I haven't really talked about anybody in the public eye like that no not at all I tend not to not to mess with stay out of people business that's the real thing though for real because you don't know what somebody got going on like they know what they had going on that situation everybody just had a bad day right bad day they could have just got out of argument you know anything could have been happening you know so yeah you just never know like so you write about that stay out of people business he ain't mine do you have you ever been booed not yet [ __ ] I ain't I ain't looking for it I mean hey hey LeBron is y'all to air ball yeah you know I ain't looking forward to it but you know I I know I'm human so uh just hopefully not on his tour right we'll do one small shows I can move me off that small show don't do this tour here though what advice would you give comedians that kind of started the way you did you started on the internet and you kind of built this large following so big that you're able to headline your own 30 city tour yeah what advice would you give somebody that wants to go the route that you went um I would just say stay consistent man I think we we all lose track of like where we're going sometimes when you fail and and I think it was times where I had videos I thought was going to do great or like a scenario where I thought maybe I should quit this tour when I was on tour with Jack you know right uh just not feeling comfortable like I wasn't comfortable on the tour bus and I I didn't have my friends with me and I was like I just want to go home I don't feel like finishing this but it's like if if you if you do that one of the consequences right so it makes you think so I'll say the biggest thing is consistency and I know I used to hear celebrities say that type of stuff back when I would watch interviews like man everybody say that and stay consistent uh that's whatever but honestly genuinely that's really it right there because it don't matter what happens if you like you said get booed off a stage or something goes wrong or this goes left stay consistent as long as you stay consistent it will continue to work you know and know what you're staying consistent with because there's some of them rappers out there you need to quit don't take that you can sit down the wrong way boy you need to quit don't think that the wrong way don't take that message wrong you uh you mentioned your team you got a couple of your homeboys yes yes um you have a writing team you've assembled a great team around you that you like okay this is my group this is my five six guys whomever yes this is who I'm taking to the top yes I have that assembled already man and we we have writing meetings all the time like weekly you know nightly like we whenever we get a chance to all come together and like just be in the office at the house and just write and come up with funny stuff right happens all the time and even when we just have quick conversations sometimes we got to pull out our phone notes right and got to type it in there just because it's something that we are laughing about or a scenario where we talking about so yeah that's I'm big on that for sure yeah have you ever been on a date and like hold on babe just this thought just came to my head all the time that happened everywhere everywhere everywhere man even in my sleep I'll be I'll be waiting by my sleep and just grab my phone and just I swear bro because stuff always be coming to me or I think about stuff like even my homeboys have said they'll be like bro like I'll be asleep on the sofa maybe right yeah and they'll notice me get up and like just they'd be like yo what's going on with you man I'm like man I just thought of something I I don't know if that just random little stuff and and I think yeah that's that's what that's what keeps throwing up you thinking something you had dinner or y'all at home watching the movie I'm definitely I'm definitely pulling out the phone notes it is you like bruh it don't matter what's going on she and so so how how do they respond when you do that um uh they don't like when I when I be on my phone or locked in on my phone and and I'm and I can't hear anything right so they'll be saying my name Drew and I and I don't say anything you know so I think that's that's a big pet peeve for you know anything do they understand that what you're trying to do is a lot of them don't a lot of them don't because you know people think like when you when you're a comedian they're like oh it's all jokes you ain't working hard right what you what you you ain't working on nothing right but really it's like hey you can't it's 24 hours really because you take a real life situation but you're putting but you're making them funny yes so if something happens and you know with people laughing you know majority of the time they there's they don't take the grind or whatever you say you're doing seriously yeah yeah you let fans record your show when you're practicing ah we're 50 50 on that right now we're trying to decide how this tour gonna go uh because you know I don't know if we're going to take everybody's phone I want people to enjoy it and I want it to go viral like moments right craziness right whatever happens um so I think we'll allow I think out of respect people may not record the whole thing fully we might ask of that but you know I don't like to take people's phone not at this level you know it seems like every time everywhere I go they put they put that phone in a bag yeah they don't worry about that and we thought about doing that but I think I wanted a lot of the show will be like improv and like new stuff in every city right so I wanted people to record and like enjoy the moments that may go viral to go go anywhere you you've made some some legendary skits that's gone as you mentioned going viral has anybody approached You by like doing a TV show or doing you know your own variety sketch yeah yeah we're in talks right now with uh I have a TV show that's been greenlit with FX okay shooting it with FX and Kevin Hart um and Stacy share also is involved so uh yeah we got some we got some stuff going on I'm also uh working alongside with uh Spring Hill okay yeah um yeah LeBron math company um yeah they I was just in the um the uh house party movie okay yeah yeah so that was a good like start thing yeah yeah yeah did you did you all this before yeah I did I did come on man did you go watch it you know any anytime you know it was very funny if we put something out I'm going to see it I'm gonna watch us yeah yeah I'm sure Magic Johnson Theater yeah he was going imagine uh I don't know you remember Lennox Mall used to have a movie theater oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I didn't know that actually it was bad Bro you've been there that's the most high-end Mall that's ghetto ever man you've been the one forever a dude hey man yeah one of one of my homeboys he just went to the movie a couple months ago and he uh somebody got shot in the movies over a seat yeah a seat in Atlanta that that might have been you know what I'm thinking that might have been Atlantic Station because you know they called they closed the tower yeah you know what it used to be was that bridge solo that was Atlantic Station yeah yeah hey you know what you're absolutely right that's exactly where that was yeah damn I might need to move because I'm like I'm like hey I'm telling you a quarter mile hey boy is it getting rough yeah them nice areas ain't nice no more but you know you know then we got everybody in Georgia doesn't relax and everybody could carry the handgun you don't need no permit yeah yeah no this is the wild wild wide open wide open yeah you got to be careful how you talk to people yeah man because if people ain't knuckling up no more they yeah that's why I just stay ducked off man I don't know that's I a yeah that's why I don't go nowhere you know what all the movies they screaming on TV now hey you were born in Baltimore moved to Atlanta at a young age you born in Maryland yeah yeah Maryland yeah moved to Atlanta how will you move to it one so I remember a lot well you know Baltimore you know uh Maryland they got horse farms yeah yeah I'm talking about huge we we used to always go back all the time man I never rode no horses but I'm big on you know the whole DMV because we we were literally I had family everywhere throughout the whole DC Maryland right yeah so in Atlanta what high school do you go to Atlanta uh Soccer Now South go down so you're from you're from Gwinnett yeah yeah yeah that's what that's what the TV show is called stop going up right yeah so it's based on me you know almost being a super senior in high school uh but the whole show is not based on like high school it's like one season will be based like like super senior high school and then it goes on about like real life you know you're kind of like 50 50. black white in the high school yeah so is that how you learn to that to make black and white people laugh um no no yeah I was very funny high school man I was I was class clown man oh [ __ ] yeah yeah I was up there but uh yeah it was it was definitely 55th throughout my whole time growing up in Georgia like I had white friends that had black friends Mexican friends you know Indian friends whatever uh but yeah I learned so much from so many different cultures and being around and seeing how this family have dinner this family have dinner or how they do this and how they do that so I it's so much different funny scenarios that I have learned from just seeing it all right you know so yeah I think Gwinnett is a great place man it helped me with a lot of my comedy you're from the I think the same neighborhood as the Migos did you know them no I didn't know them but they actually they were a big inspiration to me when I was in college because they were just around that time they were popping off right I seen how big it was in Gwinnett and how big of a deal it was for everybody and for me I just was so motivated because I'm like yo it's somebody from Gwinnett right like we knew some athletes that went right yeah yeah yeah things but like somebody entertainment you know and and doing like music or or whatever I think that was just such a big deal to me and I was I was so inspired by that bro so I'm I'm glad I'm able to be one of those people because I don't know who it is that's from Gwinnett as well that's probably watching me like inspired the same way yeah you said you know the Migos you probably gotten very familiar with them after your their success your success your initial reaction when you found out that take off one of the members of the Migos uh had lost his life life in a senseless shooting yes so what was your initial reaction and that did they have that changed the way you move oh for sure for sure it was very sad though man um because he was just one of like the chill cool yeah I mean you know cuevo and them they they were offset they were kind of more outright he's just so chill it's like you wouldn't expect that to happen to him you know and I think it was very sad and like for everybody in Gwinnett it was such a big deal because it was it was somebody like it's not too many of us that right ain't famous from there you know um so yeah it was it was it was it was a very sad moment when when you see all these rappers pnb Rock and young Dolph and and pop smoking you see these guys tragically and senselessly losing their life yeah over so so so how do how does how does grewski move what what do you do like nah bro I can't I can't I don't know y'all I can't invite y'all in I I just look my team we do what we do and then we shut it down I try I try to be very strategic with that just knowing you know that I'm on the scene and around a lot of the same type different you know scenarios not necessarily like not like involved in like gambling or going to know you know trap house or nothing no he ain't doing none of that but like just being in the public eye right it just helps me to understand like how to move different like you know I try not to make the same mistakes right that I've honestly witnessed so yeah man it's it's sad though because we we got to do better man it's literally like you said senseless yeah senseless stuff man yeah Atlanta you know you look at rap I mean since the 90s with the r b with LA Reid and you got uh uh Jermaine Dupri so so death so much I mean uh uh Outcast and then you got T.I you got Luda so you got all the you know about oh no I don't think a little better little battle I don't claim must do it he probably wave no no I think yeah he's from Cleveland but he tried to claim us for a little bit though yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and you look at Atlanta you know we had BMF uh and now we got a gun and Young Thug yeah how do you think this situation is gonna is gonna turn out and how did they change what you rap about what you sing about is this am I just singing making this up or this really happened and I'm putting this in my music I think this is all fairly new because you know we a lot of rappers are known for going to jail but in this way with the like this whole new RICO case thing that's like that's like next level yeah anybody they put that Rico next to your name man they ain't talking about Suave man you're doing it so it's just crazy I think it's like it's so new to us and like I think it definitely changed the way people are gonna rap from here on out and talk about certain stuff but I've even heard rappers they'll be rapping like and I'm talking about like they won't say the name no more right they like they might be talking about some whatever they talk about some murder or some some they don't say the name no more you just hear a little stuff it's changing over time right everybody's like all right let's get smarter with this because we ain't going to continue right keep going to jail will be used again I'm telling you it's getting weird especially in Atlanta she ain't playing that lady oh yeah that lady yeah she ain't playing yeah Paul Howard boy she bad she Bears a bad mother watch your mouth praise this how would that experience and will Packer produced the movie I had him on here oh man yeah well my boy yeah yeah uh that was fun man getting to getting to see everybody Chloe Bailey was also in that movie um it was it was it was a really really fun movie to shoot and it was different for me because Coach Wayne was also Yeah country Wayne was in it yeah we had we had fun we had I got to sing with country Wayne in there that's going so funny man but uh it was just very different for me because it's comedy yes but it was also like kind of like uh uh it was like a musical almost like because we were doing songs in the performance it's kind of like I'm trying to think of like you know how Drumline was yeah yeah it's kind of like Drumline of this age you know where we but we're in churches okay so we're like church praise teams competing with each other so it's so funny man but yeah you get to see me dancing do all type of stuff in this thing was this your first movie yeah this is my very first movie before house party house party happened and around the same time right you know that was just a cameo but this was my first one actually being the main character so how much of your lines were freestyle and how much did you stick to the script they let me kind of have you know they let me do my thing in there because I came in there everybody knew who I was so they let me they let me do my thing I was I was you know I only they would give me like I might have had like one liners for a day and they'd be like George could just do your thing so I would I would you know it was a couple different times where I use very good improv skills man it was fun though it was people that Tyler Perry Studios right no no we we filmed around the Atlanta area but it wasn't at Tyler Perry it might have been some scenes there but uh no no we were using like landmarks in Atlanta like uh Two Chains trap house okay there we had some scenes that some of the biggest churches in Atlanta yeah I can go to the bathroom huh what about Cascade skating rink oh no no no yeah we went to uh Pastor Eddie Long Church okay you remember Pastor oh yeah a lot of people remember New Birth yeah New Birth yeah yeah we'll talk about nothing yeah yeah man our movies and TV is that something that you want to get in yes for sure that's that's like the next big thing I want to do I think I I definitely man I can't wait I this has all been new so I got two under my belt now I'm trying to start my own you're doing something with Kevin Hartford you and Kevin and also uh me and Jack Harlow have a move right that we're working on behind the scenes so yeah that's gonna be fun and also I I'm looking to produce what my uh production company for lifers okay I'm looking to produce some movies ourselves under our belt so yeah that's gonna that's gonna be good [ __ ] too give me your top three comedians that turned actor hmm Chris Tucker number one okay Chris Tucker for sure uh Martin Lawrence okay time to act return actor gotta put Chris Farley or or Will Ferrell Chris Farley or Will Ferrell in there for sure one of the two I don't know between them two but Chris Farley or Will Ferrell I don't know if they even started out doing comedy first right or stand up first but yeah yeah Chris Tucker Martin Lawrence Will Ferrell or Chris Farley that's your left hand yeah yeah I'm sorry Eddie I would have put you in the list damn oh man I can't don't do but he ain't you know I I'm such a big fan of Chris Tucker man yeah he's so stupid man for real he is crazy in movies man you dropped out of Georgia Southern you and I were talking before we started taping um my two oldest kids graduated from Georgia Southern yeah he dropped out why damn you gotta say dropped out [Laughter] I think just my my mind just wasn't there like I was I got to that school and there was such big classes and like you know classes were like 2 000 people in it and I don't know anybody in here and it's like a huge Auditorium like I just couldn't make that connection like knowing what I wanted to do right and and this scenario so it just you know I just I couldn't I couldn't get a grasp for what I wanted to do around that time so I just started you know I was in my dorm around that time or really my apartment that my mom was paying for and uh she thought I was still going to classes but I had completely stopped and that was around the time when I really started like studying on my phone just stuff I was inspired by like Steve Harvey I was watching yeah after his shows yeah talk about the leap of faith or just jump and just stuff like that or or watching P Diddy interviews or Will Smith interviews them and listening to their story so they were making a lot of sense at what I the scenario I was in and what I was feeling and the right you know and and what their goals were and and how it made them feel so I think that's what clicked for me and I was like okay this is it because this is really I can connect with what they're saying like I literally feel exactly what they're talking about right so this got to be it right so I had so much faith in me just knowing in my gut because a lot of people will never take that leap right A lot of people would be like I feel that but ah yeah I got to make sure I'm secure right I was just awesome hey [ __ ] it right okay your grandma said boy don't call me oh yeah so mad look she can't they can't they can't pick me up you know what I'm saying I went back down there they can't pick me up and she was so bad because you know from where she's from she's like we don't even know nobody that doesn't go to school this this is like I don't know what's going to happen to you they just were assuming the worst like he they probably thought I was about to get in the streets for real right you know what I'm saying because if he ain't going to school I know because I was a Class Clown yeah like I know he getting into something he ain't gonna do nothing good so when I told him I wanted to be a comedian he just thought that was just so like right because that sound like that sounds so goofy right think about it right like I'm being comedian it's like saying but what you but what you wanted to do with your life a degree wasn't required yes me I went to Savannah State I majored in eligibility I need to stay eligible for the next semester so I can play football you and a lot of others but but having a lot of others no but what really one of the things that that that helped me go to class yeah that's where the girls were yeah man yeah the girl with glasses yeah help you do your work too I did I did they work I hope you do your work no I accidentally I did my girlfriend hey come on you did your girlfriend's work I did oh man I did you studious you don't wear the glasses for no reason actually you really got prescriptions actually actually I told actually I told her I told a female that I did my girlfriend's homework she said I was corny man don't let don't listen to them man if you say hold on I know that exact type of girl she told me so you went to the NFL so that meant you were really really good in college I was like yeah I was I was really good in college and you doing so I thought it was fair play yeah yeah you just hey they just stunting on them yeah I used to be at the library in the little room steady room I was I was man I'm looking hold on a military kid your dad graduated from the Air Force Academy went to Howard and is on the wall of Honor nominee yeah at the Smithsonian National era and Space Museum I don't know how much of that is true your mom has a Master's in science and public health and once worked at the CDC ah you sound like them that's what they were saying they're like you want to be a comedian man of all things you got everything that's what they were saying it was ah because a lot of times a lot of times you still do follow the path that their parents you know a doctor lawyer whatever the case yeah but you got to understand like my parents no no I mean my dad was very and maybe because he was so disciplined and disciplining us and you know being being hard on us I think maybe that is what created me to I don't know it's a mixture of a lot of things and my mom also supported me being funny right but to an extent like she didn't want me to do it at school but she would let me she understood that I was like the funny man and I would always like because it requires you not to get our script right it's this I wake up at this time I do this this this I come home I do this this and this I go to bed and the structure is over that's what my dad is though yeah he literally used to make us make our bed and he would have us put it into it's this thing you you it's like these Corners you got to put as a crease you gotta be at a 90 degree angle yeah and if it ain't they said he said if I can't drop a a penny on it or something if I can't drop in a flip or I don't know right it's nuts yeah but it's something with the military yeah it's got to be tight man so he don't play and I think it was it was it was I think it was just genius the way it all came together and and my life I think I'm just thankful that that I'm the person I am today but yeah my mom was supported she was recorded me and stuff my dad not so much but he would watch all the raw comedy that I learned from right he would watch late at night in like the living room maybe you know he'll have a chair like this with the the back of it as to where the steps is right so I would come down there and sneak and just be watching and looking what he's watching he's watching like Dave Chappelle right like you know some of the craziest stand-up specials like uh Richard Pryor right yeah and I'm just like this behind the corner just looking late at night he's like 2 A.M in the morning and I'm just looking just staring trying to see like what like I was just trying to figure out like what is this you know he'll watch just you know that was a comedian yeah man you left out prior but okay yeah no no but you know that those are the ones that he would watch but maybe I wasn't a big fan of but that's where the raw stuff would come from my mom would watch more so like Cedric the Entertainer okay like you know you know she would watch stuff like that like you know Martin and you know I'm looking at the jobs that you had oh man scammy oh man don't think don't bring that up work that Red Lobster don't bring that up you probably end up bringing all the biscuits home trampoline park Warehouse how did those jobs shape the kind of skits that you do um uh I think that's just all Atlanta man Atlanta just is like a Melting Pot for a whole bunch of ways you can get money uh so yeah that that that's kind of like what inspired it but I was a server I I remember I used to work at a uh out with the tips the tips it was working good at the time by the time I was getting girls so it seemed to me that everything that you did a lot tried to get the honey is that why you did it I'm saying it would help though because you know you I could get my hair cut all the time so when I would go to work I worked at a Red Lobster right a lot of girls come in there and they drink them honey they train them they come in and drink that little Frozen drink girls night oh I'm telling you but so hold on that's normally the other way around the guys come in there and talk to the waitress of the content and not the not the I was one of the only male waitress I'm telling you I'll try to knock down everything back there behind the uh back in the kitchen I'm telling you I had all girl servers working with me I was one of the only male dudes that was working I'm trying to get all of them I actually got caught up trying to talk to all the girls yeah see you're doing too much I got in trouble because they were all gossiping to each other I didn't know that I got all their numbers I'm texting them every time I leave work I don't know they going and like talking about it somewhere it's group chats and stuff talking about me like it got crazy I'm telling you I'm reading that you you went to school you want to be a sportscaster oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I actually got to talk to uh Stan verret early on when I was at uh GGC at the first college I was at right uh my school counselor went to college with Stanford right now they were really close friends right when I met my school counselor and she was like what do you want to do I was like oh I just want to be on TV I want to do like I want to be on ESPN she was like oh my my one of my best friends from college is Stanford and he's on ESPN every night I was like what she put me on FaceTime with him and I don't know even though if he remembers that but uh yes you put me on FaceTime with him and I had a conversation with him and he was just like man you know just stay consistent and stay in school one of the best advice I don't remember exactly what he said but it was we're clear to you in the head clearly yeah I had nothing to say but um yeah man he's a good guy though you're a big sports fan yeah yeah who's your team um I don't necessarily have a team I'm fans of the players okay I'm a big fan of this who's your player who's your favorite player uh I'm big on LeBron man I like I like the way he got his whole career going yeah yeah um and the way he's just a social person he's not like Jordan and not like doesn't like people and staying away from you know the black people and stuff you know no shade but uh but you got me Jordan I mean but you know it's just it was one of those things where people wanted to love him yeah you know and I think especially our people because we buy all his stuff all this everything everything and I just feel like he could have you know showed but I think I think that at that level of celebrity have you ever been around have you ever met like I said I've never been around them so I don't know I don't know I don't know if I can't I can't really say it's unlike anything okay you've ever experienced he doesn't seem real when you meet Jordan it's gonna be like he's levitating wow is it really like that I've never made it I've never billionaire no I've never met anybody that's been around this man for the first time that said he he didn't seem real why is it a good way is it a good way no I mean he's like I mean I don't want to I don't want to be Blasphemous or sacrilegious but he's all he's like he's like he's levitated like he got it like he ain't real what what makes you say that though what does he do what is he doing he doesn't do anything he playing golf with no gold stickers no dude I walked in the elevator 93 uh Super Bowl was in Atlanta and he this was he's with his first wife and I got on the elevator and I'm looking at it and I was like I know who you are and I was like and I'm thinking to myself but I just kept looking at him and I know he's thinking to himself I don't like it's Michael Jordan and I'm thinking in my head I'm like this this is Michael Jordan and it was like he was like levitating no dude I'm telling you it was like I've never serious up I mean I I get it I got I gotta meet him then so I you know that I I got to give it to LeBron just because you know LeBron maybe I'm judging the book by his cover I don't know I never met I never met Joe but I think but I think the thing is that LeBron is kind of like the Jordan but I don't think any athlete will ever especially American athlete now I don't know anything about the soccer like Messi and Ronaldo thing like mbappe uh Neymar okay but I'm talking about thank you you got you got I'm telling you I gotta yeah I probably will meet Jordan before he passes you know you got you got that that's a bucket list yeah hold on you stated Odell doing the pandemic yeah yeah I did I did man yeah that was that was actually around that time when I was getting a lot of eyes on me man uh it was it was it was it was a like a great scenario for for me honestly because I was able to live for free I had a chef we had cleaning ladies that's coming every day they doing my laundry um so I had nothing but time to hey are you recorded yeah yeah come up with jokes and all type of stuff so you know and he had his his homeboys there so they also would um be there and one of his boys is a comedian so it almost you know it was almost perfect for me because we're shooting videos and coming up with new jokes going and and just yeah everything yeah all type of meal plans and stuff yeah I think the cook don't like me though because I kept asking for a little I had compassion for too much and she was like I'm making Odell's food I'm asking for creme brulee and all type of I I you know I just wanted to live the life a little bit uh you know but yeah no it was it was a great time I think uh it was it was a whole summer though it was a couple months yeah you you have an ownership stake in the fan control league so what owner are you like are you like Jerry Jones are you one of those guys that's out front you always talking in front of the camera or you want any order that you sent back that's me right there I'm on the field I'm out front I'm messing around with the fans you know yeah I'm one of those I'm one of those guys man I'm in front of the camera 24 7. you know Terrell Owens is yeah yeah he's nice he played he commentating Ray he'd do everything I don't he coached he wouldn't play in the NFL you think Tio could play in the NFL again what position same position yeah and the way these boys coming in these boys coming in quicker than that faster and faster they fast man I ain't gonna lie now I don't know I don't know but uh he probably could play like you know some tight end I think he'll get off now he's a little small to be playing tonight yeah okay okay yeah yeah yeah dope run across that middle ain't gonna that ain't happening you standing next to LeBron the fan wanted your autograph yeah yeah yeah at a um where are we at we were in um summer league in Vegas right we were summer league in Vegas past summer yeah that was yeah that was his past summer I was out there yeah yeah yeah and um I just came to one of the games and him and Russ walked into the uh yeah I remember that the arena and everybody literally lost it like right nobody was even watching the game anymore they're screaming LeBron LeBron LeBron so I was like you know I'm not one of those guys that like oh he got to come and talk to me yeah and you know I just got up I went over there and and I said what's up to him this is my first time meeting him okay so I said what's up to Russ because I met Russ before and I said what's up to Russ and I saw LeBron I was like what's going on but he already knew exactly who I was right boy what's your boy doing tonight man what y'all doing tonight and he laughing he's just like man get him out of here bro like shut up man but it was it was a good it was a good interaction but the whole time I was talking to him right it was a dude up there he's like George guy could have been recorded baby go to bed I'm like yo this dude is crazy so LeBron was laughing at that too he like man all right bro but it was it was good though did you see the clip of Zion Williams Williamson oh yeah yeah he tried to talk like me yeah yeah yeah yeah he got it though he got it I like the way he took a little bit of that CEO from could have been records all right I like to see that though uh that was cool celebrity boxing um would I do it yeah hell no are you nuts because man what'd you say CTE man I just told you about CTS yeah that's that's real but I think you could train I mean you'd be right they gotta punch me yeah hell no I ain't doing it you crazy boy you know you know but you hung out with Floyd Floyd gonna be your trainer yeah yeah flooring 50-0 so he yeah if I got to get in the ring with somebody like javonta is somebody I ain't doing it I might do another celebrity though I do another celebrity I just Bob and weave yeah it depends on the celebrity though like you hell no I'm saying I picked my boys right I ain't getting it I get in there with Rod wave or somebody yeah somebody around my side right that makes sense right yeah I ain't getting in there with another good thing you know yeah man are you looking to settle down are you looking for that woman to settle down with or are you dating with the intent to get married are you dating I'm dating I know intend to get married I tell you that but uh yeah no I I you know a serious relationship not too long ago um you know I you know the whole public relationship thing yeah man because everybody gets in between you know everybody want to talk about who who's this person been with who that you know history and all this stuff so I think the next relationship at some point whatever it happens you know got to be private yeah when that lady out there you know you got to be private yeah got to be private because you know what I noticed about private yeah people can't f up what they don't know they can't say nothing it's crazy man I'm talking about literally like [ __ ] everywhere it's like everybody got an input I'm like Jesus Christ this is like yeah man probably yeah definitely is that how you do it private private yeah private yeah I've seen a lot of success from that right now I'm just you know yeah yeah yeah I feel like you live and learn yeah um who you can trust what you can you know what you can say and you know everybody's not going to leave the relationship with the same yeah the same thing that you got out of the relationship but hey it is what it is yeah you ain't lying bro it's stressful man it was only like a good month two months and it was like I I just posted shouted right y'all already got all this dirt right yeah it's crazy yeah I mean everybody got a pass man I mean just you know and then you get constantly gets thrown up in your face and then you're like damn I thought I thought oh yeah well you'd be thinking you had one all the time I'm telling you yeah yeah deceiving but see hey if you keep it private if things break up don't nobody know yeah you'll never know if you've got a hole on your hand you never know if you got a hole or not you're just loving that hoe you don't know what you got just be happy man I'm gonna get you out of here this way best of luck on the Cure thank you brother uh you're promoting anything and how can people get tickets uh people can get tickets at lifersworld.com y'all make sure y'all grab that man Coulda Woulda should have toured coming to the city near you all my life sacrifice [Music] to roll the dice that's why all my life I've been grinding all my life all my life sacrifice hustle paid the price wanna slice got to roll a dice that's why all my life I've been grinding all my life [Music]
Channel: Club Shay Shay
Views: 1,300,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Club Shay Shay, fs1, fox sports, fs1 Club Shay Shay, fox, fox youtube, foxsports youtube, fs1 youtube, Club Shay Shay youtube, Shannon Sharpe podcast, Sharpe podcast, Shannon podcast, Club Shay Shay Shannon Sharpe, Club Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay, Shannon Sharpe Club, druski, coulda been records, CEO, comedian, social media, dre beats, commercials, Internet personality
Id: E7J2R5zOfD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 28sec (4648 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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