Risky Rescue from a Speeding Train | Full Episode | SPIRIT RIDING FREE

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foreign [Music] [Applause] all right this time I'm getting a big one ow I know how the worms feel keep trying lucky you're sure to catch something yeah 14th times the charm oh yeah I'd like to see you try it you don't even have hair whoa wait reel her in you're not getting away this time you slippery old trout [Music] [Laughter] hey what are you girls doing on my lap your land we always fish here we'll say goodbye to the fishes I bought this property with the money I got selling that sorry horse let's just go yeah underlay girlies your spirit it's okay get on out of here now next run I catch trespassing all my land gets arrested leave it to Grayson to ruin a perfectly good Sunday we don't need fishing we can pick apples unless Grayson buys the orchard too then he'd control all the apples and maradero and then we'd be forced to feed our horses cherries like barbarians [Music] prepping snare oh poor guy there you go Boomerang are you okay he is foreign [Music] wow he's so pretty like a horse topiary hi I've never seen a horse like you before too foreign [Music] spirit this horse he is yours yes he healed he must be strong did you help him get home when he was lost thank you I'm lucky this is pru and Abigail hi hey I'm mixley I am sorry these snares are for hunting well a nut was a perfect bait to catch Boomerang of course an apple would have worked too or a cookie or my brother's rock collection oh that was a bad night [Laughter] you are funny me oh you're a taco paw right what are you doing in maradero isn't your tribe all the way in Pine forks I left with Crow when I became a man I wanted to see all this [Music] so you live out here by yourself yes wow it can be hard but here I am free these woods these mountains this is my home come I will show you the best part oh wow gosh look at that has this always been here if you knew where to look I've been wasting my whole life it's better than anything I've ever dreamed of and I've dreamed that Boomerang was a butterfly laughs come on let's go Mathway is for horses is there another way coming yeah same time [Music] try again like me [Music] wow I hope I said something nice you tell many jokes yes jokes that I'm making on purpose it is getting dark I must keep hunting and I gotta get back to the Ramada to muck out the Stalls yeah I should go help my mom cook and I told Aunt Cora I'd polish all the silver a week ago see you soon [Music] we'll come see them later boy foreign can you imagine no chores no homework just you and your horse eating berries and climbing mountains and taking on Bobcats huh mixedly so lucky mixley's lucky then who are you I am funny okay who's that gun that's Crow coming from Grayson's land but where's mixley [Music] it's mixley's bow Grayson said he'd arrest the next Katie found trespassing are you there nextly lucky mixedly are you okay no they will not let me leave oh no who happened Crow and I were tracking deer and then a man came he had a gun Grayson he said I was trespassing I didn't know that's so unfair I tried to go but I was not fast enough the man pointed his gun at Crow I had to stop him I I hit him I did not mean to I well well looky here should have figured you threaded chicken noses where they don't belong mixley is innocent innocent I think I got this Picking Daisies he didn't know he was on your land but you did I saw your tracks you went back after I told you to stay out of there in fact I think he ought to arrest these girls for trespassing too whoa now no one's under arrest here don't you girls worry we're just keeping your friends safe until we can get him back to his family that's right Sheriff's arranged transportation for you all the way back to your reservation but I live here not anymore you don't children can't be running around the woods alone like that clearly it only leads to trouble I am 16. in My Tribe I am a man sorry son afraid the eyes of the law see it differ do you sleep tight now it's a long train ride back to Pine forks and the sheriff's going to keep an eye on you the whole way there I'm so sorry mixley this is my home I cannot leave and I cannot leave Crow we have been together always I bet Spirit turd would take Rowan then he'd be safe until he could come back and get him lucky Pine Forks is nowhere near meridero and without Crow the Badlands I would never make it back across don't worry mixley we'll figure something out I promise this is mixley's home why should he have to go it's for his own good why would you want to be out in the woods all alone when you could be with your family having fun you know I understand how he feels lucky I was still a young man when I came out here fishing for my dinner sleeping under the stars my life was my own exactly and mixedly should be allowed to have that too but I was 18. when he's old enough he can come back the frontier is not going anywhere it isn't fair you'll understand when you're older I'll never understand this [Music] I feel terrible for mixley and Crow it was awful being separated from you spirit I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy maybe Grayson dad why can't we keep him here how many times do we have to go now Prue listen to me what's Crow doing here my dad's gonna sell him what we caught this fella running wild through town he was probably looking for mixedly that's what I told him I hear you girls but there isn't room for that horse on the train the sheriff just can't send him to Pine forks with your friend then why don't we keep Crow you know we have a full stock right now Peru we just don't have the space for another horse but I'll make sure whoever buys them will take good care of him I'm sorry girls laughs anybody want to talk about our math homework yeah I didn't think so ladies [Music] it's not fair it's not right mixley wants to stay here with Crow and it's up to us to help him but the sheriff's taking mix lead to Pine Forks on the train how are we gonna stop him come on send him carrots don't you want a Nifty haircut like the horse outside We're not gonna stop the sheriff we're going to stop the train lucky where's Crow he's going to be okay you both will have a plan you are funny like Abigail just trust us thank you hey there girlie why are you drawing with that boy I'm not I'm just on my way to school well get on then that boy can't be trusted around these parts anymore might come back to my land to try some more tomfoolery uh-huh well bye you know I got family who lives up in Pine Forks sweet old Auntie Pig I believe I owe her a visit so I think I'll tag along with you make sure you get to the reservation safe and sound house listen up I've got it all figured out the train to Pine Forks leaves at 110 which is perfect since we're in school until two but we're in school until two exactly airtight alibi I don't think lucky knows how to tell time hey Turtle we need your help back then the Earth only had one giant continent called Pangea does anyone know how many continents there are now Abigail I think you mean Pangea which is also not the answer to the question can anyone come up and point out the different continents turo bag you're it currently there are seven continents North America South America Europe Asia Snips what are you doing stop children take your seats [Music] is it time to go two o'clock already huh time flies when you're having second thoughts about teaching as a profession well anyway class missed everybody know what they're doing yeah got it then let's go good luck Pals [Music] thank you [Music] settle in son will have you home to your people in no time don't go getting any smart ideas about running hoping that window and all you'll get is a face full of centers that's the horse I was telling you he looks to be in fine fettle I don't know about this shaved business his hair will grow back unlike some peoples come on into the ball I've got some more stock to show you okay buddy time to stop a train come on come on there I know Boomerang one second just gotta get this cartwheel get it boomerang come on let's go it'll look less suspicious if Pro broke out when the rest of them did good thinking don't worry Crow we'll get you back to mixley what do you think boy I know Crow can break that fence and I know three girls who can fix it later do it Crow we gotta hurry see you on the other side come on girl let's make them run hey I knew that crazy haircut at nag was no good see a cartwheel means a flip but it's also a wheel of a card trust me it's very funny [Music] whoa Nelly [Music] yes we did it let's never do that again stay close [Music] what's the holdup what's the holdup hmm no let her go check it out you stay here son there must be something on the tracks hmm is that right [Music] then I'll keep them in there [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll get it It's gotta be some way to get this to move hang on I'm gonna have something foreign by the time they get a horse team to come clear the tracks we'll be long gone Lucky's a genius Lucky's a goner [Music] looky crows outside let's get you out of here there she goes is there a rooster dying somewhere that is Abigail she is signaling us but what does it mean nothing good I bet come on Chef I bet our friend is eager to get back what are we going to do try the back door let's go hurry it's locked [Applause] it's up to you too go get them all right let's get back to the boy close your eyes foreign [Music] oh God [Music] talk about a runaway train huh yes we run away from the Train boy there is no funny business oh come on spirit thank you what a ride thank you all right [Music] do you think mixley will be okay do you think Grayson will go after him Boomerang could pull off the shaped look saying wouldn't he look great with a patch of Daisy shaved into his side or he has a really strong jawline so what if we where is he you brats I know it was you that set him free us we didn't do anything what is going on out here these she Devils snatched that delinquent from the sheriff's custody who mixley what are you talking about sprung him from the Montana full steam that's impossible wait a minute the 110 train but it couldn't have been them they were in school with me until two o'clock but there you have it now if you don't mind get off my property fine keep your daughter off mine dad as far as I know you were in school until two and that's how I wanted to stay foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you
Channel: DreamWorks Spirit
Views: 7,366,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spirit, lucky, riding free, dreamworks, animation, netflix, pru, abigail, horses, horseback riding, how to ride a horse, stallion, cimarron, tv, show
Id: 9uRFZSxy9bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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