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wait-wait-wait-wait-wait there's dick you see this look look look he's peeking kind of this way what is I'm so hungry guys I am unbelievably hungry and you know what I do when I am hungry I go get food at my favorite place in the entire world McDonald's but this time around I think we're gonna go on a mission to visit our old friend Ronald McDonald guys it doesn't get any better than this okay my favorite food my favorite character the only problem here is it's Ronald McDonald and he doesn't speak things too lately so we're gonna have a little bit of trouble with him but s can see it's getting dark out we're in a car it can only mean one thing tonight we're gonna fly a drunk above McDonald's to witness our boy Ronald McDonald and we're gonna follow him home and capture some unseen footage no one has ever done this before guys no one's crazy enough to do this but me and my boy hi Mike we're a little wacko so this was your idea so I'm not the wacko jester's the whacker okay listen listen okay we got this not worried I'm a little bit worried what if he finds that the were the ones flying the drone and he comes like bro attack us all obviously parked far from McDonald's I'm gonna find us yeah okay let's see how good that goes there's only one problem and it's we don't know if he's even working there today or if he's even gonna go home at some point or if he even sleeps at my gums we don't know we don't actually know so we've got something up our sleeve we've got something up our sleeve hi can I get a large double-double a junior chicken and is Ronald McDonald here do you know peace on break soon yeah okay okay cool yeah that's all then I'll get I'll just get the coffee and the the the junior chicken all right thank you let's dude he's here thank you yep Oh oh hi thank you hey guys I think we'll go park somewhere like hidden and then we'll put the drone up so that we actually have a chance to see him come out of Mikasa like I think that'd be amazing if we saw him come out and then we'll just like follow wherever the hell he goes if you break maybe he'll stay nearby I don't know I think I think it's worth a shot okay I think it's worth a shot where do we go like this honestly look at a light there's a spot behind here that I think could be behind this building nice yeah I know behind us don't want to expose my location but my elementary school is like really close to here and I know that there's a sick hidden spot right up here and now we're going to go into oh this is creepy what the hell oh the back of the building Shh this is a good spot okay and look at this right behind this try rock thing dude there's no way in hell he will ever find us and if we can fly the drone above the building above us totally clean baby let's do it we are not in a sketchy spot at all Jessie oh my god Ron stress move yeah dude I really hope she wasn't lying I hope she he's actually there right now what if she just thinks for crazy just like yeah Ronald McDonald here bro yeah he's here dude we're gonna see she said he was off brakes too soon brother it is you ready yep okay just launched a router up and there it goes oh no no sound working oh there there it is okay core goes oh my god I'm stressing okay so we're gonna go up we're gonna go up you guys can see it's getting dark brother look good it's latorte dude it's really dark I'm looking around here I mean their gods better um so I'm looking around I don't see much I just see where we are right now it's kind of overlooking the area we could see the buildings it's already far enough I can't even see it that the store right now I'm fed up in the roof now can you see I'm on the roof on the roof he's helpin oculars okay so this is decent amount of cars still here dude put that down with some reactions voice I'm excited to see this I really hope we see him like I don't know that that's the biggest building we're on top of being dependent right now that's hilarious okay so let's look around still a lot of people though yeah imagine they just see Ronald McDonald coming out I've never seen him do that Mike and I'll be little walks out of it has this bag okay so we just go and look yeah okay let's go I'm broke he's not gonna be there I'm gonna be pissed yeah so we're just gonna chill around again mmm dude what if like all these cars like what if he doesn't come out when there's a lot of people because yeah you'll see him around right you know what comes out with this like barely anybody there I don't see anything dude she would get like close close yeah that's right wait wait wait wait wait what look look wait what the hell is that is that him no no oh it's a yellow guy it's gotta be hard dude in the yellow okay a yellow jumpsuit it's kind of hard I get up there's right the wrong way I'm going the wrong way there's literally right on his head yeah you're right okay well I'm so bad at flying Kate let me get closer let me get closer I need to see this do this it has to be him right he's got red hair at hair a yellow jumpsuit white face that's a little bit like a clown right let's get closer actually here let me get in front let me see the front view of him if we can see the front view we can confirm for you guys of actually him okay go where is he going but that has to be him let me get closer I'm so bad at fly look I'm going the wrong way stop I'm so bad King down get control down down I'm I'm there's something I swear I'm not this bad guys if the drone okay let's get close he's running he's running he's running he where is he going he's going his glory there with truck or something stairs stairs there the side of the building that's weird what things like his daily routine he'll eat wait wait what was that that's the back door at the back we are that's where we are there's no way he comes this way this was very theory ok no I want to get closer I want I want to make sure we see him guys is he but I'm singing even what are we coming this way I don't know if there's like maybe just a spot or something I don't know we're here God become a cool this dress is helpful here is he close when I get close a minute well the drone is messing up don't know what it's grinning about they're not come close to us just just get ready to run in case or get ready to get in the car because he actually shows up can we see a closer look look his face he's it's actually sure sure it's a clone it's a clone that's a pump it's got it poses he's not right here so let's just stay here just just get ready in case he could've said ready I was looking in a box in a box but let me just get in front of him I want to see his face again I I need I need to get a good view let me know that get a good shot of him I'm gonna try to be quiet and he's like here's us he's going behind a crate it's like he's looking for something it's a game for it smells something that would be weird wait no no so he's got a bag in his hand he's looking a bag that uh McDonald like the McDonald's bag pretty serious yeah I think he's gonna go eat his lunch or something somewhere oh my god well as I said he was on the rig right he's acting weird let me get let me get lower hey this is weird like I ain't again bro look that's right there it's a miniature right there okay let me let me get closer there's do you think you see this look look look he's peeking kind of this way he's kind of peeking this way trying to turn you just try to try my school my elementary school for everybody I know exactly where to go we're gonna do these right here push my boy [Music] mr. buns how far we going it's right behind us you sweat nights we gotta hide hide somewhere I'm covered about yeah here's where's the job worth truck seven year license oh my god you think we're safe here oh thank miss hi there hey bro I'm fighting what was he running after us lately let me just to get it past this fool you [Applause] think maybe he did to get in the path I don't know I don't see me okay let me just get past this what do you see and flying over like my old break over there and they seem to like change the whole areas of maybe he's taking a different path in there yeah we were running so fast all they'd drop you see anyway help it's so weird oh it's like a completely different area here he was like don't check over there yeah I don't see him though what do you see I can't see anything wrong losing my mind with the held it behind she was literally right over things behind us yeah he might have like maybe in a different dark woods a dark dark I can't see anything wait wait wait I see him what the basketball over here chuckle Jack we just walked right by him you're sorry they get closer oh my god I can't even see the damn Park he's going to the park you think he's gonna look first there why don't we get like a good Jonathan or the drunk well I'm getting as close as I can but I don't want to get that close right well I don't think he knows it's there though without he go he's looking for us there let me just get closer oh my god it's getting real hard to see my and I might have to get closer if you get the closer you get the better like I don't I don't know is the drones there that's true barely hear it so if we get like a good shot of his face time gang sure there's an but I'm not even I feel like the best shot you get is like a close-up of his face just to make sure that it's actually [ __ ] weapons of mine right yeah we haven't seen it okay okay let me get closer bro it's hard to did not use it I can barely see anything right now it's crazy I need enough so this a night dude you still seem wait wait wait I get I'm getting close how close oh wait I get closer yeah get closer we get real close did he see it waking I he's like kind of looking at it right I'm scared okay do we just like oh it's obviously ham bro it's obviously a little bit closer and you see well that's pretty terrifying wait wait you saw sitting daddy no on the floor now it's gone what do we go if we're gonna grab it it was like right in that part right there this is not what I want to be doing we have to grab the drone I don't know and the phone's just leave it yeah yeah just tell him to give it back or something she was like right next to the slide [Music] hello it was like this area right it was like my shirts then gonna get instead these right here what we do you see what right behind you oh my god go go get back to the car we're gonna get the hell out here what are we gonna do alrighty guys I am done okay my camera died unfortunately some on my phone and I already dropped height mic off at the house so I'm gonna end the video here if you guys enjoyed smash 20,000 likes that was absolutely insane I don't think I have ever gotten that close to Ronald McDonald before so it was definitely wild fortunately I lost my drone so I'm gonna have to go and buy myself another one but don't you guys worry we will get revenge on him I don't know how yet but if you guys have any clue comment down below I'm just gonna end the video here until next time guys yesö [Music]
Channel: Jester
Views: 3,374,767
Rating: 4.7955699 out of 5
Keywords: JESTER 3 AM, JESTER, JESTER 3AM, jester drone, drone jester, drone ronald mcdonald, drone catches ronald mcdonald, ronald mcdonald drone, drone catches ronald mcdonald house, jester drone ronald mcdonald, ronald mcdonald drone jester, jester drone catches, jester drone catches ronald mcdonald, drone catches enemy, drone, drone 3 am, drone jester 3 am, 3 am jester drone, ronald drone, drone ronald, drone ronald jester, jester ronald drone, drone captured ronald at forest
Id: O-LLpgffmhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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