Drill Doctor 750x Solved!! - Right Way to Sharpen a Drill Bit to a 135 Deg Angle with a Split Point

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hey guys Vermont prepper here and I just wanted to go over how to sharpen drills using the drill doctor 750 X now they have a couple models here a drill doctor they have the 500 and a 750 X and I think the difference is is that this 750 sharpens up to either 5/8 or 3/4 where the other one does not I think you have to get an extra attachment for it in an event I got the 750 X I just got it in and I was sharpening the drills wrong these things were really bad and here's what was happening I wanted to sharpen my drills for 135 degree angle there's two angles in a drill prevalent angles 135 and 118 inch and the drill doctor can you you can set them up for both but adjusting it was quite a chore for me at least I mean there might be people that know how to do this thing in their sleep but not me so here's what was happening you see that drill head almost flat absolutely horrible so after going through a number of videos on how to sharpen some you know youtubers did the drill doctor but none of them showed how to do the 135 degree angle and the manual for this thing actually sucks I think but I found out through probably a couple hours of research between the people on YouTube doing the doing this as well as drill doctor site that there's a special there's a setting here on your alignment and you can see this alignment right here in the middle shows 118 and they say each of these notches represents 10 degrees and that's in the manual so you see plus right here and minus right there so you would say okay this is 118 this is 128 138 148 that sort of common sense right well they each represent ten degrees and this one would be 108 you know 98 etc it's not how it works basically if you just listen to this there's a notch right here just to the right of the 118 whatever that might be that's where you need to set your aligner to go right into that notch for 135 degree angles and it will sharpen it perfectly every single time that was the key for everything and you know I just choose to sharpen all my drills 135 because it's a more aggressive cut and you know 135 is used for hard metals which I seem to be doing a lot of drilling into metals right now is particularly stainless steel and for various projects and that's what I just choose to do all of them so after going through a bunch of research this is what I found out and it will actually sharpen perfectly every time so we're gonna take this we're gonna take another another drill that I kind of already got set up in this Chuck right here and you see these two notches one right here and there's one on the other side these are the notches that go a line in here and it doesn't matter which side you do all right so you want to do it just to the right of 118 so to do that you just see it right there stick that sucker in okay that's just to the right of 118 now the second thing you need to do is you need to make sure that your drill actually you press this down that opens up these jaws right here I'm trying to do this one hand and then you don't want to you you have to do something special with these jaws you see they're kind of wide right now so you have to kind of turn the drill from the back you don't you don't tighten it the Chuck right away so you you turn a drill until these jobs actually catch fully you see that and this drill will not move if they're catched fully like that without these jaws opening again you'd have to really force it to do that all right so the other thing that I found out was that you see this stopper which is right here this stopper too it's a bolt actually you adjust it with this knob and plus means that you want a more aggressive cut they're going to take off more material and - means just the opposite right so I had mine for the most aggressive and that was the wrong move because what it does is it takes off the point you don't want that so you want to what I did is I had it fully aggressive and I backed it off a couple turns not not a heck of a lot you see there's only a stuck that's a really small gap in there between the stop the black stop right here and the bolt all right so very small gap and then what you do from there once you have your drill lined and it and the jaws are catching the drill perfectly you tighten this right and it's gonna tighten your drill in there and then now we're all set we're ready to start your drilling and so what you're gonna do try and get a good angle here you see this white notch and you see this right here this little stainless steel marker you want to start right there and you want to do even turns right so usually it takes about 30 turns to sharpen the drill hopefully maybe it's smaller it's not gonna take as much so then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a split point and a split point is done through right here alright and you line up your white notch with you see that notch right there with that notch right there and then you turn it 180 degrees and you do it again you just push it in you don't turn it you just push it right in it's only can only could go in one way so you can't really screw it up so I wouldn't worry about it alright so I'm gonna make a split point in the split point for those of you who don't know what a split point is and this is all new to me too you see that little looks like a gouge out of the side there that's your split point and the split point is and this is a properly sharpened drill so you see the difference between that one and the other one the split point actually makes it so that your drill does not walk when you start it right sort of keeps it in in place and that's what you're gonna do and you need to do that on both sides this is one of my Kobalt drills that I've been using a drill metal with and cobalt is the hardest material that or one of the hardest that you use to draw all right so we're blind up one-man-show and again it's 435 degree angle you see right here it says 135 that's another adjustment that you have to do is make sure that the grinder is set for 135 it's really easy once you get it set up super super simple she has pretty much done there now we are going to align and then you see how the white notch is aligned with the metal notch and you're just going to push in and hopefully you could see the drill going man I don't think so you just push it in [Music] then you take it out turn it 180 degrees there's another notch on this side and you push that in [Music] [Applause] okay that's that and look at how beautiful that came out you see the little split point there hopefully you can see through the contrast perfect 135 degree angle doesn't get better than that guys this is a great machine once you get it properly set up and hopefully this video was informed you know it informs you on how to do the 135 this is the only one that you're gonna find and believe me I searched and the key is this notch right here you put it right into that notch just to the right of the 118 and you make sure your stop is set up properly this is how you open and close it and then you just turn the drill from the back to make sure that the jaws are tight and that it doesn't move without really forcing it and then you just tighten your Chuck and then you put it right in here and you turn like I was talking about before alright for Mom prep her out and please like comment or subscribe I always like to hear your comments this one was a big accomplishment at least for me and hopefully it'll work for you too as well okay take care guys
Channel: Vermont Prepper
Views: 54,814
Rating: 4.7676349 out of 5
Keywords: drilling, sharpening, drill sharpening, Drill bit sharpening, split point drill bit, drilldoctor 750x, drill doctor 750x, drill doctor 500x, drilldoctor500x, prepping, preppers, special tool, drill sharpeners, 135 deg angle drill bit, cobalt drill bit, drilling metal, shtf, learn to sharpen drillbits, drillbit, drillbit sharpening, drilldoctor setup, dewalt drills, ryobi
Id: sZRVjo8h5u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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