Dream HORRIFYING Hunters for 9 Minutes (ANIMATED MOVIE)

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okay when are we starting i'm just finishing something up give me a minute again started my recording all right guys listen here's what we're doing we plan this out i'm going to get us resources you two stay on him keep him from getting any resources and that'll pretty much oh my goodness where'd he go oh my goodness he did it again i see him he's running away he's mining wood go go go go go go go okay he's hiding in the tree wait wait wait one person go to each side okay okay i'm over here i'm over here oh my goodness let's mine this tree down because the leaves are going to break the trees this is literally it the leaves will break and then he'll die guys he literally just jumped oh i see him i see him i bet you dream looked all around i bet he looked all around right now i didn't look at all right i was i got me by that as well leave me alone right there get up george why can't i hit him let's go george i can't hit him it's not working he's actually gone like he's so gone it's ridiculous okay let's think about this logically okay let's not be stupid like last time you have to look for sweat stains on that nether rack i see him he's right here let's go guys let's go let's go let's go he's groceries on him oh my god he's going to escape come on what is he doing he comes in manages to kill all of us it would take him a little bit to mine the obsidian wait what you put obsidian on the portal no no no no come to the portal yes wait check [Music] yes no all right i'm just waiting for the server to start back up the sub is literally already up wait it's up yeah drew's over here getting stuff oh my god he does this every time keep your eyes locked on him i see him he's going he's going down the wall where is he jump out oh dream you gotta come up at some point where is he there's cobblestone here he dug down he's literally hiding underground like a little weasel here get in the boat no oh my god drive us in drive us in and then jump out okay yes i can't burn your stupid stuff because in the stupid ocean guys the compass is tracking him but there's another portal another portal right here okay wait did you actually go through this portal no he he went through and came back i did i just made a portal i thought i thought i'd confuse you i spawned in the nether i almost got burned in lava i don't see him oh my god he's dead he's dead wait what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we're invisible which one is he three three three who's here okay yes what just happened come here come to the middle i'm trying no no yes yes yes yes yes now i'm going to go kill the ender dragon oh my god dad where is he bad i don't care his bad 275 negative 500. oh wait what the [ __ ] yes oh my god oh we're close make the other make the hell george help me i have no shield dream has a shield groom has a shield this dream has a shield come on how far i'm coming i'm coming yes there's only one professional speed runner running record what speed running to the toilet okay i thought we were supposed to be on the same team [Laughter] let's go what is this come on come on come on let's go what is this it's a whoa yes yes why is he laughing i don't know what oh my god he's making he's making wait what potion is he making how can you make potions in the nether you need water wait yeah what do you have anything i have nothing literally i have a sound is that a door i will grow a tree it's a door james opening the doors i hear the door block it literally block it okay it's all blocked okay dad literally just block it he's falling in the pool right there oh my goodness where is he where is he he's running this way this way guys seriously come here george i'm coming george i'm coming yes no yes my god yes what no please please please no i'm gonna go dreamy boy [Music] [Music] i was on one heart and no hunger when i fought you guys in that cave what are you kidding no way gosh when we were all running from you one more for you i had no one no food what's happening what's happening guys don't go through please please please please please please oh why do it why did they nerf the piglets that's why i hacked and mined my spirit all right dream this is it one time [Music] come on this is it this is it let's go let's go let's go let's go he's just standing still oh [Music] oh
Channel: Minecraft Curios Animations
Views: 1,264,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream animation, dream animated, minecraft manhunt animation, minecraft manhunt animated, minecraft manhunt animatic, dream animatic, minecraft animated, minecraft animated short, minecraft manhunt animated short, dream animated short, dream minecraft manhunt animation, dream manhunt animated, dream manhunt animation, georgenotfound animation, sapnap animation, badboyhalo animation, technoblade animation, mr beast animation, animation, minecraft animatic
Id: aDKaeeW-Omw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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