Driver issues fixed! Modern Warfare 3 on Asus ROG Ally

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hello everyone and welcome back I hope you guys have had a fantastic weekend Thanksgiving hope you spend it with your friends and family but today we're going to be kind of answering a lot of questions um my uh Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 video pretty much blew up over the weekend and uh there's been a ton of questions it seems like a lot of you guys are interested in playing the game as well as I mean to to what to some might see very like very silly questions um there's just so many people asking them I wanted to go over them so we're going to go in a very natural order here and first things first will you get banned no playing on a device like this or the legion Lenovo go these are windows devices um Call of Duty battl net won't be able to tell the difference between this and say a computer like I have to my right over here they're essentially the same thing this is just a mid-range computer so no you will not get banned um I really can't think of any situation other than you violating the terms of service such as profanity stuff like that you should just totally be fine nothing to worry about and now next where can I download this now that may seem silly a lot of you guys may need to remember that some people have never even played on on a console in 20 years and they're just looking to get into this um or they're coming from console console's very self-explanatory so this is a bit different so there's two paths you can take you can either go battl net or steam I say I I have it on I've I've played Call of Duty games on both I honestly it is preference if you like to track your hours and stuff a lot more and you like to see when your friends on Steam are on and kind of invite through there I'd say buy it on Steam but if you were to buy it on Battlenet you just go here to the launcher sometimes they have sales and stuff you can check that out over there you know whatever pretty self-explanatory go home you can go to shop you can find the game here purchase it buy now see ooh there you go 15% off Black Friday cyber monday deals um then you go to your home you can click on the game press and install once it's done everything should be good to go um next up of course steam you would go to your store over here find it search for it go to your library download it and play now this was a very big question that a lot of you guys have been asking when you launch the game you run into an error the drivers are not up to date something or other and there's two places you can check for this now the first place uh wherever that went was the customer service we'll look up Asus my Asus sorry I didn't know that off the top of my head I'm going to actually pin that here so you would going down here to customer support I don't know seems kind of weird to have it down there to be honest go to live update and you can see here look at this m needs to be updated some sort of something or other bios installer but you can tell this is where look at that Graphics drivers all sorts of things that need to be updated through here this is just a good thing to know that I had to learn through a pretty um abstract video I didn't think i' I'd find any information but I did they were very helpful um wasn't relating to Cod but just how to update your bios and stuff um this is where you would do that the myasu should already be installed that's what it was called if it's not you can probably download it off the web fairly easily now the second option if that doesn't work you load into the game and you're still getting the same error it will have a link in that error it will say hey whatever this uh driver needs to be updated in order to play the game you can close that and sometimes it will still let you play if it's not letting you play and you don't want to have to close it every time there's a link that will appear in that box click that link scroll down until you see AMD chip driver whatever it's called something AMD this is not Intel and uh neither is the legion go that is also the Z1 extreme so once you get to that point just click the link download it no clue what it does I'm not that guy but um that definitely does help and you'll never run into it again so I'll pull this up here show you guys exactly what I'm talking talking about and if you're wondering why I'm not touching these I actually have this plugged into a keyboard and mouse using this little dock pretty handy it's a steam deck dock uh I think it's been fantastic so far I'm not not necessarily sponsored or anything but I've I've had a good time with it also I just picked up the J Sox case that's a horrible angle I'll have to just make a whole video on that it's been fantastic comes with this cool cover paid for it myself you know like an upstanding citizen that holds like little SD cards and Stu this has been really cool I've been having fun with it but pardon the dust here as it kind of blows the dust just lands on it I know I'm oad about it myself but okay fourth question if you guys are still sticking around and want to learn a little more the manual operating mode is what I would suggest you turn this to when if you saw my previous video you'd see when I was in a game we were getting a lot of errors in the top and say GPU too hot lot lots of stuff like that especially after the beta when I was playing I'd get that a lot um I plugged this into a TV and it was telling me that and I was like man what's going on it's 30 Watts some games don't really mind 30 Watts um but others it gets hot like hot hot and you'll start seeing declines in fps I don't know if you can tell what that number is that's 18 Watts you want to set the 18 across all three of the different things it's got there and I can go over that in a whole another video some other people have already gone over that in big detail but you just want to set it to 18 now graphic settings was another really big question that people had they wanted to know how I was getting the performance I was getting display mode full screen exclusive make sure that's on screen refresh rate make sure this is set to 120 and not 60 there's been a lot of people running into that um also make sure this is 1080p you can try this out at 720 it's just going to be a little bit more blurry and with the next setting I have in here you'll see why it kind of just balances things out if you leave it at 1080p um all of this is kind of just up to you make sure vsync is off and I think that's pretty much it for that screen come here Dynamic resolution on this is the big part guys upscaling sharpening set this to AMD FSR 1.0 if you're playing on this display if you're going to be putting this on a TV or anything that has higher resolution and is bigger set it to AMD FSR 2.1 AMD fsr1 takes the image that you are have and just kind of replicates it a little more not too sure on the science on that but does a really good job at it AMD FSR 2.1 takes a lower resolution image and upscales it to a higher resolution one in my case I don't know if this is exactly what it means but it works out this way I'm playing at 1080p I've got it plugged into a 4K display now this looks nowhere near how a 4K display should look right cuz I mean this is a very small device we're not obviously going to be getting native 4K resolution but theame frame rate is better I'm not necessarily saying the image quality is all that better than uh FSR 1.0 when plugged into a big display but the FPS is better so definitely pick and choose here what you guys want to do mess around with this get a feel for it that's just how I've I've played with it variable rate shading have that on everything that you can have set to low or off turn on and trust me it is not worth that tiny little bit of information like tiny tiny little bit more um detail in the grass uh for your device being hotter for your battery dying quicker it's just not worth it oh my bad here I have this set to 100 this is personal personal preference but I feel that as soon as you start turning it up too much the fisheye effect really kicks in on this small display and you're not going to have a good time I would have this set to affected and where is it wide this is narrow this is wide you see a lot more of your gun I I definitely think that's worth it for me and then you can make sure to turn off motion blur weapon motion blur filmm grain turn that all the way down just just the basics pretty much every game that you're playing on PC those are that's just what you're going to want to shut off regardless so let's load into a quick play here let's make sure that the voice chat is turned off I just turned that off last game I don't know why it keeps turning itself on and now the juicy parts for everybody the FPS hopefully you guys have stuck around um we've we've hopefully been answering a lot of the questions that you guys have been having you can please feel free to reach out in the comment section below um if you do have any questions regarding anything um I'll make sure to either TR if someone else hasn't got to you I definitely will try to make sure to um and let's remember here this is a video game we're all just trying to have fun uh regardless of your opinions please feel free to not be derogatory and negative to anybody in the comments who is having a good time cuz some of us do like to have a good time we're just in the loading screen here so I'll back out so it doesn't get any frame drops rust love it or hate it it is a classic you guys like that squeaky chair that's Ikea after three years of my big butt sitting in it now pardon the gam playay it's probably not going to be the most artistic thing you've ever seen I'm sitting behind a camera and leaning off to the left my keyboard barely fits over there yeah it's uh we're making it work oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm going to try and shut up I'm just going to probably eat a lot of grenades I'm mostly just scanning I'm like so far back does anyone see that that Bullet by the way I mean it's not really like a big deal I'll here I'll show you in a sec after I die watch me Sprint look down there see the bullet it's like a bullet shell or something I'd say if you're getting anywhere between 80 and 100 FPS on this thing especially it might as well just be 120 they feel very very similar especially if you're playing on joysticks um um I know some people are going to say at this point with everything I've got plugged into it might as well have a PC but I'm just not that good on keyboard and on uh on controller so for this video so you guys aren't just throwing up the whole time I mean I've got a I've got a 4070 TI with my normal computer so I I definitely have a lot of fun on my PC I just like to play this in bed get see if we can get some of a little bit bigger Zoom I don't know if I have anything right off the bat and that's what I'm kind of talking about with the field of view on this thing you go too high and you're not going to be able to see anything but see if you've seen my first video there was a ton of stuttering and all sorts of stuff and everyone was like dang is that is that just the game oh my goodness is that just the game uh no it was the server that was during the beta and things were very rough then lots of people were playing dude throw that at me one more time cuz you will definitely be able to kill me if you do um if you stuck around this long and you're an a uh regular viewer here on the channel uploads are slowing down and that's not on accident so pretty much I have just been waiting for some bigger news um like a switch 2 switch Pro I don't I don't um I found just through uploading for a few months here if I'm if I'm just uploading making content about things that aren't necessarily super important just because I feel like I have to put a video out it doesn't really sit well with me and you guys and it it just like if I feel like man I have to do an upload every week if I want to get the channel to grow personally I'm I'm just doing this for fun um I don't really edit the videos all that much I keep it raw for you guys just so I'm I'm I mean I'm not a crew I don't have a studio it's just my apartment so um yeah when when things feel right and it seems like there needs to be someone talking about a certain subject or a video that I I feel like I would do well with yeah I'll make it but I can't keep up with doing multiple time a week times a week upload uh up wow English uploading multiple times a week because it's just unsustainable I'll start Waring you guys out and um I'll remind you that I'm still here and not in a good way every time Mr Beast uploads he's saving a million people or you know building a th000 Wells if I'm just making a video talking about some super Niche game that a lot of you guys don't really care about I just don't know if that'll it's not even that the video won't do well it's just I don't want to annoy you guys so hopefully some of you guys can appreciate that it's I mean I I when I started the channel believe it or not if you go back I was uploading two times in a single day every day for about 2 3 weeks it was fantastic there was so much to talk about it was right before the came out there's just a ton of speculation rumors going around it was it was just a really fun time to make videos the legion came out and it was kind of a lateral move it was not a necessarily a major step forward for for gaming as far as the the handheld side of it goes yeah they just slapped on a better uh resolution and uh refesh rate but as far as the other than cooling which they achieved with just a bigger device same chip like it's really not anything like uh how should I say uh like it it's not some magical brand new invention it's it's just just science like it it just makes sense so until something comes out that kind of defies logic right now like we had the steam deck it was gigantic this thing comes out it's like half the weight there were so many bonuses that this thing had going for it better refresh rate the battery was whatever there was just so many cool things that I mean I mean most people just didn't even comprehend could happen so that that's why this was a must have and I still feel like it is um until the steam deck can allow people to put Windows on their device in a meaningful way um the Ally is still my most recommended device for anybody and until something beats that um I probably won't be purchasing it or you know I I'm not in any position here to just be purchasing these devices every single day that's not to say that dictates whether or not I buy one I'm willing to stick my neck out if I feel like something is worth your guys's attention and unfortunately nothing really has steam deck OLED is still the same steam deck if you already have one don't upgrade um the battery life there's multiple ways to get around that without purchasing another $500 device you know I know some of you guys have incomes that will allow that and I'm not saying that my opinion here should dictate your decisions but there are other people who want to make a good choice with their money and if you already have a steam deck don't get the steam deck OLED unless you're going to be able to sell yours for a reasonable price and you think that that upgrade is definitely worth it for you then go for it if you're looking for a handheld you haven't already purchased one I think the Ally is Crusher I'm not sponsored by them it's just a really good device that has been holding up really really well in my opinion um I've use this every single day I try to clean it every other day so it doesn't yellow or anything I I know some people have uh pretty nasty fingers but yeah I I hope you guys can appreciate that I'm just trying to keep it real with you not trying to feed you anything you don't want to see I'm just trying to make stuff for the a everyday average viewer just like myself but 2024 is looking really bright with the new chipset coming out should give us a lot more just an increase in performance and same with the switch 2 switch whatever the hell they're going to call it I'm excited I'm very interested to see what they do with their shop system um if they're going to continue the to allow you to kind of bring your games over from the first switch or if they're going to make us purchase it again I feel like that'd be such a fumble but we'll just have to see I've been in uh talks with some other YouTubers about potentially doing a podcast stuff like that if that'd be something you guys are interested in uh let me know because I do have a lot of thoughts on this kind of stuff I just don't know how to get it out to you guys in a meaningful way that will not come off as click baity or or whatever if I want to talk about the switch and it's we haven't even heard any news about it I don't want to make a video with a thumbnail saying the new Switch is going to be awesome we haven't heard a thing I mean preview units in little gray boxes have been sent out to like game developers months ago but no one's really talking about that so we'll just have to see how things go I know this is a lot longer of a video but hopefully you guys enjoyed the content enjoyed the game play footage if you think I'm annoying you can just turn it down or mute it but it's been a really good year so far I hope you guys had a fantastic Thanksgiving I know I did and I hope you can look forward to the rest of a good week we'll let this round out and call it a day can't even tell if I'm doing good wow we are actually that wasn't my death it's my latencies well there it is let's pull this out here check this out wow perfect well I hope you guys had a very enjoyable time here uh have a good weekend peace out
Channel: Gamers Digester
Views: 18,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jKxRjU5LD-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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