Driving 6,233,012 Miles in A DUSTY TRIP!

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Mia today we're back on a Dusty trip in Roblox but this time we're with the whole gang oh yes sir and this time instead of building the small car out here we're actually going to build the big car the huge van let's go and this van can hold all six of us yeah we got to get to building here hey Miner get away from my door oh jeez yo cash I hate to break it to you bro but we don't need a car what do you mean just check me out huh check you out W waa what where are you going Shady where you going bro see y'all later Shady he took Miner wait let me try let me try if I press this oh is it working I don't know how to do it no that is not working how did he do that hello everybody have you wished for a flying genie on a magic carpet with a miner can I get on the Flying Carpet that's my only wish oh maybe let me just land okay hang on wait wait how are you going to land oh oh yo yo this thing is tweaking Shady watch that you're in the sun all right get on ready all right fly me up all right now hold my butt okay and then we'll fly you no no I'm not doing that wait let B go let me grip your shoulders yeah ah I grabbed it on accident my fault dude the plank just flew away it just flew away no no no no no no no no all right I think we need to start helping meia build I'm not going to lie I may have already messed up done okay now let me place this on the front boom and don't forget about the engine place this on the front as well boom okay boys I can dve I'm not really sure where this thing goes oh wait this is the hood bang place the light boom don't put anything close to the car because then it could glitch us yeah chill let's move everything move it move it move it all right time to buy the golden AK you said golden AKs yeah over here come over here wait what I didn't realize there was golden AKs we could buy oh we could use these to defend ourselves cash against the scary people yeah true all right let's go all right put this inside the car is anybody going to get the hamburger in the Attic hold on we're getting artillery first Shady yeah I'm getting the hamburger all right Shady try and drive this thing all right here we go all righty is it not moving we got too many people in there yo Nico sit down bro sit down bro my fault my fault I'm sitting down this thing is not working bro why is it not working hang on let me restart the engine I think we're too heavy wait wait I we get out what happened to the door get this door out of here something's wrong I'm moving a little bit push it push it where is the trunk let's just try something crazy Let's uh make the Carby lifted up in the front back wheels back wheels lifted back wheels lifted back wheels back wheels lifted up hang on I'm moving oh it's working hang on I'm moving Shady you're lopsided what is attached to the front here what is this thing hang on now boy what who attached that shady you got a random part attached I think we might find our problem wait move we need to balance it out of both sides that's what's happening bro the parts are glitched yeah cuz someone attached this all the way over here who did that not me I grabbed it I grabbed it oh yes no don't buve the car okay Mia we're sticking Back to Basics and we're fixing this car real quick all right let's do it okay and it's filled who's ready to go on our journey now me let's go all right grab some AKs and put them in the trunk yo how many people can fit in there only four we got 1 two three I don't know how to count so what about the miner oh the miner's going to have to go on the plank with you there's a middle seat no someone's just going to have to sit on the roof all right the break's down let's do this all right we're going to see y'all soon okay y'all figure it out oh gosh I don't know if it's working for them wait do we buy AKs or we're going to die I'm hoping we got AKs Nico was responsible for them I think we have two but I'm not sure that's perfect I'm looking at you guys behind me we're driving let's go Shady follow us this way hang on I'm trying to pick up the minor oh gosh okay remember last time when we stopped Mia and then we got killed I am not stopping this time yeah and you put diesel in the gas I didn't do that that was you civilization on the left I'm passing it I don't care about that Civilization no no it's we haven't been there before no okay fine I'm going to the civilization cash pull the park break pull the park break e that is not civilization that is not civilization oh he's flying away yes pull a park break let's wait for the storm okay okay they're behind us I'm dying oh they're on us it oh gosh I'm getting out of here why did you guys tell me to stop there I thought it was going to be cool I'm just going this way I'm not stopping for any civilization what do we need to stop by for anyways we need to stop by for gas I like stealing but we don't need gas right now so we're chilling we don't okay how much do we have left like half a tank and I can always call in a supply drop too true man but I'm hungry so let's go the farthest Journey we possibly can what's y'all's Journey at now 1,00,000 met oh y'all are flying oh civilization please can we stop please Mia you can hop out of the car and stop there if you want to fine I'm going what no way Mia actually hopped out M me too me too me too I kind of want to go too oh my goodness is there people here was it worth it a person help I told you it wasn't worth it me hooping who has the AK who has the AK I got to hop out I got to hop out I got to hop out give me a SAA there's so much stuff there's so much stuff here Nico let me open your door you're struggling open the back and get the gun okay I got got it okay look at all this stuff in your cash I got the AK I got the AK okay yeah you got it where are they at there's an extra engine in here die perfect ooh a free toilet what ooh water oh wait there's actually snacks and everything here Dynamite there's Dynamite do not so that to Shady I'm on my way who blocked the door I got a gas can I got oil I'm going to fill the oil that's diesel that's diesel that's diesel check check this is red what do you mean it's diesel it's not diesel are you sure no no no no you got to be careful oh my goodness Nico it's a red gas can oh no it says oil it says oil is that what we need are you sure yeah it does look cover over it okay so this is water do we need water in the front probably you can hover over the Caps to see how full they are oh we are full on oil Nico you're kind of standing on it oh sorry my fault are we good I think we're good let's go it's time to resume it's time to hit the road all right yo I think we need to go hood are y'all going to store any any gas in the back I want shotgun no dude I literally had shotgun the whole time we're not going to store anything we're just going to go no no that's just is crazy oh Shady's in front of us let's go follow Shady he's our Beacon of Hope now he's the light at the end of the tunnel why is the car so slow yo Zoe you want ax um Martin Martin it's like pitch black I am not seeing anything right now Zoe you pulled up the handbrake oh my God n restrain her do not allow her to touch anything you are not touching anything I wanted to touch it Zoe you're like a little kid trying to mess with different things W Zoe chill our aerodynamics are tweaking I think we're about to hit 3,000 civilization I am not stopping for that Civilization I'm just going come on y'all got to stop y'all got to stop it's so dark he won't stop I'm going fine I'm not going to tell you when there's a rock no you have to tell me when there's a rock or else I'm going to hit it rock rock where where where where where there is no Rock there is no Rock N I'm trolling I'm trolling now I don't know who to believe is the car slowing down or is that just me we don't have much gas I think we're out of gas I already ate my hamburger should have stopped by the civilization no I think we're out of oil actually the car is just running slower y'all almost hit a rock civilization no I'm just joking there isn't a civilization I wish there was Zoe you're ruining the a Dynamics I can't help it okay I'm joining Zoe hello everybody how's it going why are you both doing it now guys our car is freaking out because of the doors the doors it's going to take flight go go go this isn't working fly they're messing with the doors back there Shady just pass us on a plate there's a rock oh gosh oh oh we're chilling are youall good over there yeah we're good guys it's getting daytime again yes oh finally can be stopped by civilization if we find one at 5,000 m oh gosh our engine's off oh great we're out of gas our engine's off well let's just Glide to the end are we just Coast are we just coasting we're just coasting till 5,000 if you guys open the door maybe we'll fly come on come on no no guys guys that's not going to work oh my goodness yeah ruing aerodynamics guys we're in luck there's civilization ahead oh thank goodness really yes let me check if there's anybody in there we're coasting over to civilization oh gosh there's people in there I really hope they don't have a gun wait we got the engine going again we're chilling what is wrong with this car I don't know I think it's the oil yeah know I think we match that building it guys yeah our car is on like it's smoking is there anything in there Shady there's a man cash I'm getting out of here all right he looks crazy somebody get the AK he's guarding the door the engine's smoking the engine's smoking we need more oil and we need more water I got the toilet paper what we don't need oh my goodness maybe you can wipe this guy's button here he looks angry I'm going to call a supply drop he looks like he needs to take an angry poop I got the AK-47 we're good emergency resupply please thank you oh my boom oo support is on the way I can spray paint the car problem solved oh we also got a resupply right here look above you oh Zoe do you have a bowling ball I want to land a spin shot right now no I only have a bowling pin do we need a new engine no we're chilling we just need to refill gas right here something just blew up wait shoot the gas can uh my fault and Nico I'm filling it up probably don't want to shoot those so Nico shot the gas can sorry cash it's okay I have a full one Nico just shot the car no I didn't I shot the ground next to the car Gosh guys are guys do we have any water or oil do we only get gas I think so wait what's going on is it like poisonous outside or something oh gosh I don't know oh gosh oh it's a sandstorm it's a sandstorm Sandstorm get inside I can't drop this close the truck who's going to close the hood oh my gosh Ado please stop taking my seat I'm trying to resupply right now how do Shady survive these cuz he's goated who took the headlight off wait there's a a resupply right here oh because we have an actual light it's hitting our car it's pushing the car yo our car our car yo yo yo oh oh gosh hey this thing's got to chill okay we got oil thank goodness any water please water please please no I need water I need water oh jeez we got no water we really got no water that's like the one thing I need right now okay well while we're waiting I'll keep filling the gas I'm filling the oil bang we need to keep oil in the trunk we don't need to keep gas in there hang on stand still what are you putting on my head what is this what is it get that thing off I don't want that on my head Shady back up dude The Miner died be a revive oh gosh someone revive him I revived dab how do we revive he died out there in the cold without us oh he's back Miner yo Miner leave him in a cold put him in a tundra guys I have bad news we have no water oh no I'm standing in business on shotgun right now I'm waiting for you guys did someone just try and kill me gas can explosion yeah I don't know how we're going to do this without water I know where's the water I'm eating this mutant corpse right now I'm hungry I'm going to try buying one more supply drop come on supply drops okay water please please please please no no no water water yes yes oh thank goodness oh my goodness finally water is so rare I got to fill it in the right spot this spot right here okay guys I think we are good to go now all right bet finally let's run it okay someone put the water in the TRU okay we need to make room in the trunk yeah we need to make room get the gas g out we don't need gas water is the most important and oil and what do we have Chan Ultra Soft in here for I don't know the miner put like 60 L of gas in there so we're good on gas okay let's uh move that right there perfect wait the oil what about the oil oh we need the oil okay get the oil in there boom all right get this gun out of here we are not using that gun we need the gun someone can hold it yeah we definitely need that here Miner you're in charge of the weapon thank you Miner all right who's ready to hi Freddy the miner needs to get in wait The Miner has our weapon oh he's on top he's on top is he on top of the roof he's a turret all right just tell me if you fall off Miner we have to wait 5,000 m I'll try not to hit any rocks guys is the gun flying yeah Miner needs to re aim it w w wow oh no what happened what happened what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do oh no the gas is leaking get out get out the miner fell guys I'm flipped upside down and all the Bloods go to my head right now all right I guess I'll s sacrifice my plank try and lift it it's not working let me try and shoot it bad idea you're killing it get it you broke the car flip over oh great oh oh oh looks like we got to walk now man y'all are all going down with me yall have fun with this shy get back here we need the plank next video we'll try and make it to 5,000 we got this if you want to watch more videos from us then click what on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: CashBlox
Views: 911,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Driving 6233012 Miles in A DUSTY TRIP!
Id: R27Bgv8wktU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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