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the shuttle prey [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] where the supply [Music] [Music] aha Oh Oh Oh [Music] we're the boys of fire Oh [Applause] the boys [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] took a light and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee as I adjust and sisty and if there's one if you are ready to believe that the light get the loaded Club and shout a prize please you may kiss you baby see that it is testimony time we have coming up tonight she's the promise / - cool sister Mary sister chilling a colleague - Sheila educate sister Mary husband sister promise you don't you go sister children year Connie and brother Sheila educate but we put our hands together for Jesus he's read your name please your way sister Mary husband sister promise to chiku sister chilli or Kali and brother Sheila educate please let's talk some more they're coming all the way let's Club some more all right brother and then I told [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] down on the floor she went to hospital when she met with someone who told are you so free yourself here why don't you go to Dunamis today in the morning of yesterday you came radiologists report of um the ERISA straightening of the thoracic spine however the vertebral bodies are namaha conclusion muscle spasm that is pastic paralysis and that was how you came yesterday how did you move when you came somebody put you on motorcycle with another person at the back and you are shouting this place to area one from that area one people helped me to do this because of the pain so the junction there so she could wash or sits in non-league flow so I now called one bike man how she managed to enter you paid the bike that brought her in what a mighty God and she crawled in yesterday and she standing like a lady today I like that we serve a miracle working God [Music] shut up is can we did that all song he is a miracle working God he is the Alpha is the Omega he is a miracle working on less take that also who will take my son is a miracle mr. Joshua moment the reason why we praise God the way we do is the reason why it does it all the time some people even had a cool dance that is why he does it all the time get familiar with God and let us never take God for granted but hey let's celebrate is a miracle working God [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's son is that [Music] [Music] what [Music] everything that was crawling in your life when is your ministry that was crawling or your business that was crawling or your destiny that was crawling tonight they shall rise and wrong shake the hands of [Music] money go ladies laisse by this time for convention when I have my invitation list I wrote in my on my citation that God should provide money for Misurata we plant a bigger house because when I'm living one room and three children with a small space so but we'll try that last year and much this year God went and give me my own house her expectation was for God to keep her money to rent a place but God went beyond expectation instead of renting her own house so one here God shall copy on you especially Jesus name God bless you sister sister Chinna here it was a summary of your testimony my name is so coalition a I want to tango for the privilege of connection in 2017 November 24th precisely I had a fantasy than with my former church like that II will always say say if you go out of your location you pay for each that was exactly what happened to me I was used to go for something I never wanted to go and that resulted was having an accident so after the accident I had a from a hip fracture my hip was broke so after the surgery that lasted for 12 hours I was discharged in the area around much last year I was meant to go for checkup I want for checkup my consultant said please come back for another surgery that solid I was done I'm not seen anything clear that your color summation is not for me I left him I went home I came in a pretty repeated the same thing then he made as well as June so out that June on when I met me said I am Telling You Gong gets money let me do you surgery if not he willing to Croce's 23 2019 I said go for Balestra Gordon see I left his office and I cried betal I went home getting to my base a noun slaps God using the face of his servant and her hand better than my to talk to me she use the face of mommy too as if we are snapping in a in a us in us so after snapping mommy said we should enter the auditorium and listen to the Word of God so because I was with some people I wanted to deviate and follow them because they lived or seafood Anansi resented each other listening to the world that was how I woke up I didn't understand intubation of that dream after two days with decent drink came back but not more specific but this time again and said I should not go for the surgery that if I go for that surgery I will not walk that I should just be going for healing and deliverance in Dunamis Church to confirm its God Nam lost two people to my house in my belly I stay those two ministers now came and told me that God said as travel ships so immediately they came I know it was a confirmation of what God told me I joined Dunamis so because of the pain I was having I was not consistent in the church at this point she was on crutches couldn't walk without the walker go ahead so I embarked on foundation class but before then as I went down for two and he said as you come for surgery after God gave me the revelation he said I should not go to the hospital again that he would tell me when to go to the hospital I obeyed him and by French I dropped my two crutches I was using walking stick and I called my physio daughter to tell him that God said I should not be using the crutches he said maritime a Christian or Buddhist inium seen in serious I told her let's try and see God that was how I used walking stick I was isn't walking stick by the around October after my after two days after my foundation class because God told me after my foundation class as you go that was 10 10 of 2018 and that month was the amount of divine health Nemedia the God healed me diamonds the colors are what has been looted for xmas laws that we are telling me from another soldier was found in the month of October I think that was not enough we continue the Papa was praying last 20 18 December and said we are now permitted to cross over which anything that you are not meant to cross over which and I was how odd it is to I dropped the walking stick I think that was not enough January 10th of January as a result of the accident it was entered my left eye and has been in the eye for a year and two moons and eaten has been disturbing me seriously which I kept telling my doctors there will be telling me that is a funny body by two commas but I think kept in stopping me baby cause I'm the one Kareem I know how it pains me and I have to search for solution somebody nan said linked me to another closet and I said I will pay three hundred thousand baby cos when a fasting program I said let me impact on this fashion because since this happened to me at all fast so I impact on that fasting on the 10th of that on the 10th of January got to admit am so I'm doing surgery on your eyes I taught you to us like name is Landon Amato but on transience of Noren after communion I went home God said pray I was raining for like two hours after the glass [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] during the 21-day fast twin the tremendous first one this one study Priya he asked me to lie down and sleep I was like I don't want to say sleazy said sleep so I was so weak I slept off yes after the common enemy so I not slept more to ten minutes I thought at least something was crawling in my eyes I feel talk to us crying in my eyes only for me to jump up the tear fell down and I just fell down is there be look at that as consultant of amalah gist was going to do a surgery costing 300,000 to try to bring the glass out that still would not have been a guarantee because there are ice surgeries that make people blind permanently and she said the two dollars is my agency guarantee the removal of the foreign body is to avoid deforestation of the eye and the pain and all the inflammation associated with this but to guarantee that the size will be all right is not guaranteed and just by the power of God listen we serve a God who is real we serve a God who is powerful we serve a God who is almighty we serve a God who is a life story changer he's God speaking to anybody here I like to talk get ready because we are in the days where anything is possible everything is possible is absolutely possible somebody shout the loudest a man hand me female 15 it's absolutely possible a man maybe about a month ago testified he had and undiagnosable query brain condition they had been going to the doctors they didn't know what to do they didn't know which specialist should handle the condition then one day is in the job isn't a just church one day he said it came from Jaws to see me here but he couldn't see in return back and in the night of the day return gods visited him using the mantle of this commission using the face of his salmon and he said that problem you have it is ent that will handle it he woke up in the morning and he said what he had was ent so he went to the two jaws and quite a vine gel hospital in jurors saw some medical doctors went to school together with those people doctors did a dose dimension and he said while they were arguing is I don't know what it is but my pastor last night told me ent the doctor say who is your pastor see dr. pastor pollination ah it is different you people are full and medicine all up and down he took the phone immediately and call ent ear nose and throat professor a youth and said prof. I have your present here the process sent him in a hurry he sent him the assess team and it was his case he conducted the surgery and the same night is God visited him again using the face of his servant and began to use their depend on the medical touch included nose to the es nada man through the mouth and everything and as I said I tend to confirm that the surgery was done well it is well done [Applause] [Laughter] he woke up in the money everything was over I gave me money in that dress and fitted money to sell and then the money manifested applause applause ah si woke up while we shared that testimony here a professor of ear nose and throat surgery watching it from leaders we went to examine and it caught the clip and took it to the professor whose name was mentioned and said here is a testimony are you aware he said it is 100% correct [Applause] 100% this are the days the days of God's power somebody that's ready because something that you don't know what to do that's how this case was to remove the glass the other kids they don't even know who to handle the case but God stepped in and said I know what to do if there is something in your life today you don't know what to do about this my god and your God will step into the case and you will show you what to do you believe that shuttle is a man before you sit down tell people around your God is about to make a way for you God is about to make a way for you it's about to make a way for you that the kind of God I'd like to sound good in the shadow praise as you take your seat hallelujah someone whose turn has come to arise and shine can you give the Lord a loud shout of hallelujah to take us further in this program Francis with special installation and as their Minister the power of God shall overshadow you I shall arise to the next they are going to come in this order it sucks Sulaiman language and then or Church on Kings keep the Laurie clapping a shout of praise as to receive PETA sucks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you have done me well you have done me well you have done me well Jesus well you have done me well you have done be well Jesus well you have done be you are done be well done be well you have done be loved Jesus ha ha ha ha be well you ha ha be well Jesus you have to be well you have to be well Jesus ladies and gentlemen that things are happening your life that you look and you see that that was not the doing of man it was the doing of God when you're looking at auditorium like this views in this kind of economy of all nature you know it's not the cooing of man he thank you so much daddy for the honor tonight I came here tonight to let you know that this is the story of your life that doesn't matter the economy of the nation God is building you into beauty in the name of Jesus you hardly well you have done me well you have done me well Jesus [Music] well you have done [Music] jeez you've got mail yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] well you [Music] [Music] [Music] come on listen I don't get it going [Music] some trust in chariots [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dasu watch the sea pauze politie [Music] [Music] well unless I'm back early donor so every - Ibaka which here talk I don't have here a cup so at the ready do I say I love you do I say I'm grateful do I say I thank you what else can I say do I say I love you do I say I'm grateful say I used to be the laughingstock you made me a reference point what I said I used to be so confused now you use me to give directions that I said I'd say I used to track all about the city but now to make me out do I say love me too I say I'm grateful - what I say [Music] [Music] my famous flower s taboos not me the price not green I trust there [Music] [Music] trust me [Music] swirl [Music] jeez for [Music] Jesus long [Music] [Music] jesus loves me jesus loves me [Music] [Music] Oh jeez but [Music] okay [Music] Oh [Music] jeez [Music] [Music] this [Music] not one [Music] [Music] ah ah [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] Oh Oh God Oh haha Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] the song [Music] [Music] [Music] not in search of what is in your list but in search of your face [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] further we've come to love you tonight we've come to adore you we continue in this atmosphere of washing we want you to know that in that love that we have for you will receive your visitation tonight in the name of Jesus we look up to you for an encounter lift up your voice and ask God for an encounter tonight the choir will be ministry immediately knowing you and let me want what you want songs received by dr. master Pauline angel as for father as we trance it into the time of the world give me a word in season speak to me help me to know you more help me to be all that you have created me to be in the name of Jesus Christ as we take our seats and the class begin to minister you have an offering you have brought before the Lord you can have it ready father we ask that you receive this of our hands open the windows of heaven and give us a blessing in the name of Jesus why are you just going straight ahead without any break in the atmosphere [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] want to know you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] the morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] more what's gonna [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's one [Music] it's [Music] [Music] I want to know you we wanna see [Music] I [Music] we're desperate over boom yes [Music] I [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] Oh oh boy [Music] my line [Music] [Music] [Music] for myself Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's alive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to be told this funny it's one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lift your heart Aloha almost deafening to that [Music] picture haha [Music] [Music] in a penguin get me to that place where I have no real that is different from your wheel how far can a person go in a direction that is awkward with the direction of God God is going this way and you are going this way what is the future of such a journey how long can an aircraft move free from the control tower [Music] how far can the aircraft pilot itself [Music] without it man's life is elesif in God's hand can never be safe in his own hands [Music] the greatest countries on the earth today are countries that recognize that without God they can do nothing when the Soviet Union decided to be a godless nation this Katahdin splint us there's nothing like the Soviet Union anymore not Korea communists not korea's languishing in poverty our amman cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for the gift of life to me [Music] oh lord I praise you father Fred [Music] anybody can be a witness to that [Music] nice job I sing love I praise you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Lord ha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lift your hands and let him know you are alive because of him because of you [Music] [Music] today opium out and let God know your life today because of him [Music] [Music] [Music] go ahead and let him know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] leave Tobias and let him know I know happy wheel by myself I don't have a choice by myself [Music] [Music] [Music] father we give you the praise they give you the honor they give you the adoration with your hand son give him the praise thank you master [Music] [Music] yes appeared again [Music] it chooses precious name Farah breathe upon the service tonight thank you because no one shall live here the same way we love you we all know you cheese's precious please be seated in the presence of I'd like to welcome everyone here tonight in the precious name of Jesus I think that if three times in a year the way the Lord spoke to the children of Israel three times in a year shall you appear before me and he said none shall appear I am empty if three times in the year as a commission we appear and all we came to do was to soak in the presence refuel recharge because of the evil days in which we live you know the date ahead of time the last weekend of the month of May and the month of August and the month of November the one that has the last Friday you booked your holidays or book leaves if you can take a leave for vacation and take leave for physical servicing of the body may be held twice I think it is possible to take a leave for spiritual servicing for a few earlier and rejuvenation I know that we have over 70 locations in Abuja where they are connected live now and across the country on outside Nigeria including the United Kingdom and all over the wall but you take the time to be physically available and I believe that it will do something I like you to reveal in that climate this climate is a climate of encounters not just what you are taught about what you can touch there are things that can never be taught you they can only be caught that is all instructions are possible for example but the the raw fire anointing I can teach you the principles of fire but you catch the fire you catch it yourself hallelujah this night we are going back to our text Isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 after that we'll take the communion then I'll make a couple of announcements concerning tomorrow and then Friday and we shall be true Friday is one of the most loaded nights you have ever experienced and when it arrives you will know go ahead give a lot of shots of Victor [Applause] Isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 I would like all of us to read it together all the way to verse 8 I read verse 1 you read verse 2 can we stand up for this reading very important reading just a moment arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee verse 2 and the Gentiles are come to the light and Kings to the brightness of the horizon fall [Applause] then shalt thou see or then thou shalt see and flow together and thine heart shall sphere and be alive because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee the forces of the Gentiles are come unto thee receipts all the flocks of penis she'll be gathered unto thee to get out to thee dear arms of nabiyev shalt minutes down to thee they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar and I will glorify the house of my glory first a you are about to take off in flight I said you are about to take off in flight I believe the shuttle honest amen please you might be seated I want to speak quickly on the subject the forces of supernatural lifting arise and shine or arise shine means get up be lifted our objective is to know the relevant forces for Supernatural lifting and then to know the purpose of the lifting it is clear that the top is the place for gospel the top Isaiah chapter 2 verse 2 it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow unto it the mountain of the laws of God's people this shall be at the top most top in life Matthew chapter 5 verse 14 ye are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be read that is the people of God they are put the light and the City on here first Peter chapter 2 verse 9 but he chosen generation a royal priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that in should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light that is I have calculated that my people be at the top or net that is why eight out of ten of the top most universities of Lenin in the world came out of the church have at Cambridge Oxford here John Hopkins you can keep on counting they came out of the church that is why the number one nation of the earth today happened because it was founded on God that is why the nation of Israel today is not a non collapsible nation a dominant force on it because that is how God designed it to be that is why the number one dollop iyanya in the world came out of the church that is why the foremost scientist on earth Isaac Newton farmers farmers michael faraday and all the names you know they came out of the church some of them we are not just Christians but Bible believing and Bible preaching clergy Isaac Newton wrote more on homiletics the act of salmon preparation that he wrote on physics and for the max put together here what I've seen here that is right in number why invest in Nigeria is a church founded University is called covenant University it's not 20 years old yet my people are meant to take the place of don't let the death confront you into some stupid your humility don't God is speaking to you say Amen that is why you are seated in reality it is God's will for Magnus to belong to church mega mega mega mega mega to belong to church God designed that nature to take the top the top must stop anybody occupying the top in your realm is occupying because you are not ready in see that you are already you are not aware or you have not decided to be there yesterday I said we must be deliberate we must be deliberate we must be deliberate so once a man so if God's place for us is at the top as a child of God what forces are responsible for your lifting number one what is it that is to lift you number one is general it is called lifting by redemption in lifting by redemption everyone who is redeemed of God he belongs to Christ has left the flaw efficience chapter 2 and in verse 6 let's start from verse 1 wherein in time past ye walked according right and you are quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins we are in in time past ye walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience among whom also we had our conversation in time past in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and we're by nature election of Roth even as others but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins he has quickened us together with Christ by grace you see God has raised us down he has tossed down we are we he has raised us up together a middle seat together in the village places in the earthly places in the places of ancestral generational curses he has made us to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and where is those Emily places it is far above principalities according to officials at the wondrous 2008 world the place Christ took you to is a building level of your ancestral alters your degeneration our closest and the powers of darkness they said you should not go up he has raised us up lift off I said I am up nothing can keep me down say in the name of Jesus the top is my place and no devil can keep me down say it louder I am going on and I am already there shout the loudest amen [Applause] don't forget if you get through the scriptures especially the book of Romans and so forth you are going to see that who had buried with him and we were raised with him when he was raised did he stop on the earth he kept going on every anywhere he went you went we were raised with him you the blue Canyon conceit identification he was one with us in our sin we became one with him in his resurrection am i speaking to somebody at all that is the first thing that will make you to read reject the floor level rejected the ground level even when Jesus was on the earth he was not detail he was the head am i speaking to somebody here before the resurrection he was in charge your first lifting is by Redemption number two is lifting by revelation we already read it arise shine your light has there 61 light equals revelation among other things preceded by elevation by your resolution step into elevation by revelation [Music] kaliesha to verse 2 Paul the Apostle said I went up by revelation Matthew chapter 16 verse 17 and 18 when Peter got the revelation of who Jesus was his class changed his class changed his level changed he saw something the others did nothing I have realized in my journey of life that will can be the same in situation but if we are not the same in Revelation we can never be the same in destination that is why you can see people in the same church with different results people under the same spiritual father with different results people in the same city the same country with different source our situation may be the same but if our revelation is not the same our destination can never be the same I got a rude awakening from a young man that with many were one of the young men that we grew together one of them just one in interacting I realized that even though we had locked of ourselves and prayed for three hours at estrange six hours all manner of rugged kind of exercises that basically our life our insight our mentality our revelations our understandings we're totally different understanding of ministry understanding of spiritual father financial practices totally different then I realized never ever blame God for levels people fight themselves you don't know the whole details it's God speaking to somebody elevation by revelation what you see that means we are you stunned because stunned changed because he saw what or doesn't it not see I have always been convinced that it doesn't matter where I find myself in the world I will be on top anyway up a time doing anything God wanted me to do anything anything so as a man somebody say loud as a man I was invited to pretty one of the big ministries in the UK if you can't reach out 1 2 3 it will be one of the three if it's not one is two or three and I was ministering there and another person a a big bishop from America popular name was invited he sat there look at me introduce himself and before I could eternal and say and I was waiting for me and I said I am if I could finish it call the name say I know you from Abuja Nigeria you said I want to come I want to come to that place I want to see the structure can you give me your number then I said because I am not about to lose you let me touch the number before I forget that is without any press important to know anybody the result you will know that to make you effortlessly known what you know is superior to who you know what you know especially out of scripture is superior to where you know in superior to who you know there are intoxication and revelations that just stands you out anywhere you have found anywhere you are found anywhere the beauty of nothing outside there this can give give Satan heart attack so where was I looking before this didn't happen I can see many people outside here what are you doing outside there this is the stadium come inside did you see the bill outside camera do it again let's catch them shots and crowd control send them inside it's all right as a father shake Lourdes father I apply for revelation for elevation revelation so elevation I apply let me say this before what you know brought you to where you are to move from here to the next level there is something you need to know you don't know yet [Laughter] the light you know what we read in Isaiah 6 we read 2 verse 2 verse 8 many of you really understand verse 8 you say who are these that fly do you understand it but that was where we stopped you see our eyes shine your light has come arise be lifted so light to give you both lift and end you it's light it lifted you fast in verse 1 you were lifted verse 1 it took you to the realm of lift verse 8 it took you to flight if that is you practically it took off in the air what is that life so anything to happen pretty late to see out of Scripture out of Bible out of the world brought you to where you are to shift level you need to know something you don't know yet and you're going to know it today lift him by Redemption number two lifting by revelation number three by humility lifting by humility nothing lifts like humility James chapter four verse then Bible say humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up the level of your humility places the limiters on your lifting the limit of your humility is the limit of your lifting first Peter chapter 5 verse 5 to 6 likewise ye younger submit yourselves unto the elder here all of you be subject one to another and be clothed there with humility for God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble receives humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time just remain humble even if he has not lifted you yet hold on your lifting is coming Luke chapter 14 verse 11 he said for whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted in case of any doubt you need to clear that God can bring down anybody who exalts himself in case of any doubt please ask Nebuchadnezzar anywhere you see him says kiss me sire I heard that you have an understanding concerning how God can bring somebody down who elevates himself and Nebuchadnezzar will tell you it is true it is true because God sent me to the University of Agriculture in Babylon to study zoology by experience not to sit in the class to Land's eligible to become Amal and understand animality when Nebuchadnezzar came to his senses in Daniel chapter 4 verse 36 is that a descent his eyes opened God we to God didn't increase in salary did he have welfare and it was so powerful one totally injures we under him people on earth are messing up where there is sin Lucifer messed up where there was no sin he saw no example it was not tempted in so no example he didn't jump off rebellion that is why I cannot be pardoned his she has no atonement no but no example of doing wrong he was the inventor of iniquity nobody taught him how to do wrong he didn't see from anywhere he sinned where there was nothing it's like been getting with mod where there is where there is no where everywhere is built with pavement without humility he crushed it crushed I don't wide I've added there what is for the second autonomously come down check yourself no matter how powerful he is in hell now a little child will be pointless his get out Satan get out the one that was venerated by angels even the Archangel Michael could not directly confront him you have to say the Lord rebuke you that was how powerful he was literate and say father every tendency in me that is likely to be devoid of humility I ask for mercy lifting by humility I have about a few more can I go on ahead please lifting by humility was number three number four is lifting by the blessing lifting by the blessing the blessing of God is a lifter of man Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 to 2 Deuteronomy chapter 28 and shall come to pass it thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord I go to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord your God will set you on high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come upon you the blessing is a lifter of man in verse 11 it says first errata he says that you shall Genesis 28 steel and the Lord shall make me the head and not the tail thou shalt be above only and thou shalt not be beneath in that thou hacking on to the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you this day to observe and to do them it leads people up lift him by the blessing that was what God did for Abraham in Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 2 3 he blessed him and he said and I will bless you and I will make thy name great that is I will take you to the top and I will make thee a blessing I will release the blessing on you and that blessing will make you positively notorious that was what the blessing need for Abraham what about Isaac in Genesis chapter 26 and in verse 1 there was famine in the land in 12 Isaac sowed in that language and the Lord blessed him and then the man was great went forward and Grille he went up he became great wife because the blessing was upon him we love that hear me anything you can do to seek your blessing on your life will take you up I can preach on the blessing us a topic on his own I will have the time for it and of course anything positive you will do to bring the blessing on your head will take you up it includes serving God you shall serve the Lord he shall bless your bread and your water it includes covenant practices bring all your tithes into the storehouse and prove me if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing it includes in it includes parental blessing what your mother pronounces on your life what your father pronounces on your life is stronger than what any witch can do against you oh what a neo-gothic person congregation my mother did not import blessing and blessing and blessing and blessing my father the same thing the same thing all the days you have seen nothing yet you are about you haven't started yet get set the same with spiritual father in spiritual father spiritual father in this year my father and the Lord told me I called him on the 2nd of May and the second on me was his 38 years in ministry I called him I said I call to congratulate you and to say as your day and all that kind of a thing congratulations for this day because I remember I did and it told me he said this year alone we have planted 1,500 churches he said our target before the end of the year I think was about 5,000 but we have planted 1,500 churches I say wow are you talking about 1500 members is it 1,500 churches rural churches village churches churches here and there I said congratulations I said god I was just talking I said this is powerful the devil must be crying somewhere now and I was talking like that and you said you know when you are 38 years in ministry you do more than that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you combine that with money you can't be you can't be crew paid for that to happen there are things I cannot talk about the blessing takes people those who don't regard earthly father earthly mother spiritual father spiritual mother they don't have any future Noah what is your mother I see which often I see which took God as your earthly father and spiritual father let him take your place hello the blessing is in Lifta there are many messages we have preached on the blessing in case you don't understand what to do in order to access the blessing look for those kind of messages listen to them I said number one number two if I do this our connect the blessing and if you connect the blessing it must take you up somebody lift you right on us in the name of Jesus state let us say in the name of Jesus I receive lifted by the Blessed Saint let us say in the name of Jesus I receive listen by the blessing in the name of Jesus is anybody get at all please take a sec let me rush the time is almost gone number five is lifting by the anointing the anointing of God is a lifter of people some 18 press 19 to first 20 he said then thou speakest in vision to thy Holy One and first I have led help upon one that is mighty I have exalted one chosen out of the people how I have found the mid my seven with my holy oil have I anointed him i exalted him and what did i use i anointed him to be anointed is to be exalted to be anointed is to be lifted and I'm not just talking about the bottle of oil that is a point of contact I am talking about walking in the anointing it was walking in the realm of the lifting first summit that attend verse 1 samwell anointed Saul he took a Volvo and he poured it upon his head and he said is it not because the Lord has anointed me to be captain this anointing is dipped in you over over over night and of course job chapter 36 verse 22 is that the Lord God exalted by his power that is the same as a anointing he exhorted by his power who teach it like him he exalted by his power who teach it like him some 92 percent my own shadow exalt like the Horn of the unicorn I shall be anointed with fresh oil the anointing takes my horn up it exalts me hallelujah people get angry that anointed people are celebrated people it is not their fault you can do otherwise the Bible said the Kraken team puts a crown on the anointed I think I saw that for the first time in Leviticus did not reach chapter 21 verse 12 he said the crown of the anointing oil of his God is upon his head that's right peep at the crown of the anointing oil of his god is upon him they anointed he said he's talking about when somebody dies or something for him please let him know prevalence I'm sorry for the crown of the anointing oil but God is on the anointing positions a crown and anointed person isn't a king in a dimension a king superior people to Utley Kings I've been to places where security people and all that line of themselves with their guns I say just touch me blessing just bless me just bless me just say what people say stop one drama class Oh Melissa just release the water blessing what am I talking about get anointed stay anointed continue to be anointed I just remain of the what was the reason for the celebration of people like Billy Graham celebrated by all manner of kings and rulers people like Dwight Eisenhower American president just post-second World War Z F Kennedy Richard Nixon Gerald Ford Jimmy cotta ro not readin Bill Clinton da George HW Bush the first one okay then Bill Clinton and then George Bush the general and all the like all of them submit that to his counsel and if they say don't bore the window that was the kind of authority he will that be anointed is a live of people somebody say a loud AMA and if you are anointed please be genuinely anointed don't be crooked li anointed don't be frightened CLE generally be real be real someone say ma can I get loud ima be real be correctly enlightened don't let any form of pressure push you to look for alternative to God Silla what number were we have we done five this is lifting by the anointing number six will be lifting by diligence and excellence somebody said that there is no future for the lazy man and that also is with God diligence and excellence promotable 22 verse 29 CS thou a man diligent in his business he shall stand before kings he shall not stand before ordinary men the top is his place Daniel was among given to excellence Daniel chapter 6 verse want to follow work hard work smart be the best is the way to the top walk hard walks might be the best at what you do it is the way to the top serious minded people can never be grounded in life especially connected to God dear couples they walk a tireless 421 solid years he walked in the house of Labor leap and try to change him he couldn't he went right to the top David was walking while his elder brothers we're lazy at home David the anointing looked for him at his workplace and took him up somebody say Amen pastor when they ask you what is your walk does I know I'm not working what is your work I'm not working I'm a pastor what I'm not working I mean can you is it possible for somebody but the truth is is not working sleep still any tiny ones wakes up any tiny ones steps to the altar just brushes up any message and just shout on the people shout yeah shout amen what was the last point our Amaro's meant to make all right it is well just lift your hands and say something say something just say something because this is some something talking about brutal walk I'm a medical doctor before and I'm familiar with military setting they walk of ministries is more terrible than boot I'm telling you I've been on in 72 hours call before that is in the hospital that is from today till Monday a Friday till Monday kind of set in 70 not that easy of this is a gynecologist in labor would call and there is a way children like to come out in the night 2:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. they are not sleeping don't don't that kind of call before another other kind of things but is not near the labor of ministry if you want to do it well and I'm talking to business people I'm talking to political people whatever be your field if you are lazy it will not be easy [Music] it can never be easy I'm not talking down only professions I mentioned that some of the toughest professions that you can ever find yourself can ever find yourself especially if you're in the battle field you can be there for seven days and just be awake eyes open they tell you you can sleep with your eyes open just keep moving provided your eyes are open if your leg cannot carry you let your mind carry you but just keep going as military hallelujah diligence the reason why God is finding it hard to lift many people up it's because they're too lazy a billionaire was been interviewed i sat with him and said he made his first 1 billion I think 1999 or something he said the highest he can sleep in the night is for hours I met a head of another one he wakes up by 1:00 a.m. to plan the day I don't know when he sleeps somebody say Amen CS thou a man diligent he can stand before the very people he will stand before kings I prophesied to somebody here you are going to the top that Amen can be better say Amen like a believer I have tomorrow we are true number seven is lifting by uprightness lifting by uprightness righteousness souls and nation proverbs 14:34 but sin is a reproach proverbs 14:34 righteousness exotics people it takes nations of it takes individuals of sun 45 verse 7 thou lovest righteousness it s wickedness therefore God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your age mates you love righteousness you hit you hit grew Katniss because you are straight like this you are not like this you are not like this you are straight God took you above your coat your colleagues you just took you and place you on top am i communicating scripture is very true what I am talking about I have seen it wrong I assisted a man to do something sometimes too to assist him in his his business sometime ago briefly I was still a young man I'm somebody over paid him the money was paid and was handed to him but it's also the paisa so sorry sir the amount is less was meant to pay is to answer amount but he has overpaid you say forget about it bring it Casanova paid his profit I had not given my life to Christ in terms of being born again but it was impossible for me to be comfortable I wasn't I wasn't that is profit what I'm talking about he was shocked that I brandy of observation surprised him how that guy went down BAM he hit the floor remained on the floor and fed the way from there to eternity it's not alive now can't be alive crookedness money's not lost you tamper with it just mix it like that you on somebody did business you duped him he was not watching so you calculated and just caught some things back they sent you to buy something you got the balance back what is not yes you you are you get that to yourself it doesn't take anybody know where am i communicating at all all the right just mess can exhaust crookedness will demote it will demote somebody say Amen if I student going to school instead of writing the the school list that will cost that is a 50,000 and you wrote 75,000 so that you can cut back the $25.00 the book that is fifty five thousand seven thousand the one that is seven thousand is a ten thousand so that you can cut the balance that is an attack on the destiny you are to achieve after the school the certificate is useless until you until you make amends you are building on crookedness it is far better to say sir I need 25,000 scooping is fifty thousand I need 25,000 and if he's insensible father may God give you a sensible father Ted be 25,000 am i communicating Joe was the most upright man of his generation he was also the greatest man of his generation he was the most upright he was the greatest reason not long ago somebody brought us a favor he brought us a favor do you remember favorite he came to do for us all building the coasters resulting in so and so amount but I am going to assist the church and give what should be my profit in the Indian death in our illicit so give the church at the exact cost price unless to discover that not cause frenzy demos is Babu the price the buddha price of what if we are to do it without anybody in between double the price and it did it as a favor to the judge being a member of church so you are wondering why pray us are not walking for people these I grew Katniss is too much so amount is what is normally Don bottom and my profit inside is meant to be some sermon but I give it away and this is the flat rate of it goes this kind of oil that can vary which is a life you have had not yet or somebody sent me this message that is doing open-heart surgery in so as you please assist him and when you talk of such things it melts my heart the way was talking on the food I assisted him is non-hospital Otto I told you my cell one died you want to die that is an intensive care unit I should our system actually our system actually Isis Isis Isis we had assisted before they want to set up a business we assisted him want to do this whereas history now he claims he has it was in the hospital at all he was receiving treatment somewhere I engage somebody as they find out where this phone number is now you look at that this what righteousness exhaust please look at Anubis they do it well there are people would need some repentance tonight I wasn't mental that deal that kind of thing I am sorry it will never happen anybody who has money problem please don't agree to work where they deal with money it is like this in a drunkard to be manager of we brewery god forbid drinking is wrong and functioning like that is wrong but I have to use the such an example that is you finally kill demand take your seat am i communicating at all they want to send you in the department you I said please I don't near money please I don't normally I'll agree to be sent with money say any challenges I know no worries just especially I don't go near money because you will see very sincere looking people money came they bent are you ready for this I sent money to a group of people to assist them one time the person the money reaches hand took 10% answer it is tight to assist some people Ellen Minister kind of workers that is took the tight are sauce to himself I don't know I'm supposed to be saying this kind of thing because we are on television brightness the Bible said that this man job was upright he was straight my alarm is ringing which means time is up let me give you the final one and right across please avoid every trace of crookedness avoid every trace of double dears avoid any trace of dubious deals avoid every trace of false who avoid applicants of unclean deals if you want to have a future with God finally number eight let's review what we have said God leaves us and that is for every by redemption number two lifting is by revelation hallelujah lifting by humility number four lift him by the blessing number five lift him by the anointing number six lifted by diligence and excellence number seven lived in by uprightness and number eight lifting by goodwill goodwill wishing people good takes you up wishing people well it takes people up in muscles and assembles Travis a-wastin so every week that men should do unto you do ye even so to them for this is the law and the prophets whatsoever things you want we put a duty for you do for them you want to go up assist people to go up this is the law and the prophets remember what Malachi did in Esther chapter two verse 21 when some people were planning the downfall of the king he uncovered the plot and reported the matter and investigation was made and the case was handled at the end of the day they get man became a prime minister because what you defend you attract what you attack you never attract it defended the throne it defended the seat of power defendant royalty honest he defended it he ascended er never be found anyway a person is Bill pool down never be part of any plot to bring a person down never be part of any design at any level gang up against head of department gang go up against resident Buster gang go up against so answer person only limits where you can go in life am I communicated to see what David said when somebody came as I found Saul sleeping give me the permission to hit him once III tell you I won't do it twice let me pin him to the ground God has delivered you at it was a be shy very very dangerous man let me pin him to the ground I won't do it twice and then he'd say don't talk like that who can stretch his hand against the Lord's anointed and be guiltless first nigh who can stretch forth his hand against the loss and ntfs emergencies and verse 9 don't do that don't do that good we Daniel when Daniel was lifted he decided that he will not go up alone amid requests to the king in Daniel chapter 2 verse 49 can my brother's follow me to the throne Shadrach Meshach Abednego let me go with them and the King granted his request I think that one of the reasons why God promoted Daniel was because he knew that if he took Daniel up Daniel would not go up alone there are many people who want to be up alone and there are many people who want to pull the people that are opt down they just want to pull them down that is why the major attacks you have against people is against people who are successful that is elusive Taric syndrome don't be found some people gathered and met a personal assistant or secretary of a pastor a female person who is like personal secretary where that operates and they told the person the person any amount you want will pay you can you tell us anything about your master we can use to pull him down anything and she stood with fire in her eyes is that a person you are talking about is not my boss is my father is my spiritual father on is my father in every room you want me to give you to destroy my father with you the Lord rebuke you then we are big people in Spotfire and came and said my father these people that are meant to be of close people this is what they called me to say and then during the a program like this those people came under Wendy Savage program like this and the person they wanted to destroy was preaching and they camera people didn't know what was going on they pick the people would come around them and then put camera who came to report unconsciously as if ground to open for the people because they knew what it did attempted that's prophetic a neurology that's the world we live in that is the world we may be the kind of place of a father in the Lourdes for example now is a pain to many people you just had not 1,500 churches within three months of one year for some people is a heartache are we not all in ministry what is God trying to do to the rest of us why should we favor one person like that I have attributes it is like okay they have defeated all of us is I nothing else what do they want again I absolutely would talk like that bitterness and venom but God is my witness every time I lift him or anybody ahead of me I say father may they not stop short of the fullness of everything you want them to achieve on it must be Bob let them let miss you let him not miss you let him not fall short let him race where he must reach let him not miss puckett let him not miss hearing with all passion I'm aware that there is impact everywhere that is global Lord if that is just a starting point may he's no stop there I am aware that life is his see I am praying for him the prey is returning and if I say you should fulfill his destiny no devil can't stop my own destiny stand up on your feet [Applause] hallelujah so beat her with good things stand up on your feet people where you are pastoring now that choice as big as this there are people in that law city who don't know the address they have never entered to see what is happening here the pain is too much stand up on your feet but you will make it hold somebody's under you say I love you now be careful in cases a single man missing woman so that doesn't take it as Morita proposal just one brother told me I love you and the matter branches root into other dimensions and the brothers they know it was what pastor said that I say in times like that you'll be careful with those kind of things hallelujah alright said to somebody actually I wish you well say the minute I wish you well now say to somebody near you tell them you will reach where you will reach you won't fulfill your destiny you will never stop on the road tell somebody now you said what device you hast desire so your life and what demise the plan of God saw your life what devised the plan of God for your life I agree with you it shall come to pass [Applause] hallelujah I don't know about you but this is my conference let me live the purpose of your lift until tomorrow because even in mass is not to be too long we live that you tomorrow but you are going up Jesus took us up by Redemption as we take the blood and the body of Jesus tonight any power from your lineage that has kept you down all these years that power shall be broken I speak tonight in the name of Jesus whatever cannot keep Christ down cannot keep you down if it cannot keep Christ down you cannot keep you down if it cannot be Christ down we cannot keep you down shout the loudest amen [Applause] among ourselves bredrin ministers colleagues when you see your brother doing well wish him well wish him more well don't know why why him it's impossible to ask questions among music when is that something they call collab oh oh you sang in my album I sangria whatever when you hear a voice that appears very very sharp I'm talking to the music people now don't feel intimidated be excited wish the person well I just trust God to shift you and above all let us not struggle for the creation of impression just give expression the unction does not flow on impression it flows on expression [Music] let us spread tonight lift your hands and say after me say father I come before you tonight thank you for lifting me up by redemption thank you for lifting me up by redemption father open my eyes to the revelation that will take my life to the next level in the name of Jesus father I come before you I receive the grace for humility of life to believe that to the next level I receive that grace in the name of Jesus father let your blessing take my life to the next level open my eyes my understanding to the revelation of the blessing of the anointing that will lift me to the next father I apply for the grace for diligence the spirit of excellence I apply for that greens father help me to be upright deliver me from crookedness I receive the grace for uprightness in the name of Jesus father help me with the backing of goodwill deliver me from the spirit of envy jealousy bitterness help me Lord to laws like Christ to learn like God I receive this grace to flow in these dimensions all in the name of Jesus o Primera's pitted on [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] detective papaya es love II Jesus precious me lift up your hands I'm going to pray upon the communion while I'm dinner anywhere you eyes is our communion of rising and shining that's the communion focus tonight just one moment when we are do that little hands everywhere in this kingdom stadium all over this place well here you are saying to me pastor I am in need of surrender of my life to Jesus I want today to mock a new beginning in my life I want to live for Jesus I want my sins forgiven I want to go forward ever back whenever I want Jesus as Lord over my life anywhere you are right now pick your Bibles pick your bags and say pastor I just had the world on uprightness I want to ask for mercy I want to ask for forgiveness I want to ask that today will mark a turning point for me pick your Bibles pick your balls pick your things and come forward and let me pray fine I'll give you the car of seven this very time to go out is the time to come forward I'll give you the card of seven one two keep coming three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a man sees this people in the unit and Jesse or something are you footballers Wow from which club is that Academy who lives you are welcome I'm happy I could be alive to Christ the Lord bless you anyone who has to rededicate themselves to God up being a bit crooked fraudulent here or there and I need messy from God you step forward and let us and also join us place right under your chest and lift the other hand up and pray this prayer after me say after me Lord Jesus I come before you today I ask for mercy today it is my decision to follow you no turning back from today forward ever back what never the grace to do your will and to live for you I receive that grace thank you master it's a snake amen I pray for you tonight I declare that Grace's rule is upon you help from above is your portion messy is your portion grace to do his will is released upon you to say yes to God and no to the enemy that grace is released upon you I call it down in the name of the Father and of the song another Holy Ghost say aloud amen [Music] people remain standing our counselors are going to speak to you let me say something to you in this season of horizon and shining is a season of massive wealth possession [Music] massive massive you saw it in Isaiah 60:1 let's read from verse 3 he said sorry 60 and the Gentiles shall come to your light and Kings to the brightness of the horizon we look at that tomorrow lift up your eyes roundabout and see all of them gather themselves together they are coming to you your souls are shackled Rafa your doctor shall be lost at your side then you shall see and flow together our heart shall fear and being like why because the abundance the center is an abundance I am bringing that'll make you fear the abundance of the sea shall be converted to you the fauces it is the Hebrew word calm and it's also used for the wolf up for world they well thought the Gentiles are coming to you I've had a lot of amen the multitude of camels shall cover you they drop there is of the Midian and ephah all days from Sheba Chaka now is talking about a season of rising and shining where massive wealth for the purpose of what you will know about it tomorrow massive evangelization massive charity humanitarian walk massive Kingdom advancement last two Sundays ago I stood in the church and I said on that one week God was giving people jobs and they will come to church and testify next Sunday the sub is finished on Sunday before I remember and I said last Sunday I talked about people having to get job within one week you got a job within the last one week Road counselor and they lined up already about 30-something are almost 40 lined up diverse jobs I was thinking of employment job only to realize that contracts and mass one of them was 1.25 billion that's not the most interesting billion after the morning service today somebody followed me today obviously excuse me I'm so sorry I am among those who should have been out on Sunday but I didn't come any other people my own came within the same 7 days 2 billion I said Isis what kind of job you said World Bank funded is that the money's on Graham who bien that was the man that for almost 5 years nothing has crosses on he had tried he has struggled he had done everything he remains faithful he be dead for something like that about four five years ago it will be walk say this is the same type of thing I was looking for that time just happen now to be prophetic your prophet that affects your prophet this is the first time in the history of our conventions that will dedicate one day to finance and business explosion that is tomorrow that a man is too paralyzed are you interested in being empowered as such come for the program let God give you the resources give it to somebody in need if you come tomorrow who are devised a point of contact to your resources that you want to present before God and is that from tomorrow morning tomorrow money is no longer holiday right well as many as can come in the morning 9:00 a.m. but then tomorrow evening of course by 5:00 p.m. all roads lead in this place as we enforce the release look at the keys to that and then M for the release of massive resources under Friday's diggety diggety diggety 6:00 a.m. on in view the very first time we're going to do a morning view in the glory dome will be this Friday you get it details tomorrow I've been Friday what if I understand whatever you do don't means that worship and wonders night a man by the name Andrew cannon is coming to give us a testimony of his life all the way from the UK I'm sure truiy the Sun we are true when the issue is in process it's already here already on the way coming excellent nathaniel bassett joins us also on friday night and then among all of our ministers is going to be an absolutely explosive night for those who say i am i I am that is like the climax of the call the conference I booked my flight to go on on Friday morning change the booking to Saturday money if possible so that you don't make miss the climbers it is well with you you can with communion points of contact you can lift it up I speak into this communion I decree today the yoke of limitation is broken whatever I cannot tie Christ down cannot tie you down tonight I am now this communion as your communion of rising and shining so shall we be in the name of the Father and of the son not the Holy Ghost do you have the communal already alright how did they have it alright take your seat if you have it lift it up I want everybody to have to have it in their hand then we make pronouncements on it before you take take your seat people just sit up just ensure you have the community hands will make pronouncements on it before we go [Music] there is power mighty in the Lord there is power mighty in the blood there is power - power mighty in the glow the power back the Pentecostal power he's got the same today no matter what men say [Music] the fire the pentecostal fire you have it by your blood Oh Lord you set the captives free by you set the captives free look at all you have they're coming on your hands let's go so I thank you [Music] thank you Father blah thank you thank you for the blood the Lord I thank you for the blood of Jesus Gras blood I thank you for the blood of Jesus i prophesy upon that chameleon the power of redemption be released the power the resurrected Christ from the day bring you out of every grave we are there any keep you captive bring you out of every limitation [Applause] each taken La Mirada see Coppola ash I prophesied by the breaking of his bread that your eyes will be open to see light to see sign to see inside and see revelation that will shift you to the next level in the name of Jesus every spell of pride and arrogance in your life be destroyed by the power of this communion the same ability that was in Christ the same humility they released for you I prophesied today the power of the blessing that lives for the next level and the Corp is called a cup of the blessing it's released for you right now every onsen strucker's every generation occurs every family cares every near success syndrome every failure [Applause] [Music] brettelmer it occurs because of wretchedness and empty handedness today the anointing moves you to the next level the same anointing on Christ released through this communion the grace for diligence the spirit of excellence be released upon you by this communion and of course the nature of Christ the love nature the natural wishes people well that could will nature be imparted upon you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and the FI declare go ahead everything that is not planted in your body is flushed out every diabetes is flushed out peptic ulcer hypertension stroke prostatic cancer cell growth breast growth and thyroid growth on all forms of mass dania gravies and tonsillitis and hepatitis and HIV and sickle cell trait or sickle cell anemia every trace of infirmity and adversity every sabbath experience millet husband spirit wife spirit children everything that is not of God in your life is lost out now by the power or the communion in the name of Jesus I declare that overnight you will experience divine encounters that will rewrite your story that to rewrite your history that to rewrite everything about you I declare it down in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost but I take that come you know in excitement ticket my tea in the blow up a turkey pie on glass in tongues [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] counselors you can then go or you want them to Romania all right go ahead with them all first time Isis the charges join us in the front as well lift your expectations and you release now in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost I declare that between our tomorrow and he will come you are in some buckwheat with your testimony I declare overnight divine intervention supernatural divine encounters that will change your life and change your story is your bow shot Jesus God bless you God people gossiped says the shine upon you in jesus name god bless you what is your Porsche Murray what is your Porsche
Channel: Dunamis TV
Views: 27,402
Rating: 4.870769 out of 5
Id: 0FMBkWu2Jwo
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Length: 230min 14sec (13814 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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