Drinker's Chasers - Deadpool & Wolverine Won't Save The MCU

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the other thing that's come out just the other day was the first proper trailer for Deadpool 3 I know we had the teaser for it and then we got the the the legit trailer um and I have to admit it actually looks pretty good I watched this trailer and I was quite pleased with what I was seeing it really torned down the the what it the TVA stuff it's the time variance author isn't it like things from Loki so he's killing them in the trailer so that makes everyone happy I think God yeah it didn't Focus too much on that but it obviously is a Multiverse story this is like an alternate Wolverine where he's got the authentic costume and stuff but it actually like looks pretty fun the the interplay between Wolverine and um Deadpool looks pretty good um the action looks decent I was liking it I must admit um I I can't show you the trailer with audio because loads of licensed songs and stuff in it so it's just designed to kill you for copyright but I I'll kind of jump around a little bit in it as we go I can just like show you bits or whatever but yeah I don't know what you guys thoughts were it the use of Madonna's lack a prayer was Pitch Perfect like for melow drama and comedy I thought it was brilliant oh yeah the interplay between these two looks fantastic I'm really going to enjoy watching this film just to see these two guys uh play off each other it's gonna be great should be some heart in this film and I think it's going to stand in great contrast to uh everything that we've been getting lately for superhero entries the fact that you've got Hugh Jackman bringing back once again Wolverine who he's so familiar with at this point that I can't imagine they would do anything uh drastic or disrespectful or horrifying to him I feel like especially combined with Ryan Reynolds who's got a particular investment in all of this and he's not so unplugged I think he's got some awareness of uh how everyone's feeling and probably knows what to make fun of at least to to uh some extent um there's so many opportunities for jokes here so much opportunity for making fun of the state of everything I'm really hoping we get some jokes about like you know box office numbers it would be funny um but I guess you know it comes down to what what do we truly expect this to be uh at best I probably end up saying like man I really liked their performances I found it funny at times but it was still nonsense you know that's sounds like movie we just talked about how I left off on that one too you know I I don't I'm I'm trying to avoid hating on it too much but I'm just saying like you know keep your hopes in a reasonable Place exed for it but it looks it looks exactly like you would expect it to be after you walked in a Deadpool 2 and they said they were going to make a Deadpool 3 like it looks how it's supposed to and I know that's a low bar but I the bar is that low and I'm happy happy that it does um because it could have been way worse I don't know if it's weird for a Deadpool movie but the parts of the trailer that I liked is when they were being more serious like the the interplay between them is decent but it was when they started talk about the story and the motivation between them and they actually like cut the jokes is when I liked liked it the most and then you've got this weird bit at the end where they're just talking about different names for Coke and stuff like that does not interest me at all I didn't like it funny I don't they ended on that as if just to let you know that it's not a MCU 13 movie I feel like they were just really trying to drive that point home I think they said [ __ ] in this trailer like they did yeah a lot I think the Deadpool movies had a tendency to fall into that trap of like pushing an unfunny joke a little bit too far and this trailer is probably a good example of it like that's Ryan Reynolds in general yeah it's like this is this is the tough thing because it's like I really like him but at the same time a bit too much of him can really start to piss you off like sometimes you're like just diil it down a notch Ryan just take it back a little bit you don't have to try so hard to be funny in every single scene but yeah it's I'm kind of in the same boat as disparu I think like the the moments were and I think Hugh Jackman is playing it straight As far as I can tell throughout the whole trailer those were the bits where I was most interested in because I was like what's this version of Wolverine going to be like what's he been through and it's I must admit it's nice to just see him back you know like we also said goodbye to him with Logan and that was six seven years ago at this point it's been a long time and he very much Hawkens back to that different era of superhero movies when things were kind of new and exciting and wow we're doing X-Men and we're starting to do Marvel movies and it's all it's all very cool and interesting and you know we've lost a lot of that for obvious reasons and this is just a little reminder of a different time when this stuff was actually quite cool and it's kind of kind of nice to see him back doing it again I wonder if this will do the right that is why he's here for that exact purpose to make us go man I like him so you know it's working yeah if you uh if you grew up with the um his original character then there might even be a little bit of nostalgia there um I like that he's getting this third act so he had the original wave and then the Logan second act which was really cool and grit and this is like a nice little uh third act kind of send off um you're right Ryan can overdo it a bit uh if he's carrying a whole film on his shoulders but here you're going to have this nice balance and playoff and I think you're right M I think this has a really good chance of capturing the real mood of the zeit guys to kind of washed out Ultra cynical you know the world's gone to [ __ ] kind of vibe so I think this film could do really well and I hope that it does and I think it could be a blast to watch I'm looking forward to it the question that a lot of people seem to be asking and I know I don't know why it's come up like this but it's like Deadpool 3 is going to save the MCU and GQ literally put out an article with that premise no just no and I certainly wouldn't go to [ __ ] GQ for for like great takes on media um and I also think it's funny that it's it's gentleman's quarterly and it's the entire writing staff is women but like that's by the buy let's let's ignore that for now but what they have to say um is it's no secret that times have been tough for the MCU no kidding between a bunch of commercial and critical disappointments the Marvels Ant-Man and the WASP qu of mania and eternals Marvel no longer boasts the premise of top tier Blockbusters couple that with a taste of superheroes uh growing increasingly stale and it's clear that franchise needs uh something fortunately they've got and it's like I love how they cite this AR guy director Matthew vaugh thinks that Deadpool 3 could be the jolt that the franchise needs because you know AR guy is uh top tier entertainment um he said the few Snippets that I know of Deadpool versus Wolverine uh are unbelievable uh he says that's going to be the jol that the Marvel universe is about to have a jol of them and it's going to bring that body back to life I think Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are about to save the whole Marvel universe that's absurd because what are you gonna do s sign a 55-year-old like Hugh Jackman to a 10-year contract and like it's not happening it's a you know it's one and done it's going to please the fans and then you're still stuck with the current state of the MCU yeah arguably this is like a eulogy I don't think it's in any way shape or form a reinvigoration I think this is going to be for Marvel what the third season of peard was for Star Trek it was a cool little um reflection of a previous era lot of nostalgia there something that a lot of people enjoyed it came and it went and now it's gone and then it's back business as usual and it didn't really alter the state of play for the larger franchise we already know it regards the fox side of things more than anything like it's not about the MCU as much as there may be references it's like this is going to be talking about and referencing the fox continuity like the idea I mean it seems to be I think it's gon to be a mix of the two I I'm pretty sure it's going to be more focused on Fox considering Wolverine's history and then the 20th Century Fox like set they've got in the trailer then you've got characters Like a zazil Lady Death Strike I think the uh pyro all these these are all Fox stuff I guess obviously it's still owned by Disney it's just that this movie is not going to make people be like oh man I can't wait to see all of this in the next install the MCU like it's it's such a bizarre this could make two billion and it wouldn't make a difference yes it could be the best Marvel movie and Marvel's gone too far for that to happen cuz at first you had the benefit of the doubt people would go and see your movie to see if it was good you could come out with a new hero because people would give it a try because it was Marvel and now you're on the other way so now you got to build back all of that before you're even at neutral and then you've got to start building the benefit of out so they really need a string of films which everybody likes just to get people back on board because you you'll have the people that go and see everything but then it's got to filter through everybody else and a lot killed all those people it was it was a really difficult task but they achieved it from 19 you know further they they they worked they wor really hard yeah they they've gotten it they did it obviously it was their goal because how else can you explain how [ __ ] awful everything has been for the MCU they masterfully nailed it killed the whole audience so now if you want it back yeah you have to do essentially the reverse which is make a series of great films this could this could have the opposite effect of instead of rejuvenating the MCU it could be like a nice little upward little blip where everyone remembers what they liked about it and then the subsequent films after this will by comparison people oh that's right now I remember why I hate the MCU so much it's kind of what I mean by like a uh you know going to the funeral and then someone talks about the good times on a Podium and you and we all sort of smile couple laughs and you're like yeah like still a funeral though like I guess the question is like if you have a film like this which is probably going to be quite open about the problems that the MCU has and it's probably going to take the piss out of them and it's commissioned by Marvel so they they're obviously aware of their own the the criticism that swirls around them is that like the first step towards them fixing the problems that they've created for themselves or is it just going to be well this is a a piece of media from a very different creative team and it's just a different T but like we're just going to get back to doing what we do worst I'm hoping for them to sort of lampoon the current situation in the MCU I'm not sure that we'll get that exactly um and even if we did get a lot of it I wouldn't see it at all as anything other than a s side step for a second thanks to a creative team that isn't connected to the majority of the [ __ ] we're getting is this this character that I'm looking at here is this like a female alternate version of Professor xavia or am I just like totally isn't this the Magneto character I think in this she sure she controls wolver um she is apparently based on a character in the comics that was Professor X's stillborn twin sister or something like that okay um but she seems to have Magneto's Powers well she has telekinesis I thought in general I don't know might just metal I don't I'm not sure actually you could be right Cassandra Nova is apparently her name it screams that they couldn't afford Tia Swinton yeah yeah there you go oh yeah there she goes like controlling him but I don't know if that's like controlling his mind and forcing him to do this stuff or like like manipulating the adamantium in his body to like do this yeah I don't know I mean it is weird if that's meant to be Xavier's relative and you're like yeah she's bold too like wait what how that works male parent boldness in a woman yeah well she's a assistant hang on well I guess that's better than what happened in Apocalypse where it's like you become apocalypse you lose your hair or whatever the [ __ ] do you guys anyone see that movie oh God yeah make it stop I actually just wanted to pause it on that scene because I just think it looks really cool I don't know why I'm simple that way this is kind of uh suitable in a sense because it's I think today is the fiveyear anniversary of endgame releasing five years ago it feels longer I thinkes that year yeah that was the year that gave us endgame and Rise of Skywalker like and Game of Thrones yeah that was eventful year when I think about it it's crazy it was horrible I was about to say it was the best of times flashback it was the best of times it was the worst of times but I don't know if I can say best like it's weird though because big things things contract and expand on your mind like end game feels like a long long time ago but space horses on the the back of a star destroyer feels like just last week so it kind of inflates a little bit I think it's because once rise of Skywalker came out and we all had a laugh at it it just kind of vanished like it's particularly because there was no other movies made after it there wasn't a whole lot of reasons to keep going back and referencing it and so just kind of vanished from the Consciousness nobody propped it up either nobody was interested in being like no rise is actually good for these like no no yeah yeah strange one but yeah I think in terms of like his box office Pro is probably going to be one of the only big success stories of the summer movie season there's not a whole lot to get excited about and yeah like I think that movie probably will do well even though the larger superhero genre is kind of dying a death this is something that seems like it'll it'll have almost like a a little bubble of its own just because there's a lot of fans of the Dead poool series and the Nostalgia factor for Wolverine it's probably all going to come together quite nicely for them battle think is going to save anything it's not going to change the wider um you know genre it's not going to change course for it it's just going to be a thing that people enjoy and then move on and even if it did it's only going to be a small tick and then back to Falling further and further
Channel: Critical Drinker After Hours
Views: 178,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oqLz2xQJk3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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