Drinker's Chasers - The Death Of The Snyder Myth

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I I was goingon to move on to one thing that made me laugh actually this was this was a great little quote from Zack Snider when he was getting interviewed recently and I just think it makes for great there there's two things one is his interview with Joe Rogan uh the other one is uh this was in upro uh at first but it says Zack Snider is claiming that Rebel Moon part one received more views than Barbie in theaters so wait wait until you hear his reasoning because it is mindboggling so you think about Netflix for instance where you push a button Rebel moon right say right now it's almost 90 million views right 80 or 90 million accounts turned it on give or take they assume two views per screening right that's kind of the math so you think if that movie was in theaters as a distribution model that's like 160 million people supposedly watching based on that math 160 million people at $10 a ticket would be I don't know 160 million time 10 1.6 billion this is this called cope yes so more people probably saw Rebel Moon than saw Barbie in the theater right sure Zach sure is right I mean how many people actually finished it how many people watched the first 10 minutes and then turned it off and then how many people would have bothered to go to a movie theater and pay like $20 a ticket to actually watch this [ __ ] it's one sat on your couch bless him that explains that was terrible that was legit one of the most boring movies I've seen in a long time boring is a nice thing to say about Ripp yes I mean it was ugly the characters were [ __ ] blocks nonexistent are terrible yes it made it looked like it was directed by a man who was manically depressive and hated Cinema it wasn't even yeah 160 million people saw it sure Zach it does give you a bit of an insight into how these streaming services view their things though like when something gets renewed you like that seems weird why have you done that they probably run those kind of mass equations and just convinced themselves it was profitable oh yeah we had all these people doing it like to to even assume just on the basic thing two people viewed it per account where did he even get that from that's his assumption yeah if you you got a household you're going to sit down with your girlfriend or whatever and watch Rebel Moon and then she dumps you it's from Zack Snider bro it's like you think this is good yeah man and that was uh well that was his math on this one so I mean you can't argue with it it's it seems pretty solid to me um I loved his comments as well because he shared some of his thoughts on Batman and this was just glorious I'll just play it murdering his Goodwill like before you play this clip can we just all recognize Zack Snider's reputation is [ __ ] sinking every single day spiraling he he you know what he probably should have done right after he was booted off Justice League never make another film don't do anything else in Hollywood just retire and then people would always have had the the like heroic death narrative that he was this Visionary filmmaker and the only reason his films were [ __ ] was because the studio interfered too much and he just wasn't allowed to fulfill his artistic Vision Chris Duckman just creamed somewhere right now when I said that and making he could have yeah he could have just left the movie business and people would have believed that about him they still would have had his reputation more or less intact but then he just kept making movies we have got an extended Rebel Moon a sequel to Rebel Moon and an extended sequel to Rebel moon on the way yes he's goingon to be [ __ ] by the time all that's out people are going to be like you're a joke I don't want to see your films anymore the extended Rebel Moon cut is just going to be entirely in slow motion slow motion yeah it's just the first film at 50% speed he's doing the shamalan arc he's he's he's just doing the same thing but shamalan like wasn't I don't know he's he's a goober like he's funny he said in the six-h hour cut that violence will be a character like Gore will be a character it's like well was nice to get one at least out of all ofation somewhere let's see what he's got to say about Batman when he was on Joe Rogan let's do it people are always like well [Applause] Batman I Batman can't kill right so Batman can't kill is Canon and I'm like okay the first thing I want to do when you say that is I want to see what happens and they go like well don't put him in a situation where he has to kill someone I'm like well that's just like you're protecting your God in a weird way right you're making your okay how is I have so many things so many questions I've seen your Batman movies what are you talking about you put in a position where he has to kill your Batman was a [ __ ] psycho he killed everybody what are you talking about like challenging the character we talking about Dark Knight here where he was dealing with like a very specific scenario where he does kill Harvey Dent right but like he does it save a kid as a gunshot he tackled him he didn't necessarily intend for it there's a lot of ways you can betray a kill but like are we all just getting gaslit into thinking his movie was a challenging situation for Batman where he was forced to take a life like no I'm assuming you guys remember that movie it's filled with like rampant Batman killing people and it's kind of funny he's he's got a quite a body count in that one flatten someone by like driving on them with his Batmobile he somehow threw a crate across a room and splattered a guy's skull against the wall which I don't entirely understand how he managed that but I really like that action scene but as most people admit it's like yeah but he's killing the [ __ ] out of those people in that scene so it's kind of awkward it's it's like when Wonder Woman splattered someone's brains in um SN cut people were like that feels awkward Wonder Woman Like dripping with Gore oh yeah [ __ ] he branded people he was branding people like what is this SL talking about I mean you know how how do you square that then so like say he is in this situation where he has to rescue Martha and it's a room full of goons with guns who are all trying to kill him you know does it can you just resolve that then by him doing non-lethal everyone everyone loves The Dark Knight he kills Harvey Dent in the Dark Knight I don't know if people recognize that he kills him he tackles him to stop him from killing the kid Harvey D falls to his death he killed him like you say he didn't necessarily mean to kill him it was just of course that's the meaning of the word kill and the meaning of the word murder are very very different right like Batman's capacity to kill people it's it's it's a potential now I understand the the Batman fan base I don't even [ __ ] blame them for this they don't want to see him kill people I get it I totally get it same with Spider-Man but I think they're willing to accept it when you put it in a situation like The Dark Knight does it's the climax of a story line that's all about a hero that's Fallen like it's thematically relevant he does what he can you know to EV it you could have done that scene so he does a batang that reflects off a couple of things and hits Harvey in the back of the head and he drops the gun and falls over it's like sure but it looks to me that like it was accepted well by the fan base it's considered one of the greatest if not the greatest Batman film of all time so like what Snider's saying has some degrees of it that's interesting but I I can't [ __ ] believe he's saying this compared to his work with Batman like I said I've seen those films I mean I guess there's a high element of cop going on with this just like with his Rebel Moon breakdown of the box office it's like I need to justify the stuff that I've done somehow it it seems like desire to be edgy as well like it is literally oh you've given me a rule I'm not going to obey rules yeah P boundaries it's it's weird though to think when he's like well he's forced to it's like but his his character that is that he doesn't want to cross the line because if he crosses the line he wouldn't be able to stop is how I don't read haven't read the comics but how I've always thought it was it was like he he knew where that would load would lead to and so he never wanted to he doesn't want to be like the people that he's trying to stop in Gotham right he doesn't want to become well I think for having seen his parents murdered in front of his eyes he never wants to inflict that on anyone else there's a lot to it I think and there's plenty to in uh infer as well because Batman's a [ __ ] interesting character but to just be like someone said he doesn't kill so I want to make him kill sounds childish doesn't it yeah it's like from that perspective if he did you know if somebody died during the course of the thing if he tried his best to not do it then you could probably write it off on his conscience he's like well you know I did everything I could you can't save everybody kind of thing um but it his yeah it's a very I I think he just likes to come across as oh aren't I dark and edgy I'm an Aur everyone respects the kind of thing it's why all this stuff is slow motion and blurry and you can't see anything he he just thinks that if you um do something different to everybody else that somehow makes you better than them cuz you were original and it's like no there has to be a reason why you do this stuff absolutely yeah I think it would have been uh awesome if uh June 2 had come out and then they released Rebel moon like a week after that so you had the beautiful Exquisite rendering of what a Sci-Fi world could be and then had this trash ridiculous derivative thing people would have loved it it would have been hilarious he's it's just great I I would have loved to have seen him do a Star Wars movie cuz that's how this all got this that's where it was all birthed from an aborted Star Wars project that he was going to be helming and it was so bad that even Disney said no [ __ ] this we're not we're not working with you like okay fine I'll just take my toys and play with them elsewhere then like yeah it's so funny though if he had made his Star Wars movie what the [ __ ] difference would it have made to the Star Wars cannon right now at all well [ __ ] movie I I want him to see like I want to see a hybrid of Star Wars and like Army of the dead I just want Zach to do that go for it Zack show us what you can do with those zombies but doesn't it seem to be like a really horrible way to make a movie when he released I can't remember how long the first film was but it was 3 hours and he he shot an entire extra movie of useless crap that was cut out of the first one just that you can add in afterwards it's like no wonder the budgets for these things are out of control if that's how much you're cut out you can make it far more efficient by knowing exactly what you want in the first place rather than just shooting everything and then deciding in The Cutting Room what you want to keep seems insane I mean his his principal photography must go on for about two years for his average film like the actors probably visibly age just because they've been there for so long well that's um that's Hollywood in general I mean you only got to listen to Bloody James Cameron talk about Avatar 2 and the amount of like mean they had like a six- hour cut or something like that and they had to chop all the way down like if you if you're making a six- hour movie which you then have to chop down you that's bad writing you've written it bad right you you that's bad you've done bad stuff like I can't think and I can't think of a more vacuous movie to try and expand up to six hours or whatever or a whole universe or crossover Universe with Obby of the Dead like why yeah well Avatar like it's the most basic [ __ ] simplistic storyline imaginable literally the only reason anyone remembers that film is cuz it looked pretty and it had like BL Smurf people in it that's it why would you ever want to see an extended cut of that it's just going to be more landscape shots just more like more overwhelming CGI nonsense that's all you're gonna get why make it why does everyone keep paying to see these movies I don't understand I've never I've never understood that it's be me I thought when the second one was coming out I thought this will be it not many people go and watch it you know they would have realized that and no yeah no no they did they did although significantly less than the first one actually if you look at the I'm amazed it was even as much as it was I honestly thought the first one was just a flash in the pan and the idea of doing something new like 15 years later no one's going to Care no one will even remember what happened in the first movie but somehow they came back I don't know if it's just the James Cameron Mystique who knows no one talked about it like you went to discussion about movies no one brings it up ever like it kind of happened it was really successful and then vanished almost immediately it was bizarre that's what I mean it's so vacuous I don't understand how a movie that was so enormous could have so little footprint to the point where nobody probably even remembers what happened in it
Channel: Critical Drinker After Hours
Views: 222,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iLviuprfx6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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