Driving this scared the 💩 out of me!

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this monster is the Brabus 900 xlp and it's the kind of vehicle your eight-year-old self will have dreamed you'd be driving when you're finally a grown-up you know back when you're kidding he had no concept of the value of money or how much things actually cost now in this video I'm going to talk you through what exactly Brabus has done to a G-Wagon to create this nutty machine we're talking around the exterior the interior the chassis upgrades and of course the engine because it's got a lot of power obviously I'm gonna launch it see how quick it is from naught to 60 miles an hour because I'm at Watson and you're watching car wire and I think I better get off this Merry-Go-Round before I feel a little bit sick car wow the most obvious thing about the Brabus 900 xlp is that it's a pickup they took a normal G-Class cut off the back end and fitted a flat low bed this Bodywork actually is made out of carbon fiber as well part of the reason for that is that they wanted to keep the weight down because they've added a lot of extra weight by fitting extra length to the chassis but also because Ramos just likes working with carbon fiber and you can tell that because there's so much exposed carbon fiber all over this truck looked absolutely everywhere you go there is carbon fiber and some fake fence yeah enough about that probably also noticed that it's got raised suspension this thing sits with 49 centimeters of ground clearance the normal G wagon 21 centimeters that's a massive lift and it really makes his car sorry truck look imposing you've got massive Wheels as well with off-road tires these are 22 inch alloy wheels they're forged they're this special off-road toughened wheel and you can only get them on the 900 brakes same as a standard G-Wagon though rubbers have put their logo on the caliper look at this thing it is a monster and Dennis exhaust which is also shrouded in carbon fiber and there's something extra special about this which I'll show you in a bit here at the back it very much has the feel of a G Wagon in terms of the Contours in the body work but obviously it's a pickup and lots of exposed carbon fiber there with the rubbish logo there Brabus logo on the carbon fiber handle for the tailgate you've got carbon fiber down here as well you got your 900 logo designation here but one thing I've noticed is this look like vintage and here as well tell you what though this rear bumper is super high up it's just it makes this vehicle look nuts here at the front you've got this huge carbon fiber power down there it does absolutely nothing other than look aggressive like fake Vents and then you've got the big rubber Slugger here and an even bigger one here they've reworked the grill so it's got this carbon fiber surround then you have little carbon fiber Stripes at this part here with red on them moving down you've got the bumper which is similar to the design of the normal G wagon but it's made wider because obviously it's going to flow into these extended wheel arches and you've got carbon fiber down there in this bit here and in the lower part of the bumper and of course an electronically controlled winch that can tow up to 4.5 tons which is really really handy when you're driving around Knightsbridge here on the inside Brabus has completely re-trimmed the G wagon so all the leather and on the seats you'll see they've got this shell design with perforations a different size and obviously you've got heated and cooling like you can get on the normal G wagon this also has a plaque there to signify the it's a Brabus Masterpiece and your brothers embossing to the headrest and they're very very soft and squidgy also appear look the sun visor it has an embossed pattern attention to detail or what and you've got an Alcantara roof plus carbon fiber what do you call these things why did I not know that a city a thousand Telecom fiber grab handles basically the idea is that everything that you touch just feels a little bit more expensive than in a standard G-Wagon and everything that was Chrome in a standard G-Wagon has now been spraying painted this sort of chromy red which is really cool and it's absolutely everywhere on all what would have been metallic looking switches they've even painted the pedals then there's carbon fiber here and obviously with an AMG you can get carbon fiber but Brabus has its own style of carbon fiber with a slightly fatter pattern various logos about the place you've got Adventure xrp there you've got this Brabus tag just hanging there for some reason you've got the Brabus logo on the kick plate which carbon fiber and then there's like a little badge that you get on a G Wagon on this pillar here which Brothers have put their own one on another change I've made is to take out the IWC clock from the G wagon and replace it with the Panerai clock because Bradley's work with Panerai they've also changed the dials ever so slightly so it says brabbers on them here and the speed goes up to 300 kilometers an hour although this car can't do 300 kilometers an hour another change is carbon fiber for the shifter pedals and really nice expensive leather on the steering wheel has a little rubber logo there as well and something else I need to use this look look at the foot well it's all leather quilted leather no less and you've got partially leather mats if you want you can have fully leather mats but these have copied on them as well because someone who's going to buy this got might sometimes maybe possibly actually won't at all go off-road but hey even inside here Brabus has trimmed it with leather in this case red when you put your hand in you feel a bit like a gynecologist there's also the controls for the winch the front light bar and the rear light bar which would be really handy if someone's tailgating you can just do that to them make them back off probably shouldn't do that here in the back is pretty much the same as in the front in the way that it's completely retrained with this leather everywhere on the floor yet again and with the partial leather floor mats the red Chrome over the items that would have been just kind of silver Chrome in the standard car even over the speakers which is really nice carbon fiber but in the roof there is this leather panel with that emboss pattern that you get on the sun visors in the front and then this this Bank of gauges when I say gauges you've got a speedometer there which goes up to 240 kilometers an hour which is not the same as a 300 kilometers an hour the driver sees anyway there's also another clock there and a temperature gauge in terms of the seat bucket it's the same as in the normal G-Class and the amount of room you get is the same even though the body's extended they haven't extended the actual cabin area what you can do though is upgrade the rear seating to two captains chairs so you basically get the front seats which are standard G-Class seats obviously re-trimmed here in the back with a center console with like a work table and stuff like that this one's just got the rear infotainment system with the fattest bezels of any screen they look a bit old-fashioned they should upgrade those so then can you guess how much this Brabus 900 xlp is worth everything about it now before I reveal the true price do you want to find out how much your car is really worth if you do want to find out just click on the pop-out band up there for the link in the description below to get a car wow you can just upload some photos of your car give a brief description then ideas will bid on your car if you want to sell your car to them you can just accept the highest offer if you don't you can just do it to find out the service is completely free if you want to do it at a later date after watching this video just simply Google help me car wagon will help you find the true value for your car okay so this thing the value of this to around 700 000 pounds so you're getting a lot more than just the design upgrades I've talked you through at the back unlike with a normal pickup when you have a fold down tailgate you have a G wagon style side hinge tail guide which means the door opens really wide I'm not sure that's entirely practical but it does mean that you can get closer to the low bed like this because there's no tailgate getting in your way and then you're greeted by this lovely soft teak which is what Brabus put on their boats yesterday too in boats as well if you're wondering why it's like discolored here is because this part's when it hasn't dried out and that's just how it goes when it gets water on it also at the back you can see this big rear window which comes from a standard G-Wagon they've just inserted it there into their own rear panel also if I just nip around the side I'll show you there's this little area with a locked safe where you can keep things here oops I ain't seen nothing and that's the control for the winch in there other features that you've got include look there's some airplane style Runners there which you can tie things down to in fact you can get some upgrades such as fuel cans which can fit in the back and the spare wheel which are fixes in the load bed there I did actually ask the chap that I've been speaking to at bradbus about what was the payload you know the dimensions key things that pickup buyers want to know he didn't know the figures off the top of his head only said that you know it can actually carry some heavy things reason being most people don't want to know people who buy these vehicles never use them really as pickups this truck is really all about the show one of the biggest changes that Brabus has done is to the engine so normally you have a four liter twin turbo V8 which puts out 585 horsepower and 850 newton meters of torque but Brabus has brought it out to a 4.5 liter change the internals change the turbos worked on the air intake the exhaust system all that kind of stuff it'll piggyback ECU and now they've got 900 horsepower in fact on this rather lovely red carbon fiber engine cover you can see the power curve there with the 900 this engine can put out 1 250 newton meters of torque but they brought it back down to 1050 newton meters because it makes the vehicle more drivable other major changes are to the chassis so as with the normal G wagon you have a rigid rear axle however everything you see in red is completely new on the Brabus so you've got portal axles and what that means is that you have offset drive so the drive shaft goes through the diff there and then the gears take it down to the wheel and that gives you so much more ground clearance massive upgrade same to the dampers much thicker much stronger and they're electronically controlled as well obviously you've got the extended ladder frame chassis for the low bed you also get under body protection heavy duty stuff that and then here again at the front you have the portal axles for the improved ground clearance and these control arms they are milled from solid aluminum for Extra Strength completely nuts obviously you've got wider track as well you've got more underbody protection here at the front which is where you do need it it's insane what they've done to this vehicle however full inspect the Brabus 900 xlp can weigh up to 3.7 tons which means you actually need a proper truck license in order to drive on the road in Germany and that brings up to five or nine things about this monster if you're not very tall you can struggle too shut the bonnet I thought I was average height my girlfriend always said I was a bit short she almost didn't go at me because of it anyway it should be a particularly challenged like me and you buy a truck like this you're gonna have to employ somebody to shut the Bonnet for you so Niels can you do the job please I'm embarrassed the chunky off-road tires the top speed of the Brabus 900 xlp is limited to 130 miles an hour which is 25 miles an hour less than the normal G63 and like with quite a few other pickups there's no step system to help you get into the low bed so foreign getting like that no more short gags all right I'm like five foot ten which is average there's a weird looking circular cut out in the middle of the tailgate reason is that hides the reversing camera so either that it pops out but yeah when you're not reversing just looks like a weird bit of a trip the sunroof is rendered completely useless because you can't see out of it however that brings on to five cool things about the Brabus 900 xlp this flat roof rack gives you a great view platform so you can stand on it actually you can get a tent which you can mount on here and sleep in the normal g63's rear doors open about this wide but Brabus have made them open wider for the xlp look it's almost 90 degrees the exhaust tips have inbuilt heat resistant LEDs so that when you turn the ignition on they illuminate it's one of ten there'll only be 10 of these ever made you can get bits and Bobs of it like some of the features and the add-ons fitted to other cars through Brabus but if you want the whole thing like this only one in ten because this truck is so high you have some electrically fold out running boards to give you a step up and I love the intricate detail on them just feel solid they go away again once you shut the door okay now I'm going to take the bradburse 900 xlp out for a drive but first I've got to get out the studio at rubber's headquarters and it's going to be a bit tricky and once I've managed to get through this little Gap I've then got a drive through their classic car showroom shut up hopefully I won't hit any of the classics because they're all they're expensive just like this okay I'll get out there oh this bit's easy but what's not going to be so easy is getting through this blooming door because this is so wide I'm not convinced they seem convinced I'm not so it's their car no no I'm gonna have to get a different angle uh I mustn't reverse into the Pagoda behind me or the cameraman he's moving his legs okay is this angle correct we shall find out okay wheel straight they're not telling me whether it's okay he's okay maybe if I just floor it the car will go thinner I'm not enjoying this why are we doing this I'm just going to keep on going ah you happy you happy this is it this is the end this is ah I made it out hey the Turning Circle smells bad as I thought I didn't think I'd make it around there do you know what I wanted to know to de-stress I won't launch it okay so this is stressful as well probably say I can launch the car and the place I suggested is this car park and it's raining and it's not too far to the fence they reckon the car will hit 60 before I have to break and I will have enough space to break before the fence so the guy that did it before did it in the dry I'm worried but I'm also Matt Watson from Carlow which means I have to launch this car to see just how close I can get to the claim not 60 time of 4.4 Seconds come on specialist timing here down here this could be a brown trouser moment but here goes number four if I crash it grab us you said it's doable I'm not convinced break break please break break huh you had the bangs then that was me breaking as I go through like drains across the car park the suspension took it didn't Shake too badly and hopefully the wheels aren't dented because there's a lot of energy going through them but I can tell you what they're not 60 in 4.3 seconds and this is something that is now definitely 100 less stressful okay now let's set this thing on the Autobahn which uh oh looks stationary perfect would I be able to push in will they let me in or they just think oh got to be aware of the extra length hanging out my back end so I don't I accidentally just cut across someone and caused some damage you know what I'm pretty much sat as hot now I'm not I can satis the truck drivers I just realized no I'm not here's someone in the motorhome am I sat as high as them yeah hello hello all right hello yeah look at that yeah yeah that's the most pathetic noise that's not the noise a motoring journalist should be making I suppose now that I'm just driving along I should give you a normal review of what this is like on the motorway well the suspension I thought it'd be terrible it's not awful it doesn't ride quite as well as a normal G wagon because there's poor axles and the big knobbly tires and sometimes when you hit a series of buttons you get like this shaking sensation like you're sat on a washing machine the noise though there doesn't seem to be any more road noise or wind noise than in a normal G wagon that could just be due to the fact that any noise is being drowned out by the rain steering though yeah you do have to make constant little corrections to keep the truck in lane and that gets a little bit tiring after a while also there's the economy right this thing's averaging 20 liters per 100 kilometers which converts to 14 miles per gallon it's thirsty now let's see what this big beast is like to drive around town oh it's a bit lumpy over the bumps I'm gonna get around this corner oh this looks like it should be pedestrianized hopefully it's nice I'm following the car in front oh look this hello oh I was a bit nerve-wracking like breathed in I don't know how that was going to help the car I thought I was going to clip Wing mirrors I think we're in the Posh part now of Dusseldorf look at my huge penis extension oh bearcaster lights this is a long truck right we're entering the Zone with all the Posh shops so we must get some form of attention here hello people don't make me honk the horn don't make me put on my lights definitely gonna have to put on my lights there we go hello yeah look yeah we're getting some attention now and I am a baller yeah guys you know it that's more like it look we've got AMG GTR we've got a Lamborghini Urus look how pathetic and kind of subdued the Urus looks compared to this huh it's such a wide Road and I'm like really concerned about scuffing the wheels all right well I do know what let's just stop at this rather Posh Hotel can I make a U-turn around this tree or is it going to get embarrassing come on come on stop the windows straight through this shop window I'm gonna make it no I'm gonna risk that you can just see that bit with the wind just protruding right I think we're done oh what a machine this is it's got the performance it's got the Lux it's utterly crazy and very unique one in ten if you can afford one of these things you're going to enjoy having it now I hope you'll enjoyed the video if you did give it a like let me know what you think of this truck in the comments below click on those windows there for some more videos and on that box there to get a call away see how much the Orca is really worth
Channel: carwow
Views: 1,665,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, new car review, car review 2022, brabus, brabus g-wagon, g-wagon, merceded, mercedes-amg, mercedes-amg brabus, mercedes brabus, mercedes-amg g63, brabus 900, brabus 900 xlp, brabus xlp, g-wagon pick-up truck, brabus pick-up truck, new brabus pick-up truck, fastest pick-up, most powerful pick-up truck, most expensive pick-up truck, brabus mods, brabus mercedes amg, new brabus, new pick-up, new performance pick-up truck
Id: h3fhTyOZP1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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