Drug Addicted Couple-Phoenyx and David

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all right phoenix and david phoenix uh where did you grow up where are you from originally i'm from hialeah florida you're from florida yes that's northern florida hialeah yeah and uh tell me about uh your family growing up um [Music] my family is just a loving family i accept when i was five my father's brother was raping me and he got caught in the action and my dad of course beat you know the crap out of him and of course to this day he's in prison i been going to school that i was bad on the drugs and alcohol that they would take me to institutes instead for bad children and it led on to me doing more drugs because the institutes there were they weren't good like they weren't providing for me to learn and i have a hard time learning things and so you know i was doing crack and i was doing cocaine in the institute and i would always skip to go get liquor and all that and of course i would always dress like i was older to make it you know seem like i was older and i was only by that time i was only 12. and i met i met up with an ex-boyfriend and it turned out he was sex trafficking little girls and i was one of them so that happened for about three to four years and then after that this is florida yeah yeah this is in miami beach i'm i'm thinking i'm guessing and um yeah it was a bunch of big trailer trucks thingies like you know those trailers that the trucks haul you know where they go and ship them off and stuff like that so but we weren't shipped off we were just being held there and of course you know they'll put me in gunpoint to do drugs and to you know have sexual do sexual favors for other men and then i got out of that that's how i know i'm a lot picker so that i mean you know i escaped a lot of girls didn't a lot of them died after that i met up with another man that turned out to be a very bad man because he wanted me i was in a hotel and he changed me to the room so i wouldn't leave and he would beat me of course you know make me do drugs you know do other stuff to me and of course like i said i'm a i'm a lock picker you know so when he left i had you know i had the little bub wire and tweezer and clicked up that chain from my my legs and ran away when i ran away i went back to my mom and dad how i did it i don't know how i got back there but i know miami and florida so well so um i didn't go to the hospital i didn't want to report anything because the last thing i needed for my family to be in danger because of the situation i was in so i kept my mouth shut um after that i was with my a lot of times with my ex-boyfriends and of course they would beat me they would you know put me on drugs they would rape me uh um they would you know if i didn't do something right they i have my scars here i got broken i did did something wrong well i didn't do it right which is going the street and you know i didn't want to be a prostitute i didn't want my name to be like that so he threw me down and broke my arm and you know gave me more drugs so i didn't feel the pain um then i got hit by a car these were all my exes and all of them were abusive and of course they would say if you know if we can have you then no one can and you know they try to fake my death of course i have a excessive word in the brain and my mom recently told me that i might have a tumor in my brain and then i have uh i died in my sleep that's why me and my husband don't want to be separated when we go to shelters they want to separate us but they don't know my condition and when i go to sleep i will i stop breathing my heart will stop and i died in my husband's arm four times so you know he'd bring me back to life and just tell me just breathe and everything won't be okay and you know i may be dying but i'm not i'm not going to die without a fight you know i don't want to go to a hospital because the last thing we need is to go and get a coverage shot and with my health problems and his health problems we will die from it so we just survived we just live life trying to make it home as we should have been home but where is home castle rock colorado okay tell me phoenix before we go on to david tell me about your early childhood with your parents it was fine everything was fine and there was no no no views nothing like that no they never hit me yeah i mean you know a little spanking here and there but that's normal got it but other than that we're okay they're just bad luck with boyfriends yeah so david um where were you from originally originally from denver colorado denver and you grew up in a with mom and dad i grew up with my grandparents when i was born i suffered from a severe heart condition my dad was my stepdad my biological father stepped out of my mom's life when she got pregnant with me um so my dad he my stepdad got in my mom's life he not only adopted me but uh due to the circumstances that you know the the way that they i guess you want to say the living conditions that they had they couldn't keep me uh i have a twin sister which she died she was stillborn she was born a minute before me i made it out struggling and barely able to breathe and the doctors literally told my grandparents i wouldn't make it through the night um well that was kind of how that went so my grandparents raised me um lived in florida um when i was about i was about two and a half three years old my uncle married a woman named connie and no one suspected no one knew at the age of four she would drink scotch shot glass and she pulled me off in a room and she'd get me naked of course play with me and she let me play with her and uh she always tell me it's going to be okay you know just don't tell anybody you're old i was four and uh she'd always tell me you know if you tell your grandma and grandpa i'm going to have you taken away i'm going to put you and i'm put you in a child in a children's home so i used to scare me so this led on kept going on for about three years when i was seven years old i finally got up the guts to tell my grandpa at the time my uncle was he was a sheriff with the dade county sheriff's department um he freaked out of course things led to another and my aunt left the picture real quick because of her doing what she'd done to me when i was nine years old i got caught smoking dope in the back of my grandparents house i grew up very rebellious a great home my grandparent my grandpa was executive vice president of pap's blue ribbon beer my grandmother she was a nurse i was very rebellious did a lot of stupid things a lot um by the time i was 11 i was already shooting heroin smoking heroin doing cocaine stealing cars brand new car automobiles off of parking lots um taking them chop shops selling them getting money for it um time i was 12 my drug addiction led so heavy that i was spending upwards of 500 to a thousand dollars every two days just for my drug habit of course i was hanging out with gangs um doing just doing stupid things um all of the drugs that i led and i was doing led into my i was doing opiates alpana's xanax bars oxycontin stellatins lower tabs i was doing uppers and downers at a time together i died i died twice odd three times first time i died i was dead 19 minutes doctors had told my grandparents that i wouldn't make it i was in an induced coma for about three months came out of it two months after i got out of the hospital i was dead again um i hated life um drug addiction was so bad in my life that it had complete control over me uh relationships didn't really exist uh with me for very long because i was so heavy into my drugs my grandparents and my parents they had put me in a it was called methodist medical center was eighth floor at methodist medical center it was foot as for children it was drug addicts and had severe drug addictions um upon talking to a psychologist and a psychiatrist they had explained to me or explained to my grandparents exactly why i was the way i was and it was because of all the sex of me getting molested and the things that i put up with when i was a kid nobody ever knew that my aunt would ever would have ever done that um i i was in i was a truck driver and i had 273 pills in a ziploc bag had a glock 9 millimeter i walked into sleeper in my truck with everything along with a little bitty pint of whiskey and i said god if you don't save my life i'm gonna die i can't do this anymore um i was enroute to a town to go buy a hollow point bullet i couldn't do the drug addiction anymore i couldn't do the pain um i got pulled over i know it was god he uh they arrested me took me to jail and i did 10 years in federal prison on drugs and gun god saved my life i i'm not gonna lie to you it's not like i don't crave it i crave it every day especially with us being on the streets so you guys met how and when we met november 21st 2019. and you're married we're married got married the next day you got married after one day yes and we've been struggling i've been fighting every day i i went to work one day came back and it's a little odd in job i was working with someone and i was trying to get money up so i could get me and her into a motel room i didn't want us on the streets anymore i get back and find the person that we trusted he had gave her a roofie had her so whacked out of her mind he was sitting there trying to rape her yeah he beat me he beat her well trying to rape me he beat her and he was literally in the process of trying to rape her of course i took action immediately i beat the hell out of the guy i ain't gonna lie i beat the hell out of him we're no longer friends this boy girl's been put through so much i've been put through so much were drugs a part of uh yesterday's life as well yes and what was she using excuse me what was she using what was she using at the time she was bad on uh xanax and oxies um yeah i get addicted to pills very quickly very quickly and it didn't help matters because i was pretty much doing the same thing i still do them every now and then just to get that and just get that high she'll do it with me um [Music] i hate it because i didn't know that she was recovering from things the stress of being on the streets is so traumatic it can it can destroy you um i'm not gonna lie to you and tell you we ain't scared scared every day i've had a very hard time with drug addiction um she has to you guys are new to skid row you just got here yesterday well we we was here we got here uh actually november last year we got here and we left out in march of last year and went back to colorado um skid row is not it's not our cup of tea it's like when we got off the greyhound bus i told my wife i said we are to hurry from rush and get out of here because white people white people are not welcome here yeah um so we heard it got out of course we got down there to macarthur park seeing it's been cleaned up but still couldn't find a place to stay so we uh caught the dash all the way out to uh echo park and we tried a couple of different locations just to lay down just trying to get some rest we ended up finding a bridge over by um burger king and that's where we slept i'm her husband last thing i ever want is for her to be on the streets i never want her to be going through this with me but she does it what is the drug that you guys are struggling with today what what what drug are you struggling with today we did some uh well not today today we did we did we did some more piano this morning um still pills yeah yeah um and uh yeah did an oxy i dropped my beard and she drunk her bears on top of taking oxy alcohol is the thing for you as well oh my god i love my beers yes if i can have liquor no more i'm going to drink my beer like now i'm my eyes coming down so we shake and are you are you native american i am native american okay the blonde hair through me but uh yeah i'm on second apache oh you are do you have kids no i miscarried four times oh wow [Music] how about you david i have no kids we would have had kids but she miscarried four times so again drug addiction and alcohol is what took them so that's what it is you've been doing what with you you've had jobs david up until now yeah what kind of jobs like no construction i do a little construction shot job stuff like that but work is dead end for me because nobody wants to hire anyone on the streets right they don't wanna you don't know how many times me and her have been scrutinized we've been stared down at we get looked at stupid and it's like everybody has a problem everybody has issues some control them different than others in our case the only thing we can do to control the the situation we're in is to you know pop our pills here and there she drinks her beers and it gives us a mindset it brings us back down because there's times we just float off in outer space and can't even control ourselves um it's hard yeah it's real hard living on the streets is terrible in phoenix how have you supported yourself before you met david i how did i support myself i didn't i was this one my ex-fiancee from hialeah we went all the way to new orleans because we were doing uh well he was doing um fraudulent checks you know and checking them in so we can get money but apparently new orleans caught up to what they were doing and i was part of it and by that time we already had did math and we got caught and i was in paris jefferson over there in new orleans for seven months and i was gonna go to prison but they found out that some of the checks have been forged on my you know by my name and because of that me and my ex fiance we were now stranded and homeless and i didn't want to talk to him i was so mad at him because you know he kept saying we were going to pull this off the other three that was with him they're still in prison well now they yeah they're still in prison now because they you know were forging and before i met my husband i just kept walking and then you know me being the alcoholic that i was i ended up in bourbon street and in bourbon street people leave out drinks and stuff so it was like paradise for me and i met some dude some mexican dude and you know he's like if you don't have a place to stay you can still come sleep in my tent and then he tried to while i was sleeping you know he puts his hands on me and stuff and i said what are you doing you asked me to stay here i didn't know you were gonna pull this off so i grabbed all my stuff that i the little bit that i have and that i kept walking and in barbie street there's like this fountain or whatever next to the riverwalk or whatever and there's these two couples named johnson and joe that wanted me to be in their relationship and i was gonna take it because i had nobody you know i didn't have a phone to call my mom i haven't seen my mom i haven't seen my family in three years and because of that i just you know i was gonna go with them and then that's when i seen my husband and we clicked like right away everything was obviously yeah it was like there was like a zing there and what was it about each other that made you decide you're the marriage material after a day as everything we do is is the same like i'll be thinking of something and he'll be speaking it out without me even saying anything or he'll do the same and then i'll say it it's like we already our mind is already connected it's like when she had mentioned that she had died four times every time she had died i'd be laying her in bed and i just feel her and i already know what's gonna happen i'll bounce up grab her snatch her up and just do what i gotta do to get her back back here again and then she starts to breathe and she's okay um i can be in the deepest sleep and feel her in a minute i feel like i'm wide awake um you know because of because of my drug addictions which i i can't seem to kick um i have copd i've got emphysema i got congestive heart failure and i suffer from testicular carcinoma um people look at me every time i cough and they're like oh my god you know he's got he's sick he's got covered and i don't i'm not sick with covid i'm sick because i have you know i suffer from copd and emphysema i got stage three copd and stage three emphysema um doctors have already said that by the time i'm upper 40's i'll be stuck on oxygen for the rest of my life we both suffer from extremely bad health conditions um a lot of it is because of drug addiction um i i do think that i met my husband because we had found out that jasmine had aids so if i would have stayed with them i would have had she would have got aids so we got out of that situation real quick huh yeah my husband told joe i'll fight you for her and he didn't want to fight him i told him i said i'm taking i'm taking her away from here well i told my shoulder i said i got i i have a house he's got a place and when we got there the guy he was running from he was running a thousand dollars a month to sleep on a couch and watch his phone i was i was getting tv i was giving him a thousand dollars a month uh like she said i was literally laying on the couch in the living room no no tv i'm watching my phone and um i brought her to the house to bring her in and he said oh you can stay but she can't i've never been on the streets a day in my life i said well you know what i'm not going to leave her out here by herself i'm going out there with her he said well where are you going to stay and i said i really don't give a [ __ ] where i stay i said i'm going out there with her and and the reason why he didn't want me to stay there is because he wasn't sleeping with me he wanted to sleep with her and we wouldn't allow it so he paid me what he owed me for back rent and we went and got married and nope you've been married now for how long married almost two years two years yup how was it now two years later it's a struggle it's a struggle but we have each other we have each other when we make it and we still have fun you know a lot of people say that you know being here is stressful stressful when they're by themselves you know i mean her with each other it's not really as stressful you know because we you know we pop our little pills here and there and she does a little drinking and we just go in our own little fantasy world together you know it's just me and her we don't have to worry about nobody else you know um i said i hate that i've gotten their strong back out on them but sometimes it's the only thing i've got that can keep me sane you know um what it was this lifestyle that you've been living uh taught you which was the biggest lesson you've learned the biggest lesson i've learned is don't trust the ones in your life that i guess don't trust the ones in your life that you feel in your heart are always going to do you wrong stay away from stupid you know ron white is one of the toughest comedians in the world and he always says at the end of every sermon you can't pick stupid stay away from it and unfortunately there's been some circumstances we've been stuck with stupid and uh but the biggest lesson i've learned is you know have more trust in yourself and have trust in the one you love you know no matter how complicated or mean or bad things can get sometimes you know you've always got that one person by your side that you rock it's like i am with her and that's that's the one thing that's the one thing that's a blessing in itself would you guys describe yourselves as happy with this life that you're living no no no we hate it every day but we got to do it there's no other choice to it we you know it's like i've explained to her you know the streets will either make you or break you yeah and they want to put us in shelters but we don't want to we're not going to separate it and so we just stay on the streets it's what we do you know we're not we're not bad people we don't steal we don't rob from anybody we don't lie to anybody we don't we're not distrusted towards anyone we just we have a slight addiction and she drinks but we're not bad people we don't hang out with stupid people you know we don't we just do us how do you support yourselves now believe it or not kind of a tough question because her mom actually helps us out financially she sends us money not knowing that we're going to go off and blow it on stupid [ __ ] but she helps us out yeah western union she once sent us western union and here we can't do that because they want id they want id and when i was in new orleans i had my idea my cigarette pack or in my pocket it was attached to my cigarette pack and i dropped it and they have one sense so you know when the cops never pull this over you know what are they oh you're so scared yeah we give them all the information they want and they're just like okay you're free to go go you ain't got nothing on you okay bye i'm out of here you know but um yeah we're not that's how that's how we've been supporting each other still her mom your mom sent us money and of course we i ain't proud of it we go off and we do stupid things with it you know but what's your biggest regret my biggest regret is that i have a lot of them well the biggest regret is not meeting my wife sooner that's my biggest regret i wish i would have known her years before i met her she would have never been she would have never went through the abusive relationships she had she would have never went through anything she went through um and of course you know one of the other biggest regrets that i've ever had is not being a part of my family's life before they all passed away i wish i would have been more a part of the life instead of being a part of drugs but it was what it was do you think that maybe your your lover with phoenix your love for phoenix might get you to become the provider and you need to protect her for her yes eventually yes i'm a big protector for her yeah but you're still on the streets but i'm still on the streets and but provider i know you know once we get our lives situated together she's going to be very well taken care of you know we have our fights we have our ups and downs but at the end of the day we're still laying with each other that's any married couple it's normal you know we're still laying with each other still loving each other still embracing each other because we know that neither one of us can do it as separate and apart from each other you know yeah i'm literally lost without him that's great i wish you guys the best of luck i hope you guys figure this all out and please stay safe out there thank you thank you thank you phoenix thank you david thank you good luck out there you
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 206,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o2hLryMLDYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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