Drupal 8 Basics #3 - The Drupal 8 Admin Toolbar

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hey what's up this is Scott with level up tutorials and in this video I'm gonna be showing you the Drupal 8 tool bar we're going to be talking about how it's different from the previous iterations of the tool bar how you can move it configure it and how you can add things to it so let's get started right now now let's get on to the admin toolbar now this admin toolbar can be replaced through different modules however the tool bar here is big step forward from Drupal 8 now you'll notice that we have this icon in the far right that allows us to move this to a vertical orientation if that's more of what you're looking for in Lotus it actually pushes your site content over and doesn't overlap on top of your content now the only real problem with this is that it's just very wide and so you'll need a bit wider of a monitor if you're working on your site in this way if we click manage you'll see it does go away entirely and if we were to click shortcuts you would see we have some shortcuts now by default we only have ad content and all content as shortcuts now you'll see in a minute once we get through the admin section of your site but you can quickly and easily add shortcuts to this menu for just about any page as well you can click Edit shortcuts to edit this yourself now we would also click admin right up top here just to see some of your user stuff so we have you profile edit profile and logout so most of our time is probably going to be spent in the manage tab or once you setup your shortcuts it's maybe or once you setup your shortcuts maybe set up in the shortcuts tab now you'll notice that with some of these items have blue arrows underneath them we can click those to toggle these accordions you'll know so you can only have one Gordian open at a moment except for when it's nested you'll see we have content structure appearance extended configuration people reports and help now content is obviously where you're going to be going to modify your content you'll notice that when I clicked on the label content rather than the arrow it actually took me to an admin page for content we're going to go over a little bit more this page in the future here in addition to content we also have comments now if we click this arrow once structure this is where you're going to be spending a lot of time modifying what actually shows up on your site we have block layout just about everything on your site is a block we have comment types we have contact forms which you'll see we already have one created we have content types which is where you're going to be creating different types of content for instance if you have a blog then maybe you'll have a blog post content type if you have something like a news story maybe a news story content type now content types are a big part of Drupal and something we're going to be covering in a lot more detail now display modes you'll see we have forum modes and the view mode which will go for more in depth we have menus which is obviously if we select this you'll see that it's all of our menus such as the admin menu the footer main navigation tools and it allows you to add your own menus right here we also have taxonomy which you can think of as something like tags we have views which is where you'll be spending a lot of time constructing the custom elements of your site now views can be a little bit daunting to learn but don't worry we're going to be covering a ton of you stuff and there's going to be a view Pro series that allows you to really get the most out of Drupal views alright let's close this and under appearance is where you're going to be modifying your themes now this is going to be admin themes or user interface themes we're going to be going over themes a lot more extend is where you're going to be extending your site through the use of modules now in WordPress you had something called plugins and Drupal its modules now the Drupal module system still isn't as awesome as the wordpress plugin system simply from an ease of use however it is pretty simple and once you get the hang of it you won't notice a difference however for people coming directly from WordPress you might be a little bit confused as to why it's not as simple in fact personally I'm still confused as to why it's not as simple and next we have configuration which is where you'd expect all of your configuration options to go content authoring system people media so Drupal is a large Beast here there are a lot of things you can modify and that's part of Drupal strength is that everything that you need to modify is here now in addition we have people which is where you're going to see the you of your site and reports which is where you can manage things like error logs available updates status reports and things like that so as you can see from this toolbar alone there's a lot of content here and if any of these pages are something that you feel like you're going to be visiting very frequently such as this extend page we have a star here at the top of this page and you can click Add to shortcuts when you click this star it's going to make this a shortcut if we come to shortcuts we now see extend at our list you want to modify the order of these shortcuts you can always click Edit shortcuts and we can actually click drag and save our changes here so as you can see add content is now above extend so this is the new Drupal admin toolbar and it's where you're going to be going to basically get around your site if you've used WordPress or used other content management systems or even Drupal you should be familiar with the concept of having an administrative toolbar so now you should know how you can get around your site to navigate to modify things you may not know exactly where to go yet so in the next few videos we're going to be covering exactly these different types of things we're going to be creating new content types we're going to be creating new menus we're going to be modifying content we're gonna be creating a blog all sorts of great stuff so as always this is Scott with LevelUp tutorials if you want to purchase the rest of this series before they're available on youtube head to store that level up tutorials calm and purchase this series if you want to just stream and watch them you can always sign up to be a LevelUp pro for $8.99 a month and have streaming access to this entire series before it's available on youtube as always this is sky level up tutorials if you have any questions or comments to come in the video at me about Twitter or Facebook I look forward to hear from you thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: LevelUpTuts
Views: 33,073
Rating: 4.8252425 out of 5
Keywords: drupal, html, web developer, tutorial, css, javascript (programming language), drupal7, development, how to, drupal (software), series, drupal 8, modules, drupal8, composer, develop, developer, theming, tutorials, drupal video, drupal tutorial, web, web development (interest), website, web development, tuts, drupal theming, web application (industry), web application development (industry), web development (project), web developer (job title)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2016
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