Dream Killers 1

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this week on life class the difference between the successful under people who feel is the language someday someday I will learn to do this someday I would learn to play the piano someday I will go to the gym someday I will start a business but people who succeed say today and then they activated [Music] inspiration finance entrepreneurship [Music] life class with Matthew a shimmer logo what are your dreams have you written your dreams what are your vision for 2020 have you spelt out where you want to be by the end of this year have you spelt out your aspirations what would you like to achieve by the end of this year what would you like got it in your life by the end of this decade if you do not spell out your dream you cannot hit the target a target undefined is a target unreached if you can't see it you can't be it listen today was that tomorrow you talked about yesterday you know we said 21 days of water Brooks and then we're on the 21st day you've got to realize that if you don't manage your time life continues to rush today we want to look at dream killers the things that kill your dream that bring it to an end many have allowed their dreams to be killed their dreams to be stopped they pray that today's teaching would really bless your life open your eyes and help you to move forward the first of the dream killers is fear fear has torment the Bible says God has not given us a spirit of fear but that boldness power and a sound mind fear f.e.a.r false evidence appearing real false evidence appearing real he has a way of controlling it's an unseen force but can so control your life that you don't take steps you haven't go places fear of heights fear of flying fear of this fear of God if you fail to confront fear it was done in the way of your courage please continue on the slides if you fail to confront fear it will stand in the way of courage be strong and of good courage our chapter 1 verse 6 but to this people you shall divide us and inheritance the language I swore to their fathers to give them in other words you need to be courageous if you're not fear will stop you how many people have been stopped in starting a business achieving their dreams make an impact doing something worthwhile because of fear you need to confront and conquer all manner of fears and that includes the fear of failure the fear of failure held many people you cannot achieve your dream if you are paralyzed by fear we are so afraid to feel that you didn't do anything you have was then the man who took the step of field Peter stepped out of the boat even if he sank he was better than those who did not make any move you cannot achieve your dreams if you are paralyzed by fear fear have stopped many people they did not launch their dream it kept being the word things they spoke about the difference between the successful under people who fail is the language someday someday I will learn to do this someday I would learn to play the piano someday I will go to the gym someday I will start a business but people who succeed say today and then they activate it they do not say someday because some day is no day the fear of people those who feel threatened by your dream may react to your dream also so if you are afraid of people that is the second fear fear of people what will they say but you've got to realize at a point in your life that whatever you do somebody will see if you do good people will talk there are times you bless people and they misinterpret even your blessing and then they hurt you with the blessing if somebody hear me they turn around again and they hurt you with the blessing I got wondering what did I do wrong I meant good for you and now you speak evil of my good the fear of people can certainly stop you for summer 1524 dancehall said to some well I have sinned I've violated the Lord's command and your instruction I was afraid of the man and so I gave in to them he was afraid of man he disobeyed God it is better to disobey man fear God because you see when you fear man and disobey God the consequences are little compared to the fear of man compared to the fear of God to the detriment of whatever man wants friends God you need boldness like a lion to fulfill your great dreams the Bible says in the book of Proverbs 28 verse 1 the wicked flee when no one pursues but the righteous are as bold as what a liar Lions would take on animals that are probably six times their size that I even more dangerous lion would take on my book Buffalo and the Buffalo is dangerous if it's if it's if it's horn goes through you to go through a lion kill it in one instant but yet the elder the lion will go after the the Buffalo you go after the elephant which just won't kick from the elephant and the lion can die but yet the lion is so bold it does not see any animal and the bushes that cannot take on boldness is not just mean head-head hard-headed boldness is a grace from the Holy Spirit to be able to take your stand to possess what God has for you so that when wants to put you on that pressure to think it would not happen boldness helps you to take a stunt and I pray that you will truly possess your possession this year would be one of the best years you have a lived shouts I receive part of our fear also is fear of the past oh I don't want the past to repeat itself there are those who never remarry if they came out of a broken abusive mother because oh I don't want the past or repeat itself there are those who never start a business because they say oh I started a business and it feels there are so many people who because of the fear of yesterday have put tomorrow on hold when you put tomorrow on hold you live in the shadow of your fear there's some people you see them and you'll be amazed at who have put them in prison the person who put them in prison though is not even around it is somebody from their past whom they once encountered who have locked them up they are so afraid to meet the kind of that person that they don't want to meet any new person today and they do not realize don't let yesterday stop your tomorrow if somebody hear me everyone you meet who looks like a picture of success have something from the past which they had to conquer and not allow it to stop them some conquer the fear of their past some conquer the fear of all sorts you know there's some be afraid of darkness there's some be afraid of swimming because maybe when they were young they fell into water they almost drowned before they were rescued now anytime they do see a war don't at the time they have run away they will not go near his swimming pool they were not go near a swimming pool they say ah am I just wrong they think how is it possible I know not only I'm living well and doing well without the swimming as their 48th verse 19 sees your descendant also Willoughby let the sand and the offspring of your body like the grain of sand his name will not have been cut off not destroyed from before me that is if you do not allow fear these are the things that would have happened for you your descendants will have been like sand your offspring will have been like grain of sand your name will not have been cut off now you destroyed before him so look so many things are stopped when you put the button of pause on your life dream again keep your dream alive touch an MS a dream again please don't be afraid of listen miss and the stitching so important because there are too many people who allow yesterday to hold them they allow yesterday to hold them and in the listened and I just love and psychologists look for nice words to describe something so that we call it our personal problem some people say oh I have they have this kind of fear which when they get a spot where something happens they get panic attack you know some some kind of phobia get out of it break its power go back there conquer that thing is someone here me go back there and conquer it and once you conquered it also don't be so afraid of yesterday that you are also created another problem do you know that there are people who the reason they hoard money odd food would not bless anyone is because they are coming from poverty and they are afraid of going back there when they just think of the poverty demson ah they had the money I'd the money I don't want to go back to yesterday that devil is a liar your life is too precious you will not go back to yesterday shout amen stay tuned for more if your dream in life is maybe to reach 1,000 souls for Christ and you a businesswoman that's great you have realized that you are you are a minister of God in the business in the marketplace do all you can so that in the end you're winning souls inspiration finance entrepreneurship life class with Matthew a similar oh and there's the fear of evil whenever I am afraid I will trust in you in God I will praise His Word in God I have put my trust I will not fear what can flesh do to me sometimes we are so afraid of evil that we don't dream which is a wizard if you are blessed they will attack you there is no greater wizard than the wizard of poverty because it locks you up in being on able to achieve their dreams of your life if someone hearing me so you must make up your mind fear of evil the Bible says he has raised you far above what principalities principalities a military word or a governmental word you can raise above their system you've been raised above their government let them shoot the but the arrow of witchcraft the one who is in you is greater than the one who is against you shout Amen so you must learn to know who you are stop being afraid of evil if you are in Christ the Bible says no evil will befall you no evil it doesn't matter it's interesting many people and I'll get them born again some of them don't have enough teaching to rely the witchcraft that can overcome Christ have not been born we will did confront whatever Satan has power was a residue of what was left with him when he was kicked out the kingdom in which you belong is greater than any other Kingdom and God has given him a name that is what if that has the name is under Christ's glory to God that at the name of Jesus how many knees well witchcraft bow wilmer in spirit bow you know sometimes in my head I will think of all this man's behavior then during this water Brooks if I didn't remember to put it in my diary as I really had a revelation of what you might call it via time what a spirit that is so monstrous there is but you don't need to be afraid of them they are rather afraid of you you know you have Christ in you but many of us I like the story I told the other week of the advert I saw an large billboard in Africa it was a video this little mouse will come on big car to be running for the little mouse and the mouse was enjoying it that is carrying this big thing big because the cat does not realize that just one grab from his clothes if he pushes it in the dead the rat is DOA dead on arrival he doesn't know what powerhouse summers cream anointed praise the Lord the second enemy of your dream is flirtations flirtations we use this word when it comes to a people flirt at the opposite sex but that's not the context in which we use it today it is flirting it is rather flirting with too many dreams your hand is in too many pies and you don't have a clear dry to your life you don't have a strong or controlling dream you will not be able to make impact it is dangerous to pursue too many dreams dangerous it's great to have dreams but they must all be secondary and actually kind of the wave feed into your bigger dream is somebody here me they must feed into your bigger dream if you have two conflicting dreams they must create a confluence and eventually create one big dream when to preach in a city in the country of Nigeria the cities where two major rivers meet so it is called a confluence the two became one down the road and had to maintain one name they had to maintain the name of the bigger one the smaller river called the beggary River there's a bigger called the Niger River coming all the way from Senegal three thousand miles long so when they met in this city called la hoja they called the merge they become one river but they maintain the name of the bigger one all your dreams let them merge and become part of your biggest dream if your dream in life is maybe to reach one thousand souls for Christ and you a businesswoman that's great you have realized that you are you are a minister of God in the business in the marketplace do all you can so that's in the end you are winning souls you almost made your dream will suffer if you are flirting around with too many dreams some people say and I want to do this and I want to do that and I want to do this it must marry into your most major dream or in the end you will find that you are unable to make impact dreams I like seed you need to plant one seed and not spread your energy dreams I like seed you need to plant one seed and not spread your energy in other words in good agriculture if you have a vineyard it's a vineyard it's all grape trees you don't plant mango and grape and proper no it's a vineyard so that it has a way of making impact you have one clear direction the Bible says Deuteronomy 22 verse 9 you shall not sow your vineyard with different kinds of seed lest the yield of the seed which you have sown and the fruit of your vineyard be defiled now this is having to do it the law of sanctity but nonetheless it gates it gives you the picture of focusing on one care dream your dream needs maximum effort maximum all the things will come when one dream speaks all the things will come when one dream speaks if I say something like Tiger Woods you will say what golf even though is no longer in the top 50 he has made his name that he has left his signature unless you sit here today you don't know if he has a jet or doesn't have you don't know if he has two else's or one house you don't know anything basement but you know that one dream happened for him he was a young man if you hit 150 balls save you go to the range and you want to practice and you hit 150 balls your body will know but he will hit a thousand you will hit a thousand balls so there's no way a month or something consistently and he will not leave his name I've watched a video where I developed an eye just playing around young people came and they put this small hole somewhere and they want these professionals to play the able to go through the hole that's almost next to impossible and Tiger does it more than once why because that is his most major dream starter from the age of three was so focused was so focused on what he would be and what you'll do nowadays may have suffered in his life but you can also understand there are areas of imperfections in your own journey God is working on you but spend the grace that god of pleased on you to make the dream he has given you to become a reality praise God I said hey men don't spread your limited resource some people spread their limited resource on so many dream you have a limited income you have one money on this business I'm on another business and you have money on that one and so you have so much difficulty you're not making any important we're a rolling stone gathers no moss those who have stumped multiple multiple ventures built them one at a time one at a time anyone you've heard in the world of entertainment sports business whatever who have really achieved you will find that they focused on one thing and that one thing spoke after that they began to build other areas don't jump around like a grasshopper don't jump around like a grasshopper [Music] [Music] and too many people who are trying too many things and they can't wait for what they started to incubate and produce they give up so quick on that dream now let me ask you if you give up on your dream why should I invest in it why should I invest in it you
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 1,314
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Life Class, Life Coach, UK, England, Kent, Chatham, Maidstone, Gillingham, London, Walthamstow, Lea Bridge Road, Kingsway Church, Kingsway International Christian Centre, Champion, Pastor Matthew, Christian, Church, Faith, Faith Church, Healing, Miracles, Empower, Empowering, Worship, Praise, The Word, Success, Bible Based, Pentecostal, Gospel, Prayer, Evangelical, Positive Confession, Messages, Message series, Sunday Service Message, Teachings, Jesus, God, Love, Churches, Bible, Free
Id: M3ckbBS3ugk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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