Driving a 40 Year Old R Model Mack 5 Hours... What Could Go Wrong?

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good morning good morning today's the day we are road tripping this beautiful truck to Missouri I'm not going to lie I'm a little nervous but that's that's good growth doesn't come from Comfort zones well actually the thing I'm most nervous about is driving through Illinois because we all know their roads stck I could have a broken back after this might need to go see a chiropractor we're going to fill it up with fuel before we go we checked the oil this morning before we got it started and we checked all the other fluids too we're going to fill it up fuel though because the fuel gauge says it's full but we can't trust that we're not going to trust it so let's check that doesn't look full to me just add it to the list of things to restore it is so cold it's going to be a cold one cuz I don't we tried the Heat this morning and it didn't kick on either my guess was way off I guess you win we at 22 yeah I win our model road trip round two this time with Grace's truck let's [Music] go [Music] before we get into today's video I want to take a moment to talk about our sponsor Sunday Sunday is a service that curates a custom lawn care plan based off your location and takes all of the guest workout so you can spend less time on yard work and more time enjoying the upcoming season with friends and family as a farmer our Fields look great but my yard gets neglected and every year I tell myself I'm going to work on my yard and make it look really good and I never do but this year I'm actually going to get my yard looking right because Sunday makes it way too easy all you have to do is answer a few questions about your lawn location and your goals and they will send you everything that you need for me I have bare spots for my dogs digging holes and walking the same path every day so I wanted to focus on that once you get your box in the mail all you have to do is attach the custom fertilizer to your water hose and spray it on if you're interested in trying tring Sunday for your lawn this year click the link in my description and use my code Grace 20 for 20% off of your Custom Lawn care plan thank you to Sunday for sponsoring today's video and thank you so much to all of you guys watching for making opportunities like this possible for me now let's get back to the video no heat glad I worm my bibs I got my jug behind me my back rest actually works pretty good we ready to [Music] go [Music] [Music] all right we're going to take a pit stop I think she's pretty sore from bouncing in that Mac single axle Mac Bob tailing so she should be here any minute hey how's it driving oh fine my back hurts yeah I think it wouldn't be as bad if I wasn't using a jug as a back rest but that's definitely not helping check the oil on it does it smell like it's burning any no smell it's leaking H that's good I would call that the oil pan gasket nope I wouldn't it's higher up uh it's over here all right we've got quite the oil leak so we're going to pop the hood and see if we can figure out what it is it looks like it's coming from this side it doesn't help but it's on everything so you can't really yeah what do you say we just uh send it let's just send it we're just going to send it to St Louis we're just going to send it I'm kidding I already wiped it off oh my God it's dry so on the way here I got a thumbs up that boosted my ego quite a lot and then when we were inside the loves uh we got a compliment on it and then we it came out someone else was over here looking at it so ready yeah okay all right let's get back on the road Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] Grace's oil leak has not improved any cuz I'm getting little splatters of oil all over my windshield following her but you can see off in the distance there we just hit Missouri or about to cross into Missouri there's the arch we're going to make a detour and check out a new pickup I found and then we'll be heading home oh man we just stopped to look at a new pick up for Gavin what do you think of it well it's 4 years old but it's only got 16,000 mil it's super Plain Jane I'm not a fan of buying new vehicles I hate shopping for new vehicles I don't like anything about the process but we're traveling 5 hours back and forth to see each other and I need I honestly I need a diesel pickup cuz we're pulling a bunch of trailers I'm really sick of getting four miles a gallon in this truck pulling a trailer and it's got like 270,000 miles so at some point I need to just break down and spend some money I don't know if we're going to get this one or if I'm going to keep looking I think it's time for both of us to get new pickups but anyway not important today we are going to stop for dinner at Arby's we're 60 Mi he said so that's our next stop Arby's and then it'll actually probably be dark by the time we get home now yeah probably that's okay my headlights work yep all right let's go the roads on the way here were so bad I'm literally rattling bolts out of my seat so that's [Music] good I already know getting out of this parking lot and back on the main road is going to be awful we have to cross traffic this might be it folks [Music] we made it to the loves we're going to grab some dinner my radio died 2 miles back so that's depressing cuz we still have another like 45 minutes to go to get to Gavin's house but it's okay I think I'll manage hola hello how you feeling feels pretty good out uh my windshield is covered in oil so you're still leaking or it's getting worse well it's still holding good oil pressure so we'll worry about it later let's go grab some dinner let's go grab some Arby's okay you guys we finally made it back my camera died we're back we made it all in one piece and we're not even tired I'm not I'm might wait I'm going to work in the shop I'm not tired my body is just tired probably because you're bobtailing a single actual Spring Ride truck from the 80s probably that might have something to do with it uh did you see my headlights go off at the roundabout at the roundabout in a right by the inter oh I did not you didn't uh-uh I'm surprised that yeah they shut off yeah my headlights went off and I was like well what do I do now and then they just came back on it's magic a couple minutes later I was like nice a couple minutes later yeah we went through both roundabouts without them oh my God no I didn't notice it at all there's plenty of street lights everybody don't worry that's about it my head in this one yeah I'm on five this time okay I'm learning that is all for today's video thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out all my other social media accounts linked down below and check out our show called dirp on Acres TV also linked down below and we'll talk to you guys next time bye can I do the thing hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ahahahahahahahah
Channel: Farmer Grayce
Views: 253,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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