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[Music] all right everybody today we're talking about a car that i well it doesn't need any introduction it's the e39 m5 it's got a big v8 up in front producing 394 horsepower it's got six-speed manual transmission the only transmission that was offered in it which is the right choice this one also happens to have an exhaust on it and an updated head unit as well as a modified not quite a short shifter but it is a little shorter and an alcantara steering wheel this car has 221 000 miles so frankly if you haven't done these mods i don't know what you're doing with your life so first things first i have a 5 liter v8 engine i have a manual transmission and i have a mostly open section of tarmac in front of me so i'm going to wait for this person to get past me and i'm going to see what's what damn traction control just cut in hard down there [Music] now i'm driving this back to back with that i8 that you saw a few weeks ago and the e46 m3 that you may see next week or may have seen last week depending on the order of these videos and i can tell you right now of the three this one is very much the muscle car of the group these seats are the most comfortable though the i8 is pretty close being a little well 16 years newer than this one [Music] it has the big rumbly v8 that makes a ton of noise it feels heavy it feels large it's a german muscle car and i absolutely adore it already so now that that's out of the way i'm going to give a couple more pulls here and then we'll meet up on some twisty roads to see how well it handles some corners alrighty canyon cruise in the m5 now of the three bmws i'm driving today this is the one i have the lowest hopes for it sounds good and it's fun to manhandle and it is very much i'd say of the cars it's probably the most me but at the end of the day it's a big sedan with a lump of v8 in front it's a german muscle car so as i'm coming through here i just it doesn't feel as planted but it feels it feels sure-footed but it doesn't feel planted like i'm not worried it's gonna go anywhere but sorry i had a bit of trouble grabbing second there it doesn't feel like it's gonna really jump out and bite me that i don't feel like i can milk everything out of it like i could in the m3 [Music] but it is certainly fun to mob it down here brakes certainly aren't as good as the m3 and that could just be a factor of the weight but i think just the newer pads on the other car the one thing i will give this car though man does it sound good now i'm going to pull a little bit of a u-turn can i double check no one's coming then we'll check again and we're going to head back up [Music] now i drove this car a few months ago when i was shooting that ferrari video and the steering felt a little bit light the owner tells me on this car that he actually did fiddle with it a little bit and i can certainly tell the difference it certainly is a lot sharper than i remember the one thing i will say though is even though it is sharper these seats as i like them because they are comfortable but you can see why modern m cars have such hard seats and are so bolstered because i'm just falling all over the place so as a performance car has a few compromises but is still absolutely excellent looks like my little john is done i've caught up to some traffic so i am going to in a moment pull off and we will rejoin me down on some more normal roads for a few more thoughts [Music] right so back out on the road in the m5 now on the hills this car suffered a little bit because it it's a big muscle car i keep harping on that point because that's really the best way to describe it it's a sedan family car that has a massive 5 liter v8 shoved under the hood and produces nears makes no difference 400 horsepower so keeping that in mind this car is actually quite comfortable out on the open road i often say and when i speak about german cars with my friends i always bring this up there's a lot of cars even my own personal uh volkswagen german cars are built under the assumption that every car of theirs will go on the autobahn so all these cars are incredibly stable when you get up to really high speeds but this one even more so perhaps in just the way it's set up or just as a factor of being an m5 versus an m3 it just feels comfortable and stable at speed where it feels a little more jittery and a little more iffy when you're going through corners if i was going to describe the m5 as a tool this car is really a sledgehammer you know it's a lot of power and a lot of it just hits you and it hits you hard and that's how it gets its job done so this car really is the sort of car that you would have if you're looking for an m car that you are going to be driving to work it's not as fuel efficient as certain other m cars that i may have driven or may be driving next week depending on how i release these videos but just overall it is a more livable place even with the modified exhaust this one has and as i believe i mentioned earlier but if i haven't this one does actually have the updated head unit that is actually really nice it has all the modern conveniences but it looks stock and over the m3 that i was driving does not have it it's just but frankly unless you have one of these as a really just cherry low miles car you know no modifications no paint work nothing if you're in that condition you know absolutely keep it stock keep it original it's a gem but if you're like this car and you have 200 000 miles on it and you've had some repaint work done you have an exhaust absolutely this car just comes together so nicely so do i love this car as much as the m3 [Music] i would say yes but in a different way you know i love the m3 as a canyon coffer because that's what it is and that's what it's good at i love this car for being just a big brood of a muscle car then if i did throw it into sixth gear and you know 70 80 miles an hour on the freeway it would still be comfortable and i wouldn't mind taking a long journey in it i think though with that i am going to leave you now again i'm not sure the order of which i'll be putting out these two videos but if i haven't announced it already in the m3 video and this is the first one to go out coming up at the end of february i will be doing a head-to-head review of these two cars the m3 and the m5 doing a little more of a comparison and description of which one i personally would buy when this video drops i will also have live already on drive tribe my written review of this car as well as the review of the i8 that i previously reviewed and when the m3 video drops if it hasn't already that will be live as well all of the links will be below as will eventually a link to the head to head and to the individual m3 review as always thank you for watching please like comment subscribe all that and i will see you guys in the next [Music] video [Music] you
Channel: Cody Hale Reviews
Views: 3,515
Rating: 4.652174 out of 5
Id: FYKyMonIfeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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