Dream Stories: Dream Symbols Gatorade

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to dream stories dream symbols I'm Michel French and today we're gonna be talking about Gatorade as a symbol in your dreams we're gonna be talking about Gatorade in general in the sense that it is a liquid that quenches thirst and in particular Gatorade was developed in order to replenish or replace electrolyte loss through a lot of sweating exercise or exertion we're gonna talk in particular about this bottle of Gatorade which happens to be one of the red fruit punch Gatorades it's in a clear bottle but appears completely red because of the color of the liquid inside with an orange top now there's several things we know about Gatorade first of all Gatorade speaks of an alligator or a gator which is often associated with something that's negative that is something that has to do with tails lies or a big mouth and words that are used to attack it happens to be red which can be a color associated with anger as well as wisdom and it has the orange top the idea of perseverance our stubbornness in this case we're dealing with something that's fruit punch the idea there may be that this will have a punch that could be positive or it might knock you out being something that's more negative but it is designed to quench thirst and cause you to be able to keep going and endure it's something that will provide you what is needed to be able to get through the day when you've exerted yourself extensively so we have a couple of possibilities for what this symbol might mean if it showed up in your dream one would be that God is providing you with something to sustain you as you exert yourself and step out into very difficult or strenuous strenuous things you may have to persevere to get to the wisdom needed to accomplish the task and punch through on the other hand if we look at it in a more negative way this could be something people come trying to feed you or in other words make you drink drink the kool-aid so to speak that will stir up anger and will cause you to become more stubborn and unwilling to pursue things in a proper way something that might cause words or language to become offensive or dangerous for folks and maybe something that just doesn't do anything but not others out and cause you to lose connections and associations with them now those are just a couple of the possible things that Gatorade could mean if they showed up in your dream [Music] [Music]
Channel: Michael B French
Views: 270
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Dream, Dream Stories, Symbols, Dream Symbols, Dream Interpretation, Metaphor
Id: 7WqVqf64Kro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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