Driving from Florida to Alaska - Episode 3

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[Music] some people take road trips so they can get to their destination but we take road trips so we can experience the journey and rather than showing a stereotypical cross-country road trip we decided to take it one step further we want to drive from Florida to Alaska I took my STI swab from subaru forrester and then took his evo 9mr on a journey of over 10,000 miles we have only three weeks to travel in 23 states and two Canadian provinces this three weeks was the longest flock of time that we had available to us all year so we wanted to take advantage of it our goal to see as much of the continent as possible [Music] alright so neither of us were detained or arrested by the Canadian officials then was not shot by a Mountie so I think we are off to a real good start there measuring in km/h rather than miles per hour our Canadian hour is the same as us hours we might be needing to be driving in Reverse and so am I supposed to be on the other side of the road those Reds still means stop in Canada so do I go through is roundabout counterclockwise can you turn left on green here in Canada that's like the first decent question and he was an ass [Music] it's a weird experience to have driven into another country everything just feels so different hope you have a great trip to Alaska you're in Surrey right now just under that goober Canadians have a reputation for being extremely polite and so far we found that to be true we met our first international subscriber only a few miles into Canada we had a sweet imported twin-turbo legacy that we can even get in the States we only drove an hour into Canada and before we knew it we were in Vancouver the first and last major city that we'll see for a while in Canada Vancouver it looks like an awesome place and I wish we could spend more time here we had dinner at a lovely little restaurant in Horseshoe Bay but the Sun is setting and we're both super excited to get up and into the mountains [Music] running through British Columbia Canada right now today we're running from Vancouver ich area - as far as we can go [Music] gorgeous just unbelievable the mountains everywhere you know everything you feel so tiny and insignificant holy cow like there's like a waterfall like just in the middle of these two mountains it's just like the views here just non-stop amazing you feel so tiny like with all these giant mountains it is so crazy beautiful so we are currently an off-road path the first time in our and our trip so yeah this is the main route to get up there and it's a gravel for just this rogue little barrier that sign is upside down today consisted of driving some truly incredible roads they left us all pretty speechless however our intern Devin did have one major complaint I don't have service to send snapchats to people and it's two good-looking kids these days we all greatly enjoyed the drive today and were genuinely astonished by the mountains and lakes in British Columbia that was until I got a flat tire so my tire is low hopefully for some reason - just lost some air with no explanation I can just fill back up but most likely it's leaking for a reason maybe a nail in the tire or something luckily I have a full-size spare so should be fairly okay we'll find out I removed the tire to take a look at why I might have lost air and sure enough it had a screw in it yeah I screwed it weird a Canadian Tire but unfortunately they're closed so it looks like we're going to have to fix everything ourselves I did happen to bring a full-size spare just in case something like this were to happen but the tread on my current tires has been worn down a little bit replacing just one corner with the new tire could potentially cause drivetrain damage after feverishly googling Mitsubishi's all-wheel drive system I decide to plug the damaged tire [Music] [Music] just plugging my first tire and it wasn't like as easy as I thought it was gonna be kind of pain I'm dubious about how well it's actually gonna work I don't know if they intended for you to go 5,500 miles on a plug still probably gonna put my extra spare on my full-size spare just so that everything can kind of keep wearing wearing at a close range and then if later on that gets a nail in it or something then I'll switch over to this guy we drove as long as we could and it wasn't until 3:00 a.m. that we stopped at a hotel all right I've been driving in Canada for 15-20 hours now and haven't stopped at a Tim Hortons yet so I think it's time I'm about to try 14 for the first time what's the team it is potato wedges and gravy and cheese it's different very good I never heard of this until now a way of saying that you don't like it no I rather like yep amazing British Columbia Canada is so amazing every corner you go around is a new sight to see better than the last we're getting further and further from civilization to further north we go the typical route to Alaska is on the alkane highway which is much further east from us but we want to go up the Pacific Coast Highway in the US and along the coast mountains here in Canada and it's a good thing because these mountains are out of this world when we were driving on became so devoid of traffic that we were able to stop whenever we liked to take pictures but we weren't alone out there the air was absolutely thick with blood sucking potentially West Nile having mosquitoes there were more mosquitoes in British Columbia than there are vapes at a Subaru me what's your song going on hoodie so I can a little bit otherday is they like my blood something the camera needs to see as well ripping off my guy as I mean it's a little bit late I don't know if you can see I basically got like a little devil horns from how bad my fights are yeah so like it actually feels in my face has been numbed a little bit like it's like if you got punched in the face and then like a swelling like kept you from like really being out of your face that's kind of how I feel right now like my forehead is so swollen and oh my god yeah we're not gonna let mosquitoes ruin this trip we've just not a heap a few hours later we decided to get some gas cans to keep with both of us since gas stations are starting to get more scarce hopefully we won't need to use these [Music] something that may not be as evident in this video is that we pull over to the side of the road a lot to take pictures and video and stuff like that Saul's like flyby shots that you see us going past the camera means that we've stopped on the side of the road got in the camera I'll drop somebody off gone back up the road to film the shot go past them come back pick them up and then continue on but it is so worth it because every time we stop it's just pours us out here [Applause] [Music] we're getting close to Alaska we're less than a day away now but the roads are getting more and more deserted so we just had a chat with a couple of bikers who were just up in Alaska actually they're from Montana apparently service gets real bad up there so we're gonna see if we can download maps so we're not relying on data hopefully they have 91 octane because if they don't that's gonna be a real showstopper these cars really will not operate without ninety one starting at a hair nervous that you know we might have major complications with the rest of the trip going up further north especially thing off gas stakes or stakes are getting raised a little bit so we've got a man-made river type thing that they've done here definitely off-roading Evo because Ben just scraped his his Forster his for sirs quite a bit higher than my car so let's see how that goes [Music] we are I don't know where we are we're on the middle of nowhere right there's nothing around but this little tiny cafe so any gas station that we see we take the opportunity to get gas because we don't know the next time we're going to get it both of our cars only have a range of just over 200 miles which means we need to fill up a lot with gas stations so scarce here it's becoming a problem because once we find a gas station they're either out of gas or only offer 87 octane so we're riding together just in the forester so that we're only burning blood cars worth of fuel instead of two just to search for another gas station up about 15 minutes up their Road 15 minutes back so that we're burning as little guests as possible thanks for avidly got more severe yeah like and we are like so close no fuel feels good the three kilometers all right so as good it is so that there that's confirmed there is gas there yeah it's gonna be good guess I mean I don't think anything we've put in our cars for the past day guys we're like I scream I scream dang it God all I have is 87 octane so dollar 67 per liter which is really expensive that's six dollars a gallon for it for like unleaded regular yeah looks like we're you can't make it any further north in here I mean this honestly this would be easy if we didn't if we had a normal car be impressive yeah for sure normal cars would have three times the range we have mm-hmm and they would be probably more reliable and they would run on 87 yeah but I guarantee when we wouldn't have had as much fun oh no way dude and there's still a bunch of fun ahead of us yeah we're gonna get to Alaska it's 2:00 a.m. and we don't have any cell signal to local the GPS for gas stations further up the road from what we can see there's no gas stations for at least 50 miles so we knew we wouldn't make it thankfully we had gas cans with us to be able to fill up and make it back down to the last gas station we're not gonna drive this far and not make it to Alaska there's a small town just off the panhandle of Alaska called Hyder and it's only a few hours away from us and after 6,000 miles on the road we made it to Alaska kind of cheat a little bit original destination was Anchorage this is not Anchorage we thought well maybe we'll dip by a Skagway yeah the thought of days drive closer and we totally could have done it but they didn't have premium gas so we couldn't have done it no way for us to get there so this isn't Skagway this is I think that's southernmost town that you can actually access by Road in Alaska haider Alaska as your car ever been this filthy no I don't know of any car I've ever owned to get this filthy Hyder Alaska is actually a really interesting town there's only 87 residents and the only way into this town is through Canada the town is so small it doesn't even have a police officer in fact if you live in Hyder you have to cross the border just to get to the grocery store we are on a little walkway apparently this is a pretty popular place for bears to hang out so we're on this nice and safe walkway and there's streams on either side of us it's gorgeous so we're just out of here exploring what are the odds you're gonna see a bear I don't know I think if we have food now we all up our chances what would you do if you encountered a bear I don't know the proper thing to do so it's probably not a good idea to bear watching and we're usually in our cars so we can just drive away yeah and there's bears there are bears we've seen three bears so far yeah one bear we actually saw Ben and I were sitting there just minding their own business side-by-side in the road like you do all of a sudden a bear ran out behind us naturally our intern Devin was filming at the time he didn't get the bear but he got our reaction in an effort to alert Ben to the bear he honked my horn three times yeah at which point we both launched our vehicles as quickly as possible there a reaction time by the way thanks man I believe we both know the exact same time a very quick reaction time on both our parts we launched our cars to try and avoid the bear so you know see who could get away from the bear Kalea as it turns out then can get away from bears more quickly than I can and my clutch hates getting away from bears my clutch actually hates everything right now and is hanging on by a thread that's my first time ever launching the car for a good cause you know I mean me and Devin both still in one piece not we're not bear dropping so yeah yeah so you know assuredly you know next time we would like to be a little bit faster than the super getting away from bears but maybe with the next clutch bottom line is unless I'm trying to get away from bears there's really been nothing that my car hasn't been willing to do nor yours yeah they've both been extremely well behaved they've gotten this all over Canada all over the US so I mean I already feel like a winner oh sure and I need to say that because if my clutch goes out in the next 20 miles I can't I can't feel like a loser like I got to feel like I got something the fact that both of our cars are here right now is incredible so we're gonna head back out of haider we're gonna come out up high during we have to go through customs to make sure we don't sneak in whatever hider has yeah a bear and then we'll be back in Canada proper British Columbia drive back down hopefully [Music] we've made it to Alaska but the trip is long term over the objective now is to make me home [Music] so then doesn't want to stop because its clutches burning out and obviously we don't want to use the clutch as much as we have to but my windshield is filthy dirty and I can't see out of that very well Devin here has offered to clean my windshield while driving very good job biggest situation I think that we're going to drive back down through Alberta Canada and we've heard that this is one of the most gorgeous places on earth every day that we drive on this trip just gets better and better the Canadian Rockies were spectacular [Music] that is a full-grown elk that's insane what's a rack [Music] the views are unbelievable like we would want to stop like every corner because every time you go around a corner there's another unbelievable view never like oh man this be great let's uh let's get the job done this is the best thing we've seen so far until the next corner I'll give you $20 20 US dollars if you flick and drag on my front bumper not just touched like it weight drag across it so we are just outside of Calgary Alberta in Canada we are at a gas station slash truck stop type thing that's been 7,500 miles we need to change our oil again so I'm gonna set a timer again and we will see if I can do it any faster or slower than I did it last time it was 18 minutes last time so we'll see if we can beat that then did his oil change in 23 minutes last time so long as I'm faster than that I'm happy so on Subarus they put the oil filter right next to the exhaust manifold kind of wraps around it I got some oil in the exhaust manifold so that's it's gonna smoke when I get started subaru engines are very particular about their oil change intervals they have a lot of internal filters that can clog if the oil breaks down too much so it's important that I keep changing my oil every 3,000 750 miles even if I'm on a long road trip just stop the timer at exactly 19 minutes so it actually took me longer this time the last time so then just to the 19 minute oil change gets lower so I need to improve on a 23 minute oil change then thinks that he keep me last time when he had a wheel competition which yes I suppose he did but what he doesn't know is that this time I will do absolutely whatever it takes to win [Music] this guy's sandbagging me on the last one 11:12 this guy I may not have drained all the old oil at long last it's time to leave Canada it's been a great two thousand miles roaming this gorgeous country but now it's time for us to get back to the US welcome back to the u.s. we're in the great state of Montana which I haven't visited should be pretty interesting and just digging the lack of interesting things like this scene right here looks like the background to like like 2002 it's great I'm excited like this for the next you silence just filling up here at another random gas station on the way to Minneapolis take a look at my car it seems like it's been sitting in a field for like years you guys see that unbelievable yeah that's that's the ski box she's she's seen some miles that is permanently a part of the look of this car now the high-speed roads here through the Midwest is killing our fuel economy and we have about 17 hours of driving on these straight roads through the Midwest we're headed to Minneapolis Minnesota where then we'll get some work done on his ego to replace his failed clutch only 1,000 more miles to go and we'll be [Music] we've needed two million appleís Minnesota in record time which is surprising since the clutch on the Evo has been basically non-existent since we ran from that bear so I've come here to the esteemed RS motors where they're going to change my clutch we are here at Aris motors in Burns Minnesota we know our us from bunch of the grid life stuff and super lap battle stuff that they've done they build green and Evo's so I figured my car should probably cinch we sourced the clutch and flywheel both for Advance Auto Parts both Exedy parts made in Japan it was awesome to see that we didn't even have to go outside of advance to get you know a clutch and flywheel it they had om replacements from Exedy absolutely the best way that I could have had my two clutch change it out if I had just done it as a maintenance pack of Virginia it would have been done as well [Music] fun park the park - come in Ichiro [Music] [Music] right clutch you can see there's grooves missing from here and this pretty much got heated up and fused itself on the flywheel and left the material on here pressure plate didn't take a beating but the fly maybe that's a stock clutch for you not made for launches [Music] how many Evo transits do you think you've done this week a long run that's they'll be 2/3 this week I think we use what you get two or three a week for more than halfway back so I think we're doing pretty good how long you guys been at it yeah we hours I think if I were gonna have anyone work up my car it it'd have to be our s motors these guys have been in the e Bo game for years and they've built some of the most utterly insane Time Attack Evo's in North America Ronnie tone Paul and Trevor also hospitable they did an incredible job installing the new clutch so thanks guys [Music] just got the new clutch put in for advanced into the Evo by RS Motors they hadn't done in like four hours like literally transmission out old clutch out new clutch in transmission back in everything buttoned out in four hours crazy car feels great the clutch is much lighter than my last watch on our way to Chicago or grid life around 3:00 and Autobahn we spent the next three days here in Chicago where we filmed grid life it was nice to see all of our friends here tracking their cars and it's only such big time but after 20 days on the road we're ready to be home [Music] ten thousand six hundred and sixty-five miles 23 states two Canadian provinces in one trip of a lifetime this was a trip that I will never forget partially because it was so spectacular but also because this video series will be online forever these weren't the most practical cars to take on this road trip and that was the point we want us to take cars that were fun to drive on the journey not necessary to get to our destination as it turns out Evo's aren't necessarily guaranteed to leave you stranded with a broken transfer case six miles away from your starting point and Subarus aren't just for people for Labradors our 10,000 mile road trip was mostly a success our time line was bit tight and we may have only reached Alaska on a technicality but we have very legitimate fun we saw a lot of cool stuff along the way and visited a lot of amazing places but the best part of all of it research I'd like because of the Canada no matter how much I'm dry the journey just can't be planned and that's why I can't wait to do another trip like this maybe not in our cars and maybe not to Alaska and maybe not even something as practical but I can't wait to go on another adventure again advanced autoparts made this trip happen without their support we would never have been able to take this trip so Advance Auto how about another trip [Music]
Channel: Gears and Gasoline
Views: 1,423,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Road Trip, Epic, Cross Country, Cross Continetal, Mitsubishi, Evo, Evolution, Subaru, Forester, Boxer, EJ, skibox, florida, alaska, Florida to Alaska, Gears and Gasoline, crazy
Id: 8nIVTl3L7qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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