Dream Come True (A Mule Mom's Story)

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[Music] [Music] if you think I'm sleeping you'd better think again my name's Tuffy McDuffie and I can do more things with my eyes closed then most of the characters on this here Hoss farm can do with their eyes wide open how many times have I told you not to do that cowboy how do you expect me to run this farm properly if you keep interrupting me while I'm planning everything around here I bring news from afar word of the gypsy king or at least rumors Tuffy it's not Tuffy McDuffie it's fluffy McDuffie Tuffy that's Tuffy fluffy I know on the outside you're fluffy but on the inside where it really counts your certify of the stables in my books anyway what does a gypsy vana have to do around here to get some oats [Music] come on let's Hey oh he's so strong yeah do it once again what come on do it twice again he's indescribable he's inexplicable I never liked him much he's so yesterday we're very proud of the beautiful Gypsy Vanner horses who live here they were bred by gypsies in Europe for over 60 years oh isn't that cute I think I'll go get my hair he wouldn't get away with that if it gypsy King were here but he isn't away on a mission in faraway lands on behalf of gypsy vanna's the world over one day he'll be back I just know it oh well there really isn't anything to be afraid of here at the stables is there it never pays in life to be too sure about anything because later that night a ruckus started and it wasn't very pretty a very nasty coyote a cow came on to the public with bad intentions he was scaring all the animals that are the stables [Music] [Music] [Applause] that didn't sit very well with farmer Jim get back fast you brutes this this is our stables sir a moment of your time if you will oblige me cowboy was courageous in confronting the danger but a wily coyote too much vanish [Applause] [Applause] that's when farmer Jim stepped in to keep Cal the coyote from sneaking into the stables and terrifying in the Animus farmer Jim talked to his neighbor to the south farmer Dennis they brought in a champion kicker to solve the problem for good in fact it wasn't even a horse it was a mammoth donkey and among other things donkeys are known for one asset in particular and mammoth donkeys do it in a very big way this donkeys name was Jack and he wound up and gave calda finally Cal just gave up hit the road never came back again please take note and on behalf of all of us here at the stables we hereby present you jack with the stables award for the most outstanding and meritorious conduct by a cantankerous yet committed newcomer this Jack the donkey was pretty popular all the mares were a flattered role for him one of the Percheron draft was mez named Elizabeth fell in love with Jackie [Music] 50 birth to a beautiful mule or Mali farmer Jim named flow after his very own mother then he stuck his gnarly head round the corner and that's when I knew I had him right where he wanted me I wound up with my back legs and my boobs looked him rotten yeah kicked butt you don't have hooves but lady if I did it would have been awesome don't ever get between him and a camera I have an appointment or a quick exit [Music] look it's him the gypsy king he's back the Gypsy King it was the Gypsy King back for a spell from his travels the stuff of legend for gypsy vanna's and those who love them the world over that's royal blood has runs in his veins and they say one day another as great will be born to follow in his royal footsteps but when Flo was lonely none of the other horses wanted anything to do with her because she was different especially a bit of a nasty gelding named moth unlike the piece Flo [Applause] hey Flo nae singing I love the ears the miniature horse man velcro was the only one who ever came to Flo's defense you really shouldn't oughta talk to my friend flow like that morph I really shouldn't ought to be slumming like this velcro I think you're a beautiful flow and there's no one else in the world like you [Music] we've only played [Music] fana Jim farmer Dennis and dr. Pablo were pretty worried about Flo they knew that what she needed was to have a full of her own but being that Flo was a mule that was impossible so dr. pablo performed a little miracle that went something like this the critical conundrum concerning the propagation of a mule light flow is a chromosomal conflagration to it within the equine species and Equus ferus caballus otherwise known as a horse has 64 chromosomes while an equus africanus asinus known by his bodies as a donkey has only 62 these amorous Equinix entities may produce offspring in Latin mule is something else aka a mule but said consequent mule has an anomalous 63 chromosomes and although she is a wonderful mother if given a splitting of a difference she cannot reproduce on her own a dominum a talk info facto etc yet by combining two timber foods of baby dust sixteen bits of smoky mirrors a dash of mondo science and 7 grams of gobbledygook we were able to magically give this beautiful mule Harambee be a glorious Gypsy Vanner [Music] this was a dream come true [Music] and that's how it all happened how the mule who couldn't be a mom became a new mom inspiring news everywhere and how the royal blood of the renowned gypsy king was renewed again and the staples flow gave birth to a beautiful Gypsy Vanner baby named Prince Deerfield's and he was magnificent listen to the story of a moon named flow she became a meal mom not too long ago to help from gypsy banners a miracle took place a four with beauty and grace a few mama they came from all of the animals on the phone celebrated the miracle of Prince Deerfield's birth and happiness it gave flow to become a mule mom [Music] now I see everybody knew one day Prince Deerfield's would grow up to be as great as the Gypsy King [Music] well that's my story and now I'm gonna catch up on my cat naps
Channel: Shawn Sussman
Views: 21,384,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mule, moms, shawn, sussman, farm, animation, gypsy, vanner, horse
Id: ayWazJ_y2vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2012
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