Drunk People Rank Drunk Food

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this is maccas okay coops not only is she incredibly beautiful [Music] right in front of your fiancee so we've just shot two alcohol related videos we've done aussies try each other's cocktails and we've done aussies rank shots so go and watch them so now that we're drunk we're going to do drunk food i'm here with coops anyone call you cooper trooper uh no you're the first but that's very ingenious so there's a system to this oh yes it's very sophisticated so i've actually got five tears super good good okay nah no no no no no [Applause] the winner is determined based on the amount of highest votes it gets does that make sense on a scale if i just turn how drunky right now i think i'm in like an eight i could be working i could definitely donate six yeah i reckon six [Music] a domino's pizza anonymous i love it honestly pepperoni also delicious it seems to be deep pan it's a good start smells great you could probably live off of this you need vegetables and water cheese has water in it [Music] it's a good i've kind of like yeah that's good actually yeah no we decided to talk about that and it's like [ __ ] you wear the pizza pepperoni is it's so good you know the real question do you eat the crust or nah depends how hungry i am but the crust is the best beer no disagree what do you mean the crust is the best bit bit this is exactly what your body needs when you are inebriated and you need to soak it all up i think that this is um god only because pepperoni is great but it's not like my go-to flavor it's really good let's leave it at that it's good good it's good good god good god good god i don't know no you nailed it thank you yes no i'm not super good this is like okay [Music] my whole experience of like when i was 18 would be like go out try and like pick up don't pick up go to a kebab shop watch breaking bad in my bed alone this brings back so many good memories i already know this is going to be super god because nothing hits the spot like a kebab no no no no but what's the sauce oh for me it's barbecue and garlic really yeah sweet chili and hummus it's a donut what does that mean and what is donut like i never figured that out it just means that like people have donated their leftover meat i don't need to know that right now oh god he thinks it's true i actually think this could be the best drunk food this is good bread is that mince or coriander do you not like coriander you're one of those people i'm not liking that i think this is [ __ ] delicious i just i'm not at the stage so it's about right now um no no what's the problem i don't like cheese in mine kebabs donut kebabs a porn um a limerick or haiku the high koreans are great [Music] so if i was going to rank a kebab in general it'd go straight to super god baby yes super god oh okay cool i'll be okay an okay for a kebab no it's a god excuse me but where the [ __ ] are the hash browns and then we'll yes cheers [ __ ] let's see more than a shot back let's go oh you know what mackers is the best food when you're drunk there's a lot of options it's cheap it's one of the big staples right of drunk food one of the biggest i notice that this is a cheeseburger i know that because it's written on there this is one of the most iconic she's smart smart and i don't want to say yeah but pretty i'm pretty i'm pretty good i saw that in the most awkward way you could have said that and zeta's [Laughter] you got to do the main and then the side you can't do that no no no i eat some chippies first and then i'll have a bite of the burger and then i'll go back for more chippies so do you want to try the burger the coke's great um i love the coke do you like the pickles yeah this is great the pickle it honestly is hitting the spot so hard right now this is exactly what i needed i can't to do all this i can't chew it i can't so stop asking so what was your rate markers 10. hell now we changed you um look madness is i'm [ __ ] around i know it's a ranking you're like i made this i know the rankings it's super god for me they're all just because you're drunk really why would i be drunk i don't know i'm sober actually no you should markers in general superstar oh my god well no i'm gonna go god because there's no hash browns and i'm very bitter about it god why not it's a god yes marcus is god coca-cola is so good oh it's great i love it do you want some rum in it i think and it's good that you said that because coca-cola needs the press coverage yes fill me up with that malibu [Music] oh my god the way i had this for dinner two nights ago yes yes yes megarang is the best sort of pasta in the world okay what noodles what whatever big red literally means like fried noodles and this i'll also eat it out of the saucepan i won't put it in a bowl okay they added the chili packet to this one this is too small too spicy i can't do it i love it but i put no chili in especially if i'm drunk this is top tier drunk food it's easy to make it's delicious i'm going to super good i'm going to serve it so you can do whatever you want but i'm going to go god because i have mad respect for mirang but at the same time it is it's kind of a basic sort of a meal i just want to be gentle i just want to be people to be gentle with me yeah i'm gonna nourish you okay it's gonna be okay thank you okay that's all i want god shut up i'll put this in god you open the fridge you remember that you ordered a cheeky chinese yesterday and you take it out the fridge there's no time to heat it up a controversial opinion yeah i prefer things cold we've got a half-eaten spring roll yeah it's like leftovers it's probably the half-eaten spring roll that sohan left me some people like when they go out and they leave one bite on the floor i'm like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you just eat the last beer just have it oh i'm full [Music] what is that mongolian lamb i don't like honey chicken i'm into it it's god tear remember i haven't really noodles yet hurry up mate it would be so much better warm i would just yeah i would just want to heat this up but quite a lot that's my thing i think it's a disservice to the cuisine it doesn't feel right in this context i think i'm gonna give this like an okay i'm going okay as well okay actually i'm changing my ranking you can't change it why not just because you had thoughts time just because you've had time i i was going to change it to okay okay so we're both going okay yeah i'm going to agree yeah okay i need to pee same same thing let's go quick pay break quickly mata's oh yummy just call me zeta morgan because i [ __ ] love a hashbrown mac it's breakfast you guys are still drunk it's 8 a.m still drunk imagine that hash brown very good exquisite as if you're not eating the hash brown first you gotta have the maize hash browns i've been raised very differently to you that's like steaming how do they do them they're so good yum this is the best one we've had for me this is probably just gonna be an okay only because when i think drunk foods i think like in the moment of the night out like what am i gonna crave i'm gonna give this an okay because it's pretty decent super super duper god no no i don't agree with that i think oh my god this i need a hash brown i need a hashtag where's the hashbrowns no this is going super god because of the hash brown if it didn't have the hash brown it would be insurgent oh yeah but the best part of this is the sauce the tomato and the cupi this makes perfect sense it's like you come home and you have these from when you were like i'm gonna have a house party but you didn't nothing's open uber eats is like seven dollars surcharge for delivery and i really need something to eat let me go like sound through my freezer and you suddenly come up with this you're like i'm a gourmet chef literally and this is a degas station potato gems top three foods three foods potato gems nuggets also top three foods as it happens all right so this is two of the top three right on this plate i don't like mayo shut up you don't like it i prefer other things who gets married i have a one kilo size qp mayo thing in my fridge from costco that's not weird that's my personality trait it's gross look at that it looks [ __ ] yummy all right let's go honestly it was not that good thank god we disagree tomorrow goes down a real treat i reckon tomato is a really good source of that this is god okay i'm going to give it an okay tier this is also going to be an okay for me it's getting like also like my oven is really sketchy so if i tried to make this like when i was incompetent and inebriated at like 3am these would be like singed and disgusting so it's not very viable for me and the drunk food as voted by you guys was miguel yeah i can't wait to get drunk again [Applause] it's easy it's cheap it's delicious it's just what you need when you're drunk yeah you know affordable for a nap yes if you like watching tom scott get completely rogue and if you enjoyed watching us drink ourselves to infinity then like comment subscribe let us know if you want to watch another video go follow us on tiktok [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedOz
Views: 244,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, aussies, aussies rank drunk food, aussies react, aussies tier rank food, australian food, australians, burger, buzzfeed australia, buzzfeed oz, buzzfeedvideo, coops, drunk challenge, drunk feeds in australia, drunk food, drunk food challenge, drunk meals, food challenge, food in australia, food swap, food when you're drunk, hash browns, hungover, mcdonald's, ranking drunk meals, ranking food, sohan, taste test, the best food when you're drunk, tom, trying food, zeta
Id: AQ9yA9Q1GYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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