Dressing up in a Natural Form era Victorian ball gown

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[Music] as always we are starting with undergarments and i already have my stockings on with the ribbon garters and my combinations combinations became popular in the natural form because they limited the bulk you had underneath your dress and the natural formula really was in the sculpture in the female form in the ideal of the time so absolutely minimal amount of bunching for the corset which brings us the corset there you go along the course that's very popular and a spoon basque was popular as well to really give that nice rounded victorian belly so let's put that on this one is made in black teal and hot pink satin silk satin again colors were very very much popular at the time and the pattern is one from the atelier itself you can get it on etsy right let's put it on so [Music] [Music] alright [Music] there you go all done um at that time we don't really need any additional skirt supports like bustles uh you can have a walking cage that would be quite smooth over the hips and just extending a little bit to the back but for most of the time you just use either a small bustle pad on one of these maybe some use that for example or even smaller one or not at all and just trust the fullness of the petticoat to do the job right let it go next [Music] so the hook keeps the bulk i think you should put this on the way as well away from the waist it's quite useful for that [Music] next layer my beloved corset cover again it's full gown so i'll be dancing and i need something to soak up the [Music] sweat and guess what it has tiny buttons oh dear not funny though [Music] perfect [Music] maybe i need to eat a bit less cake [Music] [Music] by the way um for evening gowns [Music] that's a trained skirt it is very long it will trend underground although for dancing i will rip it up so it has a ballers a dust truffle baller years is a bit of cambric with attached lace cotton lace and it all buttons up all around the tray which means it can get dirty it will get unbuttoned and it will get washed and this wall the skirt is not damaged and this one can be exchanged when it becomes too tatted now there are petticoats that are trained as well let me show you one this is an original natural form petticoat an antique in an accident condition it was gifted to me by one of my facebook followers um a few years back in the states and it's been amazing and as you can see it's trained as well so what it has gotten it is washable quite easily so that would be protecting the skirt from the death on the floor it has one two two drawstrings you can find the pattern for that in my book the victorian dressmaker and it is a bit stained but apart from that it's in a really brilliant condition and look at the decoration old pentax little ruffle um it's completely machine zone but very very intricate stitches not sure if i can see it but you go so that's one of the options you can wear underneath the gown it will also be buttoned to the edge of the skirt because otherwise it will not support the shape really and you want it really to correspond to the shape of your skirt so that's an option [Music] well let's go for a skirt which is quite heavy and quite elaborate with all the old stuff here it's made of silk tafter with lots of soaked after and i think that's our appetized silk and ruching and pretty was very very popular in that era it has gold lace a little bit of a fish tall going on there are tapes inside there you go regulating the shape of the skirt over the legs and an invention a little bit of elastic keeping all the folds in place so yep let's put it on needless to say it has pockets it's quite a long train but that's what this helps but that's not all an optional overskirt if i remember how to put it on lose this again the always cut can be skipped it's not necessary in that time but i like a variety so some balls i can wear it with a normal skirt some balls without because i can't afford two gallons obviously and we reach the bodice the bodice is close fitting again the silk and has a matching ruched panel there you go [Music] the insight is boned it closes we're placing at the back and we need help with that lacing it also sports a bow it's not the bumbo this time but a little bit lower but still a bone so let's have a go the pattern for this gum is also in my book so if you fancy making something similar you can so [Music] right can we get in [Music] and yes normally you would have a mate to help your veterans [Music] so [Music] [Music] and at that point i'm ready to ask for help lucas and that's it by magic oh bam there we go [Music] and you have a long train to oh simply right almost done right shoes [Music] and some bling [Music] movie there you go and obviously you have your pull down more gloves against antiques a bit without any buttons that's all i think [Music] yes i'm missing a button i'm ready to go that was very gray useful opening in japan one for the phone club let's do it again [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] silently [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] foreign
Channel: priorattire
Views: 142,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: victorian, victorian gown, Victorian dance, ballgown, natural form era, 1880, historicalfashion, dressing up, history of fashion, prior attire
Id: bv8_MnsF0dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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